36 research outputs found

    Self-similarity under inflation and level statistics: a study in two dimensions

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    Energy level spacing statistics are discussed for a two dimensional quasiperiodic tiling. The property of self-similarity under inflation is used to write a recursion relation for the level spacing distributions defined on square approximants to the perfect quasiperiodic structure. New distribution functions are defined and determined by a combination of numerical and analytical calculations.Comment: Latex, 13 pages including 6 EPS figures, paper submitted to PR

    Determination of Configuration and Conformation of a Reserpine Derivative with Seven Stereogenic Centers Using Molecular Dynamics with RDC‐Derived Tensorial Constraints

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    NMR-based determination of the configuration of complex molecules containing many stereocenters is often not possible using traditional NOE data and coupling patterns. Making use of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), we were able to determine the relative configuration of a natural product containing seven stereocenters, including a chiral amine lacking direct RDC data. To identify the correct relative configuration out of 32 possible ones, experimental RDCs were used in three different approaches for data interpretation: by fitting experimental data based singular value decomposition (SVD) using a single alignment tensor and either (i) a single conformer or (ii) multiple conformers, or alternatively (iii) using molecular dynamics simulations with tensorial orientational constraints (MDOC). Even though in all three approaches one and the same configuration could be selected and clear discrimination between possible configurations was achieved, the experimental data was not fully satisfied by the methods based on single tensor approaches. While these two approaches are faster, only MDOC is able to fully reproduce experimental results, as the obtained conformational ensemble adequately covers the conformational space necessary to describe the molecule with inherent flexibility

    Luminescence Properties of a Fibonacci Photonic Quasicrystal

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    We report the realization of an active one-dimensional Fibonacci photonic quasi-crystal via spin coating. Manipulation of the luminescence properties of an organic dye embedded in the quasi-crystal is presented and compared to theoretical simulations. The luminescence occurs via the pseudo-bandedge mode and follows the dispersion properties of the Fibonacci crystal. Time resolved luminescence measurement of the active structure shows faster spontaneous emission rate, indicating the effect of the large photon densities available at the bandedge due to the presence of critically localized states. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations.Comment: PDF file, 14 pages 4 figure

    Microscopic approach to current-driven domain wall dynamics

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    This review describes in detail the essential techniques used in microscopic theories on spintronics. We have investigated the domain wall dynamics induced by electric current based on the ss-dd exchange model. The domain wall is treated as rigid and planar and is described by two collective coordinates: the position and angle of wall magnetization. The effect of conduction electrons on the domain wall dynamics is calculated in the case of slowly varying spin structure (close to the adiabatic limit) by use of a gauge transformation. The spin-transfer torque and force on the wall are expressed by Feynman diagrams and calculated systematically using non-equilibrium Green's functions, treating electrons fully quantum mechanically. The wall dynamics is discussed based on two coupled equations of motion derived for two collective coordinates. The force is related to electron transport properties, resistivity, and the Hall effect. Effect of conduction electron spin relaxation on the torque and wall dynamics is also studied.Comment: manucript accepted to Phys. Re

    The definition of Endometriosis Expert Centres

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    Endometriosis is a common condition that causes pain and infertility. It can lead to absenteeism and also to multiple surgeries with a consequent risk of impaired fertility, and constitutes a major public health cost. Despite the existence of numerous national and international guidelines, the management of endometriosis remains suboptimal. To address this issue, the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) and the Society of Gynaecological and Pelvic Surgery (SCGP) convened a committee of experts tasked with defining the criteria for establishing a system of care networks, headed by Expert Centres, covering all of mainland France and its overseas territories. This document sets out the criteria for the designation of Expert Centres. It will serve as a guide for the authorities concerned, to ensure that the means are provided to adequately manage patients with endometriosis

    Définition des centres experts en endométriose

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    OBJECTIVES: The Collège national des gynécologues obstétriciens français (CNGOF), in agreement with the Société de chirurgie gynécologique et pelvienne (SCGP), has set up a commission in 2017 to define endometriosis expert centres, with the aim of optimizing endometriosis care in France. METHODS: The committee included members from university and general hospitals as well as private facilities, representing medical, surgical and radiological aspects of endometriosis care. Opinion of endometriosis patients\u27 associations was obtained prior to writing this work. The final text was presented and unanimously validated by the members of the CNGOF Board of Directors at its meeting of October 13, 2017. RESULTS: Based on analysis of current management of endometriosis and the last ten years opportunities in France, the committee has been able to define the contours of endometriosis expert centres. The objectives, production specifications, mode of operation, missions and funding for these centres were described. The following missions have been specifically defined: territorial organization, global and referral care, communication and teaching as well as research and evaluation. CONCLUSION: Because of its daily impact for women and its economic burden in France, endometriosis justifies launching of expert centres throughout the country with formal accreditation by health authorities, ideally as part of the National Health Plan

