10 research outputs found

    Hydrologic Response to Mechanical Shredding in a Juniper Woodland

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    We investigated soil compaction and hydrologic responses from mechanically shredding Utah juniper (Juniperus ostesperma [Torr.] Little) to control fuels in a sagebrush/bunchgrass plant community (Artemisia nova A. Nelson, Artemisia tridentata Nutt. subsp. wyomingensis Beetle Young/Pseudoroegneria spicata [Pursh] A. Löve, Poa secunda J. Presl) on a gravelly loam soil with a 15% slope in the Onaqui Mountains of Utah. Rain simulations were applied on 0.5-m2 runoff plots at 64 mm h-1 (dry run: soil initially dry) and 102 mm h-1 (wet run: soil initially wet). Runoff and sediment were collected from runoff plots placed in five blocks, each containing four microsites (juniper mound, shrub mound, vegetation-free or bare interspace, and grass interspace) with undisturbed or tracked treatments for each microsite type and a residue-covered treatment for grass and bare interspace microsites. Soil penetration resistance was measured at the hill slope scale, and canopy and ground cover were measured at the hill slope and runoff plot scale. Although shredding trees at a density of 453 trees ha-1 reduced perennial foliar cover by 20.5%, shredded tree residue covered 40% of the ground surface and reduced non-foliar-covered bare ground and rock by 17%. Tire tracks from the shredding operation covered 15% of the hill slope and increased penetration resistance. For the wet run, infiltration rates of grass interspaces were significantly decreased (39.8 vs. 66.1 mm h-1) by tire tracks, but infiltration rates on juniper mounds and bare interspaces were unchanged. Bare interspace plots covered with residue had significantly higher infiltration rates (81.9 vs. 26.7 mm h-1) and lower sediment yields (38.6 vs. 313 g m-2) than those without residue. Because hydrologic responses to treatments are site- and scale-dependent, determination of shredding effects on other sites and at hill slope or larger scales will best guide management actions. The Rangeland Ecology & Management archives are made available by the Society for Range Management and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform August 202

    Recovery of small-scale infiltration and erosion after wildfires

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    Wildfires naturally occur worldwide, however the potential disruption to ecosystem services from subsequent post-fire flooding and erosion often necessitates a response from land managers. The impact of high severity wildfire on infiltration and interrill erosion responses was evaluated for five years after the 2003 Hot Creek Fire in Idaho, USA. Relative infiltration from mini-disk tension infiltrometers (MDI) was compared to rainfall simulation measurements on small burned and control plots. Vegetation recovery was slow due to the severity of the fire, with median cover of 6-8% on burned sites after 5 years. Consequently, interrill sediment yields remained significantly higher on the burned sites (329-1200 g m-2) compared to the unburned sites (3-35 g m-2) in year 5. Total infiltration on the burned plots increased during the study period, yet were persistently lower compared to the control plots. Relative infiltration measurements made at the soil surface, and 1- and 3-cm depths were significantly correlated to non-steady state total infiltration values taken in the first 10 minutes of the hour-long rainfall simulations. Significant correlations were found at the 1-cm (ρ = 0.4-0.6) and 3-cm (ρ = 0.3-0.6) depths (most p-values <0.001), and somewhat weaker correlations at the soil surface (ρ = 0.2-0.4) (p-values <0.05 and up). Soil water repellency is often stronger below the soil surface after severe wildfire, and likely contributes to the reduced infiltration. These results suggest that relative infiltration measurements at shallow depths may be useful to estimate potential infiltration during a short-duration high-intensity storm and could be used as an input for post-fire erosion models

    Infiltration and interrill erosion rates after a wildfire in western Montana, USA

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    © 2015. The 2000 Valley Complex wildfire burned in steep montane forests with ash cap soils in western Montana, USA. The effects of high soil burn severity on forest soil hydrologic function were examined using rainfall simulations (100 mm h-1 for 1 h) on 0.5-m2 plots. Infiltration rates, sediment yields and sediment concentrations were compared among three treatments: control (unburned and undisturbed); bare (unburned with all surface vegetation, litter, and duff removed prior to each simulation); and burned. Rainfall simulations were done immediately after the fire and repeated in 2001, 2002, and 2005. Soil moisture, water repellency, and understory canopy and ground cover were measured and related to infiltration rates and sediment yields. The unburned forest soil was water repellent at the mineral surface. This surface repellency was no longer detected after it was burned at high severity, but a post-fire water repellent soil layer was observed at 1-2 cm below the surface. The control plots had high ground cover (90% overall), infiltration of 44-48 mm, and very low sediment concentrations (median values of 0.1-0.6 g L-1) and sediment yields (6-54 g m-2) for all years despite changes in soil moisture and strong water repellency. The bare and control plots had similar water repellency values, but the interrill erosion in the bare plots was high throughout the study (624-1277 g m-2). In the year of the fire, the burned sites had high rates of soil water repellency (88%) and little ground cover (10%). This resulted in low infiltration rates (30 mm), high sediment concentrations (median value 21 g L-1), and high sediment yields (1157 g m-2). By 2005, the fire-altered water repellency decreased in occurrence (48%) and severity, and the ground cover increased (42%). This resulted in much greater infiltration (84 mm), lower sediment concentration (median value 0.5 g L-1), and lower sediment yields (15 g m-2) on the burned plots. The importance of ground cover for preventing interrill erosion was demonstrated by the very low sediment yields on the control plots as compared to the bare and burned plots. The strength and occurrence of water repellency in both the unburned and burned sites decreased as soil moisture increased; however, strong soil water repellency was detected at the soil surface whenever unburned soils were dry. Fire-altered soil water repellency influenced the infiltration capacity and increased runoff rates immediately after the fire; however, the loss of protective ground cover was a more significant factor for the increased sediment concentrations and sediment yields