1,263 research outputs found

    Institutional Stimuli of Economic Sustainability and Development: Financial Concept and Anticorruption Effects

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    The paper is devoted to elucidating the content and role of institutional stimuli in providing the economic sustainability and development. There is systematized the understanding of the economic content of the stimulating and coordinating function of institutions. The analysis of the essence and forms of manifestations of the dilemma “sustainability vs development” is realized. The complex of institutional sustainability and development stimuli as a complicated integrity of formal and informal alternatives, mechanisms of the economic development is separated. There is also elucidated the content of anticorruption effects of using institutional stimuli. Main institutional preconditions of the theoretical model of stimulating the economic development in the context of combining quality institutions, mechanisms and effective stimuli are revealed, its base principles are substantiated. The method of institutional analysis that is a base of systematization of the understanding of the economic content of the stimulating and coordinating function of institutions is central in the study. The method of system approach is used at analyzing the essence and forms of manifestations of the dilemma “sustainability vs development”. Based on method of structuring and synthesis, there is separated the complex of institutional stimuli of sustainability and development as a complicated integrity of formal and informal alternatives. The structural logic analysis gave a possibility to separate mechanisms and instruments of the economic development. Methods of comparison and generalization are used at elucidating the content of anticorruption effects of using institutional stimuli. There is established an importance of differentiation of legal institutions of state regulation that provide observation of property rights and responsibility and institutions that structure a market behavior of partners under conditions of the effective competition at making choice between the market and dirigiste mechanisms of sustainability and development. It is elucidated, that the effectiveness of institutional stimuli is connected with strengthening property rights and decreasing a corruption level. The influence mechanism of institutional stimuli of overcoming the conflict between private and social in the macrofinancial sphere is explained. It is established, that anticorruption effects of institutional stimulation need providing the rule of law, effective enforcement, support of democratic values, formation of the market competitive environment. At the same time there is revealed the ineffectiveness of anticorruption stimuli without raising the general culture of the population, formation of the anticorruption worldview. It is established the necessity of the civic society, more independent from the state, higher degree of personal responsibility of individuals for providing institutional stimuli that support stability, development and have the motivation effect in countries with forming markets. Institutional arrangements as to transferring economies of countries with forming markets to the way of development are determined

    Participation of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian State in the sixteenth century

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    the paper analyzes the role and importance of the local government in the implementation of the penitentiary policy of the Russian state. Over the period of its existence the penitentiary system of the Czarist Russia remained decentralized. Only because of the prison reform of 1879, the all-Russian body of governance the penitentiary system, the Main Prison Administration, was established. In such circumstances, local government and self-government bodies played a key role in supporting the work of penal institutions

    Controlling stress state of a hoisting shaft frame in the context of specific freezing process

