157 research outputs found

    A experiência de marca da metodologia TXM associada ao visual merchandising : os pontos de venda da marca Farm Rio.

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    Metodologias organizam as etapas de um projeto a serem seguidas. Com base nisso, a metodologia TXM Branding visa contribuir com processos relacionados a pensar, experienciar e gerir marcas. No âmbito da experiência, este estudo quesona como as estratégias de visual merchandising podem acoplar-se de maneira que contribua com os ativos da marca em um ponto de venda a fim de gerar experiências sensoriais. Portanto, através de levantamento bibliográfico e estudo de caso, esperou-se apresentar essa recente metodologia de design como mais uma alternativa de controle projetual e também, aproximá-la da prática do visual merchandising. A fim de exemplificar o apelo sensorial de uma marca, foi escolhida a marca brasileira de vestuário feminino “Farm” que terá seus aspectos conceituais analisados nesse estudo.ABSTRACT: Methodologies organize the project steps to follow. Based on this, the TXM Branding methodology aims to contribute to processes related to think, experience and manage brands. Talking about experiencing, this study raises the question of how the visual merchandising strategies can be coupled in a way that contributes to the assets of the brand in a point of sale in order to generate a sensorial brand experience. Therefore, it is expected to present this new design methodology as another alternative of project design control and also, bring it to the practice of visual merchandising. With the goal of exemplifying the sensorial appeal of a brand, we selected the Brazilian brand of female apparel, Farm, to analyze its conceptual aspects translated into aesthetic stimuli.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validity of international questionnaire of physical activity by correlation with pedometer

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    El estudio tiene por objetivo verificar la validez del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ) por medio de correlación con otro instrumento de medida de gasto energético (GE) y nivel de actividad física (NAF). Los datos fueron analizados por medio del teste de correlación y técnicas de Data Mining. Fueran observadas correlaciones significativas (p<0,001) de los números de pasos con las calorías (r=0,76; 0,80) y escala de clasificación de NAF (r=0,93; 0,71), involucrando respectivamente el Podómetro y el IPAQ. Lo mismo ha sucedido entre el número de calorías (r=0.83) y escala (r=0,67), por los mismos procedimientos. Se ha constatado elevada correlación entre el IPAQ y el podómetro, resultando en modelos de clasificación con grado de predicción de hasta 84,10% (r=0,917) de la variable dependiente, con capacidad de predicción del GE y NAF a través del IPAQ, con base en el número de pasos mensurados por el podómetro.The goal of this study is to verify the validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) through correlation with another instrument to measure energy expenditure (EE) and level of physical activity (PAL). The data was analyzed using correlation and data mining. Significant correlations (p<0.001) were observed for the number of steps with calories (r=0.76; 0.80) and the rating scale of PAL (r=0.93; 0.71), involving the pedometer and the IPAQ, respectively. The same occurred between the number of calories (r=0.83) and scale (r=0.67), for the same procedures. A high correlation was found between the use of the IPAQ (long version) and the pedometer, resulting in classification models with a degree of prediction of up to 84.10% (r=0.917) of the dependent variable, with the ability to predict EE and PAL through the IPAQ from the number of steps measured by the pedometer

    La alimentación de los trabajadores en la industria y su relación con los datos antropométricos y el gasto energético

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    The objective of this study was to verify whether the energy content and nutritional composition of meals consumed at work (lunch) correlated with the energy expenditure and nutritional status of workers from different sectors (administration and production) of different industries. The sample consisted of 292 workers. Many anthropometric dimensions were assessed, such as physical activity energy expenditure, and daily energy expenditure (DEE). Food intake was measured directly for five days. The study comprised an assessment of the correlation between sectors and gender, a qualitative assessment between obesity indicators, and a principal component analysis (PCA). Overweight workers prevailed, and DEE differed by gender and work sector (p<0.05). PCA showed that the majority of the individuals with high energy expenditure and high energy and fats consumption levels were males.,Este estudio tuvo como objetivo verificar la correlación entre la composición energética y nutricional de la comida consumida en el ambiente de trabajo (almuerzo), el gasto energético y el estado nutricional de trabajadores de diferentes sectores (administración y producción) en diferentes industrias. La muestra comprendió 292 trabajadores. Han sido evaluados diversos índices antropométricos, gasto energético en la actividad física y gasto energético diario (GED). El consumo alimenticio fue mensurado por observación directa, durante cinco días. El studio consistió en una evaluación de la correlación entre los sectores y género; una evaluación cualitativa entre los indicadores de obesidad y una Análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Se encontró prevalencia de trabajadores con sobrepeso y diferencia estadística del GED en función del género y sector de trabajo (p<0,05). En la PCA, fue posible determinar que pertenece al sexo masculino la gran mayoría de los individuos que presentaron un mayor gasto energético, mayores tenores de consumo de energía y lípidos.The authors wish to thank to CAPES for the scholarship granted to one of the authors, in the scope of the Program Doutorado Sanduiche (Capes grantees – Protocol: 4284/14-3)

