2,749 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Iliacus and Psoas Muscle Variations

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    Dissection of a 98-year-old female cadaver identified three previously unrecorded simultaneous variations in the iliac region. A variant iliacus muscle originated in the iliac fossa and then split at the insertion point of the lesser trochanter to blend with the psoas major and vastus medialis muscles. Two variant psoas muscles were found located medial and lateral to the psoas major muscle. The position of the psoas muscle variations resulted in an altered course of the typical path of both the femoral and obturator nerves. The current findings and clinical significance are discussed

    Glenohumeral Joint Dissection: A New Protocol

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    Objectives: The glenohumeral joint, as a component of the shoulder girdle, is one of the most frequently injured joints of the upper extremity. Typical dissection of the glenohumeral joint does not allow an intracapsular view without sacrificing the joint capsule and surrounding structures. Methods: A dissection method is presented which reveals the internal capsule of the glenohumeral joint, the glenoid labrum, the proximal insertion of the long head of the biceps tendon, and glenohumeral joint surfaces while preserving the posterior aspect of the capsule and surrounding supportive muscles and tendons of the joint. Results: The novel dissection technique allowed for preservation of glenohumeral joint structures and consideration or reexamination of the relationships and structures. Conclusion: The authors present an alternative protocol for dissection of the glenohumeral joint that minimizes destruction of the surrounding structures while allowing visualization of the internal capsule and maintains the relationships of the surrounding supporting structures of the pectoral girdle that may be used for study at a later time. Conclusion: The authors present an alternative protocol for dissection of the glenohumeral joint that minimizes destruction of the surrounding structures while allowing visualization of the internal capsule and maintains the relationships of the surrounding supporting structures of the pectoral girdle that may be used for study at a later time

    The X-Ray Concentration-Virial Mass Relation

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    We present the concentration (c)-virial mass (M) relation of 39 galaxy systems ranging in mass from individual early-type galaxies up to the most massive galaxy clusters, (0.06-20) x 10^{14} M_sun. We selected for analysis the most relaxed systems possessing the highest quality data currently available in the Chandra and XMM public data archives. A power-law model fitted to the X-ray c-M relation requires at high significance (6.6 sigma) that c decreases with increasing M, which is a general feature of CDM models. The median and scatter of the c-M relation produced by the flat, concordance LCDM model (Omega_m=0.3, sigma_8=0.9) agrees with the X-ray data provided the sample is comprised of the most relaxed, early forming systems, which is consistent with our selection criteria. Holding the rest of the cosmological parameters fixed to those in the concordance model the c-M relation requires 0.76< sigma_8 <1.07 (99% conf.), assuming a 10% upward bias in the concentrations for early forming systems. The tilted, low-sigma_8 model suggested by a new WMAP analysis is rejected at 99.99% confidence, but a model with the same tilt and normalization can be reconciled with the X-ray data by increasing the dark energy equation of state parameter to w ~ -0.8. When imposing the additional constraint of the tight relation between sigma_8 and Omega_m from studies of cluster abundances, the X-ray c-M relation excludes (>99% conf.) both open CDM models and flat CDM models with Omega_m ~1. This result provides novel evidence for a flat, low-Omega_m universe with dark energy using observations only in the local (z << 1) universe. Possible systematic errors in the X-ray mass measurements of a magnitude ~10% suggested by CDM simulations do not change our conclusions.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ; 13 pages, 4 figures; minor clarifications and updates; correlation coefficients corrected in Table 1 (correct values were used in the analysis in previous versions); conclusions unchange

    Large scatter in X-ray emission among elliptical galaxies: correlations with mass of host halo

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    The enormous range of X-ray luminosities among elliptical galaxies with similar optical luminosities can be attributed to large scatter and systematic variations in the dark halo mass determined from X-ray observations. The mean halo mass decreases sharply with both the X-ray and K-band luminosities. Smaller halos contain less diffuse hot gas and have lower X-ray luminosities. In addition the hot gas in low mass halos is more easily depleted by supernova-driven outflows, further lowering the X-ray luminosity

    The Absence of Adiabatic Contraction of the Radial Dark Matter Profile in the Galaxy Cluster A2589

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    We present an X-ray analysis of the radial mass profile of the radio-quiet galaxy cluster A2589 between 0.015-0.25 r_vir using an XMM-Newton observation. Except for a ~16 kpc shift of the X-ray center of the R=45-60 kpc annulus, A2589 possesses a remarkably symmetrical X-ray image and is therefore an exceptional candidate for precision studies of its mass profile by applying hydrostatic equilibrium. The total gravitating matter profile is well described by the NFW model (fractional residuals <~10%) with c_vir=6.1 +/- 0.3 and M_vir = 3.3 +/- 0.3 x 10^{14} M_sun (r_vir = 1.74 +/- 0.05 Mpc) in excellent agreement with LCDM. When the mass of the hot ICM is subtracted from the gravitating matter profile, the NFW model fitted to the resulting dark matter (DM) profile produces essentially the same result. However, if a component accounting for the stellar mass (M_*) of the cD galaxy is included, then the NFW fit to the DM profile is substantially degraded in the central r ~50 kpc for reasonable M_*/L_V. Modifying the NFW DM halo by adiabatic contraction arising from the early condensation of stellar baryons in the cD galaxy further degrades the fit. The fit is improved substantially with a Sersic-like model recently suggested by high resolution N-body simulations but with an inverse Sersic index, alpha ~0.5, a factor of ~3 higher than predicted. We argue that neither random turbulent motions nor magnetic fields can provide sufficient non-thermal pressure support to reconcile the XMM mass profile with adiabatic contraction of a CDM halo assuming reasonable M_*/L_V. Our results support the scenario where, at least for galaxy clusters, processes during halo formation counteract adiabatic contraction so that the total gravitating mass in the core approximately follows the NFW profile.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor changes to match published versio

