232 research outputs found

    Short-reach MCF-based systems employing KK Receivers and feedforward neural networks for ICXT mitigation

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    This paper proposes and evaluates the use of machine learning (ML) techniques for mitigating the effect of the random inter-core crosstalk (ICXT) on 256 Gb/s short-reach systems employing weakly coupled multicore fiber (MCF) and Kramers–Kronig (KK) receivers. The performance improvement provided by the k-means clustering, k nearest neighbor (KNN) and feedforward neural network (FNN) techniques are assessed and compared with the system performance obtained without employing ML. The FNN proves to significantly improve the system performance by mitigating the impact of the ICXT on the received signal. This is achieved by employing only 10 neurons in the hidden layer and four input features for the training phase. It has been shown that k-means or KNN techniques do not provide performance improvement compared to the system without using ML. These conclusions are valid for direct detection MCF-based short-reach systems with the product between the skew (relative time delay between cores) and the symbol rate much lower than one (skew×symbol rate≪1). By employing the proposed FNN, the bit error rate (BER) always stood below 10−1.8 on all the time fractions under analysis (compared with 100 out of 626 occurrences above the BER threshold when ML was not used). For the BER threshold of 10−1.8 and compared with the standard system operating without employing ML techniques, the system operating with the proposed FNN shows a received optical power improvement of almost 3 dB.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Population structure of Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze in high and low floodplains of the Amazonian estuary.

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    The flood cycle of floodplain forests and topographic variations are important factors of diversification and morphological and ecophysiological adaptations of the plant community. Pentaclethra macroloba is a hyperdominant species adapted to flood variations. The objective of this study was to characterize the P. macroloba population structure between environments with high topography, flooded only during the rainy season and peak flood of the river, (high várzea-HV) and low topography with daily flood (low várzea-LV). The study was carried in the Mazagão Experimental Field, Brazil. Four plots of 1 ha were installed in each environment. All individuals with DBH ≥ 5 cm were measured and georeferenced. ANOVA test, 0.05% probability, was applied to verify the structural differences between two environments. The HV had higher population density (51.2 individuals.ha-1) compared to the LV (36.7 individuals.ha-1), although without significance. Basal area was higher in the HV (10.42 m²) in comparison with LV (5.90 m²), with significant difference (F = 7.13, p = 0.00795). The maximum DAP of HV was 67 cm with mean of 24 cm. The LV presented maximum DBH of 42 cm with mean of 21 cm, showing structural difference between the two environments (F = 6.22, p = 0.0131). The aggregation index showed high aggregation in the LV (R = 0.89) than in the HV (R = 0.79), differing significantly between the two environments (F = 11.31, p = 0.0008). Frequency and time of flooding are ecological drives that structure the population of pracaxizeiro causing morphological and ecophysiological adaptations to the individual

    Electron microprobe analysis of cryolite

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    Comunicação apresentada em: EMAS 2013 : 13th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto, Portugal, 12 to 16 May 2013A sample of cryolite was studied with a JEOL JXA 8500-F electron microprobe under several operating conditions. A TAP crystal was used to analyse Na and Al and a LDE1 crystal to analyse F. As F and Na are both highly "volatile" elements, special care must be taken during analysis. The measurement order of Na, F and Al is not irrelevant and optimum conditions may also result in different combinations of accelerating voltage, beam current, beam size or counting times. Relevant X-ray signals were recorded in order to investigate the behaviour of the Na Ka and F Ka counts with elapsed time. The incident beam current was also recorded at the same time. In a clear contrast to what has normally been reported in the EPMA analysis of aluminosilicates and silicate glasses, we found that the Na X-ray counts increase with time. This increment of X-rays intensities for sodium in cryolite depends on the operating conditions and is accompanied by a strong migration of fluorine from the beam excitation volume, leading to a decrease in F X-ray counting rates. It was also observed that higher incident beam currents induce higher radiation damage in the mineral. The current instability is consistent with possible electron induced dissociation in the cryolite structure. An analytical protocol was achieved for 6 kV and 15kV accelerating voltage for the correct EPMA analysis of cryolite

    River damming affects seedling communities of a floodplain forest in the Central Amazon

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    The flood pulse of black water rivers in the Amazon basin determines the composition of species along the flood gradient in igapó forests. The Balbina dam, built on the Uatumã River, has altered the flood pulse and caused changes in the floristic composition of adult trees throughout the downstream area. There is a lack of studies on how communities of seedlings in igapó forests respond to changes in the flood pulse. This study investigates the response of seedling communities in the igapó forest downstream the Balbina dam and compares it with two pristine areas. The areas were sampled with transects of 1x25 m within 36 plots (25x25 m) along the flood gradient. Richness and dominance were calculated by simple regression and ordination analyses. The pristine areas had the same pattern of richness, dominance and genera distribution along the flood gradient. However, the affected Uatumã area formed different groups of genera by NMDS analysis, which divided them along the flood gradient with significantly increased dominance of three genera. The insertion of the Balbina dam resulted a loss of lateral and longitudinal connectivity for the Uatumã River, and the alteration to seedling communities may alter the future landscape of downstream igapó forests

