63 research outputs found

    Mapping cormorat and herons colonies for the European Bird Breeding Atlas (EBBA2)

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    U radu su pripremljeni podatci za kartiranje kolonijalnih vrsta vranaca i čaplji koje gnijezde u Hrvatskoj za Europski atlas ptica gnjezdarica (EBBA2). Za navedene vrste određena je brojnost, EBBA2 kategorija gnježđenja, pripadajući kodovi, status gnježđenja, tip populacije i rasprostranjenost prema UTM kvadrantimaThis thesis is preparation of data for mapping of Croatian breeding colonial cormorant and heron species for European Breeding Bird Atlas (EBBA2). For those species abundance, EBBA2 breeding categories, atlas code, breeding status, population type and distribution on UTM map is detemenated

    Particles in Contemporary Grammatical Descriptions

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    Tema je ovog zavrÅ”nog rada opis čestica ā€“ nepromjenjive vrste riječi kojom se izražava govornikov stav prema onome o čemu se govori s obzirom na njegovo znanje, osjećanja i želje. Cilj je rada opisati čestice u suvremenim hrvatskim gramatičkim priručnicima i rječnicima te prikazati sličnosti, odnosno razlike u opisima. Prikazat će se kako opisi uvelike ovise o stupnju obrazovanja korisnika kojima su gramatike namijenjene. Opisom čestica u različitim suvremenim gramatikama objasnit će se razlike u pristupu česticama, ali i modalnim riječima te poÅ”tapalicama. Neujednačenosti opisa potvrdit će se i razlikama u rječničkim opisima

    The Training Effects of Dance Aerobics: A Review with an Emphasis on the Perspectives of Investigations

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    The training effects of contemporary aerobics programmes (hi lo, dance aerobics, step aerobics, aqua aerobics etc.) have been frequently investigated. However, we found no recent paper which reviewed aerobic programmes with regard to their training effectiveness, characteristics of the subjects involved, variables of interest and experimental design. In this paper we summarise the findings of more than 40 studies published in the 2000ā€“2011 period that investigated the training effects of different forms of contemporary aerobics. In this review, the studies are grouped according to their characteristics (sample of subjects, variables of interest, study design, effects, etc.). Around 80% of the investigations dealt with females, with adults being most commonly observed. In the majority of investigations, the authors studied different variables at the same time (morphological anthropometric, motor, cardiovascular, biochemical indices, etc.). In recent studies a trend toward a psychological status examination is evident. In most instances positive training effects on motor-endurance and varsity of physiological variables are declared throughout a training period of 8 to 12 weeks. However, the positive changes in anaerobic endurance are not evidenced. Knowing the tendency of the overall increase of certain psychological disorders in population (including depression) there are indications that future, potentially highly interesting studies will deal with the psychological status of adults and older subjects

    Koncept i primjena egoistove dileme

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    Problemu alokacije određene količine djeljivih sredstava u ovome radu pristupa se s motriÅ”ta koncepta egoistove dileme. Ključna je pretpostavka koncepta egoistove dileme sebičnost igrača koji dijele dobitak, Å”to znači da svaki od njih nastoji održati vlastitu nadmoć u pogledu kriterija na osnovi kojih se vrednuje rezultat. Koncept egoistove dileme razvijen je unutar zajedničkoga okvira analize omeđivanja podataka i kooperativne teorije igara. ProizaÅ”la igra i njezina proÅ”irenja u ovome radu primjenjuju se na podatke o ostvarenju igrača koji su sudjelovali u jednoj epizodi natjecateljskoga kviza znanja Potjera Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Budući da igrači trebaju djelovati kao tim, prema pravilima kviza svakome natjecatelju uručuje se jednak iznos zajednički osvojene novčane nagrade. Međutim, doprinosi igrača pobjedi međusobno se razlikuju, Å”to je u ovome radu uvaženo uvođenjem odgovarajućih pretpostavki i predlaže se nekoliko alternativnih raspodjela raspoložive svote. Dobivena rjeÅ”enja pozivaju se na Shapleyjevu vrijednost. Razmatraju se i ostale moguće primjene koncepta egoistove dileme. Cilj je predstaviti temu koja je nova i nedovoljno istražena i tako potaknuti na upotrebu i daljnji razvoj koncepta egoistove dileme

