81 research outputs found

    Estudio analítico y experimental de los efectos de las deformaciones impuestas en las estructuras integrales : Monitorización de estructuras reales y contrastaciones teóricas

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    En este trabajo se estudia el problema de las estructuras integrales de edificación, estructuras de gran longitud que no tienen juntas, que están sometidas a esfuerzos gravitatorios, debidos a las cargas exteriores, y a deformaciones impuestas, debidas a la retracción, la fluencia y la acción de la temperatura. Este tema está poco estudiado en la bibliografía existente. No existen prácticamente resultados experimentales que representen el comportamiento de este tipo de estructuras. No existen resultados experimentales de dinteles que representen el comportamiento de un elemento coaccionado o libre longitudinalmente, sometido al efecto conjunto de las acciones gravitatorias y deformaciones impuestas. Los pocos resultados experimentales disponibles se han analizado profundamente, aun cuando no respondieran exactamente al problema planteado, y se ha obtenido evidencias imprescindibles para este trabajo. Asimismo, se ha aprovechado este estudio de los resultados disponibles para contrastar un modelo de elementos finitos no lineal, que se utiliza como instrumento de análisis y validación en el resto de esta investigación. Experimentalmente se ha estudiado el comportamiento de edificios reales, un pórtico de la Nueva Área Terminal, T4, del edificio del Aeropuerto de Barajas, y un aparcamiento subterráneo en la ciudad de Vigo. Ambos son proyectos de estructuras integrales, ya que tienen grandes distancias entre juntas. La monitorización de estas estructuras se ha revelado importantísima para reconocer las posibilidades y dificultades de campañas de instrumentación en estructuras reales. Asimismo se constata que es el único medio para estudiar algunos fenómenos, como los tratados en esta tesis. También se ha estudiado de forma experimental, con el uso de ensayos dedicados, las acciones a las que están sometidas las estructuras integrales, efectos reológicos y temperatura. Con los resultados obtenidos se ha realizado una contrastación con los criterios existentes en la normativa y se han obtenido reveladoras conclusiones. Se presenta un análisis teórico pormenorizado del problema estudiado, a nivel de fibra, sección y elemento estructural. A nivel de sección se proponen nuevas formas de representar distintos parámetros contenidos, de forma implícita, en el diagrama momento-curvatura, la evolución del plano de deformaciones, de la deformación de la fibra baricéntrica, de las rigideces etc. A nivel estructural se ha podido entender el comportamiento de las vigas coaccionadas y su interacción con los pilares, relación básica para analizar el comportamiento de estructuras integrales. Se propone un método simplificado para el análisis, a nivel de proyecto, de este tipo de estructuras. Es un método sencillo pero que a la vez permite una estimación razonable de los fenómenos planteados. Finalmente se han definido algunas reglas de proyecto para este tipo de estructuras, basados en estudios paramétricos y el método simplificado. SUMMARY The present thesis deals with the analysis of integral building structures. These are usually structures of a great length with a limited number of expansion joints. They are subject to vertical loads and imposed axial deformations such as shrinkage, creep and/or temperature. Research on the combined effect of bending moments and imposed axial strain is almost nonexistent in today’s literature. There are hardly any experimental results available dealing with structures restrained, or with a horizontal degree of freedom, subjected to this kind of action. This thesis reflects an extensive review of prior studies combined with the experimental results found and their interpretation with explicit reference to the subject of this work. Additionally a numerical analysis tool was benchmarked and then used to achieve a realistic simulation of the constrained non-linear structural behaviour. During this research project, two structures have been monitored: A pc-frame for the new Barajas Airport Terminal T4 in Madrid and the rc-slab of an underground car park in the city of Vigo. Both are integral structures, as they have great length without joints and a monolithic connection between superstructure and piers or piles respectively. The metering of such structures has shown not only the possibilities, difficulties and limits of such field studies, but also has proven inevitable to investigate constraint phenomena like those treated in this thesis. Furthermore, effects such as shrinkage, creep and temperature have been verified through various experimental samples. The collected data has been compared to technical standard data and revealing conclusions could be drawn. The problem is thoroughly addressed from cross section level to beams and columns in the theoretical part of this work. During the cross sectional analysis the classical moment-curvature diagrams have been extended by additional graphs showing the evolution of different parameters like the strain distribution, the strain variation in the reference fibre, the stiffness, etc. The structural analysis of horizontally restrained beams and the interaction of beams and piers revealed the behaviour of jointless structures, since the monolithical connection between horizontal and vertical elements is one of their basic characteristics. A simplified approach is proposed, enabling the designer to evaluate the serviceability of jointless structures subjected to imposed deformations without the need for non-linear analysis. Finally, parametric studies were performed and from there project criteria for continuous frames were derived

