43 research outputs found

    Fluorescent Discrimination between Traces of Chemical Warfare Agents and Their Mimics

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    An array of fluorogenic probes is able to discriminate between nerve agents, sarin, soman, tabun, VX and their mimics, in water or organic solvent, by qualitative fluorescence patterns and quantitative multivariate analysis, thus making the system suitable for the inthe- field detection of traces of chemical warfare agents as well as to differentiate between the real nerve agents and other related compounds.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (Project CTQ2012- 31611), Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura y Fondo Social Europeo (Project BU246A12-1), the European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme (Project SNIFFER FP7-SEC-2012-312411) and the Swedish Ministry of Defence (no. A403913

    Rörelsehindrade elever och deras lärares upplevelser och arbete i ämnet Idrott och hälsa : Mot en bakgrund av inkludering, integrering och segregering.

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    Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna rapport var att undersöka hur elever med rörelsehinder och deras lärare upplevde undervisningen och arbetet i ämnet idrott och hälsa mot en bakgrund av inkludering, integrering och segregering. Detta gjordes genom att intervjuer av 3 stycken rörelsehindrade elever och deras respektive lärare genomfördes. Eleverna fick svara på frågor om delaktighet, gemenskap, utanförskap och läraren, medan lärarna fick svara på frågor kring inkludering, integrering, arbetssätt och bedömning. Jag fann att ingen av eleverna upplevde inkludering direkt negativt däremot integrering och vissa former av segregering samt exkludering. En bra dialog med läraren och att inte bli särbehandlad upplevdes som viktiga delar oavsett vilken form av undervisning eleven hade. En annan tendens var att elevens val av undervisningsform svarade rätt så bra mot lärarens attityder till inkludering, integrering och segregering. Undersökningen visade också att anpassningar av övningar och lektioner efter elevens förutsättningar var en viktig del, inte bara i undervisningen utan även för bedömningen av eleven.

    Rörelsehindrade elever och deras lärares upplevelser och arbete i ämnet Idrott och hälsa : Mot en bakgrund av inkludering, integrering och segregering.

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    Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna rapport var att undersöka hur elever med rörelsehinder och deras lärare upplevde undervisningen och arbetet i ämnet idrott och hälsa mot en bakgrund av inkludering, integrering och segregering. Detta gjordes genom att intervjuer av 3 stycken rörelsehindrade elever och deras respektive lärare genomfördes. Eleverna fick svara på frågor om delaktighet, gemenskap, utanförskap och läraren, medan lärarna fick svara på frågor kring inkludering, integrering, arbetssätt och bedömning. Jag fann att ingen av eleverna upplevde inkludering direkt negativt däremot integrering och vissa former av segregering samt exkludering. En bra dialog med läraren och att inte bli särbehandlad upplevdes som viktiga delar oavsett vilken form av undervisning eleven hade. En annan tendens var att elevens val av undervisningsform svarade rätt så bra mot lärarens attityder till inkludering, integrering och segregering. Undersökningen visade också att anpassningar av övningar och lektioner efter elevens förutsättningar var en viktig del, inte bara i undervisningen utan även för bedömningen av eleven.

    Alpha-class glutathione transferases as steroid isomerases and scaffolds for protein redesign