    Théorie de Boltzmann chirale pour le transport dans les multicouches, électrons et photons, balistique et diffusif

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    Cette thèse aborde le problème du transport diffusif dans les matériaux multicouches lorsque l'épaisseur des couches est comparable voire plus petit que le libre parcours moyen. Nous présentons un formalisme qui à la fois effectue une synthèse et permet d'aller au delà des divers modèles existants, dérive-diffusion, le modèle Valet-Fert, la méthode des flux ou encore le modèle de Fuchs-Sondheimer. Ce formalisme est applicable à deux types de structures: (i) la géométrie dite CPP (Current Perpendicular to Plane) où le courant moyen est perpendiculaire aux interfaces séparant les couches, et (ii) la géométrie dite CIP (Current In Plane) où le courant moyen est parallèle aux interfaces. Ce nouveau modèle de transport est bâti à partir d'une équation de Boltzmann où les collisions dans les couches et aux interfaces sont représentées par des intégrales de collision linéaires pouvant décrire aussi bien des réflexions spéculaires que des collisions aléatoires non nécessairement isotropes. La résolution de cette équation de Boltzmann pour déterminer les quantités macroscopiques locales d'intérêt se fait en trois étapes : pour chacune des couches, (1) la distribution locale des particules est séparée en deux chiralités caractérisés par le signe de la projection du vecteur vitesse de chaque particule le long de l'axe perpendiculaire aux interfaces ; (2) la description locale complète de la distribution angulaire des vitesses pour chaque chiralité est obtenue en développant sur une nouvelle base polynômes orthogonaux adaptée à l'existence de deux chiralités ; (3) pour effectuer la moyenne chirale sur la distribution angulaire des vitesses on définit une troncature minimale de ce développement adaptée aux quantités macroscopiques locales d'intérêt.L étape (1) est nécessaire afin de pouvoir décrire correctement les collisions d'interfaces, l'étape (3) est usuelle mais l'ingrédient clef de ce formalisme est le point (2) qui seul permet de rendre cohérent les étapes (1) et (3) en présence d'interfaces. Pour la géométrie CPP, ce formalisme Boltzmann chiral permet d'unir les systèmes balistique et diffusif sous une même approche macroscopique. En présence de polarisation en spin, ce nouveau formalisme permet d'obtenir entre autre les résistances d'interfaces du modèle Valet-Fert en fonction des coefficients de transmission généralisés associés aux collisions d'interface. Pour les structures CIP, ce modèle permet d'obtenir des expressions analytiques pour les conductivités locales par couche (avec ou sans polarisation en spin) et de plus il rend le lien avec le transport CPP plus transparent. Ce formalisme n'étant pas propre au transport électrique, nous montrons sa versatilité sur une application au transport lumineux en revisitant le problème de Milne pour lequel nous retrouvons un résultat exact de façon beaucoup plus simple. Nous présentons pour terminer une méthode variationnelle fournissant une interprétation intéressante du modèle de Fuchs-Sondheimer.This thesis addresses the problem of diffusive transport in multilayer systems when the layers thickness is of the order of or even smaller than the mean free path. We present a formalism which enables to synthetize and to go beyond various the standard models (drift-diffusion, Valet-Fert model, flux method or Fuchs-Sondheimer model). This formalism applies to two kinds of structures: (i) the so called CPP geometry (Current Perpendicular to Plane) where the mean transport current is perpendicular to the interfaces separating the layers, and (ii) the so called CIP (Current in Plane) geometry in which the mean transport current is parallel to interfaces. This new model of transport is build on the Boltzmann transport equation in which the scattering in the layer or at interfaces is represented by linear collision integrals that can describe specular and random scattering not necessarily isotropic. The resolution of this Boltzmann equation to obtain macroscopic quantities of interest is done in three steps for each layer: (1) the particle distribution is splitted into two chiralities characterized by the sign of the projection of the velocity vector of each particle along the axis perpendicular to interfaces; (2) the local description of the complete angular velocity distribution for each chirality is obtained by an expansion over a new orthogonal polynomial basis adapted to the existence of two chiralities; (3) to compute the chiral mean of the angular velocity distribution we define a minimal troncated expansion adapted to the local physical quantities of interest. Step (1) is necessary to describe correctly the interface scattering, step (3) is usual but the key ingredient of our formalism is step (2) which solely allows a coherent description of step (1) and (3) in the presence of interfaces. For spin polarized systems this novel formalism allows, among other things, to express the boundaries resistances of the Valet-Fert model in terms of generalized transmission coefficients associated to scattering at interfaces. For CIP structures, with this new approach we obtain explicit analytical expressions for the local conductivity of each layer (with or without spin polarisation) and we make the link with CPP transport more transparent. This novel formalism is not specific to electrical transport, to show its versatility we present an application to transport of light by revisiting the Milne problem for which we can recover certain exact result in a much simpler way. At last, we present a variational method which gives some interesting interpretation of the Fuchs-Sondheimer model.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF