39 research outputs found

    Characterization of mechanical and surface finishing properties of metallic coating obtained by arc electric thermal spray / Caracterização das propriedades mecânicas e de superfície de revestimento de revestimento metálico obtido por pulverização térmica elétrica arc

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    The Brazilian thermoelectric plants that use coal as a thermal source use pulverized combustion technology. The aim of this work was to characterize some properties of a metallic coating obtained by arc electric thermal spray in order to protect boiler’s surface against ash’s aggressive action from coal burning. The evaluated parameters considerably influence the characteristics of the coating’s lifes service. An iron chromium base alloy, reference herein as Alloy B, was used in this study. A chemical analysis of the coating, Alloy B, was performed in order to compare if there were any difference between the chemical composition of the wires used and what was incorporated into the coating by the thermal spray process. Therefore, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy technique (EDS), Quantax software and PyMCA program were used.  The chemical analisys results of the coating was quite similar to the given composition of the wires. To verify the coating hardness, Vickers (HV) microhardness measurements were performed on the coating region, on the substrate and on the boundary region of the coating between substrasts. Vickers microhardness measurements were obtained by PANTEC MV-1000A microdurometer. As substrate an 8 mm thick steel sheet with a chemical composition and thickness similar to the steels used in the water wall pipes of Brazilian boilers were used. The coating hardness (730 HV) was on the order of four times greater than the substrate’s hardness (179 HV) to be protected. This property was homogeneous for the coated layer showing that hardness values indicates that good adhesion of coating’s cast particles occurred, and the spray distance proved to be effective.  The roughness was obtained through measurements made on images generated by Optical Microscopy (OM). Measurements of the variation in heights between peaks and coating depressions were obtained on the generated images. These measurements generated an average value Ra = 27.5 ?m. Roughness measurements obtained by conventional technique (Digital Surface Profile Gauge) were performed too and showed that the method of measurements on the OM images was not effective to evaluate the high coating roughness generated by the arc electric thermal spray method, in this case, 248 µm

    Contribution of midgut bacteria to blood digestion and egg production in aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) (L.)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The insect gut harbors a variety of microorganisms that probably exceed the number of cells in insects themselves. These microorganisms can live and multiply in the insect, contributing to digestion, nutrition, and development of their host.</p> <p>Recent studies have shown that midgut bacteria appear to strengthen the mosquito's immune system and indirectly enhance protection from invading pathogens. Nevertheless, the physiological significance of these bacteria for mosquitoes has not been established to date. In this study, oral administration of antibiotics was employed in order to examine the contribution of gut bacteria to blood digestion and fecundity in <it>Aedes aegypti</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The antibiotics carbenicillin, tetracycline, spectinomycin, gentamycin and kanamycin, were individually offered to female mosquitoes. Treatment of female mosquitoes with antibiotics affected the lysis of red blood cells (RBCs), retarded the digestion of blood proteins and reduced egg production. In addition, antibiotics did not affect the survival of mosquitoes. Mosquito fertility was restored in the second gonotrophic cycle after suspension of the antibiotic treatment, showing that the negative effects of antibiotics in blood digestion and egg production in the first gonotrophic cycle were reversible.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The reduction of bacteria affected RBC lysis, subsequently retarded protein digestion, deprived mosquito from essential nutrients and, finally, oocyte maturation was affected, resulting in the production of fewer viable eggs. These results indicate that <it>Ae. aegypti </it>and its midgut bacteria work in synergism to digest a blood meal.</p> <p>Our findings open new possibilities to investigate <it>Ae. aegypti</it>-associated bacteria as targets for mosquito control strategies.</p

    A compreensão de leitura textual como um instrumento de diagnóstico de pacientes com demência de Alzheimer leve e moderada

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    Resumo: A tarefa de reconto de histórias apresenta diferença entre idosos sem e com demência, pois aqueles lembram maior número de informações do que estes. Com o objetivo de verificar se, desde as etapas iniciais, os pacientes com Demência de Alzheimer (DA) leve e moderada se mostram sensíveis à tarefa de compreensão de leitura textual, analisaram-se 40 idosos: 25 com DAs prováveis, sendo 12 leves e 13 moderados; e 15 sem demência, com escolaridade de 4 anos ou mais. Os pacientes foram avaliados através do Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Questionário Sociodemográfico, Escala Reduzida de Depressão Geriátrica da Yesavage (GDS-15) e quatro histórias, com quatro frases cada, as quais apresentavam estrutura textual descritiva e narrativa. A compreensão textual mostrou ser uma tarefa sensível aos participantes com demência, cujo desempenho foi significativamente pior do que o dos idosos saudáveis. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa quanto às estruturas textuais das histórias. Contudo, à medida que aumentaram os elementos de estrutura narrativa nas histórias, os participantes sem demência e os com demência leve apresentaram melhora na recordação. Os tipos de acréscimos às histórias mais freqüentes no grupo com DA foram reconstrução e inferência. Os resultados sugerem que a avaliação das habilidades lingüísticas pode auxiliar no diagnóstico diferencial precoce da Demência. Palavras-chave: Demência de Tipo Alzheimer. Compreensão textual. Memória. Linguagem. Abstract: The task of recall stories presents a difference between the elderly with dementia and the ones without dementia because the first can remember a greater number of information than the latter. This study aimed to verify if patients with mild or moderate dementia are sensible to the task of textual reading comprehension since the first stages of the disease 40 elderly patients were analyzed: 25 with probable AD, from which 12 were mild and 13 were moderate, and 15 without dementia, with a minimum schooling of 4 years. The patients were evaluated through the MEEM, Sociodemographic Questionary and the GDS-15, besides four stories, each with four sentences, which presented a narrative and descriptive textual structure. The textual comprehension showed to be a sensitive task to the patients with dementia, whose performance was significantly worse than the one of the healthy elderly. There was no statistically significant difference regarding the textual structures of the stories. However, as the elements of narrative structure in the stories increased, the participants without dementia and the ones with mild dementia showed an improvement in remembering the stories. The kinds of additions to the stories that the patients with AD made more frequently were reconstruction and inference. The results suggest that the evaluation of the linguistic abilities may help in the early differential diagnosis of dementia. Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease. Textual comprehension. Memory. Language

