96 research outputs found

    New concept of relativistic invariance in NC space-time: twisted Poincar\'e symmetry and its implications

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    We present a systematic framework for noncommutative (NC) QFT within the new concept of relativistic invariance based on the notion of twisted Poincar\'e symmetry (with all 10 generators), as proposed in ref. [7]. This allows to formulate and investigate all fundamental issues of relativistic QFT and offers a firm frame for the classification of particles according to the representation theory of the twisted Poincar\'e symmetry and as a result for the NC versions of CPT and spin-statistics theorems, among others, discussed earlier in the literature. As a further application of this new concept of relativism we prove the NC analog of Haag's theorem.Comment: 15 page

    On "full" twisted Poincare' symmetry and QFT on Moyal-Weyl spaces

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    We explore some general consequences of a proper, full enforcement of the "twisted Poincare'" covariance of Chaichian et al. [14], Wess [50], Koch et al. [34], Oeckl [41] upon many-particle quantum mechanics and field quantization on a Moyal-Weyl noncommutative space(time). This entails the associated braided tensor product with an involutive braiding (or \star-tensor product in the parlance of Aschieri et al. [3,4]) prescription for any coordinates pair of x,yx,y generating two different copies of the space(time); the associated nontrivial commutation relations between them imply that xyx-y is central and its Poincar\'e transformation properties remain undeformed. As a consequence, in QFT (even with space-time noncommutativity) one can reproduce notions (like space-like separation, time- and normal-ordering, Wightman or Green's functions, etc), impose constraints (Wightman axioms), and construct free or interacting theories which essentially coincide with the undeformed ones, since the only observable quantities involve coordinate differences. In other words, one may thus well realize QM and QFT's where the effect of space(time) noncommutativity amounts to a practically unobservable common noncommutative translation of all reference frames.Comment: Latex file, 24 pages. Final version to appear in PR

    Deterministic constant-temperature dynamics for dissipative quantum systems

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    A novel method is introduced in order to treat the dissipative dynamics of quantum systems interacting with a bath of classical degrees of freedom. The method is based upon an extension of the Nos\`e-Hoover chain (constant temperature) dynamics to quantum-classical systems. Both adiabatic and nonadiabatic numerical calculations on the relaxation dynamics of the spin-boson model show that the quantum-classical Nos\`e-Hoover chain dynamics represents the thermal noise of the bath in an accurate and simple way. Numerical comparisons, both with the constant energy calculation and with the quantum-classical Brownian motion treatment of the bath, show that the quantum-classical Nos\`e-Hoover Chain dynamics can be used to introduce dissipation in the evolution of a quantum subsystem even with just one degree of freedom for the bath. The algorithm can be computationally advantageous in modeling, within computer simulation, the dynamics of a quantum subsystem interacting with complex molecular environments.Comment: Revised versio

    Smart museum of everyday life history in Petrozavodsk State University: Software design and implementation of the semantic layer

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    Since 2016 a smart museum of everyday life history has been developed within the History Museum of Petrozavodsk State University. This R&D project aims at solutions to the two important problems for creating a digital service-oriented environment for museum visitors and personnel: 1) offering personal recommendations on the museum collection with the use of semantic ranking methods and in context of the user and exhibition, 2) collaborative addition of information sources and their semantic annotation within the museum collection. Such solutions form the semantic layer of smart museum environment. This paper introduces our a) system design models for agent- based programming of museum information services, b) ranking models for semantic data mining in historical and cultural heritage domain. Our software implementation demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed models in respect to the user mobility, service personalization, and collaborative work opportunity

    Fractional Systems and Fractional Bogoliubov Hierarchy Equations

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    We consider the fractional generalizations of the phase volume, volume element and Poisson brackets. These generalizations lead us to the fractional analog of the phase space. We consider systems on this fractional phase space and fractional analogs of the Hamilton equations. The fractional generalization of the average value is suggested. The fractional analogs of the Bogoliubov hierarchy equations are derived from the fractional Liouville equation. We define the fractional reduced distribution functions. The fractional analog of the Vlasov equation and the Debye radius are considered.Comment: 12 page

    Fractional Liouville and BBGKI Equations

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    We consider the fractional generalizations of Liouville equation. The normalization condition, phase volume, and average values are generalized for fractional case.The interpretation of fractional analog of phase space as a space with fractal dimension and as a space with fractional measure are discussed. The fractional analogs of the Hamiltonian systems are considered as a special class of non-Hamiltonian systems. The fractional generalization of the reduced distribution functions are suggested. The fractional analogs of the BBGKI equations are derived from the fractional Liouville equation.Comment: 20 page

