207 research outputs found

    Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Undirected and Directed Knowledge Graphs

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    The paper concerns a novel problem of summarising entities with limited presentation budget on entity-relationship knowledge graphs and propose an efficient algorithm for solving this problem. The algorithm has been implemented in two variants: undirected and directed, together with a visualisation tool. Experimental user evaluation of the algorithm was conducted on real large semantic knowledge graphs extracted from the web. The reported results of experimental user evaluation are promising and encourage to continue the work on improving the algorithm.

    (Nie)bezpieczne urządzenia mobilne

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    An antagonist of ATP-regulated potassium channels, the guanidine derivative U-37883A, stimulates the synthesis of phosphatidylserine in rat liver endoplasmic reticulum membranes

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    AbstractThe guanidine derivative U-37883A has been found to stimulate in vitro synthesis of phosphatidylserine in endoplasmic reticulum membranes, catalyzed exclusively by a serine-specific base exchange enzyme. The stimulation of the enzyme activity by the drug was concentration-dependent, with EC50 of 54 μM, while the biologically inactive analog of U-37883A, U-42069, was without effect. The stimulation caused by U-37883A was enhanced under the conditions when active transport of Ca2+ into the lumen of microsomal vesicles was induced, whereas it was inhibited by a calcium ionophore, A23187, and by a specific inhibitor of Ca2+-ATPase, thapsigargin. On the other hand, a potassium ionophore, valinomycin, had no effect on phosphatidylserine synthesis. U-37883A did not affect the Km of the base exchange enzyme for serine, but greatly reduced the EC50 value of the enzyme for calcium. Furthermore, Ca2+ uptake by endoplasmic reticulum vesicles has been found to increase in the presence of U-37883A. These observations suggest that U-37883A enhances phosphatidylserine synthesis indirectly by acting on calcium transport, thus affecting calcium concentration within the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Alternatively, the effect of the drug could be propagated via the mechanism by which phospholipid flip-flop movement, known to regulate the serine-specific base exchange reaction, is modulated

    The Importance of Professional Work for People Over 60 Years of Age

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    The paper presents the results of research related to the importance of occupational work for retired people. Secondary data analysis was used. The results of the study were presented in two perspectives: the importance of work during the working life and after retirement age and retirement.3013151

    Effect of the Degree of Soil Contamination with Cd, Zn, Cu i Zn on Its Content in the Forder Crops and Mobility in the Soil Profile

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    In the micro plot experiment, the effect of varying light and medium soil contamination with heavy metals on their content in rye green fodder, serradella forage and barley, and the migration of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in the soil profile was evaluated. Plants accumulated more heavy metals on light soil and soil with low organic matter content. Under the influence of increasing heavy metal contamination of soils, cadmium content increased more in fodder plants than lead content. After 14 years from the introduction of different rates of metals into the top layer (0–30 cm) of the two soils studied, a relatively large movement of heavy metals in the soil profile occurred. The amount of leached metals depends mainly on the rate of a given element. The more contaminated the soil, the heavier the metals that leached to lower genetic levels of soil. An increase in mobility was obtained alongside an increase in soil contamination with the heavy metals studied. By analyzing the mobility coefficients, they can be ranked in the following decreasing sequence: on light soils: Cd > Cu > Zn > Pb and on medium soils: Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu


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    Today’s social worker has to face many new challenges that arise due to socio-economic and cultural changes. One of the extremely important and difficult areas of social workers' job is to work with people who are experiencing domestic violence. The aim of the following article is to show previous experience in the field of theoretical and practical social worker's training in work with people experiencing domestic violence and the difficulties arising because of the imperfections of the system (i.e. due to lack of appropriate diagnostic tools, intervention strategies and supporting institutions). To show the weaknesses of education, a secondary analysis of the data (including programs, study plans) was made and expert interviews with employees who undertake work with a person experiencing violence were conducted. The analysis allowed to propose a concept of social workers’ training in working with a person experiencing domestic violence (child, woman, elderly person), based on best practices, i.e. from Israel and Canada.

