730 research outputs found

    New homogeneous iron abundances of double-mode Cepheids from high-resolution echelle spectroscopy

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    Aims: We define the relationship between the double-mode pulsation of Cepheids and metallicity in a more accurate way, determine the empirical metallicities of double-mode Cepheids from homogeneous, high-resolution spectroscopic data, and study of the period-ratio -- metallicity dependence. Methods: The high S/N echelle spectra obtained with the FEROS spectrograph were analyzed using a self-developed IRAF script, and the iron abundances were determined by comparing with synthetic spectra assuming LTE. Results: Accurate [Fe/H] values of 17 galactic beat Cepheids were determined. All these stars have solar or slightly subsolar metallicity. Their period ratio P1/P0 shows strong correlation with their derived [Fe/H] values. The corresponding period ratio -- metallicity relation has been evaluated.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted in A&

    Bi-directional association between depression and HF: An electronic health records-based cohort study.

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    To determine whether a bi-directional relationship exists between depression and HF within a single population of individuals receiving primary care services, using longitudinal electronic health records (EHRs). This retrospective cohort study utilized EHRs for adults who received primary care services within a large healthcare system in 2006. Validated EHR-based algorithms identified 10,649 people with depression (depression cohort) and 5,911 people with HF (HF cohort) between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2018. Each person with depression or HF was matched 1:1 with an unaffected referent on age, sex, and outpatient service use. Each cohort (with their matched referents) was followed up electronically to identify newly diagnosed HF (in the depression cohort) and depression (in the HF cohort) that occurred after the index diagnosis of depression or HF, respectively. The risks of these outcomes were compared (vs. referents) using marginal Cox proportional hazard models adjusted for 16 comorbid chronic conditions. 2,024 occurrences of newly diagnosed HF were observed in the depression cohort and 944 occurrences of newly diagnosed depression were observed in the HF cohort over approximately 4-6 years of follow-up. People with depression had significantly increased risk for developing newly diagnosed HF (HR 2.08, 95% CI 1.89-2.28) and people with HF had a significantly increased risk of newly diagnosed depression (HR 1.34, 95% CI 1.17-1.54) after adjusting for all 16 comorbid chronic conditions. These results provide evidence of a bi-directional relationship between depression and HF independently of age, sex, and multimorbidity from chronic illnesses

    A Toy Model for Blandford-Znajek Mechanism

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    A toy model for the Blandford-Znajek mechanism is investigated: a Kerr black hole with a toroidal electric current residing in a thin disk around the black hole. The toroidal electric current generates a poloidal magnetic field threading the black hole and disk. Due to the interaction of the magnetic field with remote charged particles, the rotation of the black hole and disk induces an electromotive force, which can power an astrophysical load at remote distance. The power of the black hole and disk is calculated. It is found that, for a wide range of parameters specifying the rotation of the black hole and the distribution of the electric current in the disk, the power of the disk exceeds the power of the black hole. The torque provided by the black hole and disk is also calculated. The torque of the disk is comparable to the torque of the black hole. As the disk loses its angular momentum, the mass of the disk gradually drifts towards the black hole and gets accreted. Ultimately the power comes from the gravitational binding energy between the disk and the black hole, as in the standard theory of accretion disk, instead of the rotational energy of the black hole. This suggests that the Blandford-Znajek mechanism may be less efficient in extracting energy from a rotating black hole with a thin disk. The limitations of our simple model and possible improvements deserved for future work are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Particle Motion and Electromagnetic Fields of Rotating Compact Gravitating Objects with Gravitomagnetic Charge

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    The exact solution for the electromagnetic field occuring when the Kerr-Taub-NUT compact object is immersed (i) in an originally uniform magnetic field aligned along the axis of axial symmetry (ii) in dipolar magnetic field generated by current loop has been investigated. Effective potential of motion of charged test particle around Kerr-Taub-NUT gravitational source immersed in magnetic field with different values of external magnetic field and NUT parameter has been also investigated. In both cases presence of NUT parameter and magnetic field shifts stable circular orbits in the direction of the central gravitating object. Finally we find analytical solutions of Maxwell equations in the external background spacetime of a slowly rotating magnetized NUT star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with monopolar configuration model for the stellar magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, new results in section 2 added, section 3 is revised, 3 references are adde

    The laurentian record of neoproterozoic glaciation, tectonism, and eukaryotic evolution in Death Vally, California

