390 research outputs found

    Stock Market Game Using Democrat & Chronicle Stock Market Simulation

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    Understand and make connections among multiple representations of the same mathematical idea and apply mathematics to situations in the outside world and explain patterns to formulate generalizations and conjecture

    Using GPS System in Determining the Shape and Position of School Grounds

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    Students will use GPS to collect data concerning school grounds and use math modeling to provide a means of presenting and interpreting this data. Students will learn how to use and collect data from the GPS system and upon returning to the class, how that data will result in maps and graphs. Geometry students will graph the data and determine whether the grounds that are being surveyed represent a rectangle or other geometric shape

    Las instituciones políticas de Colombia y la influencia de Bentham : una visión general.

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    This work aims to trace the main aspects related to the known relationship between Bentham and the Latin American world, highlighting in particular the influence that the English jurist has exercised for the creation of political institutions in Colombia. A influence indisputable that, however, is characterized much for many famous points of contact between the Colombian leaders and the English jurist, as for the adaptation of the same points to the difficult arena in examination.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo trazar los principales aspectos relacionados con la conocida relación entre Bentham y el mundo latinoamericano, destacando en particular la influencia que el jurista inglés ha ejercido para la creación de las instituciones políticas en Colombia. Una influencia indiscutible que, sin embargo, se caracteriza tanto por los muchos y famosos puntos de contacto entre los líderes colombianos y el jurista inglés, como por la adaptación de estos mismos puntos a la difícil arena en examen

    Preliminary Report on a Stratified Late Archaic-Woodland Era Rockshelter in Rogers County, Oklahoma

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    In northeastern Oklahoma, very little is known about the transition from the Late Archaic to the Woodland period (Wyckoff and Brooks, 1983: 55). To date, most of the archeological evidence documenting this time period has been derived from sites with mixed or otherwise uncertain components. In this report, we present a preliminary description of a small rockshelter, 34RO252, which has a Late Archaic deposit stratigraphically below a Woodland era cultural deposit. These two deposits are unmixed, discrete, and are physically separated by an apparently sterile clay soil horizon. It is anticipated that the stratified cultural deposits at this site will help characterize the transition from the Late Archaic to the Early Woodland period along the Verdigris River in northeast Oklahoma. This site was first reported in April 1994 by two men who had discovered partially exposed human skeletal remains located in the rear remnant of a rockshelter at Oologah Lake in Rogers County, Oklahoma. The two men illegally excavated the remains and removed them from the site. 1 The rockshelter where the remains originated was subsequently examined by the authors and additional skeletal material was identified, in situ, in an exposed soil profile. A series of three radiocarbon assays, described below, placed the cultural deposit and the human remains within the Late Archaic-Woodland period (circa 780 B.C. to A.O. 900).2 This site is provisionally classified as corresponding to a cultural sequence that includes the old Grove C described by Purrington and Vehik

    Los gramscianos argentinos: democracia, estado y socialismo en Aricó y Portantiero

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    This research article analyze with a qualitative methodology the influence of Gramsci’s thought on the theoretical elaboration of Juan Carlos Portantiero and José Maria Aricó, Argentine intellectuals exiled in Mexico. The selection of fragments of different works of the two intellectuals presented in this article aims to highlight in them an evident Gramscian position, since the focus by the two authors on the relationship between State, democracy, civil society and socialism, pushes them to question themselves on the possible alternatives for the construction of a new democratic political order, evidently analyzed through categories typical of the Italian thinker

    The Trump of «Make America Great Again»: A Further Populist Alternative? Between Latin American Influences and the Tradition of the People’s Party

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    The present research article starts from the hypothesis of populism as a reaction to traditional representative democracy. As an acquisition by the people, of their own decision-making dimension. In this context, the Trump political case is analyzed with a qualitative methodology over its communicative strategy and the political measures of the early first months of his presidency aiming to place his belongings to the canons of the tradition of North American populism or even Latin American