107 research outputs found

    Mykotoxiner och deras effekt på hästens hälsa

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    Abstract Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi. Moulds producing mycotoxins grow on various crops that are used as horse feeds. Since the treatments of mycotoxin poisoned horses are limited it is important to prevent production of mycotoxins in feed. The major mycotoxin producing moulds in horse feeds are Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp. Other moulds are also of concern in horse feeds. Claviceps purpurea (ergot) have been known for centuries to cause disease in both humans and animals. The mould Rhizoctonia leguminicola which can produce the mycotoxin slaframine grow on legumes and can therefore be of concern in forages. The most important mycotoxins in horse feeds are fumonisin, trichotecenes, aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, ergot alkaloids and slaframine. Zearalenone may have an impact on horse health, but it is still not completely investigated. Horses are the species most sensitive to fumonisins and the mechanisms of intoxication in horses is therefore well studied. Horses poisoned by mycotoxins show various signs from vague such as loss of appetite or depression to acute such as convulsions and sudden death. This review gives a brief summary of the most important mycotoxins known to affect horses’ health and the most common symptoms of poisoning. Sammanfattning Mykotoxiner är sekundära metaboliter som bildas av filamentösa svampar. Mykotoxinproducerande mögelarter kan tillväxa i många olika grödor som senare blir hästfoder. Eftersom möjligheten att behandla mykotoxinförgiftade hästar är mycket begränsad är det viktigt att arbeta förebyggande för att motverka mykotoxinbildning i foder. De vanligast förekommande mykotoxinproducerande mögelarterna i hästfoder är Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp. och Aspergillus spp. men även andra mögelarter är viktiga att ta hänsyn till. Claviceps purpurea eller ”mjöldryga” är känd sedan århundraden tillbaka för att orsaka sjukdom hos både djur och människor. Mögelarten Rhizoctonia leguminicola kan producera mykotoxinet slaframin och växer på baljväxter som exempelvis rödklöver och kan därmed utgöra en risk i vallfoder. De mykotoxiner som är viktigast att ha kunskap om när man utfodrar hästar är fumonisiner, trichotecener, aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, ergotalkaloider och slaframin. Zearalenon kan ha betydelse för hästens hälsa, men hur är ännu inte helt klarlagt. Hästar är de djur som är mest känsliga för fumonisiner och det är därför väl studerat hur hästar påverkas av dessa. Mykotoxinförgiftning kan ge allt från diffusa symptom som aptitförlust och depression till mer akuta som kramper och plötslig död. Detta arbete ger en kort genomgång av de viktigaste mykotoxinerna som i dagsläget är kända för att påverka hästars hälsa samt de vanligaste symptomen på förgiftning

    Betydningen av klima, historisk hogst og omgivelser for biller i hule eiker

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    Veteran trees are keystone structures and important biodiversity habitats, but they are declining on a global scale. In Europe, old oaks (Quercus spp.) are one of the most important habitat trees for biodiversity, yet the knowledge about most of these associated species is limited. One important group is the deadwood- dependent beetles associated with old oaks. The aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge of how beetles in old oaks with different oak-dependency respond to the surroundings on different spatial scales, and if other drivers such as climate and past habitat loss also affect these communities. We collected beetles with insect traps on hollow oaks in four studies: along a climatic gradient, in solitary and aggregated oaks, and along a coast-inland gradient for the two last studies. The climatic gradient went from west to east across Norway and Sweden, and the remaining studies were conducted in southern Norway. We grouped the beetles according to oak-dependency to test if the more specialised species with narrower host-tree range responded differently in comparison to species less dependent on oaks, and focused on the species richness, abundances and species composition.Gamle trær er nøkkelstrukturer og et viktig habitat for et rikt og unikt artsmangfold, men dette habitatet minker globalt. I Europa er gamle eiker (Quercus spp.) et av de viktigste trærne for slik artsdiversitet. Likevel er kunnskapen om de fleste tilhørende arter begrenset. En viktig gruppe tilknyttet hule eiker er vedlevende biller. Formålet med denne avhandlingen er å øke kunnskapen om hvordan biller med ulik grad av tilknytning til eik påvirkes av nære og fjerne omgivelser, samt av andre faktorer som klima og historisk habitattap. Vi samlet biller ved hjelp av insektfeller på hule eiker i fire studier: Langs en klimatisk gradient, i solitære og grupperte eiker, og langs en kystinnlandsgradient i de to siste studiene. Den klimatiske gradienten strakk seg fra øst i Sverige til vest i Norge. De øvrige tre studiene ble utført i Sør-Norge. Vi grupperte billene basert på eiketilknytning, for å teste om spesialiserte arter som er tilknyttet få vertstrær responderer ulikt arter med bredere vertstilknytning. Vi undersøkte både antall arter, antall individer og artssammensetning