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    Neoproterozoic strata in Death Valley, California contain eukaryotic microfossils and glacial deposits that have been used to assess the severity of putative Snowball Earth events and the biological response to extreme environmental change. These successions also contain evidence for syn-sedimentary faulting that has been related to the rifting of Rodinia, and in turn the tectonic context of the onset of Snowball Earth. These interpretations hinge on local geological relationships and both regional and global stratigraphic correlations. Here we present new geological mapping, measured stratigraphic sections, carbon and strontium isotope chemostratigraphy, and micropaleontology from the Neoproterozoic glacial deposits and bounding strata in Death Valley. These new data enable us to refine regional correlations both across Death Valley and throughout Laurentia, and construct a new age model for glaciogenic strata and microfossil assemblages. Particularly, our remapping of the Kingston Peak Formation in the Saddle Peak Hills and near the type locality shows for the first time that glacial deposits of both the Marinoan and Sturtian glaciations can be distinguished in southeastern Death Valley, and that beds containing vase-shaped microfossils are slump blocks derived from the underlying strata. These slump blocks are associated with multiple overlapping unconformities that developed during syn-sedimentary faulting, which is a common feature of Cyrogenian strata along the margin of Laurentia from California to Alaska. With these data, we conclude that all of the microfossils that have been described to date in Neoproterozoic strata of Death Valley predate the glaciations and do not bear on the severity, extent or duration of Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth events

    A Physical Model of Warped Galaxy Disks

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    Warped H I gas layers in the outer regions of spiral galaxies usually display a noticeably twisted structure. This structure almost certainly arises primarily as a result of differential precession in the H I disk as it settles toward a preferred orientation in an underlying dark halo potential well that is not spherically symmetric. In an attempt to better understand the structure and evolution of these twisted, warped disk structures, we have adopted the "twist-equation" formalism originally developed by Petterson (1977) to study accretion onto compact objects. Utilizing more recent treatments of this formalism, we have generalized the twist-equation to allow for the treatment of non-Keplerian disks and from it have derived a steady-state structure of twisted disks that develops from free precession in a nonspherical, logarithmic halo potential. We have used this steady-state solution to produce H I maps of five galaxies (M83, NGC 300, NGC 2841, NGC 5033, NGC5055), which match the general features of the observed maps of these galaxies quite well. In addition, the model provides an avenue through which the kinematical viscosity of the H I disk and the quadrupole distortion of the dark halo in each galaxy can be quantified. This generalized equation can also be used to examine the time-evolutionary behavior of warped galaxy disks.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, to be published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Multimorbidity in bipolar disorder and under-treatment of cardiovascular disease: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Individuals with serious mental disorders experience poor physical health, especially increased rates of cardiometabolic morbidity and premature morbidity. Recent evidence suggests that individuals with schizophrenia have numerous comorbid physical conditions which may be under-recorded and under-treated but to date very few studies have explored this issue for bipolar disorder. Methods:We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of a dataset of 1,751,841 registered patients within 314 primary-care practices in Scotland, U.K. Bipolar disorder was identified using Read Codes recorded within electronic medical records. Data on 32 common chronic physical conditions were also assessed. Potential prescribing inequalities were evaluated by analyzing prescribing data for coronary heart disease (CHD) and hypertension. Results: Compared to controls, individuals with bipolar disorder were significantly less likely to have no recorded physical conditions (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.54-0.63) and significantly more likely to have one physical condition (OR 1.27, 95% CI 1.16-1.39), two physical conditions (OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.30-1.62) and three or more physical conditions (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.30-1.64). People with bipolar disorder also had higher rates of thyroid disorders, chronic kidney disease, chronic pain, chronic obstructive airways disease and diabetes but, surprisingly, lower recorded rates of hypertension and atrial fibrillation. People with bipolar disorder and comorbid CHD or hypertension were significantly more likely to be prescribed no antihypertensive or cholesterol-lowering medications compared to controls, and bipolar individuals with CHD or hypertension were significantly less likely to be on 2 or more antihypertensive agents. Conclusions: Individuals with bipolar disorder are similar to individuals with schizophrenia in having a wide range of comorbid and multiple physical health conditions. They are also less likely than controls to have a primary-care record of cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension and atrial fibrillation. Those with a recorded diagnosis of CHD or hypertension were less likely to be treated with cardiovascular medications and were treated less intensively. This study highlights the high physical healthcare needs of people with bipolar disorder, and provides evidence for a systematic under-recognition and under-treatment of cardiovascular disease in this group

    A Review on Automatic Analysis of Human Embryo Microscope Images

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    Over the last 30 years the process of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) has evolved considerably, yet the efficiency of this treatment remains relatively poor. The principal challenge faced by doctors and embryologists is the identification of the embryo with the greatest potential for producing a child. Current methods of embryo viability assessment provide only a rough guide to potential. In order to improve the odds of a successful pregnancy it is typical to transfer more than one embryo to the uterus. However, this often results in multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets, etc), which are associated with significantly elevated risks of serious complications. If embryo viability could be assessed more accurately, it would be possible to transfer fewer embryos without negatively impacting IVF pregnancy rates. In order to assist with the identification of viable embryos, several scoring systems based on morphological criteria have been developed. However, these mostly rely on a subjective visual analysis. Automated assessment of morphological features offers the possibility of more accurate quantification of key embryo characteristics and elimination of inter- and intra-observer variation. In this paper, we describe the main embryo scoring systems currently in use and review related works on embryo image analysis that could lead to an automatic and precise grading of embryo quality. We summarise achievements, discuss challenges ahead, and point to some possible future directions in this research field