111 research outputs found

    Allogeneic versus Autologous: ethical issues in umbilical cord blood use

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    OBJECTIVE. To analyse some ethical issues involved in umbilical cord blood (UCB) collection, storage and use. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ethical issues were addressed in the light of the wellknown fundamental ethical principles for biomedicine: beneficence/non maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice. Specific issues that have been debated concerning the clinical utility of autologous use compared with allogeneic use for transplantation, the validity of informed consent, especially in private UCB banking, and finally the controversial question of private UCB banking for-profit compared to public UCB banking non-profit. RESULTS. Our ethical analysis has highlighted that the allogeneic UCB use for transplantation, compared to autologous UCB use, seems to fulfil the principle of beneficence/non maleficence as it provides “logistic” and clinical benefits and it decreases risks; the acquisition of informed consent requires some counselling, particularly for autologous collection; finally, public UCB banking seems to fulfil the criteria for justice more than private ones. CONCLUSION. Present and future therapeutic UCB possibilities for treating a wide variety of diseases need to increase the number of UCB units available. For this purpose, a “gift” culture and a “solidarity chain” between donors and recipients are requested. Moreover, in recent years, a further and emerging model of bank seems usable, i.e. “hybrid” banking

    health technology assessment processes for nanotechnologies the ethical domain

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    The ethical assessment of the use of technologies is generally considered a component of the health technology assessment (HTA) processes. HTA is a multidisciplinary process that summarizes information about medical, economic, organizational, ethical, psychological, social and legal issues related to the implementation of a certain health technology in health care system and its main purpose is to inform policymaking. Unlike the other technologies nanotechnologies pose different risks and, therefore, new bioethical implications should be assessed. So, the ethical assessment of nanotechnologies within the HTA processes could be more problematic. The article intends to debate this complexity

    Assessing social and economic impact of subcutaneous mAbs in oncology

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    Background: Rituximab and trastuzumab were the first monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) approved for the treatment of cancer patients. Both antibodies are administered intravenously (EV), but subcutaneous (SC) formulations have recently been developed. SC formulations proved to be as safe and effective as EV and to offer substantial benefits to the patient. Objective: The aim of this study was to provide a multidimensional assessment of the impact of rituximab and trastuzumab SC compared to the EV formulation, providing a particular focus on expected social and economic benefits for the patient. Methods: The best established HTA methods were applied to gather and organize evidence concerning the clinical, economic, organizational, social and ethical impact of SC formulations of rituximab and trastuzumab. Social aspects were investigated applying regression methods to data collected with a previous research, while the potential savings associated with the use of SC formulations were estimated by a simple economic model applying the societal perspective. Results Patients undergoing subcutaneous formulation are significantly more satisfied with their treatment experience than those treated with intravenous formulation. Subcutaneous formulation reduces patient dosing times, with a positive effect on the care provider's autonomy and productivity. Potential savings associated with the use of rituximab SC were estimated in € 4,050 per patient per year on average. For trastuzumab SC the estimated potential savings amounted to € 3,400 per patient per year, on average. Conclusion Rituximab and trastuzumab are promising treatment options significantly improving patients qol and reducing the treatment burden in terms of societal costs

    Health technology assessment of pathogen reduction technologies applied to plasma for clinical use

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    Although existing clinical evidence shows that the transfusion of blood components is becoming increasingly safe, the risk of transmission of known and unknown pathogens, new pathogens or re-emerging pathogens still persists. Pathogen reduction technologies may offer a new approach to increase blood safety. The study is the output of collaboration between the Italian National Blood Centre and the Post-Graduate School of Health Economics and Management, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. A large, multidisciplinary team was created and divided into six groups, each of which addressed one or more HTA domains.Plasma treated with amotosalen + UV light, riboflavin + UV light, methylene blue or a solvent/detergent process was compared to fresh-frozen plasma with regards to current use, technical features, effectiveness, safety, economic and organisational impact, and ethical, social and legal implications. The available evidence is not sufficient to state which of the techniques compared is superior in terms of efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness. Evidence on efficacy is only available for the solvent/detergent method, which proved to be non-inferior to untreated fresh-frozen plasma in the treatment of a wide range of congenital and acquired bleeding disorders. With regards to safety, the solvent/detergent technique apparently has the most favourable risk-benefit profile. Further research is needed to provide a comprehensive overview of the cost-effectiveness profile of the different pathogen-reduction techniques. The wide heterogeneity of results and the lack of comparative evidence are reasons why more comparative studies need to be performed