    Patient-reported outcome and fracture-related infection after ankle fracture surgery

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    Ankelbrudd er det tredje mest vanlige bruddet som opereres etter håndleddsbrudd og hoftebrudd. Disse bruddene utgjør 10% av alle brudd. Operativ behandling er ofte nødvendig for å hindre utvikling av stivhet, smerte og artrose i ankelleddet. Avhengig av antall og type brudd i ankelen kan ulike tilganger og fiksasjonsmetoder brukes under operasjonen. Ankelbrudd der det i tillegg er et brudd i bakre malleol har dårlig prognose. Indikasjonen for fiksering og hvilken tilgang som er best for behandling av bruddene i bakre malleol har blitt diskutert i årtier. De siste 10-15 årene har en sett en særlig økning i publikasjoner og i debatten om emnet. I 2015 så vi en stor endring hos oss mot bruk av bakre tilgang på nesten alle pasienter med brudd i bakre malleol med mål om bedre resultater. Kirurgisk behandling av ankelbrudd involverer en risiko for komplikasjoner. Både tiden før og etter kirurgi samt selve kirurgien gir en risiko for at utfallet ikke blir slik en ønsker. Ventetid til operasjon kan påvirke bløtvevet og vanskeliggjøre operasjonen, kirurgi kan gi nerveskade og skade på hud. Den vanligste komplikasjonen etter kirurgi er infeksjon. Det er nylig publisert en ny definisjon av fraktur-relatert infeksjon (FRI). Få studier har publisert hyppigheten av FRI etter kirurgi for ankelbrudd. Målene med denne avhandlingen var å evaluere pasient-rapporterte utfall hos pasienter behandlet for ankelbrudd med samtidig brudd i bakre malleol. Vi ønsket også å få en bedre forståelse av hvilke konsekvenser ventetid til operasjon har for pasienter med alvorlige ankelbrudd. Videre ønsket vi å undersøke hyppigheten av fraktur-relatert infeksjon (FRI) hos pasienter som har fått kirurgisk behandling hos oss. Til sist identifiserte vi risikofaktorer for utvikling av FRI og beregnet sannsynligheten for å få FRI etter kirurgi for ankelbrudd. Den første studien sammenlignet pasient-rapporterte utfall hos pasienter som er behandlet med bakre tilgang med pasienter som fikk den tradisjonelle tilgangen. Vi fant like resultater mellom gruppene ved Self-reported foot and ankle score (SEFAS), VAS for smerte og VAS for tilfredshet. Pasientene som ble behandlet med bakre tilgang ble oftere gitt en midlertidig ekstern fiksasjon, hadde høyere grad av posttraumatisk artrose og hadde signifikant lengre tid fra skade til endelig behandling. Den andre studien undersøkte effekten av tid fra skade til endelig behandling på pasient-rapporterte utfall hos pasienter med alvorlige ankelbrudd (ankelbrudd som og har et brudd i bakre malleol). Pasienter som ble behandlet mer enn en uke etter skade hadde dårligere SEFAS og mer smerte enn pasienter behandlet innen en uke fra skade. Den tredje studien undersøkte hyppigheten av fraktur-relatert infeksjon hos pasienter med ankelbrudd som var kirurgisk behandlet hos oss i perioden 2015-2019. Totalt ble 87 (9%) av 1004 pasienter diagnostisert med FRI. Studien avdekket også flere forbedringsområder for avdelingen vår med tanke på vurderingen av pasienter med mistanke om infeksjon, diagnostisering og behandling av pasienter med FRI. I den fjerde studien identifiserte vi risikofaktorer for utvikling av FRI. Høy alder, røyking, hjertesvikt og perifer karsykdom ble funnet å være uavhengige risikofaktorer. Kombinasjonen av de ulike risikofaktorene viser behovet for en grundig tilnærming til eldre pasienter med ankelbrudd. Pasientene bør ved behov vurderes av leger fra flere