102 research outputs found

    Divisional power, intra-firm bargaining and rent-seeking behavior in multidivisional corporations

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    Increasing divisional operational responsibilities and the dispersal of knowledge creating activities within the firm have loosened the traditional hierarchical structure of multi-divisional firms. In this paper we argue that a similar mixture of competition and cooperation that is found in inter-firm relationships now characterizes intra-firm relationships. Our model describes a situation in which divisional managers have their own objectives that may diverge from those of the firm as a whole.Thus, divisional managers are both profit-seekers in creating value that can be appropriated and rent-seekers in attempting to maximize their divisional share of the value d by the firm. The bargaining power of a division to maintain and increase its share of the profits generated by the operations of the firm as whole is crucially determined on its strategic independence.

    Electoral Participation and Communicative Voting in Europe

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    This paper provides an empirical investigation of electoral participation and communicative voting in 14 European countries. We estimate a multi-level voting process where individuals face a participation decision (whether to vote or abstain) and a voting decision (whether to vote strategically for a likely winner party or as communicating for a sure loser party). Our main findings can be summarized as follows. First, individuals who are either independent or uninformed are less likely to turnout. However, being both independent and uninformed does not have any statistically significant effect on electoral participation. Thus, our results question the empirical relevance of the swing voter's curse theory in large elections. Second, the probability of voting as communicating is positively related with the level of education and the degree of dissatisfaction with the political system. Finally, political preferences and institutional features characterizing the functioning of the political system and of the media market have a significant effect both on electoral participation and on the voting decision.Electoral turnout; Swing Voter's Curse; Communicative voting; Strategic voting; Multi-level qualitative choices

    The Influence of Personality Traits on University Performance: Evidence from Italian Freshmen Students

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    Despite several attempts to provide a definite pattern regarding the effects of personality traits on performance in higher education, the debate over the nature of the relationship is far from being conclusive. The use of different subject pools and sample sizes, as well as the use of identification strategies that either do not adequately account for selection bias or are unable to establish causality between measures of academic performance and noncognitive skills, are possible sources of heterogeneity. This paper investigates the impact of the Big Five traits, as measured before the beginning of the academic year, on the grade point average achieved in the first year after the enrolment, taking advantage of a unique and large dataset from a cohort of Italian students in all undergraduate programs containing detailed information on student and parental characteristics. Relying on a robust strategy to credibly satisfy the conditional independence assumption, we find that higher levels of conscientiousness and openness to experience positively affect student score

    Global ocean re-analyses for climate applications

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    One of the main objectives of the global ocean modelling activities at Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) is the production of global ocean re-analyses over multidecadal periods to reconstruct the state of the ocean and the large scale cir- culation over the recent past. The re-analyses are used for climate applications and for the assessment of the benefits of assimilating ocean observations on seasonal and longer predictions. Here we present the main characteristics of an optimal interpola- tion based assimilation system used to produce a set of global ocean re-analyses validated against a set of high quality in situ observa- tions and independent data. Differences among the experiments of the set are analyzed in terms of improvements in the method used to assimilate the data and the quality of observations them- selves. For example, the integrated ocean heat content, which can be taken as an indicator of climate changes, is examined to detect possible sources of uncertainty of its long-term changes. Global and basin scale upper ocean heat content exhibits warming trends over the last few decades that still depend in a significant way on the assimilated observations and the formulation of the background covariances. However, all the re-analyses show a global warming trend of the oceanic uppermost 700 m over the last five decades that falls within the range of the most recent observation-based estimates. The largest discrepancies between our estimates and observational based ones are confined in the upwelling regions of the PacificandAtlanticOceans.Finally,theresultsshow that the climatological heat and salt transports as a function of latitude also fall within the range of the estimates based on observations and atmospheric re-analyses

    Autonomy, Social Interactions and Culture

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    The present paper, using a social interactions model, studies the impact of culture on autonomy of immigrants. The results suggest that: (i) immigrants' autonomy is largely influenced by the autonomy of individuals living in a host country; (ii) some immigrants are better off in countries and regions with better institutional environments. The results are robust to sensitivity checks. The contributions of the paper are as follows. First, we estimate a social interactions model that models both the formation of social interactions and the sorting of individuals to study the impact of culture on individual autonomy. Second, we estimate a model that analyzes the impact of both confidence in the individual and collective culture on individuals' decisions. Finally, since this is an observational learning model, policy suggestions may be drawn from the analysis

