267 research outputs found

    Secreted enzymatic activities of ectomycorrhizal fungi as a case study of functional diversity and functional redundancy

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    • Introduction : Many studies deal with taxonomic diversity (TD) or estimation of functional traits of ectomycorrhizal communities. However, to our knowledge, none of them has ever tried to calculate the functional diversity (FD) of those communities, which is of critical importance for the diversity and reliability of nutrient supply to the tree. • Objectives : Here, we propose to evaluate the functional diversity of ECM communities in their potential ability to mobilise nutrients from organic matter, in two different forest stands. • Results : Results show that in both forest stands: TD is strongly correlated with FD.ECM species are functionally redundant within the communities for their abilities to secrete organic matter degrading enzymes.The functional traits (enzymatic activities) of the studied ectomycorrhizal communities are not related within genera, nor within families or phylogenetically related groups of taxa.Some species show a wide phenotypic plasticity for their enzymatic profiles. • Conclusion : This study provides the first evidence of functional redundancy in ectomycorrhizal communities. More studies are now needed to evaluate the robustness of these results at wider ecosystem scales and using other relevant functional trait

    Regulation of plants’ phosphate uptake in common mycorrhizal networks: Role of intraradical fungal phosphate transporters

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    We have recently identified two genes coding for inorganic phosphate transporters (Pht) in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and flax (Linum usitatissimum) that were induced in roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Mycorrhizal acquisition of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) was strongly affected by the combination of plant and AM fungal species, but the expression level of these genes coding for AM-inducible Pi transporters did not explain differences in plant phosphorus acquisition where flax and sorghum are sharing a common mycorrhizal network. In the present study, we investigated the possible role of fungal Pi transporters in the regulation of mycorrhizal Pi acquisition by measuring their expression in roots of flax and sorghum. One Pi transporter of Rhizophagus irregularis (RiPT5) showed a positive correlation with mycorrhizal Pi acquisition of sorghum. This indicates that a possible involvement in the regulation of mycorrhizal Pi acquisition. In general, expression of AMF Pi transporters was more related to mycorrhizal Pi acquisition of sorghum than of flax, indicating plant species-specific differences in the regulation of mycorrhizal Pi acquisition

    Diet of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: bread and butter ?

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    Most plants entertain mutualistic interactions known as arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) with soil fungi (Glomeromycota) which provide them with mineral nutrients in exchange for reduced carbon from the plant. Mycorrhizal roots represent strong carbon sinks in which hexoses are transferred from the plant host to the fungus. However, most of the carbon in AM fungi is stored in the form of lipids. The absence of the type I fatty acid synthase (FAS-I) complex from the AM fungal model species Rhizophagus irregularis suggests that lipids may also have a role in nutrition of the fungal partner. This hypothesis is supported by the concerted induction of host genes involved in lipid metabolism. We explore the possible roles of lipids in the light of recent literature on AM symbiosis

    Transcriptome analysis of the Populus trichocarpa-Rhizophagus irregularis Mycorrhizal Symbiosis: Regulation of Plant and Fungal Transportomes under Nitrogen Starvation

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    Nutrient transfer is a key feature of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis. Valuable mineral nutrients are transferred from the AM fungus to the plant, increasing its fitness and productivity, and, in exchange, the AM fungus receives carbohydrates as an energy source from the plant. Here, we analyzed the transcriptome of the Populus trichocarpa-Rhizophagus irregularis symbiosis using RNA-sequencing of non-mycorrhizal or mycorrhizal fine roots, with a focus on the effect of nitrogen (N) starvation. In R. irregularis, we identified 1,015 differentially expressed genes, whereby N starvation led to a general induction of gene expression. Genes of the functional classes of cell growth, membrane biogenesis and cell structural components were highly abundant. Interestingly, N starvation also led to a general induction of fungal transporters, indicating increased nutrient demand upon N starvation. In non-mycorrhizal P. trichocarpa roots, 1,341 genes were differentially expressed under N starvation. Among the 953 down-regulated genes in N starvation, most were involved in metabolic processes including amino acids, carbohydrate and inorganic ion transport, while the 342 up-regulated genes included many defense-related genes. Mycorrhization led to the up-regulation of 549 genes mainly involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesis and transport; only 24 genes were down-regulated. Mycorrhization specifically induced expression of three ammonium transporters and one phosphate transporter, independently of the N conditions, corroborating the hypothesis that these transporters are important for symbiotic nutrient exchange. In conclusion, our data establish a framework of gene expression in the two symbiotic partners under high-N and low-N conditions