    Koncept i primjena egoistove dileme

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    Problemu alokacije određene količine djeljivih sredstava u ovome radu pristupa se s motriÅ”ta koncepta egoistove dileme. Ključna je pretpostavka koncepta egoistove dileme sebičnost igrača koji dijele dobitak, Å”to znači da svaki od njih nastoji održati vlastitu nadmoć u pogledu kriterija na osnovi kojih se vrednuje rezultat. Koncept egoistove dileme razvijen je unutar zajedničkoga okvira analize omeđivanja podataka i kooperativne teorije igara. ProizaÅ”la igra i njezina proÅ”irenja u ovome radu primjenjuju se na podatke o ostvarenju igrača koji su sudjelovali u jednoj epizodi natjecateljskoga kviza znanja Potjera Hrvatske radiotelevizije. Budući da igrači trebaju djelovati kao tim, prema pravilima kviza svakome natjecatelju uručuje se jednak iznos zajednički osvojene novčane nagrade. Međutim, doprinosi igrača pobjedi međusobno se razlikuju, Å”to je u ovome radu uvaženo uvođenjem odgovarajućih pretpostavki i predlaže se nekoliko alternativnih raspodjela raspoložive svote. Dobivena rjeÅ”enja pozivaju se na Shapleyjevu vrijednost. Razmatraju se i ostale moguće primjene koncepta egoistove dileme. Cilj je predstaviti temu koja je nova i nedovoljno istražena i tako potaknuti na upotrebu i daljnji razvoj koncepta egoistove dileme

    Economic aspects of automation innovations in electronic transportation management systems

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    This paper presents an analysis of economic aspects of three selected automation innovations in electronic Transportation Management Systems: Maritime Transport Chain solution and Vessel Estimated Time of Arrival solution (related to the maritime transport) and Delivery Planning solution (related to the transport in general). The theoretical background of transportation, Transportation Management Systems, maritime transportation and seaports is provided, focusing on the economic aspects. A literature review has been conducted, in order to identify the research gap and to focus on the economic aspects of the selected automation innovations. A SWOT Analysis of the Maritime Transport Chain solution, Vessel Estimated Time of Arrival solution and Delivery Planning solution (from an internal and external perspective) is presented, adding to the existing research of the economic aspects of automation innovations in the transport sector

    Usporedna procjena operativne učinkovitosti drvne industrije Slovenije i Hrvatske primjenom analize omeđivanja podataka i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti

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    The wood industry, as a traditional sector, represents a very important part of the economy in terms of ensuring a sustainable development of society and transition to a low-carbon society in both countries studied, Slovenia and Croatia. For its further development, it is crucial to know the current position of the industry. The best way to achieve this is an analysis of financial data and international comparative evaluation of its operational efficiency. The aim of the research is to compare the relative efficiency of the wood industry using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and the Malmquist Productivity Index (MI), focusing on the Slovenian and Croatian wood industry sectors (C16 and C31) for a recent five-year period (from 2013-2017). With this purpose, the combined measure DEA/MI was applied. The analysis includes only the highest rated companies with more than fi ve employees, divided into 12 clusters regarding the company size. As a result, it was established that clusters CRO-C31- micro, CRO-C16-micro and SI-C16-larger have the highest operational efficiency, due to the effects of different financial indicators, especially activity and liquidity ratios. In general, within the grouped clusters regarding country and subsector, groups SI-C16 and CRO-C31 achieve the highest values for the average of weighted score of efficiency, while CRO-C16 achieves the lowest values.Drvna industrija Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj tradicionalan je gospodarski sektor tih zemalja i vrlo važan dio gospodarstva u smislu osiguranja održivog razvoja druÅ”tva i prijelaza na druÅ”tvo s niskim udjelom ugljika. Za daljnji razvoj drvnoga sektora bitno je poznavati trenutačni položaj industrije, a najbolji način za to je analiza financijskih podataka i internacionalna usporedna procjena industrijske operativne učinkovitosti. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti relativnu učinkovitost drvne industrije uz pomoć analize omeđivanja podataka (DEA) i Malmquistova indeksa produktivnosti (MI), s naglaskom na slovenski i hrvatski drvnoindustrijski sektor (C16 I C 31) tijekom posljednjih pet godina (2013. ā€“ 2017.). Za tu je svrhu primijenjena kombinirana mjera DEA/MI. Analizom su obuhvaćene samo najbolje ocijenjene tvrtke s viÅ”e od pet zaposlenih, koje su s obzirom na njihovu veličinu podijeljene na 12 klastera. Utvrđeno je da klasteri CRO-C31-mikro, CRO-C16-mikro i SI-C16-veliki zbog utjecaja različitih financijskih pokazatelja, posebice omjera aktivnosti i likvidnosti, imaju najveću operativnu učinkovitost. Općenito, unutar klastera grupiranih prema zemlji i podsektoru istraživanja, skupine SI-C16 i CRO-C31 pokazale su najviÅ”e vrijednosti za prosjek ponderirane ocjene učinkovitosti, a CRO-C16 imao je najniže vrijednosti

