39 research outputs found

    Deep learning exotic hadrons

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    We perform the first amplitude analysis of experimental data using deep neural networks to determine the nature of an exotic hadron. Specifically, we study the line shape of the Pc(4312) signal reported by the LHCb collaboration, and we find that its most likely interpretation is that of a virtual state. This method can be applied to other near-threshold resonance candidates

    Impact of NOx and NH3 Emission Reduction on Particulate Matter across Po Valley: A LIFE-IP-PREPAIR Study

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    Air quality in Europe continues to remain poor in many areas, with regulation limits often exceeded by many countries. The EU Life-IP PREPAIR Project, involving administrations and environmental protection agencies of eight regions and three municipalities in Northern Italy and Slovenia, was designed to support the implementation of the regional air quality plans in the Po Valley, one of the most critical areas in Europe in terms of pollution levels. In this study, four air quality modelling systems, based on three chemical transport models (CHIMERE, FARM and CAMx) were applied over the Po Valley to assess the sensitivity of PM2.5 concentrations to NOx and NH3 emission reductions. These two precursors were reduced (individually and simultaneously) from 25% up to 75% for a total of 10 scenarios, aimed at identifying the most efficient emission reduction strategies and to assess the non-linear response of PM2.5 concentrations to precursor changes. The multi-model analysis shows that reductions across multiple emission sectors are necessary to achieve optimal results. In addition, the analysis of non-linearities revealed that during the cold season, the efficiency of PM2.5 abatement tends to increase by increasing the emission reductions, while during summertime, the same efficiency remains almost constant, or slightly decreases towards higher reduction strengths. Since the concentrations of PM2.5 are greater in winter than in summer, it is reasonable to infer that significant emission reductions should be planned to maximise reduction effectiveness

    14 MeV neutrons for 99Mo/99mTc production: Experiments, simulations and perspectives

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    Background: the gamma-emitting radionuclide Technetium-99m (99mTc) is still the workhorse of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) as it is used worldwide for the diagnosis of a variety of phatological conditions.99mTc is obtained from99Mo/99mTc generators as pertechnetate ion, which is the ubiquitous starting material for the preparation of99mTc radiopharmaceuticals.99Mo in such generators is currently produced in nuclear fission reactors as a by-product of235U fission. Here we investigated an alternative route for the production of99Mo by irradiating a natural metallic molybdenum powder using a 14-MeV accelerator-driven neutron source. Methods: after irradiation, an efficient isolation and purification of the final99mTc-pertechnetate was carried out by means of solvent extraction. Monte Carlo simulations allowed reliable predictions of99Mo production rates for a newly designed 14-MeV neutron source (New Sorgentina Fusion Source). Results: in traceable metrological conditions, a level of radionuclidic purity consistent with accepted pharmaceutical quality standards, was achieved. Conclusions: we showed that this source, featuring a nominal neutron emission rate of about 1015s−1, may potentially supply an appreciable fraction of the current99Mo global demand. This study highlights that a robust and viable solution, alternative to nuclear fission reactors, can be accomplished to secure the long-term supply of99Mo

    Assessing the impacts and feasibility of emissions reduction scenarios in the Po Valley

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    This study is focused on a pivotal objective: enhancing air quality and attaining pollutant concentrations in accordance with WHO guidelines. The study extensively evaluates the feasibility of reducing emissions, specifically targeting an 80% decrease in SOX, NOX, PM, NH3, and NMVOC emissions within a limited timeframe. Despite notable emission curtailments of 50% and 80%, the research reveals that recommended pollutant levels are unlikely to be met across most areas of the Po Valley region. Even when implementing the finest available technologies across various sectors, particularly within the Lombardia region, this goal remains unattainable without simultaneous reductions in activity levels. This involves diminishing factors like vehicle miles traveled, energy consumption for heating, and industrial, agricultural, and livestock production. Overall, achieving improved conforming to the new AQG limits is a multifaceted endeavor involving numerous stakeholders and diverse strategies. Successful adherence to Air Quality limits mandates the implementation of Source-Specific emissions standards at the EU level, alignment of the National Emission Reduction Directive with limits specified in the Air Quality Directive, and the formulation of comprehensive Air Quality Plans at national, regional, and local tiers

    Analysis of Territories in Extreme Vulnerability and Trends in Southern Brazil

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.(1) Background: Tuberculosis presents an epidemiological trend toward inequality, especially among people in social exclusion and situations of vulnerability. This study aimed to analyze territories with a concentration of people diagnosed with tuberculosis in a street situation and who partake in chronic use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. We also analyzed trends in this health condition in southern Brazil. (2) Methods: Ecological study, developed in the 399 municipalities of Paraná, southern Brazil, with all tuberculosis cases in the homeless population registered in the Information System of Notifiable Diseases between 2014 and 2018. For data analysis, we used descriptive statistics, the Prais–Winsten autoregression method for the time series, and the Getis-Ord Gi technique* for spatial analysis. (3) Results: in total, 560 cases were reported. We found a predominance of alcohol, smoking, and illicit drug users, with an increasing trend in the state and clusters of spatial risk in the East health macro-region. (4) Conclusions: We observed territories with critical levels of highly vulnerable people who use psychoactive substances and are in a street situation. The results highlight the importance of incorporating public policies of social protection for these individuals and resolutive health services that receive these cases and assist in eradicating TB.publishersversionpublishe

