227 research outputs found

    Forecasting the Preparatory Phase of Induced Earthquakes by Recurrent Neural Network

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    Earthquakes prediction is considered the holy grail of seismology. After almost a century of efforts without convincing results, the recent raise of machine learning (ML) methods in conjunction with the deployment of dense seismic networks has boosted new hope in this field. Even if large earthquakes still occur unanticipated, recent laboratory, field, and theoretical studies support the existence of a preparatory phase preceding earthquakes, where small and stable ruptures progres- sively develop into an unstable and confined zone around the future hypocenter. The problem of recognizing the preparatory phase of earthquakes is of critical importance for mitigating seismic risk for both natural and induced events. Here, we focus on the induced seismicity at The Geysers geothermal field in California. We address the preparatory phase of M~4 earthquakes identification problem by developing a ML approach based on features computed from catalogues, which are used to train a recurrent neural network (RNN). We show that RNN successfully reveal the preparation of M~4 earthquakes. These results confirm the potential of monitoring induced microseismicity and should encourage new research also in predictability of natural earthquakes

    Fast and Chaotic Fiber-Based Nonlinear Polarization Scrambler

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    International audienceWe report a simple and efficient all-optical polarization scrambler based on the nonlinear interaction in an optical fiber between a signal beam and its backward replica which is generated and amplified by a reflective loop. When the amplification factor exceeds a certain threshold, the system exhibits a chaotic regime in which the evolution of the output polarization state of the signal becomes temporally chaotic and scrambled all over the surface of the Poincaré sphere. We numerically derive some design rules for the scrambling performances of our device which are well confirmed by the experimental results. The polarization scrambler has been successfully tested on a 10-Gbit/s On/Off Keying Telecom signal, reaching scrambling speeds up to 500-krad/s, as well as in a wavelength division multiplexing configuration. A different configuration based on a following cascade of polarization scramblers is also discussed numerically, which leads to an increase of the scrambling performances

    Detection of Spatial and Temporal Stress Changes During the 2016 Central Italy Seismic Sequence by Monitoring the Evolution of the Energy Index

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    We consider approximately 23,000 microearthquakes that occurred between 2005 and 2016 in central Italy to investigate the crustal strength before and after the three largest earthquakes of the 2016 seismic sequence (i.e., the Mw 6.2, 24 August 2016 Amatrice, the Mw 6.1, 26 October 2016 Visso, and the Mw 6.5, 30 October 2016 Norcia earthquakes). We monitor the spatiotemporal deviations of observed radiated energy, ES, with respect to theoretical values, ESt, derived from a scaling model between ES and M0 calibrated for background seismicity in central Italy. These deviations, defined here as Energy Index (EI), allow us to identify in the years following the Mw 6.1, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake a progressive evolution of the dynamic properties of microearthquakes and the existence of high EI patches close to the Amatrice earthquake hypocenter. We show the existence of a crustal volume with high EI even before the Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake. Our results agree with the previously suggested hypothesis that the Norcia earthquake nucleated at the boundary of a large patch, highly stressed by the two previous mainshocks of the sequence. We highlight the mainshocks interaction both in terms of EI and of the mean loading shear stress associated to microearthquakes occurring within the crustal volumes comprising the mainshock hypocenters. Our study shows that the dynamic characteristics of microearthquakes can be exploited as beacons of stress change in the crust and thus be exploited to monitor the seismic hazard of a region and help to intercept the preparation phase of large earthquakes

    Noise-seeded spatiotemporal modulation instability in normal dispersion

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    6In optical second-harmonic generation with normal dispersion, the virtually infinite bandwidth of the unbounded, hyperbolic, modulational instability leads to quenching of spatial multisoliton formation and to the occurrence of a catastrophic spatiotemporal breakup when an extended beam is left to interact with an extremely weak external noise with a coherence time much shorter than that of the pump.openD. Salerno; O. Jedrkiewicz; J. Trull; G. Valiulis; A. Picozzi; P. Di TrapaniSalerno, Domenico; Jedrkiewicz, Ottavia; J., Trull; G., Valiulis; A., Picozzi; DI TRAPANI, Paol

    Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization vs beam cleaning in multimode optical fibers

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    Classical nonlinear waves exhibit, as a general rule, an irreversible process of thermalization toward the Rayleigh-Jeans equilibrium distribution. On the other hand, several recent experiments revealed a remarkable effect of spatial organization of an optical beam that propagates through a graded-index multimode optical fiber (MMF), a phenomenon termed beam self-cleaning. Our aim here is to evidence the qualitative impact of disorder (weak random mode coupling) on the process of Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization by considering two different experimental configurations. In a first experiment, we launch speckle beams in a relatively long MMF. Our results report a clear and definite experimental demonstration of Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization through light propagation in MMFs, over a broad range of kinetic energy (i.e., degree of spatial coherence) of the injected speckle beam. In particular, the property of energy equipartition among the modes is clearly observed in the condensed regime. The experimental results also evidence the double turbulence cascade process: while the power flows toward the fundamental mode (inverse cascade), the energy flows toward the higher-order modes (direct cascade). In a 2nd experiment, a coherent laser beam is launched into a relatively short MMF length. It reveals an effect of beam cleaning driven by an incipient process of Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization. As discussed through numerical simulations, the fast process of Rayleigh-Jeans thermalization observed in the 1st experiment can be attributed due to a random phase dynamics among the modes, which is favoured by the injection of a speckle beam and the increased impact of disorder in the long fiber system

    Nonlinear optics: Nonlinear virtues of multimode fibre

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    Supercontinuum generation — the extreme spectral broadening of laser light (a span from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared is possible) — is a fascinating process that takes place in a dispersive and strongly nonlinear optical medium

    Condensation of classical nonlinear waves

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    We study the formation of a large-scale coherent structure (a condensate) in classical wave equations by considering the defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation as a representative model. We formulate a thermodynamic description of the condensation process by using a wave turbulence theory with ultraviolet cut-off. In 3 dimensions the equilibrium state undergoes a phase transition for sufficiently low energy density, while no transition occurs in 2 dimensions, in analogy with standard Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum systems. Numerical simulations show that the thermodynamic limit is reached for systems with 16316^3 computational modes and greater. On the basis of a modified wave turbulence theory, we show that the nonlinear interaction makes the transition to condensation subcritical. The theory is in quantitative agreement with the simulations

    Nonlinear Polarization Manipulation in Optical Fibers

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    We describe the self-organization of light state-of-polarization in optical fiber based on a nonlinear cross-polarization interaction between an input signal and its backward replica. Several proof-of-principles for telecom applications are reported

    All-optical regeneration of polarization of a 40-Gbit/s return-to-zero telecommunication signal

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    10We report all-optical regeneration of the state of polarization of a 40 Gbit∕s return-to-zero telecommunication signal. The device discussed here consists of a 6.2-km-long nonzero dispersion-shifted fiber, with low polarization mode dispersion, pumped from the output end by a backward propagating wave coming from either an external continuous source or a reflection of the signal. An initially scrambled signal acquires a degree of polarization close to 100% toward the polarization generator output. All-optical regeneration is confirmed by means of polarization and bit-error-rate measurements as well as real-time observation of the eye diagrams. We show that the physical mechanism underlying the observed four-wave-mixing-based polarization attraction phenomenon can be described in terms of the geometric approach developed for the study of Hamiltonian singularities.openopenJ. Fatome; D. Sugny; S. Pitois; P. Morin; M. Guasoni; A. Picozzi; H. R. Jauslin; C. Finot; G. Millot; S. WabnitzJ., Fatome; D., Sugny; S., Pitois; P., Morin; Guasoni, Massimiliano; A., Picozzi; H. R., Jauslin; C., Finot; G., Millot; Wabnitz, Stefa
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