    Using cover crops to stimulate mycorrhization of grapevine

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    Cover crops stimulate the development of microbial communities such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In the BIOVINE project cover crops are tested to promote AMF communities associated with grapevine roots

    Mycorrhizal associations and trophic modes in coexisting orchids: an ecological continuum between auto- and mixotrophy

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    Two distinct nutritional syndromes have been described in temperate green orchids. Most orchids form mycorrhizas with rhizoctonia fungi and are considered autotrophic. Some orchids, however, associate with fungi that simultaneously form ectomycorrhizas with surrounding trees and derive their carbon from these fungi. This evolutionarily derived condition has been called mixotrophy or partial mycoheterotrophy and is characterized by 13C enrichment and high N content. Although it has been suggested that the two major nutritional syndromes are clearly distinct and tightly linked to the composition of mycorrhizal communities, recent studies have challenged this assumption. Here, we investigated whether mycorrhizal communities and nutritional syndromes differed between seven green orchid species that co-occur under similar ecological conditions (coastal dune slacks). Our results showed that mycorrhizal communities differed significantly between orchid species. Rhizoctonia fungi dominated in Dactylorhiza sp., Herminium monorchis, and Epipactis palustris, which were autotrophic based on 13C and N content. Conversely, Liparis loeselii and Epipactis neerlandica associated primarily with ectomycorrhizal fungi but surprisingly, 13C and N content supported mixotrophy only in E. neerlandica. This, together with the finding of some ectomycorrhizal fungi in rhizoctonia-associated orchids, suggests that there exists an ecological continuum between the two syndromes. The presence of a large number of indicator species associating with individual orchid species further confirms previous findings that mycorrhizal fungi may be important factors driving niche-partitioning in terrestrial orchids and therefore contribute to orchid coexistence

    Strigolactones play an important role in shaping exodermal morphology via a KAI2-dependent pathway

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    The majority of land plants have two suberized root barriers: the endodermis and the hypodermis (exodermis). Both barriers bear non-suberized passage cells that are thought to regulate water and nutrient exchange between the root and the soil. We learned a lot about endodermal passage cells, whereas our knowledge on hypodermal passage cells (HPCs) is still very scarce. Here we report on factors regulating the HPC number in Petunia roots. Strigolactones exhibit a positive effect, whereas supply of abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene, and auxin result in a strong reduction of the HPC number. Unexpectedly the strigolactone signaling mutant d14/dad2 showed significantly higher HPC numbers than the wild-type. In contrast, its mutant counterpart max2 of the heterodimeric receptor DAD2/MAX2 displayed a significant decrease in HPC number. A mutation in the Petunia karrikin sensor KAI2 exhibits drastically decreased HPC amounts, supporting the hypothesis that the dimeric KAI2/MAX2 receptor is central in determining the HPC number

    Almighty Cover Crops

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    Fungal pathogens are able to produce inoculum (spores) on plant debris present on the soil surface of vineyards. These spores can then reach plant surfaces and cause severe grapevine infections when environmental conditions are favourable. The capacity of plant diversity to increase the resistance of crops towards pests and invasive species is very well-known. For instance, Brassica spp. have been already investigated for their capacity to effectively suppress soil-borne inoculum of some causal agents of Black-foot disease in grapevines in vineyard soils. It may also have positive effect on the some dagger nematodes. Cover crops also stimulate the development of microbial communities such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Many management strategies have been developed against these important grapevine pathogens, but the effects of soil cover vegetation or organic mulching against spore dispersal, acting as a barrier, have been scarcely explored. Thus, in the BIOVINE project (www.biovine.eu) specific experiments were planned in order to verify the possibility of using cover crops: i) to control some relevant pathogens producing inoculum (spores) on plant debris present on the soil surface of vineyards; ii) to determine the presence of causal agents of Petri disease of grapevines on the roots of cover crops; iii) to promote mykorrhizal communities associated with grapevine roots; iv) to control arthropod pests (repellent of arthropods or attracting beneficials); v) to investigate Brassica plants effect on the soil-borne pest nematode Xiphinema index