fagområder for best mulig behandling.Ankle fractures are the third most common fracture after proximal femoral fractures and distal radial fractures. They make up 10% of all fractures. Operative treatment is often needed to prevent complications such as stiffness, pain, and posttraumatic osteoarthritis. Depending on fracture pattern in the ankle, different approaches and methods of fixation are needed. Ankle fractures including the posterior malleolus of the distal tibia are known to have poor outcome. Indication for fixation and the best surgical approach to fix the posterior malleolus fracture (PMF) have been subject to debate and particularly in the last decade there has been an increase in publications and a flare-up in the discussion. Convinced that such treatment would give better outcome our department saw a dramatic shift in 2015 where almost every patient with a PMF was treated via a posterior approach. Surgical treatment of ankle fractures comes with the risk of complications. Time from injury to surgery, the duration of surgery and the postoperative period may affect the soft tissue and surgery may cause nerve injury or damage the skin. The most common complications are nerve injury, soft tissue problems and fracture-related infection. Addressing this, and defining such problems for diagnostic and research purposes, a new definition of fracture-related infection (FRI) has been published to improve clinical practice and enable comparison of infection rates between studies. The aims of this thesis were: i) to evaluate the patient-reported outcome of patients treated for ankle fractures with PMFs ii) to assess the impact of time to surgery on patients with severe ankle fractures iii) to estimate the rate of FRI in our cohort of patients treated surgically for ankle fractures iv) to identify risk factors for the development of FRI The first study compared patient-reported outcome in patients treated with a posterior approach to patients treated with a traditional approach. We found similar results between groups on Self-reported foot and ankle score (SEFAS), VAS of pain, and VAS of satisfaction. The group of patients treated with a posterior approach had more often received a temporary external fixation prior to definitive surgery, had a higher rate of high-grade osteoarthritis, and had a significantly longer time from injury to definitive surgery. The second study examined the impact of time from injury to definitive surgery on patient-reported outcome of patients with severe ankle fractures (ankle fractures with a concomitant PMF). Patients surgically treated more than a week from injury had worse SEFAS and reported more pain than patients treated within a week from injury. The third study examined the rate of FRI among all patients surgically treated for ankle fractures at our department in the period 2015-2019. A total of 87 (9%) of 1004 patients were diagnosed with FRI. The study also revealed several areas of improvement for our department in the assessment, diagnostics, and treatment of patients with FRI. In the fourth study we evaluated risk factors for developing FRI. High patient age, current smoking, heart failure, and peripheral arterial disease were identified as independent risk factors. The combination of risk factors found in this study shows the need for a thorough, multidisciplinary, and careful approach when faced with ankle fractures in elderly patients.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Possibilities to make temperament assessment of horses at Young Horse Test