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    The present work focuses on the glutathione transferase (GST) Alpha-class enzymes, their characteristics as steroid isomerases and structural plasticity as malleable scaffolds for protein design. The GSTs are a family of detoxication enzymes that appears to have a wider variety of additional functions. Kinetic steady-state parameters for human GST A1-1 with the steroid isomerase substrate Δ5-androstene-3,17-dione (AD), an intermediate in steroid hormone biosynthesis, were determined. It was established that GST A1-1 is a highly efficient steroid isomerase with a 30-fold higher catalytic efficiency, in terms of kcat/Km, than 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5→4-isomerase, the enzyme regarded as the mammalian Δ5→4-isomerase in steroid hormone biosynthesis. Kinetic parameters were also determined for GST A2-2, GST A4-4 and the GST A1-1 mutant Y9F. From the dependency on pH of the kinetic parameters it was established that efficient catalysis requires glutathione (GSH) in its deprotonated form and it is suggested that the GSH-thiolate acts as a base in the catalysis of the Δ5→4-3-ketosteroid isomerase reaction. GST A2-2 is a poor catalyst of the steroid isomerase reaction while GST A3-3 is highly efficient. Their catalytic efficiencies (kcat/Km) differ 5000-fold. Stepwise point mutations were performed to GST A2-2 in order to insert the amino acid residues from the active-site of GST A3-3 that distinguishes the two isoenzymes. The result was that GST A2-2 was redesigned to a highly efficient double-bond isomerase with both the catalytic constant (kcat) and catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) in the same order as for GST A3-3. Furthermore, this was done by only exchanging amino-acid residues with first-sphere interactions, providing empirical proof-of principle for knowledge-based enzyme design. Kinetic studies on GST A1-1 and a T68E mutant of GST A1-1 were also performed with a GSH analog lacking the g-glutamate a-carboxylate (dGSH), and using three different electrophilic substrates (AD; 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, CDNB; 4-nitrocinnamaldehyde). Deletion of the a-carboxylate from the GSH glutamate had a severe impact on all reaction constants and it changed the rate-limiting step for the CDNB reaction as well as changed the pKa value for the enzyme-bound GSH thiol. The loss in activity caused by dGSH could in part be compensated by the T68E mutant contributing an enzyme-bound carboxylate instead. The C-terminus of GST A1-1 is flexible and folds over the active site when the enzyme binds a substrate. Phenylalanine residues in the C-terminal end, known to interact with active-site residues tyrosine 9 and phenylalanine 10, were mutated to abolish those interactions. Studies of viscosity dependence for CDNB and AD with regard to kcat and kcat/Km showed that the dynamic C-terminal segment influence rate-determining steps for both the larger isomerase substrate, AD, as well as for the smaller conjugation substrate, CDNB

    Straffrättsligt ansvar för uppmaning att begå självmord - och dess relation till intresse- och skadekriterierna

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    Intresse- respektive skadekriteriet är beståndsdelar i två centrala principer vid kriminalisering. Deras funktion inom strafflagstiftningsarbetet är att verka begränsande, så att lagförslag som inte uppfyller kraven som de föreskriver, ej förverkligas. Den 14 juni 2018 beslutade regeringen att ge i uppdrag åt en särskild utredare att överväga ett straffrättsligt ansvar för uppmaning eller annan psykisk påverkan att begå självmord. I denna uppsats tar jag avstamp i den SOU som utarbetats där förslaget att kriminalisera uppmaning till självmord framkommer. Mitt syfte är att sammanföra teoribildningen avseende intresse- respektive skadekriteriet, med lagförslaget för att se dess överensstämmelse. För att möjliggöra denna sammanföring har jag även studerat suicid som fenomen. Detta eftersom betydelsen av intresse och skada särskiljer sig åt, begreppens innebörd måste preciseras med innehåll utifrån sakförhållanden i enskilda fall. Intresset är vad som genom visst straffbud får ”skydd” och brukar av denna anledning kallas för skyddsintresse. Skyddsintresse har ingen på förhand bestämd innebörd, bland annat eftersom kriminalisering fungerar som en spegling av det aktuella samhället men kan sägas utgöras utav positivt värderade: saker, företeelser, förhållande eller dylikt. Skada innehar en mängd olika definitioner inom strafflagstiftningen. Skadebegreppen saknar gemensamma nämnare utöver att det ska handla om någon typ av negativt värderad förändring hos ett objekt. För att sammanlänka skada med tidigare redogjort begrepp intresse, kan man förenklat säga att det utgör gärningstypens negativa påverkan på intresset som önskas skyddas. På detta sätt råder ett förhållande mellan intresse och skada. I min analys ligger betoningen på de delar som är relevanta i förevarande fall för att uppnå uppsatsens syfte, detta innebär att jag utelämnar vissa delar av teoribildningen avseende intresse- respektive skadebegreppet. Min slutsats mynnar ut i att kriterierna om intresse och skada är genomgående vaga och tänjbara vilket skapar stort svängrum att argumentera för deras applicerbarhet i de flesta fall. Gällande lagförslaget om uppmaning till självmord, kommer jag bland annat fram till att det utpekade skyddsintresset: liv, inte nödvändigtvis är närmast identifierat intresse, utan att tilltänkta kriminalisering snarare tillvaratar skyddsintresset avseende en persons frid.The criteria of interest and harm are components in two central principles in criminalization. Their function in criminal law is to act restrictively, so that legislative proposals that do not meet the requirements they prescribe are not enacted. On June 14, 2018, the Swedish government decided to commission a special investigation to consider criminal liability for incitement of, or other psychological influences to commit suicide. In this paper I use the prepared SOU – where proposals for a criminalization of the incitement of suicide appear – as a springboard. My aim is to bring together the theory regarding the criterion of interest and of harm, with the commission´s proposal. For this purpose, I have also studied suicide as a phenomenon. This is because the actual meanings of interest and of harm varies, the material content of the concepts must therefore be clarified based on the facts of each case. “The interest” is what, through a certain penalty, gets "protection" and is for this reason usually called a protected interest. Protected interest has no predetermined meaning, partly because criminalization functions as a reflection of the society in question but can be said to be positively valued: things, phenomena, relationships or the like. Harm holds a variety of definitions in criminal law. The concept of harm has no common denominator besides that it concerns some type of negatively valued change in an object. In order to link harm with the previously reported concept of interest, one can simply say that it is the negative effect of the type of act on the interest that is desired to be protected. In this way, there is a relationship between interest and harm. In my analysis, I omit certain parts of the theory regarding the concepts of interest and of harm, the emphasis being on the parts that are relevant in the present case to achieve the purpose of the essay. My conclusion is that the criteria for interest and harm are consistently vague and flexible, which creates much room to argue for their applicability in most cases. When it comes to criminal liability for incitement of, or other psychological influences to commit suicide, I for instance conclude that the designated protected interest: life, is not necessarily the most closely identified, rather the protected interest at hand is a person's peace

