15,149 research outputs found

    Oscillating waves and optimal smoothing effect for one-dimensional nonlinear scalar conservation laws

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    Lions, Perthame, Tadmor conjectured in 1994 an optimal smoothing effect for entropy solutions of nonlinear scalar conservations laws . In this short paper we will restrict our attention to the simpler one-dimensional case. First, supercritical geometric optics lead to sequences of C∞C^\infty solutions uniformly bounded in the Sobolev space conjectured. Second we give continuous solutions which belong exactly to the suitable Sobolev space. In order to do so we give two new definitions of nonlinear flux and we introduce fractional BVBV spaces

    Lasry-Lions regularization and a Lemma of Ilmanen

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    We provide a full self-contained proof of a famous Lemma of Ilmanen. This proof is based on a regularisation procedure similar to Lasry-Lions regularisation

    Geodesics for a class of distances in the space of probability measures

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    In this paper, we study the characterization of geodesics for a class of distances between probability measures introduced by Dolbeault, Nazaret and Savar e. We first prove the existence of a potential function and then give necessary and suffi cient optimality conditions that take the form of a coupled system of PDEs somehow similar to the Mean-Field-Games system of Lasry and Lions. We also consider an equivalent formulation posed in a set of probability measures over curves

    Long time average of first order mean field games and weak KAM theory

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    We show that the long time average of solutions of first order mean field game systems in finite horizon is governed by an ergodic system of mean field game type. The well-posedness of this later system and the uniqueness of the ergodic constant rely on weak KAM theory

    Existence and uniqueness for Mean Field Games with state constraints

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    In this paper, we study deterministic mean field games for agents who operate in a bounded domain. In this case, the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibria cannot be deduced as for unrestricted state space because, for a large set of initial conditions, the uniqueness of the solution to the associated minimization problem is no longer guaranteed. We attack the problem by interpreting equilibria as measures in a space of arcs. In such a relaxed environment the existence of solutions follows by set-valued fixed point arguments. Then, we give a uniqueness result for such equilibria under a classical monotonicity assumption

    Weak-strong uniqueness of solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction-diffusion equations

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    We establish a weak-strong uniqueness principle for solutions to entropy-dissipating reaction-diffusion equations: As long as a strong solution to the reaction-diffusion equation exists, any weak solution and even any renormalized solution must coincide with this strong solution. Our assumptions on the reaction rates are just the entropy condition and local Lipschitz continuity; in particular, we do not impose any growth restrictions on the reaction rates. Therefore, our result applies to any single reversible reaction with mass-action kinetics as well as to systems of reversible reactions with mass-action kinetics satisfying the detailed balance condition. Renormalized solutions are known to exist globally in time for reaction-diffusion equations with entropy-dissipating reaction rates; in contrast, the global-in-time existence of weak solutions is in general still an open problem - even for smooth data - , thereby motivating the study of renormalized solutions. The key ingredient of our result is a careful adjustment of the usual relative entropy functional, whose evolution cannot be controlled properly for weak solutions or renormalized solutions.Comment: 32 page

    Uniqueness Results for Nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

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    We are interested in nonlocal Eikonal Equations describing the evolution of interfaces moving with a nonlocal, non monotone velocity. For these equations, only the existence of global-in-time weak solutions is available in some particular cases. In this paper, we propose a new approach for proving uniqueness of the solution when the front is expanding. This approach simplifies and extends existing results for dislocation dynamics. It also provides the first uniqueness result for a Fitzhugh-Nagumo system. The key ingredients are some new perimeter estimates for the evolving fronts as well as some uniform interior cone property for these fronts
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