    Serendipitous XMM-Newton discovery of a cluster of galaxies at z=0.28

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    We report the discovery of a galaxy cluster serendipitously detected as an extended X-ray source in an offset observation of the group NGC 5044. The cluster redshift, z=0.281, determined from the optical spectrum of the brightest cluster galaxy, agrees with that inferred from the X-ray spectrum using the Fe K alpha complex of the hot ICM (z=0.27 +/- 0.01). Based on the 50 ks XMM observation, we find that within a radius of 383 kpc the cluster has an unabsorbed X-ray flux, f_X (0.5-2 keV) = 3.34 (+0.08, -0.13) x 10^{-13} erg/cm^2/s, a bolometric X-ray luminosity, L_X = 2.21 (+0.34, -0.19) x 10^{44} erg/s, kT = 3.57 +/- 0.12 keV, and metallicity, 0.60 +/- 0.09 solar. The cluster obeys the scaling relations for L_X and T observed at intermediate redshift. The mass derived from an isothermal NFW model fit is, M_vir = 3.89 +/- 0.35 x 10^{14} solar masses, with a concentration parameter, c = 6.7 +/- 0.4, consistent with the range of values expected in the concordance cosmological model for relaxed clusters. The optical properties suggest this could be a ``fossil cluster''.Comment: 5 pages, 4 colour figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Probing the Dark Matter and Gas Fraction in Relaxed Galaxy Groups with X-ray observations from Chandra and XMM

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    We present radial mass profiles within 0.3 r_vir for 16 relaxed galaxy groups-poor clusters (kT range 1-3 keV) selected for optimal mass constraints from the Chandra and XMM data archives. After accounting for the mass of hot gas, the resulting mass profiles are described well by a two-component model consisting of dark matter (DM), represented by an NFW model, and stars from the central galaxy. The stellar component is required only for 8 systems, for which reasonable stellar mass-to-light ratios (M/L_K) are obtained, assuming a Kroupa IMF. Modifying the NFW dark matter halo by adiabatic contraction does not improve the fit and yields systematically lower M/L_K. In contrast to previous results for massive clusters, we find that the NFW concentration parameter (c_vir) for groups decreases with increasing M_vir and is inconsistent with no variation at the 3 sigma level. The normalization and slope of the c_vir-M_vir relation are consistent with the standard LambdaCDM cosmological model with sigma_8 = 0.9. The small intrinsic scatter measured about the c_vir-M_vir relation implies the groups represent preferentially relaxed, early forming systems. The mean gas fraction (f =0.05 +/- 0.01) of the groups measured within an overdensity Delta=2500 is lower than for hot, massive clusters, but the fractional scatter (sigma_f/f=0.2) for groups is larger, implying a greater impact of feedback processes on groups, as expected.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ; 30 pages, 9 figures. No changes from previous versio

    A Chandra View of Dark Matter in Early-Type Galaxies

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    We present a Chandra study of mass profiles in 7 elliptical galaxies, of which 3 have galaxy-scale and 4 group-scale halos demarcated at 1E13Msun. These represent the best available data for nearby objects with comparable X-ray luminosities. We measure ~flat mass-to-light (M/L) profiles within an optical half-light radius (Reff), rising by an order of magnitude at ~10Reff, which confirms the presence of dark matter (DM). The data indicate hydrostatic equilibrium, which is also supported by agreement with studies of stellar kinematics in elliptical galaxies. The data are well-fitted by a model comprising an NFW DM profile and a baryonic component following the optical light. The distribution of DM halo concentration parameters (c) versus Mvir agrees with LCDM predictions and our observations of bright groups. Concentrations are slightly higher than expected, which is most likely a selection effect. Omitting the stellar mass drastically increases c, possibly explaining large concentrations found by some past observers. The stellar M/LK agree with population synthesis models, assuming a Kroupa IMF. Allowing adiabatic compression (AC) of the DM halo by baryons made M/L more discrepant, casting some doubt on AC. Our best-fitting models imply total baryon fractions \~0.04--0.09, consistent with models of galaxy formation incorporating strong feedback. The groups exhibit positive temperature gradients, consistent with the "Universal" profiles found in other groups and clusters, whereas the galaxies have negative gradients, suggesting a change in the evolutionary history of the systems around Mvir=1E13 Msun.Comment: 22 pages and 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Minor changes to match published version. Expanded galaxy/group discussion. Results unchange

    X-ray Isophotes in a Rapidly Rotating Elliptical Galaxy: Evidence of Inflowing Gas

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    We describe two-dimensional gasdynamical computations of the X-ray emitting gas in the rotating elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 that indicate an inflow of about one solar mass per year at every radius. Such a large instantaneous inflow cannot have persisted over a Hubble time. The central constant-entropy temperature peak recently observed in the innermost 150 parsecs is explained by compressive heating as gas flows toward the central massive black hole. Since the cooling time of this gas is only a few million years, NGC 4649 provides the most acutely concentrated known example of the cooling flow problem in which the time-integrated apparent mass that has flowed into the galactic core exceeds the total mass observed there. This paradox can be resolved by intermittent outflows of energy or mass driven by accretion energy released near the black hole. Inflowing gas is also required at intermediate kpc radii to explain the ellipticity of X-ray isophotes due to spin-up by mass ejected by stars that rotate with the galaxy and to explain local density and temperature profiles. We provide evidence that many luminous elliptical galaxies undergo similar inflow spin-up. A small turbulent viscosity is required in NGC 4649 to avoid forming large X-ray luminous disks that are not observed, but the turbulent pressure is small and does not interfere with mass determinations that assume hydrostatic equilibrium.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by Ap
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