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    Den här studien utfördes under treårstest på fyra platser 2011 i Sverige och totalt ingick 315 hästar. Syftet var att undersöka möjligheter att så objektivt som möjligt bedöma unghästars temperament i samband med redan befintligt treårstest. Detta eftersom det finns en önskan att fler temperamentsegenskaper införs i avelsvärderingen. Det gjordes en etologisk studie av beteendet vid uppställning för exteriörbedömning och betygsuppläsning där alla avvikelser från stillastående på hästens egna initiativ registrerades. Ägare eller utbildare av de hästar som observerades ombads fylla i en enkät där de skulle göra en bedömning av flera olika temperamentsegenskaper. Syftet med enkäten var att se om en objektiv bedömning under testet kunde stämma med hur hästens temperament uppfattades av ägaren/utbildaren. Under studiens gång utarbetades en mall för att beskriva hästarnas temperament och beteende under hela testet (TB). TB bestod av sex olika punkter där temperamentsegenskaper beskrevs utifrån en linjär modell. Sambanden mellan de olika resultaten från studien studerades med Spearman rangkorrelationer och ett antal olika signifikanta korrelationer kunde ses. Korrelationerna mellan enkätsvar från ägare/utbildare och olika punkter i TB visade på att en häst som blev nervös när den isolerades från andra hästar eller en mer flyktbenägen häst bråkade mer vid uppställning. En mer flyktbenägen häst var även mindre samarbetsvillig när den visades vid hand. Mellan enkätsvaren och resultaten från den etologiska studien fanns endast ett samband som visade på att en häst som blev nervös när den isolerades från andra hästar rörde mer på sig vid exteriörbedömningen. Det fanns flera samband mellan de enskilda punkterna i TB och den etologiska studien där högst korrelation var till punkten som beskrev hästens beteende vid exteriörbedömningen. Mellan betyget hästarna fick av domarna på treårstestet och temperamentsfrågorna i enkäten fanns låga korrelationer. En mer förutsägbar häst fick ett något högre betyg på skritten och en mindre flyktbenägen häst fick ett lite högre temperamentsbetyg i löshoppning av domarna. Mellan TB och hoppbetygen kunde några korrelationer ses, de starkaste innebar att en häst med mer framåtbjudning i löshoppning fick ett lite högre betyg för temperament och allmänt intryck i löshoppning samt för teknik och förmåga. Ett annat samband innebar att en mer samarbetsvillig häst fick ett högre hoppbetyg av domarna. Det fanns några låga korrelationer mellan TB och gångartsbetygen; en mer samarbetsvillig häst fick ett högre betyg för skritt, en häst som var spänd i början av testet fick ett något högre betyg på traven och en häst som visade mer framåtbjudning i lösgalopp eller löshoppning fick ett något högre betyg på galoppen. Slutsatsen blev att det är möjligt att beskriva en del av hästarnas temperamentsegenskaper utifrån deras beteende vid treårstestet men det behövs ytterligare studier för att säkerställa vilka egenskaper som är relevanta att beskriva.This study was performed during the young horse tests at four locations in 2011 in Sweden and included a total of 315 horses. The aim was to explore possibilities to assess the young horses' temperament as objectively as possible in already existing young horse tests. The study was initiated because there is a desire to include more temperamental characteristics in the genetic evaluation. In an ethological study of the behavior at standing still for conformation assessment all deviations from standing still on the horses own initiatives were recorded. The owner or trainer of the horses that were observed were asked to fill out a questionnaire in which they would make an assessment of several different temperament characteristics. The purpose of the survey was to see if an objective assessment during the test was consistent with how the horse's temperament was perceived by the owner/trainer. During the study a protocol to describe the horses' temperament and behavior throughout the test was developed (TB). TB consisted of six different parts where temperament characteristics were described based on a linear model. The relationships between the various study results were studied with Spearman rank correlations and a number of significant correlations were seen. The correlations between survey responses from the owners/trainers and various parts of TB showed that a horse who was nervous when it was isolated from other horses or a more flighty horse was less cooperative more when it should stand still. A more flighty horse was also less cooperative when it was shown at hand. There was only one significant correlation between survey responses and results of the ethological study and it showed that a horse that was nervous when it was isolated from other horses moved more at the exterior assessment. There were several correlations between the individual parts in TB and the ethological study where the strongest correlation was to the part that described the behavior of the horse at the exterior assessment. There were some low correlations between grades horses got by the judges on the young horse test and temperament questions in the survey. A more predictable horse received a slightly higher grade for walk and a less flighty horse got a little higher temperament grade in free jumping by the judges. Between TB and jumping grades there were some correlations, the strongest meant that a horse with more willingness to go forward in free jumping got a bit higher grades for temperament and overall impression in the free jumping as well as for technique and ability. A more cooperative horse also got a higher jumping grade by the judges. There were some low correlations between TB and gaits; a more cooperative horse got a higher grade for walk, a horse that was tense at the beginning of the test, received a slightly higher grade for trot and a horse that showed more willingness to go forward in free canter or free jumping got a slightly higher grade for free canter. It was concluded that it is possible to describe some of the horses' temperament characteristics in terms of their behavior at the young horse test but further studies are needed to determine which characteristics are relevant to describe

