16 research outputs found

    Recent advances in the application of stable isotope ratio analysis in forensic chemistry

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    This review paper updates the previous literature in relation to the continued and developing use of stable isotope ratio analysis in samples which are relevant to forensic science. Recent advances in the analysis of drug samples, explosive materials, and samples derived from human and animal samples are discussed. The paper also aims to put the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry into a forensic context and discuss its evidential potential

    La resiliencia en adolescentes de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos

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    Resumen: la investigación que se presenta en el siguiente trabajo tuvo como objetivos indagar la resiliencia en adolescentes de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, nivel bajo, nivel medio-bajo, nivel medio, nivel medio-alto, nivel alto y, además, explorar la resiliencia relacionada con los factores que hacen a su desarrollo: redes de contención, desarrollo de la autoestima, desarrollo de aptitudes, sentido de transcendencia y sentido del humor. La población de investigación son adolescentes de 15 a 24 años, siendo la edad promedio de 21 años, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario que indaga el nivel socioeconómico, los distintos factores asociados al desarrollo de la resiliencia y una Escala de Resiliencia de Wagling y Young. Y también, se realizaron entrevistas con adolescentes de diferentes edades y niveles socioeconómicos, para poder explorar su resiliencia. Los resultados evidenciaron que, la resiliencia de los participantes del nivel socioeconómico bajo presenta una tendencia a ser baja, pero aumenta considerablemente en el nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo, mostrando un nivel de resiliencia moderada o alta en algunos casos y en los restantes niveles socioeconómico, su resiliencia es moderada o alta. Al cotejar los datos de los distintos niveles socioeconómicos, resiliencia y los factores asociados, se presenta que, en la mayoría de los casos, se sigue la misma tendencia, es baja la resiliencia en el nivel socioeconómico bajo, aumentando de manera significativa la resiliencia en el nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo. En los demás niveles socioeconómicos, la resiliencia es moderada o alta en algunos casos. Los factores que hacen que la resiliencia crezca son el desarrollo de la autoestima, desarrollo de aptitudes, refugio en la fe, sentido del humor y las redes de apoyo, cuando se relaciona ésta última con la contención por parte de esa persona o grupos de personas significativas

    Study of isotopic variations in black powder: reflections on the use of stable isotopes in forensic science for source inference

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    Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has recently made its appearance in the forensic community. This high-precision technology has already been applied to a broad range of forensic fields such as illicit drugs, explosives and flammable liquids, where current, routinely used techniques have limited powers of discrimination. The conclusions drawn from the majority of these IRMS studies appear to be very promising. Used in a comparative process, as in food or drug authentication, the measurement of stable isotope ratios is a new and remarkable analytical tool for the discrimination or the identification of a substance with a definite source or origin. However, the research consists mostly of preliminary studies. The significance of this 'new' piece of information needs to be evaluated in light of a forensic framework to assess the actual potential and validity of IRMS, considering the characteristics of each field. Through the isotopic study of black powder, this paper aims at illustrating the potential of the method and the limitations of current knowledge in stable isotopes when facing forensic problems

    Burnout and Psychological Vulnerability in First Responders: Monitoring Depersonalization and Phobic Anxiety during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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    Background: It is common knowledge that first responders are among the helping professionals most at risk of burnout and psychological vulnerability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their mental health has been subjected to various risk factors. Methods: Data on socio-demographic characteristics, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) and psychological vulnerability (SCL-90-R) were obtained from 228 subjects (55.3% female; M age = 45.23, SD = 13.14) grouped on the basis of their actual involvement during the emergency phases (82% First Responders and 18% Second Responders). Results: First responders exceeded the MBI clinical cut-off, while SRs did not (χ² ≥ 0.5); specifically, EE = 89.8%, DP = 85.8%, and PA = 82.1%. The FR group showed a higher mean in the global severity index (GSI = 49.37) than did the SRs (=43.95), and the FR group exceeded the clinical cut-off in the SCL-90-R scales of SOM (51.06), ANX (52.40), and PHOB (53.60), while the SF group did so only for the PHOB scale (50.41). The MBI dimensions correlated significantly (p = 0.05) with all investigated clinical scales of the SCL-90-R. Conclusions: Emergency situations expose first responders to specific risk factors related to work performance and relational aspects, which contribute to increased psychological vulnerability and burnout