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    Purpose is to obtain regularities of a stress state of such multilayer system as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame in the process of numerical analysis to control a frame state with the selection of efficient parameters; thickness depending upon a specific frozen process specifically. Methods. Numerical analysis on the basis of a finite-element method has been implemented relying upon Pro Complex Structure CAD for Windows (SCAD) which made it possible to obtain stress state of a hoisting shaft frame and its interaction with ice-soil blocking as well as with neighbourhood rock mass soil. Findings. Hoisting shaft model has been developed. The model is based upon actual geometry and results of laboratory studies. Three blocking types (i.e. reinforced-concrete blocks, gray cast-iron tubbings, and modified gray cast-iron tubbings) and two soil types (i.e. sand and clayish soil at +8°С temperature) in terms of different freezing temperatures (i.e. (–2, –6 and –10°С) were analyzed numerically with the use of the SCAD. Results of the research have helped identify dependences concerning formation of a stress state of the multilayer neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame system while varying properties of the listed types of a frame, neighbourhood rock mass, and ice-soil blocking. Regularities of the stressed state components deepening upon the frozen soil elasticity modulus, corresponding to its certain temperature, and elasticity modulus of a hoisting shaft frame have been obtained. The regularities connect changes in the stress of a hoisting shaft blocking in the context of specific freezing process. Originality. The obtained dependences of the stressed state of a hoisting shaft frame on the soil elasticity modulus and the material are composite spatial surfaces reflecting representatively the stressed state of such multilayer systems as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame. Practical implications. The regularities of the stressed state, determined for such multilayer systems as neighbourhood rock mass – frozen soil – hoisting shaft frame, make it possible to control stress components selecting rational geometry of a frame and its material or temperature cycle to freeze soils while applying the specific method.Мета. Отримання в ході чисельного аналізу закономірностей зміни напруженого стану багатошарової системи “ґрунт оточуючого масиву – заморожений ґрунт – оправа шахтного стовбуру” для управління напруженим станом оправи із підбором ефективних параметрів (наприклад, товщини) в залежності від параметрів спеціального способу заморожування. Методика. Застосовано чисельний аналіз на основі методу скінченних елементів, реалізований на базі професійного комплексу Structure CAD for Windows (SCAD), що дозволив отримати напружений стан оправи шахтного стовбуру із його взаємодією із льодоґрунтовим огородженням та ґрунтом оточуючого масиву. Результати. Створено модель шахтного стовбура, що побудована на основі реальних геометричних розмірів і результатів лабораторних досліджень. В ході чисельного аналізу із застосуванням SCAD досліджено три типи оправи (залізобетонні блоки, тюбінги з сірого чавуну та тюбінги з модифікованого сірого чавуну), два типи ґрунтів (пісок та суглинок при температурі +8°С) при різних температурах заморожування (–2, –6 і –10°С). Результати досліджень дозволили відшукати залежності формування напруженого стану багатошарової системи “ґрунт оточуючого масиву – заморожений ґрунт – оправа шахтного стовбуру” при варіації властивостей вказаних типів оправи, ґрунту оточуючого масиву та льодоґрунтового огородження. Отримано закономірності компонент напруженого стану від модуля пружності замороженого ґрунту, що відповідає певній його температурі, та модуля пружності оправи шахтного стовбуру. Дані закономірності пов’язують зміну напружень оправи шахтного стовбуру при спеціальному способі заморожування. Наукова новизна. Отримані залежності компонент напруженого стану оправи шахтного стовбуру від модулю пружності ґрунту та матеріалу є складними просторовими поверхнями, що репрезентативно відображають напружений стан багатошарової системи “ґрунт оточуючого масиву – заморожений ґрунт – оправа шахтного стовбуру”. Практична значимість. Закономірності напруженого стану, визначені для багатошарової системи “ґрунт оточуючого масиву – заморожений ґрунт – оправа шахтного стовбуру”, дозволяють управляти компонентами напружень, підбираючи раціональні геометричних параметри та матеріал оправи, або температуру циклу заморожування ґрунтів при застосуванні цього спеціального способу.Цель. Получение в ходе численного анализа закономерностей изменения напряженного состояния многослойной системы “ґрунт окружающего массива – замороженный грунт – оправа шахтного ствола” для управления напряженным состоянием оправы с подбором эффективных параметров (например, толщины) в зависимости от параметров специального способа замораживания. Методика. Применен численный анализ на основе метода конечных элементов, реализованный на базе про-профессионального комплекса Structure CAD for Windows (SCAD), позволивший получить напряженное состояние оправы шахтного ствола с его взаимодействием с льодоґрунтовым ограждением и грунтом окружающего массива. Результаты. Создана модель шахтного ствола, построенная на основе реальных геометрических размеров и результатов лабораторных исследований. В ходе численного анализа с применением SCAD исследованы три типа оправы (железобетонные блоки, тюбинги из серого чугуна и тюбинги из модифицированного серого чугуна), два типа грунтов (песок и суглинок при температуре +8°С) при различных температурах замораживания (–2, –6 и –10°С). Результаты исследований позволили отыскать зависимости формирования напряженного состояния многослойной системы “грунт окружающего массива – замороженный грунт – оправа шахтного ствола” при вариации свойств указанных типов оправы, грунта окружающей массива и льодоґрунтового ограждения. Получены закономерности компонент напряженного состояния от модуля упругости замороженного грунта, что соответствует определенной его температуре, и модуля упругости оправы шахтного ствола. Данные закономерности связывают изменение напряжений оправы шахтного ствола при специальном способе замораживания. Научная новизна. Полученные зависимости компонент напряженного состояния оправы шахтного ствола от модуля упругости грунта и материала являются сложными пространственными поверхностями, репрезентативно отражающие напряженное состояние многослойной системы “грунт окружающей массива – замороженный грунт – оправа шахтного ствола”. Практическая значимость. Закономерности напряженного состояния, определенные для многослойной системы “грунт окружающей массива – замороженный грунт – оправа шахтного ствола”, позволяют управлять компонентами напряжений, подбирая рациональные геометрические параметры и материал оправы, или температуру цикла замораживания грунтов при применении этого специального способа.The results of the study were obtained in the process of implementing the state-financed research Analytical regularities of a stress-strain state of frame of hoisting shafts while specific operation performing (official registration No. 0117U006810). The authors express thanks to S.M. Likhman, Chief Engineer of Kyivmetrobud PJSC, and M.V. Bilous, Candidate of Science and Director of a Ukrheodezmark being a subsidiary company of Kyivmetrobud PJSC for their counseling as for the specific method of soil freezing and selection of rational designs of a hoisting shaft

    Structure development and simulation of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