    The effect of flooding on the exchange of the volatile C<sub>2</sub>-compounds ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetic acid between leaves of Amazonian floodplain tree species and the atmosphere

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    International audienceThe effect of root inundation on the leaf emissions of ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetic acid was investigated with 2?3 years old tree seedlings of four Amazonian floodplain species by applying dynamic cuvette systems under greenhouse conditions. Emissions were monitored over a period of several days of inundation using a combination of Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and conventional techniques (HPLC, ion chromatography). Under non-flooded conditions, none of the species exhibited significant emissions of any of the compounds. A slight deposition of acetaldehyde and acetic acid was mainly observed, instead. Tree species specific variations in deposition velocities were largely due to variations in stomatal conductance. Flooding of the roots resulted in leaf emissions of ethanol and acetaldehyde by all species, while emissions of acetic acid occurred only by the species exhibiting the highest ethanol and acetaldehyde emission rates. All three compounds showed a similar diurnal emission profile, each displaying an emission burst in the morning, followed by a decline in the evening. This concurrent behavior supports the conclusion, that all three compounds emitted by the leaves are derived from ethanol produced in the roots by alcoholic fermentation, transported to the leaves with the transpiration stream and finally partly converted to acetaldehyde and acetic acid by enzymatic processes. Co-emissions and peaking in the early morning confirmed that root ethanol, after transportation with the transpiration stream to the leaves and enzymatic oxidation to acetaldehyde and acetate, is the metabolic precursor for all compounds emitted. Emission rates substantially varied among tree species, with maxima differing by up to two orders of magnitude (3?200 nmol m?2 min?1 for ethanol and 5?500 nmol m?2 min?1 for acetaldehyde). Acetic acid emissions reached 12 nmol m?2 min?1. The observed differences in emission rates between the tree species are discussed with respect to their root adaptive strategies to tolerate long term flooding, providing an indirect line of evidence that the root ethanol production is a major factor determining the foliar emissions. Species which develop morphological root structures allowing for enhanced root aeration produced less ethanol and showed much lower emissions compared to species which lack gas transporting systems, and respond to flooding with substantially enhanced fermentation rates. The pronounced differences in the relative emissions of ethanol to acetaldehyde and acetic acid between the tree species indicate that not only the ethanol production in the roots but also the metabolic conversion in the leaf is an important factor determining the release of these compounds to the atmosphere

    Phenological behavior and foral visitors of Pentaclethra macroloba, a hyperdominant tree in the Brazilian Amazon River estuary.

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    Natural history of hyperdominant tree populations in the Brazilian Amazon Region is still unknown in plant science. Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Fabaceae) is a hyperdominant tree species which has multiple uses and its seeds are extensively explored to extract medicinal oil. We evaluated the phenological cycles and floral visitors of P. macroloba and the effect of the daily tide of the Amazon River on the phenophases. Phenophases of flower bud, anthesis flowers, immature fruit, ripe fruit, seed dispersal, new leaf, mature leaf, and leaf fall of 29 trees in the Northeast of the Brazilian Amazon were monitored during 28 months. Hydrometeorological data of rainfall, maximum temperature and flood height on the tree trunk were obtained. Generalized Linear Models were used to explain the relationship between phenophases and hydrometeorological parameters. Flowering was synchronized in the dry season (flower buds: βtemperature = 1.30, p < 0.01 and flowers in anthesis: βtemperature = 1.84; p < 0.001). Immature fruits appeared during the dry season (βtemperature = 0.67; p < 0.01) and ripe fruits in the rainy season. Seeds were dispersed during the rainfall (βrainfall = 0.0051; p < 0.01) and flooding of the river (βwater = 0.12; p < 0.001). There was no relationship between leaf change and hydrometeorological variables. The main floral visitors were wasps, bees and ants. The rainfall seasonality is a key factor that stimulates reproductive events of P. macroloba. Daily river flooding can be considered a driver that stimulates the tree to disperse its seeds at the peak of the river flood, where they can be transported the long distances

    Population dynamics of Attalea excelsa (Arecaceae) in floodplain forest of the Amazonian Estuary.

