96 research outputs found

    Radio-Infrared Correlation for Local Dusty Galaxies and Dusty AGNs from the AKARI All Sky Survey

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    We use the new release of the AKARI Far-Infrared all sky Survey matched with the NVSS radio database to investigate the local (z<0.25z<0.25) far infrared-radio correlation (FIRC) of different types of extragalactic sources. To obtain the redshift information for the AKARI FIS sources we crossmatch the catalogue with the SDSS DR8. This also allows us to use emission line properties to divide sources into four categories: i) star-forming galaxies (SFGs), ii) composite galaxies (displaying both star-formation and active nucleus components), iii) Seyfert galaxies, and iv) low-ionization nuclear emission-line region (LINER) galaxies. We find that the Seyfert galaxies have the lowest FIR/radio flux ratios and display excess radio emission when compared to the SFGs. We conclude that FIRC can be used to separate SFGs and AGNs only for the most radio-loud objects.Comment: 9 pages, accepted to PAS

    Classical conformal blocks from TBA for the elliptic Calogero-Moser system

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    The so-called Poghossian identities connecting the toric and spherical blocks, the AGT relation on the torus and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili formula for the elliptic Calogero-Moser Yang's (eCMY) functional are used to derive certain expressions for the classical 4-point block on the sphere. The main motivation for this line of research is the longstanding open problem of uniformization of the 4-punctured Riemann sphere, where the 4-point classical block plays a crucial role. It is found that the obtained representation for certain 4-point classical blocks implies the relation between the accessory parameter of the Fuchsian uniformization of the 4-punctured sphere and the eCMY functional. Additionally, a relation between the 4-point classical block and the Nf=4N_f=4, SU(2){\sf SU(2)} twisted superpotential is found and further used to re-derive the instanton sector of the Seiberg-Witten prepotential of the Nf=4N_f=4, SU(2){\sf SU(2)} supersymmetric gauge theory from the classical block.Comment: 25 pages, no figures, latex+JHEP3, published versio

    Nomenclatural issues concerning cultured yeasts and other fungi: why it is important to avoid unneeded name changes

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    The unambiguous application of fungal names is important to communicate scientific findings. Names are critical for (clinical) diagnostics, legal compliance, and regulatory controls, such as biosafety, food security, quarantine regulations, and industrial applications. Consequently, the stability of the taxonomic system and the traceability of nomenclatural changes is crucial for a broad range of users and taxonomists. The unambiguous application of names is assured by the preservation of nomenclatural history and the physical organisms representing a name. Fungi are extremely diverse in terms of ecology, lifestyle, and methods of study. Predominantly unicellular fungi known as yeasts are usually investigated as living cultures. Methods to characterize yeasts include physiological (growth) tests and experiments to induce a sexual morph; both methods require viable cultures. Thus, the preservation and availability of viable reference cultures are important, and cultures representing reference material are cited in species descriptions. Historical surveys revealed drawbacks and inconsistencies between past practices and modern requirements as stated in the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICNafp). Improper typification of yeasts is a common problem, resulting in a large number invalid yeast species names. With this opinion letter, we address the problem that culturable microorganisms, notably some fungi and algae, require specific provisions under the ICNafp. We use yeasts as a prominent example of fungi known from cultures. But viable type material is important not only for yeasts, but also for other cultivable Fungi that are characterized by particular morphological structures (a specific type of spores), growth properties, and secondary metabolites. We summarize potential proposals which, in our opinion, will improve the stability of fungal names, in particular by protecting those names for which the reference material can be traced back to the original isolate

    Browsers, grazers or mix-feeders? Study of the diet of extinct Pleistocene Eurasian forest rhinoceros Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis (J¨ager, 1839) and woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799)