    Organização da atenção ao câncer de boca nas unidades de saúde do estado da Bahia

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    Introduction: In Brazil, oral cancer is considered the fifth most common neoplasm in males and thirteenth in females, with high mortality rates. Thus, the National Oral Health Policy professes the prevention and control of oral cancer in basic attention. Objective: To describe the organization of oral cancer care in health units in the state of Bahia. Method: Descriptive study with analysis of secondary data from the third external evaluation cycle of the PMAQ-AB that occurred in 2017. The information was processed and analyzed with the aid of the Microsoft Excel 2010 program and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. Results: Oral Health Teams (2,338) were analyzed in 403 municipalities in Bahia, the majority of which were from the Regional Health Center East. Most teams carry out actions aimed at prevention and diagnosis (94.4%), do not perform biopsies (87.4%), but have reference for request (79.0%), perform the registration of patients with suspicion and diagnosis mouth cancer and most has a referral network for treatment (63.3%). Conclusion: The Bahia Oral Health Teams develop work based on the National Oral Health Policy, however, the state has a high incidence and mortality from oral cancer.Introducción: En Brasil, el cáncer bucal es la quinta neoplasia más frecuente en hombres y la decimotercera en mujeres, con altas tasas de mortalidad. Así, la Política Nacional de Salud Bucal aboga por su prevención y control en la atención primaria. Objetivo: Describir la organización de la atención del cáncer bucal en las unidades de salud del estado de Bahía. Método: Estudio descriptivo con análisis de datos secundarios del tercer ciclo de evaluación externa del PMAQAB 2017. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados utilizando el programa Microsoft Excel 2010 y el Paquete Estadístico para las Ciencias Sociales (SPSS), versión 22.0. Resultados: Se analizaron 2.338 Equipos de Salud Bucal en 403 municipios de Bahía. La mayoría de los equipos realiza acciones orientadas a la prevención y diagnóstico (94,4%), no realiza biopsias (87,4%), pero tiene referencia por solicitud (79,0%), realiza el registro de pacientes con sospecha y diagnóstico de cáncer bucal y cuenta con una red de derivación para tratamiento (63,3%). Conclusión: Los Equipos de Salud Bucal de Bahía desarrollan un trabajo basado en la Política Nacional de Salud Bucal, sin embargo, el estado tiene una alta incidencia y mortalidad por cáncer bucal.Introdução: No Brasil, o câncer de boca é a quinta neoplasia mais frequente no sexo masculino e décima terceira, no sexo feminino, possuindo elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Assim, a Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal preconiza a sua prevenção e controle na atenção básica. Objetivo: Descrever a organização da atenção ao câncer de boca nas unidades de saúde do estado da Bahia. Método: Estudo descritivo com análise de dados secundários provenientes do terceiro ciclo de avaliação externa do PMAQ-AB 2017. Os dados foram processados e analisados com o auxílio do programa Microsoft Excel 2010 e do Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 22.0. Resultados: Foram analisadas 2.338 Equipes de Saúde Bucal, em 403 municípios da Bahia. A maior parte das equipes realiza ações voltadas para a prevenção e diagnóstico (94,4%), não realiza biópsias (87,4%), mas possui referência para solicitação (79,0%), realiza o registro dos pacientes com suspeita e diagnóstico de câncer de boca e possui uma rede de referência para o tratamento (63,3%). Conclusão: As Equipes de Saúde Bucal da Bahia desenvolvem um trabalho pautado na Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal, no entanto, o estado apresenta alta incidência e mortalidade por câncer de boca