    Imposed Deformations Measured on a Real Integral Structure: New Airport Terminal Barajas, Madrid, Spain

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    Experimental research on imposed deformation is generally conducted on small scale laboratory experiments. The attractiveness of field research lies in the possibility to compare results obtained from full scale structures to theoretical prediction. Unfortunately, measurements obtained from real structures are rarely described in literature. The structural response of integral edifices depends significantly on stiffness changes and constraints. The New Airport Terminal Barajas in Madrid, Spain provides with large integral modules, partially post?tensioned concrete frames, cast monolithically over three floor levels and an overall length of approx. 80 m. The field campaign described in this article explains the instrumentation of one of these frames focusing on the influence of imposed deformations such as creep, shrinkage and temperature. The applied monitoring equipment included embedded strain gages, thermocouples, DEMEC measurements and simple displacement measurements. Data was collected throughout construction and during two years of service. A complete data range of five years is presented and analysed. The results are compared with a simple approach to predict the long?term shortening of this concrete structure. Both analytical and experimental results are discussed

    Instrumentación y auscultación de un puente integral

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    Las estructura integrales, en general, y los puentes, en particular, son estructuras sin juntas, generalmente, totalmente monolíticas. En estas estructuras el comportamiento frente a deformaciones impuestas, fluencia, retracción y temperatura, concomitantes con las acciones gravitatorias es determinante. La experimentación de laboratorio es inexistente, en este campo, debido a la dificultad de introducir las deformaciones impuestas. El Grupo Hormigón Estructural de la ETS de Caminos de Madrid ha realizado campañas experimentales para la medición de los efectos de deformaciones impuestas en estructuras reales de edificación, (NAT Barajas y aparcamiento subterráneo en Vigo [1, 2, 3]) y ahora realiza la monitorización del comportamiento de un paso superior sobre la autovía Ávila-Salamanca, en el marco de un proyecto PROFIT liderado por la empresa constructora FCC y la consultora estructural FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores [4]. En este trabajo se describe la campaña experimental, sus objetivos, la instrumentación utilizada y los primeros resultados experimentales obtenidos

    Instrumentacion y auscultación de un puente integral

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    El conocimiento del comportamiento estructural real de las obras civiles es de suma importancia, sobre todo para determinar la validez de los modelos utilizados en el proyecto de nuevas estructuras. Por este motivo, el Grupo Hormigón Estructural, sobre la base de la experiencia de campañas anteriores en estructuras de edificación (NAT Barajas y un parking subterráneo en Vigo) ha diseñado la siguiente campaña experimental en un puente integral que forma parte de la nueva carretera Ávila- Salamanca. Este trabajo se centra en la descripción de la campaña experimental, sus objetivos y los primeros resultados experimentales obtenidos. El trabajo experimental tiene tres objetivos principales: medir las acciones ambientales de humedad y temperatura, medir las propiedades materiales y el comportamiento reológico de los hormigones utilizados en pilas y tablero y finalmente, medir la respuesta de la estructura en términos de deformaciones y movimientos. La auscultación seguirá en los próximos años y los resultados obtenidos servirán, entre otras cosas, para la comprobación de los criterios de diseño utilizados en esta clase de puentes

    Comparison of Antibiotic Dosing Before and After Implementation of an Electronic Order Set