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    The wooly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) and forest rhinoceros (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis) were prominent representatives of the Middle and Late Pleistocene glacial and interglacial faunas of Eurasia. Their diet has traditionally been inferred on functional morphology of the dentition and skull. In rare cases, food remains are preserved in the fossas of the teeth or as gut content. New approaches to infer diet include the study of isotopes and mesowear. Here we apply all four methods to infer the diet of these emblematic rhinoceros’ species and compare the food actually taken with the food available, as indicated by independent botanical data from the localities where the rhinoceros’ fossils were found: Gorz´ow Wielkopolski (Eemian) and Starunia (Middle Vistulian) as well as analysis of literature data. We also made inferences on the season of death of these individuals. Our results indicate that the woolly rhino in both Europe and Asia (Siberia) was mainly a grazer, although at different times of the year and depending on the region its diet was also supplemented by leaves of shrubs and trees. According to the results of isotope studies, there were important individual variations. The data show a clear seasonal variation in the isotope composition of this rhino’s diet. In contrast, Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis was a browser, though its diet included low-growing vegetation. Its habitat consisted of various types of forests, from riparian to deciduous and mixed forests, and open areas. The diet of this species consisted of selected items of vegetation, also including plants growing near both flowing and standing waters. The food remains from the fossae of the teeth indicated flexible browsing, confirming the previous interpretations based on functional morphology and stable isotopes. Long-term data from mesowear and microwear across a wider range of S. kirchbergensis fossils indicate a more mixed diet with a browsing component. The different diets of both of rhinoceros reflect not only the different habitats, but also climate changes that occurred during the Late Pleistocene

    Natural light in the modern multi-storey residential architecture – concepts and realizations

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    Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest zestawienie rozwiązań projektowych, które wpływają do poprawę dostępności światła naturalnego w wielorodzinnej architekturze mieszkaniowej. Nie trzeba tłumaczyć jak ważna jest ekspozycja naturalnego światła i jaką rolę pełni światło słoneczne w kontekście zdrowia i samopoczucia człowieka. Rola światła naturalnego jest szczególnie istotna w przestrzeni służącej odpoczynkowi. Jedną z podstawowych cech architektury mieszkaniowej jest funkcja rekreacyjna i to w ramach tej przestrzeni człowiek ma okazję zregenerować siły. Autor porusza kwestie związane z zapewnieniem komfortowego nasłonecznienia w pokojach dziennych oraz nocnych jak również odpowiednie usytuowanie części półprywatnych, takich jak balkony, loggie i tarasy, na przykładzie zrealizowanych obiektów we Wrocławiu, Warszawie oraz w oparciu o projekt koncepcyjny osiedla przyszłości dla generacji Y „Divercity Apartment” zlokalizowanego w Poznaniu.The subject of current article is comparison of design solutions which influence on the improvement of natural light accessibility in the multi-storey residential dwelling. The exposition to the natural light as well as the role of sunlight in the context of health and human mood do not have to be explained. The role of natural light is particularly significant in the leisure area. One of the basic features of residential architecture is the recreational function and an opportunity for a person to regenerate in this area. The author raises the subjects connected with guaranteeing the comfortable insolation in living and night zones as well as the appropriate location of half-private spaces such as balconies, loggias and terraces based on the example of objects accomplished in Wroclaw, Warsaw and the conceptual project of future residential area for Y generation, “Divercity Apartment”, located in Poznan

    Application FLUX2D program to numerical analysis of electromagnetic field and temperature in the induction heating device for flat charges

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    Praca zawiera wyniki symulacji komputerowej nagrzewnicy indukcyjnej do wsadów płaskich. Symulację przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem pakietu Flux2D. Obliczenia parametrów pola elektromagnetycznego oraz temperatury dokonano metodą elementów skończonych. Obliczenia parametrów pola magnetycznego wykonano dla trzech różnych wartości częstotliwości zasilania. Rozkład temperatury wyznaczony został dla prądu o wartości skutecznej I = 100 A i częstotliwości f = 1 kHz.In the paper authors present the results of the numerical analysis of electromagnetic field and temperature in the induction heating device for flat charges. Numerical simulation was carried out for three different values of current frequency. For each value of current frequency the magnetic field and power density in the charge were calculated. Temperature in the charge was calculated for current I = 100 A and frequency f = 1 kHz. The heating process was simulated and analyzed in Flux2D program, finite element software for electromagnetic and thermal solution. The presented research shows advantages of using computer programs like Flux2D. This program enables fast and accurate calculation of electromagnetic quantities

    Magnetic field around the screened three-phase high-current busducts

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    This paper presents an analytical method for determining the magnetic field in the three–phase gas–insulated transmission line (i.e., high-current busduct) of circular cross–section geometry. The mathematical model takes into account the skin effect and the proximity effects, as well as the complete electromagnetic coupling between phase conductors and enclosures (i.e., screens). Apart from analytical calculation, computer simulations for high-current busduct system magnetic field were also performed with the aid of the commercial FEMM software, using two–dimensional finite elements