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    Electric-drive vehicles (EDVs) have gained attention, especially in the context of growing concerns about global warming and energy security aspects associated with road transport. The main characteristic of EDVs is that the torque is supplied to the wheels by an electric motor that is powered either solely by a battery or in combination with an internal combustion engine (ICE). This covers hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), battery electric vehicles (BEVs), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), but also photovoltaic electric vehicles (PVEVs) and fuelcell vehicles (FCVs). [1] So we initiated research work with a view to assess the economic impacts,engineering constraints and user needs of a future market penetration of those car technologies, with a focus on PHEVs. As a starting step, we reviewed the literature and prepared this paper which provides a summary description of the technology aspects, the current state of the research and development in the field. It also elaborates consistent sets of data about the vehicle technologies in view of the subsequent modeling work to undertake the assessment. The paper also identifies a series of areas where more data and assessment are needed

    Novel magnetic phases in a Gd2Ti2O7 pyrochlore for a field applied along the [100] axis

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    We report on longitudinal and transverse magnetisation measurements performed on single crystal samples of Gd2Ti2O7 for a magnetic field applied along the [100] direction. The measurements reveal the presence of previously unreported phases in fields below 10 kOe in an addition to the higher-field-induced phases that are also seen for H//[111], [110], and [112]. The proposed H-T phase diagram for the [100] direction looks distinctly different from all the other directions studied previously.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Assessment of the potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine on the basis of sustainability

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    It is substantiated that the modern conditions of economic development are characterized by rapid dynamics and unpredictability of changes at the global, national and regional levels. The development of the tourism industry and the resort and recreation sphere of Ukraine and its regions requires research into the existing potential and the implementation of the principles of sustainable balanced development in accordance with the Agenda for the 21st century in the field of travel and tourism industry developed by the World Tourism Organization. The necessity of spreading innovative forms of mutual relations in the form of corporatization, institutionalization and public-private partnership in the context of sustainable development of the tourism industry and the resort and recreation sphere of the regions of Ukraine has been proven. Innovative forms of relationships in the field of balanced regional sustainable development of the tourism and resort-recreational sphere, according to which the mechanisms of functioning of the studied sphere are improved, can be considered as a source of financing for the development of the studied field and the reproduction of natural resource potential. It has been investigated that the main regularities have been formed in Ukraine regarding the regulation of the regional sustainable development of the tourism industry and the resort and recreation sphere. Analysis of such regularities, methods, factors, tools and principles of their regulation allow predicting ways to improve the functioning of the researched area

    Magnetic phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic pyrochlore Gd2Ti2O7

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    Gd2Ti2O7 is a highly frustrated antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore lattice, where apart from the Heisenberg exchange the spins also interact via dipole-dipole forces. We report on low-temperature specific heat measurements performed on single crystals of Gd2Ti2O7 for three different directions of an applied magnetic field. The measurements reveal the strongly anisotropic behaviour of Gd2Ti2O7 in a magnetic field despite the apparent absence of a significant single-ion anisotropy for Gd3+. The H-T phase diagrams are constructed for H//111], H//[110] and H//[112]. The results indicate that further theoretical work beyond a simple mean-field model is required.Comment: 4 figure

    Peculiarities of premenstrual syndrome treatment in women with hyperthyroidism

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    Today among all endocrinological disease in women thyroid pathology is the second only to diabetes. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) plays a leading role in reducing the quality of life for women of the reproductive age. The manifestations of PMS are particularly worse in women with hyperthyroidism. We examined 35 patients with premenstrual syndrome and / or irregular menstruation with concomitant hyperthyroidism. In the examined patients the nature of the menstrual cycle, the degree of manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, the level of PRL and its biologically active fraction (BFA), LH, FSH, estradiol (E2), progesterone (Pg) were analyzed. In order to correct the detected impairments a dose of up to 30 drops of Mastodinon twice a day for three menstrual cycles was used.Mastodinon caused a significant decrease in the levels of total prolactin (15,5 ± 1,0) IU /1, BFA to (8,5 ± 0,7) IU /1 and its contents - to the (54,7 ± 4, 5)%, significant increase in LH concentration to (9,3 ± 0,6) IU /1, FSH - to (7,7 ± 0,7) IU /1, E2 - up (179,2 ± 9,9) ng / L and Pg - to (20,5 ± 1,8) mg /1. Restoration of ovulatory cycles occurred in 86.0% of patients, regular menstrual cycles were established in 94.3% of patients, all patients had normal length of the menstrual cycle, duration and volume of menstrual bleeding. Use of Mastodinon led to the elimination of Algodysmenorrhea, emotional and psychological, neurovegetative, vegetative vascular and endocrine-metabolic manifestations of PMS in 94.3% of patients. After using Mastodinon for 3 menstrual cycles breast secretions continued only in 4 (11.4%) patients. Thus the use of Mastodinon had positive effects on the menstrual function and PMS by eliminating hyperprolactinemia and restoring the pituitary regulation of reproductive function