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    Attalea excelsa (urucurizeiro) is a dominant palm of the estuarine floodplains, with great potential for nontimber management. This study evaluated the population dynamics of urucurizeiro and the factors that contribute to colonising of this species in a flooded environment. Individuals with base height circumference &#8805; 30 cm in 2011 and 2014 were measured in 55.95 ha of floodplain forest in southern Amapá, Brazil. The parameters of population dynamics (mortality, recruitment and growth) in high and low floodplain environments were determined. Ripley?s K function was used to analyse the spatial distribution. Population density in 2011 was 3.99 individual ha-1, and in 2014 the density increased to 4.09 individual ha-1. Mortality rate was zero and the recruitment rate was 1.05% year-1. Basal area in 2011 was 0.49 m² ha-1 and in 2014, it reached 0.72 m² ha-1. Diameter growth rate was 5.32 cm year-1. The population presented an aggregate distribution pattern. Structural differences in diameter (F = 9.15, p = 0.003) and basal area (F = 10.7, p = 0.001) were evident between high and low floodplain forests. The increase in diameter was higher in low floodplain (3.98 cm year-1) compared with high floodplain (1.35 cm year-1). The patterns shown by A. excelsa are reflections of its high adaptation to the daily flooded environment

    Seasonal shifts in isoprenoid emission composition from three hyperdominant tree species in central Amazonia

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    Volatile isoprenoids regulate plant performance and atmospheric processes, and Amazon forests comprise the dominant source to the global atmosphere. Still, there is a poor understanding of how isoprenoid emission capacities vary in response to ecophysiological and environmental controls in Amazonian ecosystems. We measured isoprenoid emission capacities of three Amazonian hyperdominant tree species – Protium hebetatum, Eschweilera grandiflora, Eschweilera coriacea – across seasons and along a topographic and edaphic environmental gradient in the central Amazon. From wet to dry season, both photosynthesis and isoprene emission capacities strongly declined, while emissions increased among the heavier isoprenoids: monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Plasticity across habitats was most evident in P. hebetatum, which emitted sesquiterpenes only in the dry season, at rates that significantly increased along the hydro-topographic gradient from white sands (shallow root water access) to uplands (deep water table). We suggest that emission composition shifts are part of a plastic response to increasing abiotic stress (e.g. heat and drought) and reduced photosynthetic supply of substrates for isoprenoid synthesis. Our comprehensive measurements suggest that more emphasis should be placed on other isoprenoids, besides isoprene, in the context of abiotic stress responses. Shifting emission compositions have implications for atmospheric responses because of the strong variation in reactivity among isoprenoid compounds

    A disease-associated gene desert directs macrophage inflammation through ETS2

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    Increasing rates of autoimmune and inflammatory disease present a burgeoning threat to human health1. This is compounded by the limited efficacy of available treatments1 and high failure rates during drug development2, highlighting an urgent need to better understand disease mechanisms. Here we show how functional genomics could address this challenge. By investigating an intergenic haplotype on chr21q22—which has been independently linked to inflammatory bowel disease, ankylosing spondylitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis and Takayasu’s arteritis3–6—we identify that the causal gene, ETS2, is a central regulator of human inflammatory macrophages and delineate the shared disease mechanism that amplifies ETS2 expression. Genes regulated by ETS2 were prominently expressed in diseased tissues and more enriched for inflammatory bowel disease GWAS hits than most previously described pathways. Overexpressing ETS2 in resting macrophages reproduced the inflammatory state observed in chr21q22-associated diseases, with upregulation of multiple drug targets, including TNF and IL-23. Using a database of cellular signatures7, we identified drugs that might modulate this pathway and validated the potent anti-inflammatory activity of one class of small molecules in vitro and ex vivo. Together, this illustrates the power of functional genomics, applied directly in primary human cells, to identify immune-mediated disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic opportunities

    The Amazon Epiphyte Network: A First Glimpse Into Continental-Scale Patterns of Amazonian Vascular Epiphyte Assemblages

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    Epiphytes are still an understudied plant group in Amazonia. The aim of this study was to identify distributional patterns and conservation priorities for vascular epiphyte assemblages (VEA) across Amazonia. We compiled the largest Amazonian epiphyte plot database to date, through a multinational collaborative effort of 22 researchers and 32 field sites located across four Amazonian countries – the Amazonian Epiphyte Network (AEN). We addressed the following continental-scale questions by utilizing the AEN database comprising 96,448 epiphyte individuals, belonging to 518 vascular taxa, and growing on 10,907 tree individuals (phorophytes). Our objectives here are, first, to present a qualitative evaluation of the geographic distribution of the study sites and highlight regional lacunae as priorities for future quantitative inventories. Second, to present the floristic patterns for Amazonia-wide VEA and third, to combine multivariate analyses and rank abundance curves, controlled by major Amazonian habitat types, to determine how VEA vary geographically and ecologically based on major Amazonian habitat types. Three of the most striking patterns found are that: (1) VEA are spatially structured as floristic similarity decays with geographic distance; (2) a core group of 22 oligarchic taxa account for more than a half of all individuals; and (3) extensive floristic sampling gaps still exist, mainly across the highly threatened southern Amazonian deforestation belt. This work represents a first step toward unveiling distributional pattern of Amazonian VEA, which is important to guide future questions on ecology and species distribution ranges of VEA once the collaborative database grows allowing a clearer view of patterns
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