    Frequency of tuberculosis at autopsies in a large hospital in Zagreb, Croatia: a 10-year retrospective study

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    Aim To assess the frequency and forms of pulmonary tuberculosis at autopsy in a high-traffic hospital in the capital city of a country with a low tuberculosis incidence. Methods We performed a retrospective search of autopsy data from the period 2000 to 2009 at Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center, Zagreb, Croatia. We also examined patientsā€™ records and histological slides. Results Of 3479 autopsies, we identified 61 tuberculosis cases, corresponding to a frequency of 1.8%. Active tuberculosis was found in 33 cases (54%), 23 of which (70%) were male. Of the 33 active cases, 25 (76%) were clinically unrecognized and 19 (76%) of these were male. Conclusion Clinically undiagnosed tuberculosis accounted for a substantial proportion of active tuberculosis cases diagnosed at autopsy. Autopsy data may be an important complement to epidemiological data on tuberculosis frequency

    Določanje mutacij pri bolnikih z dedno obliko malignega melanoma kože

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    At the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Department of Molecular Diagnostics, genetic testing for familial cutaneous melanoma (CM) was started in 2005. The patients are selected according to the guidelines of genetic counseling for CM. The screening for melanoma susceptibility genes is performed in the patients and their healthy relatives from the families with at least two affected family members and in the patients with multiple primary CM without family history. The mutation screening for melanoma susceptibility genes ā€“ CDKN2A, CDK4 and MC1R is performed by direct sequencing. Altogether 70 patients and their healthy relatives (40 patients or their relatives selected from 28 families after considering their on family history and 30 patients with multiple primary CM) have been tested so far. Our results showed high prevalence of CDKN2A p16INK4a mutations in the patients with familial CM. In CDKN2A p14ARF and CDK4, no mutations were detected in Slovenian patients.Gensko testiranje za dedno obliko malignega melanoma kože na OI Ljubljana opravljamo od leta 2005. Izbor bolnikov za testiranje poteka v okviru genetskega svetovanja. Testiramo bolnike in njihove zdrave sorodnike, če sta v družini najmanj dva obolela člana, in bolnike s primarnimi multiplimi melanomi brez obremenjujoče družinske anamneze. Na oddelku za molekularno diagnostiko z metodo sekvenčne analize iŔčemo in določamo neznane točkovne mutacije ter manjÅ”e delecije in insercije v eksonih genov, povezanih z nastankom malignega melanoma kože: CDKN2A, CDK4 in MC1R. Do sedaj smo testirali 70 oseb: 40 bolnikov in njihovih zdravih sorodnikov iz 28 različnih družin, obremenjenih z družinsko anamnezo, ter 30 bolnikov s primarnimi multiplimi melanomi. Sekvenčna analiza genov, povezanih z dedno obliko malignega melanoma kože, je pokazala, da so mutacije CDKN2A p16INK4a pri bolnikih z družinsko anamnezo zelo pogoste (37,5 %). Mutacij CDKN2A p14ARF in CDK4 pri slovenskih bolnikih nismo naÅ”li
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