    The INGV-CMCC Seasonal Prediction System: improved ocean initial conditions

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    The development of the INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia)-CMCC (Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici) Seasonal Prediction System (SPS) is documented. In this SPS the ocean initial conditions estimation includes a Reduced Order Optimal Interpolation procedure for the assimilation of temperature and salinity profiles at the global scale. Nine member ensemble forecasts have been produced for the period 1991-2003 for two starting dates per year in order to assess the impact of the subsurface assimilation in the ocean for initialization. Comparing the results with control simulations (i.e.: without assimilation of subsurface profiles during ocean initialization), we showed that the improved ocean initialization increases the skill in the prediction of tropical Pacific SSTs in our system for boreal winter forecasts. Considering the forecast of the El Ni˜no 1997-1998, the data assimilation in the ocean initial conditions leads to a considerable improvement in the representation of its onset and development. Our results indicate a better prediction of global scale surface climate anomalies for the forecasts started in November, probably due to the improvement in the tropical Pacific. For boreal winter, in both tropics and extra tropics, we show significant increases in the capability of the system to discriminate above normal and below normal temperature anomalies

    Production of nanostructured electrodes from spent Lithium ion batteries and their application in new energy storage devices

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    The present work is aimed at demonstrating the potentiality of lithium ion batteries recycling through the production of high added value nanostructured material. Nanostructured electrodic materials were synthesized starting from waste lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Firstly, the metals contained in the electrodic powder of exhausted LIBs were extracted by acid-reducing leaching. After filtration, metals rich solution was separated from graphite. Nanoparticles- based electrodes were produced by controlled precipitation and subsequent calcination of metals in order to obtain nanoparticles of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, one of the most employed LIBs cathodic material. Cathodic materials synthesized starting from waste LIBs and from high grade synthetic reagents were compared after their characterization by SEM, EDX and XRD. The electrochemical performance of the electrodes was evaluated by galvanostatic cycling the electrodes in a lithium half-cell. Remarkably, the electrochemical performances obtained with the electrodes produced by the recovery of metals are close to those recorded using electrodes produced by synthetic reagents. © 2020 Author(s)

    Electrochemical synthesis of nanowires electrodes and their application in energy storage devices

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    In this work, an electrochemical approach to synthesize Metal-MetalOxide/Hydroxide core-shell nanowires electrodes (NWE) is illustrated. NWE electrodes were obtained by electrodeposition of a targeted metal into the nanopores of nanoporous alumina templates generated by one-step anodization of aluminum. Following metal electrodeposition, the alumina template was selectively etched to obtain an array of free-standing metal nanowires. The imposed electrodeposition conditions allowed directly attaining a core-shell nanostructure, with a metal core covered by a thin metal oxide/hydroxide film. NWE electrodes produced by the proposed synthesis route were tested for the application as electrodes in lithium batteries and supercapacitors. To this purpose, an array of cobalt nanowires (CoNWs) supported by a nanostructured copper current collector was produced by sequential electrodeposition of cobalt and copper, and it was employed as anode in a lithium battery, while a NWE based on Ni-NiO/OH2 (NiNWs) was obtained by nickel electrodeposition and tested as electrode in a supercapacitor. A thorough analysis and characterization of the produced electrodes were performed. The experiments with the lithium cell evidenced the positive effect of metallic core on stability, while the electrochemical characterization of the supercapacitor showed the presence of both NiO and NiOH2 leading, when cycled, to a capacity close to the best literature value

    A Comprehensive Review on Copemyl(\uae)

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    Economic sustainability is of paramount importance in the rapidly evolving therapeutic scenario of multiple sclerosis (MS). Glatiramoids are a class of drugs whose forefather, glatiramer acetate, has been used as a disease modifying drug (DMD) in patients with MS for over 20 years. Its patent expired in 2015; new versions of such drug are nowadays available on the market, potentially contributing to lowering prices and enhancing a better allocation of economic resources. In this review, we analyze the recommendations underlying the approval of both generic drugs and biosimilars by regulatory authorities, and we provide methodological tools to contextualize the design of studies on these new classes of drugs. We examine in more detail the preclinical and clinical data of Copemyl(\uae), a new member of the glatiramoid class, focusing on its biological and immunological properties and illustrating randomized controlled trials that led to its authorization