    Ethical analysis in HTA of complex health interventions

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    Background: In the field of health technology assessment (HTA), there are several approaches that can be used for ethical analysis. However, there is a scarcity of literature that critically evaluates and compares the strength and weaknesses of these approaches when they are applied in practice. In this paper, we analyse the applicability of some selected approaches for addressing ethical issues in HTA in the field of complex health interventions. Complex health interventions have been the focus of methodological attention in HTA. However, the potential methodological challenges for ethical analysis are as yet unknown. Methods: Six of the most frequently described and applied ethical approaches in HTA were critically assessed against a set of five characteristics of complex health interventions: multiple and changing perspectives, indeterminate phenomena, uncertain causality, unpredictable outcomes, and ethical complexity. The assessments are based on literature and the authors’ experiences of developing, applying and assessing the approaches. Results: The Interactive, participatory HTA approach is by its nature and flexibility, applicable across most complexity characteristics. Wide Reflective Equilibrium is also flexible and its openness to different perspectives makes it better suited for complex health interventions than more rigid conventional approaches, such as Principlism and Casuistry. Approaches developed for HTA purposes are fairly applicable for complex health interventions, which one could expect because they include various ethical perspectives, such as the HTA Core Model¼ and the Socratic approach. Conclusion: This study shows how the applicability for addressing ethical issues in HTA of complex health interventions differs between the selected ethical approaches. Knowledge about these differences may be helpful when choosing and applying an approach for ethical analyses in HTA. We believe that the study contributes to increasing awareness and interest of the ethical aspects of complex health interventions in general

    Implementing carrier screening for cystic fibrosis outside the clinic: ethical analysis in the light of the personalist view

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    Background. Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease. Two models for screening CF are normally used: newborn screening and population-based CF carrier screening. In turn, there are three main models of population-based CF carrier screening: prenatal carrier screening, preconception carrier screening, and carrier screening outside clinical settings. Aim. To evaluate, in the light of the personalist view, the use of carrier screenings for CF outside the clinic, i.e. in non-clinical settings, such as school and workplaces.Methods. Analysis has been carried out according to the “Perso-nalist approach” (also called “Triangular model”), an ethical method for performing ethical analysis within HTA process. It includes factual, anthropological and ethical data in a ‘‘triangular’’ normative reflection process.Findings. Implementing carrier screening for cystic fibrosis outside the clinical settings allows acquisition of knowledge for informing reproductive choices, that can be considered as valuable; benefit-risk ratio seems to be not much favorable; autonomous and responsible decisions can be taken only under certain conditions; economic ad-vantage is difficult to determine; therefore, from a personalist view, implementing carrier screenings outside the clinic seems not to be ethically justified. Conclusion. In accordance with the personalist perspective, public health programs providing carrier screenings outside the clinic should not be implemented

    Why is it so difficult to integrate ethics in Health Technology Assessment (HTA)? The epistemological viewpoint

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    Ethics has been identified as a key element in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) since its conception. However, ethical issues are still not frequently addressed explicitly in HTA. Several valuable reasons have been identified. The basis of the article is the claim that ethics is often not part of HTA for “epistemological reasons”. Hence, the main aim of the contribution is to explore in more details and emphasize them by using the fact/value dichotomy. Our conclusion is that current HTA configuration is dominantly based on the comparison among objective and empirically testable “facts”, whilst ethics is not empirically testable. In this sense, there is a sort of “epistemological gap”, which can explain why it is so difficult to integrate ethics in HTA. We suggest that the epistemological differences among the various domains of HTA are addressed more explicitly

    Stakeholder involvement throughout health technology assessment: an example from palliative care

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    Objectives: Internationally, funders require stakeholder involvement throughout health technology assessment (HTA). We report successes, challenges, and lessons learned from extensive stakeholder involvement throughout a palliative care case study that demonstrates new concepts and methods for HTA. Methods: A 5-step “INTEGRATE-HTA Model” developed within the INTEGRATE-HTA project guided the case study. Using convenience or purposive sampling or directly / indirectly identifying and approaching individuals / groups, stakeholders participated in qualitative research or consultation meetings. During scoping, 132 stakeholders, aged ≄ 18 years in seven countries (England, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Lithuania, and Poland), highlighted key issues in palliative care that assisted identification of the intervention and comparator. Subsequently stakeholders in four countries participated in face–face, telephone and / or video Skype meetings to inform evidence collection and / or review assessment results. An applicability assessment to identify contextual and implementation barriers and enablers for the case study findings involved twelve professionals in the three countries. Finally, thirteen stakeholders participated in a mock decision-making meeting in England. Results: Views about the best methods of stakeholder involvement vary internationally. Stakeholders make valuable contributions in all stages of HTA; assisting decision making about interventions, comparators, research questions; providing evidence and insights into findings, gap analyses and applicability assessments. Key challenges exist regarding inclusivity, time, and resource use. Conclusion: Stakeholder involvement is feasible and worthwhile throughout HTA, sometimes providing unique insights. Various methods can be used to include stakeholders, although challenges exist. Recognition of stakeholder expertise and further guidance about stakeholder consultation methods is needed

    Testing the HTA Core Model: Experiences from two pilot projects

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze and describe process and outcomes of two pilot assessments based on the HTA Core Model, discuss the applicability of the model, and explore areas of development. Methods: Data were gathered from HTA Core Model and pilot Core HTA documents, their validation feedback, questionnaires to investigators, meeting minutes, emails, and discussions in the coordinating team meetings in the Finnish Office for Health Technology Assessment (FINOHTA). Results: The elementary structure of the HTA Core Model proved useful in preparing HTAs. Clear scoping and good coordination in timing and distribution of work would probably help improve applicability and avoid duplication of work. Conclusions: The HTA Core Model can be developed into a platform that enables and encourages true HTA collaboration in terms of distribution of work and maximum utilization of a common pool of structured HTA information for national HTA report