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    Background: To maximize resources, the antimicrobial stewardship program at a pediatric tertiary care hospital made pediatric dosing specific guidance within the electronic health record available to all hospitals within the health system. Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the appropriateness of antibiotic dosing before and after the implementation of an electronic intravenous (IV) antibiotic order set. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study evaluating orders from patients younger than 18 years who received cefepime, piperacillin-tazobactam, tobramycin, or gentamicin at 12 health-system hospitals. Antibiotic dosing regimens and order set use were evaluated in patients who received the specified antibiotics during the 6-month time frame prior to and following electronic order set availability at each hospital. Results: In the before and after implementation periods, 360 and 387 total antibiotic orders were included, respectively. Most orders were gentamicin (55.8% in the before implementation period and 54.5% in the after implementation period) followed by piperacillin-tazobactam (22.5% in the before period and 22.2% in the after period). Overall, 663 orders were classified as appropriate (88.8%). Appropriateness was similar in the before or after implementation periods (87.8 vs. 89.7%, p = 0.415). There was a significant difference in appropriateness if a blank order versus the electronic IV antibiotic order set was used (82.8 vs. 90.5%; p = 0.024). Conclusion: No difference in antibiotic appropriateness overall was found in the before and after implementation periods. However, when specifically compared with the appropriateness of dosing when blank order forms were used, dosing was more appropriate when electronic antibiotic order sets were used

    On geometry of cones and some applications

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    In this work we prove that in any normed space, the origin is a denting point of a pointed cone if and only if it is a point of continuity for the cone and the closure of the cone in the bidual space with respect to the weak* topology is pointed. Other related results and consequences are also stated. For example, a criterion to know whether a cone has a bounded base, an unbounded base, or does not have any base; and a result on the existence of super efficient points in weakly compact sets. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.We thank the referee for suggestions that helped to improve the overall aspect of the manuscript. This work has been partially supported by the Generalitat Valenciana project GV/2014/072 (F. Garcia Castano) and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER project MTM2014-57838-C2-2-P (V. Montesinos).Garcia Castano, F.; Melguizo Padial, MA.; Montesinos Santalucia, V. (2015). On geometry of cones and some applications. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 431(2):1178-1189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.06.029S11781189431

    Expression analysis of mammaglobin A (SCGB2A2) and lipophilin B (SCGB1D2) in more than 300 human tumors and matching normal tissues reveals their co-expression in gynecologic malignancies

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    BACKGROUND: Mammaglobin A (SCGB2A2) and lipophilin B (SCGB1D2), two members of the secretoglobin superfamily, are known to be co-expressed in breast cancer, where their proteins form a covalent complex. Based on the relatively high tissue-specific expression pattern, it has been proposed that the mammaglobin A protein and/or its complex with lipophilin B could be used in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. In view of these clinical implications, the aim of the present study was to analyze the expression of both genes in a large panel of human solid tumors (n = 309), corresponding normal tissues (n = 309) and cell lines (n = 11), in order to evaluate their tissue specific expression and co-expression pattern. METHODS: For gene and protein expression analyses, northern blot, dot blot hybridization of matched tumor/normal arrays (cancer profiling arrays), quantitative RT-PCR, non-radioisotopic RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used. RESULTS: Cancer profiling array data demonstrated that mammaglobin A and lipophilin B expression is not restricted to normal and malignant breast tissue. Both genes were abundantly expressed in tumors of the female genital tract, i.e. endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancer. In these four tissues the expression pattern of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B was highly concordant, with both genes being down-, up- or not regulated in the same tissue samples. In breast tissue, mammaglobin A expression was down-regulated in 49% and up-regulated in 12% of breast tumor specimens compared with matching normal tissues, while lipophilin B was down-regulated in 59% and up-regulated in 3% of cases. In endometrial tissue, expression of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B was clearly up-regulated in tumors (47% and 49% respectively). Both genes exhibited down-regulation in 22% of endometrial tumors. The only exceptions to this concordance of mammaglobin A/lipophilin B expression were normal and malignant tissues of prostate and kidney, where only lipophilin B was abundantly expressed and mammaglobin A was entirely absent. RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed expression of mammaglobin A on a cellular level in endometrial and cervical cancer and their corresponding normal tissues. CONCLUSION: Altogether, these data suggest that expression of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B might be controlled in different tissues by the same regulatory transcriptional mechanisms. Diagnostic assays based on mammaglobin A expression and/or the mammaglobin A/lipophilin B complex appear to be less specific for breast cancer, but with a broader spectrum of potential applications, which includes gynecologic malignancies