    Разработка технологического процесса получения биологически активных соединений с каллусной культуры лекарственных растений

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    Проблематика. Широке використання лікарських рослин (ЛР), для отримання біологічно активних речовин (БАР) призвело до стрімкого скорочення їх у природі. Деякі з них належать до рідкісних і зникаючих видів, багато рослин довго відновлюють свої площі виростання. Одним із актуальних напрямів біотехнології є отримання речовин вторинного метаболізму на основі культивованих in vitro клітин рослин. Розробка таких біотехнологій базується на дослідженні закономірностей калусогенезу та накопичення вторинних метаболітів у клітинних культурах. У зв’язку з цим культивування тканин і клітин вищих рослин in vitro з метою їх промислового використання для отримання БАР та збереження генофонду визначає актуальність цього дослідження. Мета дослідження. Метою роботи є вивчення умов культивування та розроблення технології одержання БАР із калусної маси ЛР. Методика реалізації. В роботі використовували біотехнологічні та фізико-хімічні методи дослідження. Результати дослідження. Підібрано схему стерилізації насіння з найбільшим виходом асептичних експлантів (93 %) та оптимальні умови процесу (для культивування вибрано середовище Мурасіге і Скуга, регулятори росту, світловий і температурний режими). Висновки. Оптимізовано умови культивування та запропоновано технологічну схему отримання БАР із калусної маси Gladiolus imbricatus, що дає можливість одержати комплекс БАР у вигляді екстракту з культури клітин рослин.Background. The widespread use of medicinal plants (MP) for production of biologically active substances is leading to their sharp reduction in their nature. Some of them are rare and endangered species, many plants reduced their long area of growth. One of the actual directions of biotechnology is to obtain the secondary metabolites from plant cells cultured in vitro. The development of biotechnology is based on the study of regularities of callusogenesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites in cell cultures. In this regard, the cultivation of tissues and cells of higher plants in vitro for their industrial use for producing bioactive compounds (BAC) and preserve the gene pool determines the relevance of this study. Objective. The aim of the work is to study of cultivation conditions and development of technology for production of BAC from the callus mass of MP. Methods. The biotechnological, physical and chemical methods have been used. Results. The scheme of sterilization of seeds with the highest emergence of the aseptic explants (93 %) and the optimum conditions of process (the medium Murasihe and Skoog, growth regulators, light and temperature regimes have selected for cultivation) has been chosen. Conclusions. We proposed optimized cultivation conditions and technological scheme for obtaining the BAC from callus mass of Gladiolus imbricatus, which allows to obtain the complex of BAC as an extract of plant cell culture.Проблематика. Широкое использование лекарственных растений (ЛР) для получения биологически активных веществ (БАВ) привело к стремительному сокращению их в природе. Некоторые из них относятся к редким и исчезающим видам, многие растения долго восстанавливают свои площади произрастания. Одним из актуальных направлений биотехнологии является получение веществ вторичного метаболизма на основе культивируемых in vitro клеток растений. Разработка таких биотехнологий базируется на исследовании закономерностей каллусогенеза и накопления вторичных метаболитов в клеточных культурах. В связи с этим культивирование тканей и клеток высших растений in vitro с целью их промышленного использования для получения БАВ и сохранения генофонда определяет актуальность данного исследования. Цель исследования. Целью работы является изучение условий культивирования и разработка технологии получения БАВ из каллусной массы ЛР. Методика реализации. В работе использовали биотехнологические и физико-химические методы исследования. Результаты исследования. Подобраны схема стерилизации семян с наибольшим выходом асептических эксплантов (93 %) и оптимальные условия процесса (для культивирования выбраны среда Мурасиге и Скуга, регуляторы роста, световой и температурный режимы). Выводы. Оптимизированы условия культивирования и предложена технологическая схема получения БАС из каллусной массы Gladiolus imbricatus, что позволяет получить комплекс БАВ в виде экстракта из культуры клеток растений

    Wordwide patterns of genetic differentiation imply multiple ‘domestications’of Aedes aegypti, a major vector of human diseases

