202 research outputs found

    Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: An Outlook

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    In modern distributed computing, applications are rarely built directly atop operating system facilities, e.g., sockets. Higher-level middleware abstractions and systems are often employed to simplify the programmer’s chore or to achieve interoperability. In contrast, real-world wireless sensor network (WSN) applications are almost always developed by relying directly on the operating system. Why is this the case? Does it make sense to include a middleware layer in the design of WSNs? And, if so, is it the same kind of software system as in traditional distributed computing? What are the fundamental concepts, reasonable assumptions, and key criteria guiding its design? What are the main open research challenges, and the potential pitfalls? Most importantly, is it worth pursuing research in this field? This paper provides a (biased) answer to these and other research questions, preceded by a brief account on the state of the art in the field

    Embracing Localization Inaccuracy: A Case Study

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    In recent years, indoor localization has become a hot research topic with some sophisticated solutions reaching accuracy on the order of ten centimeters. While certain classes of applications can justify the corresponding costs that come with these solutions, a wealth of applications have requirements that can be met at much lower cost by accepting lower accuracy. This paper explores one specific application for monitoring patients in a nursing home, showing that sufficient accuracy can be achieved with a carefully designed deployment of low-cost wireless sensor network nodes in combination with a simple RSSI-based localization technique. Notably our solution uses a single radio sample per period, a number that is much lower than similar approaches. This greatly eases the power burden of the nodes, resulting in a significant lifetime increase. This paper evaluates a concrete deployment from summer 2012 composed of fixed anchor motes throughout one floor of a nursing home and mobile units carried by patients. We show how two localization algorithms perform and demonstrate a clear improvement by following a set of simple guidelines to tune the anchor node placement. We show both quantitatively and qualitatively that the results meet the functional and non-functional system requirements

    Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks: An Outlook

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    In modern distributed computing, applications are rarely built directly atop operating system facilities, e.g., sockets. Higher-level middleware abstractions and systems are often employed to simplify the programmer’s chore or to achieve interoperability. In contrast, real-world wireless sensor network (WSN) applications are almost always developed by relying directly on the operating system. Why is this the case? Does it make sense to include a middleware layer in the design of WSNs? And, if so, is it the same kind of software system as in traditional distributed computing? What are the fundamental concepts, reasonable assumptions, and key criteria guiding its design? What are the main open research challenges, and the potential pitfalls? Most importantly, is it worth pursuing research in this field? This paper provides a (biased) answer to these and other research questions, preceded by a brief account on the state of the art in the field

    Programming Wireless Sensor Networks with Logical Neighborhoods

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) architectures often feature a (single) base station in charge of coordinating the application functionality. Although this assumption simplified the path to adoption of WSN technology, researchers are now being attracted by more decentralized architectures with multiple sinks and heterogeneous nodes. These scenarios are brought to an extreme in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSANs), where sensing and acting nodes collaborate in a decentralized fashion to implement complex control loops. In these settings, new programming abstractions are required to manage complexity and heterogeneity without sacrificing efficiency. In this paper we propose and define a logical neighbor-hood programming abstraction. A logical neighborhood includes nearby nodes that satisfy predicates over their static (e.g., type) or dynamic (e.g., sensed values) characteristics. The span of the neighborhood and the definition of its predicates are specified declaratively, along with requirements about the cost of the communication involved. Logical neighborhoods enable the programmer to “illuminate” different areas of the network according to the application needs, effectively replacing the physical neighborhood provided by wireless broadcast with a higher-level, application-defined notion of proximity. This paper presents the definition of a declarative language for specifying logical neighborhoods, highlighting its expressiveness, flexibility and simplicity. Moreover, although the language con- structs are readily implemented using existing communication mechanisms, we briefly report about a novel routing scheme we expressly designed to support efficiently our abstractions

    Electronically-switched Directional Antennas for Low-power Wireless Networks: A Prototype-driven Evaluation