    Rola seniorów w budowaniu tożsamości narodowej osób mieszkających na obczyźnie

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    The article is focused on the category of national identity in the perspective of realizing the meaning of life and satisfying social needs by older people living in a foreign country (Canadian Polonia). In relation to the theory of identity formation and life in a multicultural world, the subject of research was patriotic attitudes of the elderly. The aim of the research was to diagnose and describe how elderly people born in Poland and living abroad understand their homeland, national identity. The research problem has the form of a question: What is the role of the elderly in building the national identity of people living abroad? The research was conducted with the qualitative interview method. In order to show the importance and value of actions taken by the elderly to shape the national identity of young generations, an interview was conducted among 36 seniors living in Canada. With regard to their experiences and needs related to the transmission of culture and national traditions of Poles, they indicated their role and importance in the shaping of national identity and the need for the commemoration of national traditions in order to cultivate the values characteristic of the Polish nation. The final conclusions propose actions enabling shaping the national identity of people living abroad.W niniejszym artykule skoncentrowano się na kategorii tożsamości narodowej w perspektywie realizacji sensu życia i zaspokojenia potrzeb społecznych przez osoby starsze mieszkające na obczyźnie (Polonia Kanadyjska). W odniesieniu do teorii kształtowania tożsamości oraz życia w wielokulturowym świecie przedmiotem badań uczyniono postawy patriotyczne osób starszych. Ich celem było poznanie i opisanie, jak rozumieją ojczyznę i tożsamość narodową osoby starsze urodzone w Polsce, a żyjące na obczyźnie. Problem badawczy przyjął postać pytania: Jaka jest rola osób starszych w budowaniu tożsamości narodowej osób mieszkających na obczyźnie? W celu ukazania znaczenia i wartości działań podejmowanych przez osoby starsze na rzecz kształtowania tożsamości narodowej młodych pokoleń przeprowadzono wywiady wśród 36 seniorów mieszkających w Kanadzie. W odniesieniu do doświadczeń i potrzeb związanych z transmisją kultury i tradycji narodowych Polaków wskazano na ich rolę i znaczenie w kształtowaniu tożsamości narodowej oraz na potrzeby sięgania do narodowych tradycji w celu kultywowania wartości charakterystycznych dla narodu polskiego. W konkluzjach zaproponowano działania umożliwiające kształtowanie tożsamości narodowej osób żyjących na obczyźnie

    Obraz osoby starszej w przestrzeni medialnej

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    Currently, the media have become a carrier of knowledge and information. It is through the media coverage that norms and values are formed. Cultural trends and social changes constitute an important element of the functioning of the media space. The area of interest of the mass media also covers issues related to the aging societies and a related increase in the number of the elderly. The prevailing opinions concerning seniors are to a major extent based on the image presented by the mass media. A possibility to reach a large number of recipients in a short period of time allows to generate and quickly disseminate this image among older and younger recipients. The article presents the results of an analysis of youth magazines, newspapers, Web portals, advertisements and news broadcasts in the context of the media image of the elderly. The secondary analysis of data allowed to answer the question: How are the elderly presented in the media?Obecnie media stały się nośnikiem wiedzy i informacji. To poprzez przekaz medialny kreowane są normy i wartości. Trendy kulturowe oraz zmiany społeczne stanowią istoty element funkcjonowania przestrzeni medialnej. W obszarze zainteresowań środków masowego przekazu znajduje się również starzenie społeczeństw, a tym samy wzrost liczby osób starszych. Panujące opinie na temat seniorów w znacznej części opierają się na ich wizerunku prezentowanym w środkach masowego przekazu. Możliwość dotarcia do dużej liczby odbiorców w krótkim czasie pozwala na generowanie obrazu i szybkim rozpowszechnianiu go wśród starszych i młodszych odbiorców. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy czasopism młodzieżowych, prasy codziennej, portali internetowych, reklam oraz programów informacyjnych w kontekście medialnego wizerunku osób starszych. Poprzez wtórną analizę danych odpowiedziano na pytanie: W jaki sposób osoby starsze przedstawia się w mediach

    Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of retro-bulbar optic nerve in patients with optic disc pit maculopathy

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    Background: Optic disc pit (ODP) is a congenital anomaly characterized by indented area of the optic nerve head most likely originating from the incomplete closure of the superior edge of the embryonic fissure. Maculopathy can occasionally complicate this anomaly as intra-retinal and sub-retinal fluid at the macula. In result, maculopathy is associated with a poor visual prognosis due to a serous macular detachment, formation of macular hole, or atrophy of the retinal pigmented epithelium. In this case series, we report of three patients with unilateral ODP. Case report: We attempted to analyze the morphologic changes seen in the ODP and evaluate patients with a complete ophthalmologic evaluation, fundus color photography, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of globe and orbit. Magnetic resonance imaging scan was done for optic disc diameter (ODD) and optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD). Conclusion: We noticed that in the patient who presented with neurosensory detachment in the macula, the ONSD is larger than in the fellow eye and is larger than the remaining two patients with ODP and without neurosensory detachment of the retina