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    Understanding the processes by which species colonize and adapt to human habitats is particularly important in the case of disease-vectoring arthropods. The mosquito species Aedes aegypti, a major vector of dengue and yellow fever viruses, probably originated as a wild, zoophilic species in sub-Saharan Africa, where some populations still breed in tree holes in forested habitats. Many populations of the species, however, have evolved to thrive in human habitats and to bite humans. This includes some populations within Africa as well as almost all those outside Africa. It is not clear whether all domestic populations are genetically related and represent a single ‘domestication’ event, or whether association with human habitats has developed multiple times independently within the species. To test the hypotheses above, we screened 24 worldwide population samples of Ae. aegypti at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. We identified two distinct genetic clusters: one included all domestic populations outside of Africa and the other included both domestic and forest populations within Africa. This suggests that human association in Africa occurred independently from that in domestic populations across the rest of the world. Additionally, measures of genetic diversity support Ae. aegypti in Africa as the ancestral form of the species. Individuals from domestic populations outside Africa can reliably be assigned back to their population of origin, which will help determine the origins of new introductions of Ae. aegypti

    Organizing degrowth: The ontological politics of enacting degrowth in OMS

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    As degrowth notions begin to gain traction within business schools and organization and management studies (OMS), this paper draws on Science and Technology Studies to interrogate the ontological politics of enacting degrowth in this relatively new context. We argue that the ‘degrowth multiple’ is a boundary object which takes on different forms as it circulates among different epistemic communities and within their respective boundaries, institutional arrangements, practices, and agendas. We investigate this empirically to elucidate how degrowth is being enacted within the OMS epistemic apparatus, revealing three set of practices characterizing extant OMS-degrowth engagements: stabilizations, reconfigurations, and projections. These motivate a subsequent discussion of the ontological politics unfolding through degrowth performances in OMS, its transformations (t)herein, and degrowth’s wider enrollment within the OMS epistemic apparatus. We thus contribute a reflexive intervention to organizing degrowth such that it remains a politically actionable concept across multiple contexts, and avoids becoming uncritically black-boxed, fetishized, and/or diluted by diverging cross-boundary enactments

    On the effects of the fix geometric constraint in 2D profiles on the reusability of parametric 3D CAD models

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    [EN] In order to be reusable, history-based feature-based parametric CAD models must reliably allow for modifications while maintaining their original design intent. In this paper, we demonstrate that relations that fix the location of geometric entities relative to the reference system produce inflexible profiles that reduce model reusability. We present the results of an experiment where novice students and expert CAD users performed a series of modifications in different versions of the same 2D profile, each defined with an increasingly higher number of fix geometric constraints. Results show that the amount of fix constraints in a 2D profile correlates with the time required to complete reusability tasks, i.e., the higher the number of fix constraints in a 2D profile, the less flexible and adaptable the profile becomes to changes. In addition, a pilot software tool to automatically track this type of constraints was developed and tested. Results suggest that the detection of fix constraint overuse may result in a new metric to assess poor quality models with low reusability. The tool provides immediate feedback for preventing high semantic level quality errors, and assistance to CAD users. Finally, suggestions are introduced on how to convert fix constraints in 2D profiles into a negative metric of 3D model quality.The authors would like to thank Raquel Plumed for her support in the statistical analysis. This work has been partially funded by Grant UJI-A02017-15 (Universitat Jaume I) and DPI201784526-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), project CAL-MBE. The authors also wish to thank the editor and reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that helped us improve the quality of the paper.González-Lluch, C.; Company, P.; Contero, M.; Pérez Lopez, DC.; Camba, JD. (2019). On the effects of the fix geometric constraint in 2D profiles on the reusability of parametric 3D CAD models. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 29(4):821-841. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-018-9458-zS821841294Ait-Aoudia, S., & Foufou, S. (2010). A 2D geometric constraint solver using a graph reduction method. Advances in Engineering Software, 41(10), 1187–1194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2010.07.008 .Ault, H. K. (1999). Using geometric constraints to capture design intent. Journal for Geometry and Graphics, 3(1), 39–45.Ault, H. K. (2004). Over-constrained, under-constrained or just right? Goldilocks evaluates DOF of sketched profiles. Paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education, 59th annual midyear meeting past, present and future? Williamsburg, November 21–23.Ault, H. K., Bu, L., & Liu, K. (2014). Solid modeling strategies-analyzing student choices. Paper presented at proceedings of the 121st ASEE annual conference and exposition, Indianapolis, June 15–18.Ault, H. K., & Fraser, A. (2013). 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