18 research outputs found

    Elastic and thermal properties of hexagonal perovskites

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    We systematically investigate the mechanical and thermal properties of the P6₃cm hexagonal perovskites with composition A³+B³+O₃ for potential use in thermal barrier coatings. In spite of the structural anisotropy, the elastic constants are essentially isotropic. The thermal expansion is, however, strongly anisotropic, while the thermal conductivity is relatively isotropic. The thermal conductivities of the hexagonal perovskites are much larger than those of the orthorhombic perovskites

    What limits supercurrents in high temperature superconductors? A microscopic model of cuprate grain boundaries

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    The interface properties of high-temperature cuprate superconductors have been of interest for many years, and play an essential role in Josephson junctions, superconducting cables, and microwave electronics. In particular, the maximum critical current achievable in high-Tc wires and tapes is well known to be limited by the presence of grain boundaries, regions of mismatch between crystallites with misoriented crystalline axes. In studies of single, artificially fabricated grain boundaries the striking observation has been made that the critical current Jc of a grain boundary junction depends exponentially on the misorientation angle. Until now microscopic understanding of this apparently universal behavior has been lacking. We present here the results of a microscopic evaluation based on a construction of fully 3D YBCO grain boundaries by molecular dynamics. With these structures, we calculate an effective tight-binding Hamiltonian for the d-wave superconductor with a grain boundary. The critical current is then shown to follow an exponential suppression with grain boundary angle. We identify the buildup of charge inhomogeneities as the dominant mechanism for the suppression of the supercurrent.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure

    Assessing Public Engagement with Science in a University Primate Research Centre in a National Zoo

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    Recent years have seen increasing encouragement by research institutions and funding bodies for scientists to actively engage with the public, who ultimately finance their work. Animal behaviour as a discipline possesses several features, including its inherent accessibility and appeal to the public, that may help it occupy a particularly successful niche within these developments. It has also established a repertoire of quantitative behavioural methodologies that can be used to document the public's responses to engagement initiatives. This kind of assessment is becoming increasingly important considering the enormous effort now being put into public engagement projects, whose effects are more often assumed than demonstrated. Here we report our first attempts to quantify relevant aspects of the behaviour of a sample of the hundreds of thousands of visitors who pass through the ‘Living Links to Human Evolution Research Centre’ in Edinburgh Zoo. This University research centre actively encourages the public to view ongoing primate research and associated science engagement activities. Focal follows of visitors and scan sampling showed substantial ‘dwell times’ in the Centre by common zoo standards and the addition of new engagement elements in a second year was accompanied by significantly increased overall dwell times, tripling for the most committed two thirds of visitors. Larger groups of visitors were found to spend more time in the Centre than smaller ones. Viewing live, active science was the most effective activity, shown to be enhanced by novel presentations of carefully constructed explanatory materials. The findings emphasise the importance and potential of zoos as public engagement centres for the biological sciences

    Influence of long-range dipolar interactions on the phase stability and hysteresis shapes of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric multilayers

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    Phase transition and field driven hysteresis evolution of a two-dimensional Ising grid consisting of ferroelectric-antiferroelectric multilayers that take into account the long range dipolar interactions were simulated by a Monte-Carlo method. Simulations were carried out for a 1+1 bilayer and a 5+5 superlattice. Phase stabilities of components comprising the structures with an electrostatic-like coupling term were also studied. An electrostatic-like coupling, in the absence of an applied field, can drive the ferroelectric layers towards 180º domains with very flat domain interfaces mainly due to the competition between this term and the dipole-dipole interaction. The antiferroelectric layers do not undergo an antiferroelectric-to-ferroelectric transition under the influence of an electrostatic-like coupling between layers as the ferroelectric layer splits into periodic domains at the expense of the domain wall energy. The long-range interactions become significant near the interfaces. For high periodicity structures with several interfaces, the interlayer long-range interactions substantially impact the configuration of the ferroelectric layers while the antiferroelectric layers remain quite stable unless these layers are near the Neel temperature. In systems investigated with several interfaces, the hysteresis loops do not exhibit a clear presence of antiferroelectricity that could be expected in the presence of anti-parallel dipoles, i. e., the switching takes place abruptly. Some recent experimental observations in ferroelectric-antiferroelectric multilayers are discussed where we conclude that the different electrical properties of bilayers and superlattices are not only due to strain effects alone but also long-range interactions. The latter manifests itself particularly in superlattices where layers are periodically exposed to each other at the interfaces

    On the electrical activity of sp2-bonded grain boundaries in nanoscrystalline diamond

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    By means of tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations we find that the ground-state atomic structure of a typical high-energy grain boundary in diamond is highiy disordered with a large fraction of sp2 bonded atoms. This structure gives rise to localised bands within the band gap. We describe how multiphonon assisted hopping conduction can arise from such electronic states in high-energy grain boundaries, giving in turn a basis for the experimentally observed conductivity and electron field emission in nanocrystalline diamond. Simulated electron-energy-loss spectra indicate correlations between the disordered atomic structure and features of the electronic structure

    Hierarchical Material Approaches to novel Nuclear Waste Form

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    International audienceThis perspective focuses on the synthesis, characterization and modeling of three classes of hierarchical materials with potential for sequestering radionuclides nanoparticles, porous frameworks and crystalline salt inclusion phases. The scientific impact of hierarchical structures and the development of the underlying crystal chemistry is discussed as laying the groundwork for the design, local structure control, and synthesis of new forms of matter with tailored properties. This requires development of the necessary scientific understanding of such complex structures through integrated synthesis, characterization, and modeling studies that can allow their purposeful creation and properties. The ultimate practical aim is to provide the means to create novel structure types that can simultaneously sequester multiple radionuclides. The result will lead to the creation of safe and efficient, long lasting waste forms for fission products and transuranic elements that are the products of nuclear materials processing waste streams. The generation of the scientific base for working toward that goal is presented