    I hvilken grad kan en anvende kognitiv terapi på personer med utviklingshemming?

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    I spenninga mellom teknologi og politikk. Ein studie av samkøyringa av norsk elforsyning 1950-1970

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    2016: Converted from HTML to PD

    Caregivers’ perception of factors associated with a healthy diet among people with intellectual disability living in community residences: A Concept mapping method

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    BACKGROUND: Many people with intellectual disabilities (ID) living in community-based residences have been found to have unhealthy diet and weight disturbances. In Norway, a majority of people with ID live in such residences. AIMS: The aim of the study was to examine factors affecting the caregivers' opportunity to promote a healthy diet among the residents. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: A concept mapping methodology was adopted, including group-based brainstorming, idea synthesising, sorting, rating and analysis of the results. Informants were caregivers in four different community residences for people with mild to moderate ID in the southeast of Norway. A total of 13 informants were recruited (12 females and 1 male), and 10 informants completed two sessions. RESULTS: Eight clusters were identified as affecting the caregivers' ability to promote a healthy diet: "Availability and accessibility", "Guidance and autonomy", "Competence among staff", "Planning and involvement", "Customization", "External conditions affecting staff", "Legislation, rules and structure" and "Everyday challenges", each including both barriers and facilitators. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Multiple factors affect the caregivers' ability to promote a healthy diet. Caregivers' opportunity to promote a healthy diet is complex. Availability and accessibility of healthy food is crucial, but a healthy diet also requires time and competence among the caregivers.måsjekke

    Bruk av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi i næringslivet 1999

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    Denne rapporten skildrar bruken av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi i næringslivet i 1999. Resultata byggjer på ei utvalsbasert undersøking som Statistisk sentralbyrå gjennomførte kring årsskiftet 1999/2000. Undersøkinga femna om nesten 5 000 private føretak. Definisjonar av tekniske uttrykk og omgrep presenterast i eit eige oversyn, men vert også gjorde greie for i dei enkelte kapitla. I 1999 hadde berre kvart tiande føretak med tilgang til Internett og minst ti sysselsette ei omsetning på minst 1 prosent av den totale omsetninga frå elektronisk handel via Internett. Bruk av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi var utbreidd i næringslivet ved utgangen av 1999. Så godt som alle føretak hadde teke i bruk informasjonsteknologi. Tilgangen til Internett var også stor. Resultata syner at 2 av 3 føretak hadde tilgang til Internett. Om lag 1 av 4 føretak hadde Intranett, medan under 1 av 10 brukte Ekstranett. EDI var ein mindre utnytta teknologi enn Internett. I 1999 brukte 1 av 5 føretak EDI. Publikasjonen finst også på heimesidene til SSB, http//www.ssb.no

    Fracture-related infection: Prevalence and application of the new consensus definition in a cohort of 1004 surgically treated ankle fractures

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    Background Surgical treatment of ankle fractures comes with a substantial risk of complications, including infection. An unambiguously definition of fracture-related infections (FRI) has been missing. Recently, FRI has been defined by a consensus group with a diagnostic algorithm containing suggestive and confirmatory criteria. The aim of the current study was to report the prevalence of FRI in patients operated for ankle fractures and to assess the applicability of the diagnostic algorithm from the consensus group. Patients and methods Records of all patients with surgically treated ankle fractures from 2015 to 2019 were retrospectively reviewed for signs of postoperative infections. Patients with suspected infection were stratified according to confirmatory or suggestive criteria of FRI. Rate of FRI among patients with confirmatory and suggestive criteria were calculated. Results Suspected infection was found in 104 (10%) out of 1004 patients. Among those patients, confirmatory criteria were met in 76/104 (73%) patients and suggestive criteria were met in 28/104 (27%) at first evaluation. Patients with clinical confirmatory criteria (N = 76) were diagnosed with FRI. Patients with suggestive criteria were further examined with either bacterial sampling at the outpatient clinic, revision surgery including bacterial sampling, or a wait-and-see approach. Eleven (39%) of the 28 patients had positive cultures and were therefore diagnosed as having FRI at second evaluation. In total 87 (9%) patients were diagnosed with FRI according to the consensus definition. Only 73 (70%) of the 104 patients with suspected FRI had adequate bacterial sampling. Conclusion The prevalence of FRI, applying the FRI-consensus criteria, for patients with surgically treated ankle fractures was 9%. Twenty-two percent of patients who met the confirmatory criteria had negative bacterial cultures. The current study shows that we did not have a systematic approach to patients with suspected FRI as recommended by the consensus group. A systematic approach to adequate bacterial sampling when FRI is suspected is paramount. The consensus definition of FRI and its diagnostic algorithm facilitates such an approach.publishedVersio