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    We study the benefits of electronically-switched directional antennas in low-power wireless networks. This antenna technology may improve energy efficiency by increasing the communication range and by alleviating contention in directions other than the destination, but in principle requires a dedicated network stack. Unlike most existing works, we start by characterizing a real-world antenna prototype, and apply this to an existing low-power wireless stack, which we adapt with minimal changes. Our results show that: i) the combination of a low-cost directional antenna and a conventional network stack already brings significant performance improvements, e.g., nearly halving the radio-on time per delivered packet; ii) the margin of improvement available to alternative clean-slate protocol designs is similarly large and concentrated in the control rather than the data plane; iii) by artificially modifying our antenna's link-layer model, we can point at further potential benefits opened by different antenna designs

    Not All Wireless Sensor Networks Are Created Equal: A Comparative Study On Tunnels

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are envisioned for a number of application scenarios. Nevertheless, the few in-the-field experiences typically focus on the features of a specific system, and rarely report about the characteristics of the target environment, especially w.r.t. the behavior and performance of low-power wireless communication. The TRITon project, funded by our local administration, aims to improve safety and reduce maintenance costs of road tunnels, using a WSN-based control infrastructure. The access to real tunnels within TRITon gives us the opportunity to experimentally assess the peculiarities of this environment, hitherto not investigated in the WSN field. We report about three deployments: i) an operational road tunnel, enabling us to assess the impact of vehicular traffic; ii) a non-operational tunnel, providing insights into analogous scenarios (e.g., underground mines) without vehicles; iii) a vineyard, serving as a baseline representative of the existing literature. Our setup, replicated in each deployment, uses mainstream WSN hardware, and popular MAC and routing protocols. We analyze and compare the deployments w.r.t. reliability, stability, and asymmetry of links, the accuracy of link quality estimators, and the impact of these aspects on MAC and routing layers. Our analysis shows that a number of criteria commonly used in the design of WSN protocols do not hold in tunnels. Therefore, our results are useful for designing networking solutions operating efficiently in similar environments

    CodeWeave: Exploring Fine-Grained Mobility of Code

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    This paper explores the range of constructs and issues facing the designer of mobile code systems which allow for the unit of mobility to be finer-grained than that of execution. Mobile UNITY, a notation and proof logic for mobile computing, provides for this research a clean abstract setting, i.e., unconstrained by compilation and performance considerations traditionally associated with programming language design. Within the context of Mobile UNITY, we take the extreme view that every line of code and every variable declaration is potentially mobile, i.e., it may be duplicated and/or moved from one program contxt to another on the same host or across the network. We also assume that complex code systems may move with equal ease. The result is CodeWeave, a model for abstract exploration of new forms of code mobility prior to their integration into programming systems and middleware

    Semi-probabilistic Routing for Highly Dynamic Networks

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe a semi-probabilistic routing approach designed to enable content-based publish-subscribe on highly dynamic networks, e.g., mobile, peer-to-peer, or wireless sensor networks. We present the rationale and high level strategy of our approach, and then show its application in a link-based graph overlay as well as in a broadcast-based sensor network. Simulation results confirm that, in both scenarios, our semi-probabilistic approach strikes a balance between entirely deterministic and entirely probabilistic solutions, achieving high reliability with low overhead

    SensEH: From Simulation to Deployment of Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Energy autonomy and system lifetime are critical concerns in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), for which energy harvesting (EH) is emerging as a promising solution. Nevertheless,the tools supporting the design of EH-WSN are limited to a few simulators that require developers to re-implement the application with programming languages different from WSN ones. Further, simulators notoriously provide only a rough approximation of the reality of low-power wireless communication. In this paper we present SENSEH, a software framework that allows developers to move back and forth between the power and speed of a simulated approach and the reality and accuracy of in-field experiments. SENSEH relies on COOJA for emulating the actual, deployment-ready code, and provides two modes of operation that allow the reuse of exactly the same code in realworld WSN deployments. We describe the toolchain and software architecture of SENSEH, and demonstrate its practical use and benefits in the context of a case study where we investigate how the lifetime of a WSN used for adaptive lighting in road tunnels can be extended using harvesters based on photovoltaic panels
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