    time trends and spatial determinants in Southern Brazil

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is a public health problem worldwide. It is estimated that 90% of the patients diagnosed with TB live in vulnerable environments with limited health resources, such as individuals living in correctional facilities. This study aimed to identify the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs among prisoners diagnosed with TB and the spatial determinants and time trends of the phenomenon in southern Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study using data from the Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System was carried out. TB cases confirmed from 2014 to 2018 in prisons located in Paraná, Brazil, were selected. The Prais-Winsten procedure was performed to identify time trends by calculating monthly rates and the percentage of monthly variation. The Seasonal-Trend by Loess decomposition method was used to verify the time series and trends. The spatial association was verified with the Getis-Ord Gi* technique, and the risk areas were identified using spatial scan statistics. Results: A total of 1,099 TB cases were found in the studied population. The consumption of tobacco (n = 460; 41.9%), illegal drugs (n = 451; 41.0%), and alcohol (n = 179; 16.3%) stood out. An ascending trend was found for the consumption of alcohol (+ 19.4%/mo. (95%CI: 12.20–23.03)), tobacco (+ 20.2%/mo. (95%CI: 12.20–28.82)), and illegal drugs (+ 62.2%/mo. (95%CI: 44.54–81.97)). Spatial analysis revealed clusters for the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Conclusions: This study advances knowledge presenting the burden of drug use and its typology among individuals diagnosed with TB in the prison system. There is a growing trend among patients to use drugs, especially illegal drugs. The clusters show differences between the places where the prisons are located.publishersversionpublishe

    Management of Pediatric Urinary Tract Infections: A Delphi Study

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious diseases in the pediatric population and represents a major cause of antibiotic consumption and hospitalization in children. Considering the ongoing controversies on the management of pediatric UTI and the challenges due to increasing antimicrobial resistance, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the level of agreement on UTI management in pediatric age in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy, and to assess on the basis of recent studies whether there is the need to change current recommendations used by primary care pediatricians, hospital pediatricians, and pediatric surgeons in everyday clinical practice to possibly improve outcomes. This consensus provides clear and shared indications on UTI management in pediatric age, based on the most updated literature. This work represents, in our opinion, the most complete and up-to-date collection of statements on procedures to follow for pediatric UTI, in order to guide physicians in the management of the patient, standardize approaches, and avoid abuse and misuse of antibiotics. Undoubtedly, more randomized and controlled trials are needed in the pediatric population to better define the best therapeutic management in cases with antimicrobial resistance and real usefulness of long-term antibiotic prophylaxis

    Thirty-year changes (1970 to 2000) in bathymetry and sediment texture recorded in the Lagoon of Venice sub-basins, Italy.

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    A detailed comparison was made of two bathymetric charts of the Lagoon of Venice (LV) from 1970 and 2000, in tandem with a comparison of sediment grain size data. Analysis of the data revealed marked changes in both morphology and sedimentation, with more than 50% of the 400 km2 assessed in this study 15-20 cm shallower in 1970 than in 2000. The four sub-basins into which the LV is subdivided saw different patterns of change. The Northern basin A was identified as “pristine”, i.e. still in quasi-natural condition, with slight clay enrichment and a small degree of deepening (4-5 cm), essentially due to sea level rise (SLR). The bathymetry and sedimentology of the northern-central sub-basin B (identified as “urban”) and the southern-central basin C (identified as “open”) were affected by infill activities and excavation of industrial navigation channels in the 1970s, causing the loss of ~ 60 km2 of mudflats, and creating an “open” lagoon. The southernmost basin D (identified as “exploited-subsiding”) of the LV was found to be relatively unchanged and still in semi-natural condition. Comparison of sediment types showed depletion of fine-grained fractions ( 63 µm) was recorded, except in the southern-central sub-basin C where medium and coarse sand fractions declined. The results suggest that climate-related SLR accounts for a small fraction of bathymetric change, whilst variations in hydrodynamics (currents and wind patterns) and sediment supply are likely causal factors for the different evolution of the four sub-basins. Definition of the attributes of each sub-basin provided data that was essential not only for the LV but also for predicting the fate of transitional environments facing both anthropic (fishing, navigation, land use changes) as well natural (SLR, eustatism) forcing factors

    Hydroxybenzothiazoles as New Nonsteroidal Inhibitors of 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (17β-HSD1)

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    17β-estradiol (E2), the most potent estrogen in humans, known to be involved in the development and progession of estrogen-dependent diseases (EDD) like breast cancer and endometriosis. 17β-HSD1, which catalyses the reduction of the weak estrogen estrone (E1) to E2, is often overexpressed in breast cancer and endometriotic tissues. An inhibition of 17β-HSD1 could selectively reduce the local E2-level thus allowing for a novel, targeted approach in the treatment of EDD. Continuing our search for new nonsteroidal 17β-HSD1 inhibitors, a novel pharmacophore model was derived from crystallographic data and used for the virtual screening of a small library of compounds. Subsequent experimental verification of the virtual hits led to the identification of the moderately active compound 5. Rigidification and further structure modifications resulted in the discovery of a novel class of 17β-HSD1 inhibitors bearing a benzothiazole-scaffold linked to a phenyl ring via keto- or amide-bridge. Their putative binding modes were investigated by correlating their biological data with features of the pharmacophore model. The most active keto-derivative 6 shows IC50-values in the nanomolar range for the transformation of E1 to E2 by 17β-HSD1, reasonable selectivity against 17β-HSD2 but pronounced affinity to the estrogen receptors (ERs). On the other hand, the best amide-derivative 21 shows only medium 17β-HSD1 inhibitory activity at the target enzyme as well as fair selectivity against 17β-HSD2 and ERs. The compounds 6 and 21 can be regarded as first benzothiazole-type 17β-HSD1 inhibitors for the development of potential therapeutics