    Uso de lodos de depuradora sobre suelos de baja productividad en Santa Fe (Argentina)

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    Se evaluó el efecto de lodos de depuradora sobre la capacidad productiva de los suelos de baja aptitud del centro-norte de Santa Fe, y sobre la producción de sorgo y avena. Se evaluaron dosis entre 0 y 38,5 y entre 0 y 109 Mg de materia seca de lodo/ha, para sorgo y avena respectivamente, aplicadas previo a la siembra sobre un Natracualf típico. Se midió la respuesta en rendimiento y propiedades físicas y químicas del horizonte superficial. En ambos cultivos se observó respuesta positiva en comparación con el testigo. La salinidad moderada del lodo no afectó a los cultivos ya que se lavó con las precipitaciones. Se observó efectopositivo sobre las propiedades químicas y físicas del horizonte superficial, destacándose fósforo extraíble, calcio y magnesio intercambiable, nitrógeno total y carbono orgánico, estabilidad de agregados, e intervalo hídrico óptimo. El pH del suelo sólo tiende a mejorar con altas dosis.Using sewage sludge on soils with low productivity in Santa Fe (Argentina) The effect of sewage sludge on productive capacity of low aptitude soils (class IV or higher) from the center and north of Santa Fe, and on forage production of sorghum and oats was assessed. Before sowing of sorghum and oats, 0 to 38,5 and 0 to 109 Mg of dry matter/ha of sludge was applied respectively, on a Typic Natracualf. Afterwards, along with forage yield, several chemical and physical soil properties were measured. For both crops, forage production was increased in response to the application of sludge. Moderate salinity levels of sludge has no effect on crop production because salts were washed quickly by rainfall. The amount of sludge applied was related positively to extractable phosphorus, exchangeable calcium and magnesium, total nitrogen, organic carbon, aggregate stability and least limiting water range. Soil pH was improved only at higher doses of sludge.Fil: Pilatti, M. A.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Catedra de Edafologia; ArgentinaFil: Alesso, Carlos Agustín. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Departamento de Biologia Vegetal; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Agrobiotecnologia del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Felli, O.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Cs.agrarias. Catedra de Edafologia; ArgentinaFil: Gasparotti, E.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Young adult concurrent use and simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana: A cross-national examination among college students in seven countries

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    Introduction: Many young adults report frequent co-use of alcohol and marijuana, with some individuals engaging in simultaneous use (SAM; use of both substances within the same occasion resulting in an overlap of their effects) and others in concurrent use (CAM; use of both substances during a similar time period [e.g., past 30 days] but not within the same occasion). Emerging work demonstrates that SAM relative to CAM use places individuals at a greater risk for substance-related harms; however, these results primarily rely on U.S. samples. The goal of the present multi-country study was to examine prevalence rates of CAM and SAM use and examine differences in past 30-day SAM/CAM use on alcohol/marijuana substance-related outcomes among college students from seven countries. Methods: A total of 9171 (70.5% women; Mean age = 20.28, SD = 3.96) college students participated in the cross-sectional online survey study. Results: Among students who endorsed use of both alcohol and marijuana in the past 30-days (n = 2124), SAM use (75.8%) was far more prevalent than CAM use (24.2%). Moreover, ∼75% of students endorsed SAM use within each country subsample. Regression models showed that SAM vs. CAM use was associated with greater alcohol and marijuana use and negative consequences. Conclusions: College students from around the world endorse high rates of SAM use, and this pattern of co-use is associated with greater frequency of use and substance-related harms. On college campuses, SAM use should be a target of clinical prevention/intervention efforts and the mechanisms underpinning the unique harms of SAM need to be clarified.Fil: Bravo, Adrian J.. College of William and Mary; Estados UnidosFil: Prince, Mark A.. State University of Colorado at Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Pilatti, Angelina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; ArgentinaFil: Mezquita, Laura. Universitat Jaume I; EspañaFil: Keough, Matthew T.. University of York; Reino UnidoFil: Hogarth, Lee. University of Exeter; Reino Unid

    Abatedouros e frigoríficos modulares.

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