    Signal Analysis with ATLAS

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    On Ericsson Ltd in Borås a wireless communication system called MINI-LINK™ is produced. In order to sell their product with the best possible quality guaranty, there is a signal processing circuit called ATLAS implemented in the system. This circuit would eventually be useful in the production and for the repairs of the radio units. Our commission was to examine the possibility for this use. In order to read out various register in Atlas’s, a program which has these possibilities is needed and such program was already in use producing the units on which the ATLAS circuit is assembled.  In the test which was done during readout of the registers that seemed relevant, it emerged that ATLAS does not give any information about the signals characteristic when it enters the modem unit, but first after all adjustments have been done. Because of this fact it seemed impossible to use ATLAS in some bigger extent as it works today, when it is fundamentally not done in order to be used as an instrument, in order to evaluate the property of signals coming from other units. The following question was about what could be done in a new generation and a thought was to scan existing internal control signals in order to receive more information about how much ATLAS is working to correct errors in the received signals.Uppsatsnivå:

    Consequences of rationalized space and the potential in transitory lived space as recovery from work

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    Does the in-between exist? And if so, does it have any significance for our wellbeing? This  article  takes  on  the  vital  process  of  recovery  from  work,  and  we  argue  that  to  understand that process there is a great potential in what we define as spaces in-between. The type of stressors we are exposed to in working life, or due to conflicts between work and  other  roles  in  life,  mostly  have  the  character  of  everyday  often  recurring  strain  and irritation. This form of low-intense stress can lead to mental deterioration. When resources are consumed we need time to reboot and recreate energy. We need time for recovery,  which  ought  to  take  place  somewhere.  Depending  on  organizing  processes  in  our  working  life,  these  “whereabouts”  are  more  or  less  accessible.  We  argue  that  the way space is controlled, managed, experienced and constructed affects its potential of being a place for recovery. Through these avenues and with the help of a fictional story,  we  show  how  an  increase  in  surveillance,  control  and  transparency  rationalize  and streamlines the spaces in-between “turning them” in to formal and corporate space. However,  we  also  uncover  the  potential  in  the  space  in-between  and  illustrate  when  these spaces are successfully constructed and made use of as recovery from work. This potential  is  associated  with  the  process  of  re-constructing  these  particular  spaces  to  humanized meaningful places

    Usage of Business Intelligence : Testing the Technology Acceptance Model on a BI System

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    Business Intelligence (BI) has become an essential part of the modern enterprise, and what used to be thought of as a luxury is now a matter of survival. Recent economic developments have forced companies to rethink their IT investment strategy. BI investments are now targeting the majority of people in the organisation instead of a select few. Thus, it is important to understand why users of a BI system choose to accept and use the system. Previous research has established the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as one of the most powerful and parsimonious models explaining user acceptance and usage behaviour of information technologies. This quantitative study replicates the original TAM study with the purpose to increase the understanding of BI usage, and investigates the behaviour of the users of the BI system QlikView in the case company GE Healthcare. The results showed a lower explanatory power for the model when compared to previous research. This indicates that how useful a user perceives a BI system to be does not affect the amount of usage to the same extent as predicted by TAM. Possible causes for this are discussed, with an emphasis on the influence of what tasks a user is confronted with and the measurement of system use