    Anemia infecciosa equina afeta o desempenho atlético de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of equine infectious anemia (EIA) on the physical performance of equines from the Brazilian Pantanal region. A total of 16 males were evaluated, divided into two groups: 8 seronegative (G1) and 8 seropositive (G2) for EIA. Two graded exercise tests were carried out before (T1) and after (T2) 42 days of training. Heart rate, lactate concentration, distance covered, and hematocrit level were recorded. In both tests, G1 covered a greater distance. In T2, G2 had lower hematocrit levels and lower speeds reached at different lactate concentrations and heart rates. The athletic performance of the evaluated equines is affected by equine infectious anemia.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da anemia infecciosa equina (AIE) no desempenho físico de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro. Foram avaliados 16 machos, divididos em dois grupos: 8 soronegativos (G1) e 8 soropositivos (G2) para AIE. Dois testes de esforço progressivo foram realizados, antes (T1) e após (T2) 42 dias de treinamento. Foram registrados frequência cardíaca, concentração de lactato, distância percorrida e níveis de hematócrito. Em ambos os testes, o G1 percorreu uma distância maior. No T2, o G2 apresentou menores níveis de hematócrito e menor velocidade obtida a diferentes concentrações de lactato e frequências cardíacas. O desempenho atlético dos equídeos avaliados é afetado pela anemia infecciosa equina

    Anemia infecciosa equina afeta o desempenho atlético de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of equine infectious anemia (EIA) on the physical performance of equines from the Brazilian Pantanal region. A total of 16 males were evaluated, divided into two groups: 8 seronegative (G1) and 8 seropositive (G2) for EIA. Two graded exercise tests were carried out before (T1) and after (T2) 42 days of training. Heart rate, lactate concentration, distance covered, and hematocrit level were recorded. In both tests, G1 covered a greater distance. In T2, G2 had lower hematocrit levels and lower speeds reached at different lactate concentrations and heart rates. The athletic performance of the evaluated equines is affected by equine infectious anemia.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da anemia infecciosa equina (AIE) no desempenho físico de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro. Foram avaliados 16 machos, divididos em dois grupos: 8 soronegativos (G1) e 8 soropositivos (G2) para AIE. Dois testes de esforço progressivo foram realizados, antes (T1) e após (T2) 42 dias de treinamento. Foram registrados frequência cardíaca, concentração de lactato, distância percorrida e níveis de hematócrito. Em ambos os testes, o G1 percorreu uma distância maior. No T2, o G2 apresentou menores níveis de hematócrito e menor velocidade obtida a diferentes concentrações de lactato e frequências cardíacas. O desempenho atlético dos equídeos avaliados é afetado pela anemia infecciosa equina.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Anemia infecciosa equina afeta o desempenho atlético de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of equine infectious anemia (EIA) on the physical performance of equines from the Brazilian Pantanal region. A total of 16 males were evaluated, divided into two groups: 8 seronegative (G1) and 8 seropositive (G2) for EIA. Two graded exercise tests were carried out before (T1) and after (T2) 42 days of training. Heart rate, lactate concentration, distance covered, and hematocrit level were recorded. In both tests, G1 covered a greater distance. In T2, G2 had lower hematocrit levels and lower speeds reached at different lactate concentrations and heart rates. The athletic performance of the evaluated equines is affected by equine infectious anemia.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da anemia infecciosa equina (AIE) no desempenho físico de equinos da região do Pantanal brasileiro. Foram avaliados 16 machos, divididos em dois grupos: 8 soronegativos (G1) e 8 soropositivos (G2) para AIE. Dois testes de esforço progressivo foram realizados, antes (T1) e após (T2) 42 dias de treinamento. Foram registrados frequência cardíaca, concentração de lactato, distância percorrida e níveis de hematócrito. Em ambos os testes, o G1 percorreu uma distância maior. No T2, o G2 apresentou menores níveis de hematócrito e menor velocidade obtida a diferentes concentrações de lactato e frequências cardíacas. O desempenho atlético dos equídeos avaliados é afetado pela anemia infecciosa equina.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Arbovirosis reemergentes: perfil clínico epidemiológico de personas mayores hospitalizadas

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    Objective: Describe the clinical-epidemiological profile of hospitalized elderly patients with arbovirus. Method: A documentary retrospective population-based descriptive study that used a quantitative approach with hospitalized elderly patients diagnosed with arbovirus was conducted in a teaching hospital. Data were collected from medical records and investigation forms. Results: Thirty-three elderly patients participated in this study. A prevalence of dengue was observed, with fever, myalgia, and arthralgia. Arterial hypertension and diabetes were the comorbidities. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between arbovirus and schooling, employment situation, marital status, test results, and use of analgesics; and between the site of arthralgia and Chikungunya. Conclusion: The results support nursing care to hospitalized elderly patients with arbovirus, allowing the development of a proper and humanized care plan


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    O Estágio Supervisionado III se configura como um processo dinâmico em aprendizagem dentro de situações reais de forma que o aluno possa conhecer, compreender e aplicar, na realidade escolhida, a união da teoria com a prática da Educação Física na Escola, sendo este no Ensino Médio. E para esta modalidade fora escolhido o conteúdo da ginástica rítmica devido a sua gama de atuação enquanto instrumento pedagógico, contudo ela ainda é vista sob forte caráter técnico e de rendimento sendo pouco ou quase nunca tratada no ambiente escolar