894 research outputs found

    Self-Determination of Peoples in the Charter of the United Nations

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    This essay analyses the principle of self-determination of peoples as contained in the Charter of the United Nations. Using the traditional methods of treaty interpretation, it argues that the Charter does not in itself guarantee the right to self-determination of specific entities in a particular way. The Charter merely enshrines a legal principle that has subsequently been translated into particular norms by successive treaties and customary law. On the other hand, the Charter does not limit the scope of self-determination to the colonial context or to entire populations of sovereign states. Therefore, and since the principle does not imply independence, self-determination could well be applied to various non-state groups, as has already happened in the case of indigenous peoples.

    Analysis of GSM network, using open source SW radio

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    Tato práce se zabývá budováním a analýzami GSM sítí pomocí open-source projektů. Pro budování se používá softwarově definované rádio – zde kit USRP1, na kterém je pomocí GNU Radia zprovozněn software OpenBTS. Jako ústředna je použita PBX Asterisk. Pro analýzy testované sítě byly použity projekty OsmocomBB (na Motorole C123) a Airprobe (na Nokii 3310). Součástí jsou postupy instalace a realizace. V práci byly vytvořeny dva skripty na zjednodušení práce s projekty pro analýzy a laboratorní úloha.This master thesis is focused on analysis and creation of GSM network, using open-source projects. For such creation is used software defined radio – in this thesis kit USRP1 which uses OpenBTS with GNURadio. As a switchboard is used PBX Asterisk and for testing GSM network was used OsmocomBB (on Motorola C123) and Airprobe (on Nokia 3310) projects. Installation and implementation are part of this thesis. In thesis have been also created two scripts for simplify of the work with projects and one laboratory task.

    Simulation of protocols for wireless sensor networks in COOJA environment

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    Tato práce se zabývá simulacemi v bezdrátových senzorových sítích. Nejprve je popsáno pět simulátorů – Tossim, NS-2, Prowler, OMNeT++ a Cooja. V další části je provedeno seznámení s programem Cooja. Je pro něj vytvořen manuál na základě vlastních zkušeností. Nejdůležitější částí práce je zpracování třech komunikačních schémat, které pracující s přenosem pomocí RPL protokolu.This thesis deals with simualtion in wireless sensor network. First, five simulators – Tossim, NS-2, Prowler, OMNeT++ and Cooja are described. In next part acquaints with the program Cooja. On their own experience it is created manual for this program. The most important part is elaboration three communication scheme, that are working with the RPL protocol.

    Making Sense of Human Rights Commitments: A Study of Two Emerging European Democracies

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    What motivates states to commit to international human rights treaties remains a contested question in political and legal science. Many tentative explanations for the observed variation in ratification patterns have been proposed. Some are based on the content of the treaties (the substance of the protected rights and the control mechanisms), others are tied to external factors (having originated either from pressure of the international community or within the domestic political system). In any case, empirical evidence supporting the proposed hypotheses remains rather scarce and overall knowledge about the reasons for signing and ratifying treaties is inconclusive. We aim to contribute to the scholarly discussion by providing a new and thorough examination of the commitment practices in two post-communist countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and also in their common predecessors, the undemocratic illiberal Czechoslovakia and then the transitioning Czechoslovak Federation. While both new countries have experienced very similar international development that is propelled by the same international incentives and constraints, their internal political experience differs significantly. It is those differences which make these countries promising and productive ‘laboratories’ for investigation.Otázka, proč státy přistupují k mezinárodním smlouvám o lidských právech, zůstává předmětem diskuze v politické i právní vědě. Ve snaze nalézt odpověď na tento výzkumný problém bylo předloženo mnoho různých hypotéz, z nichž některé vycházejí z obsahu uzavíraných smluv (z povahy chráněného práva nebo ze síly kontrolního mechanismu), zatímco jiné se zaměřují na vnější faktory (přistoupení ke smlouvě je vysvětlováno tlakem mezinárodního společenství či domácí politické scény). Empirické důkazy k podpoře těchto teorií jsou však mnohdy ne zcela přesvědčivé, a důvody, proč státy podepisují a ratifikují mezinárodní úmluvy o lidských právech, tak zůstávají nejasné. Naším cílem je přispět do této vědecké diskuze novým detailním zkoumáním praxe přistupování k mezinárodním lidskoprávním úmluvám na případu dvou postkomunistických států – České republiky a Slovenska –, jakož i jejich společných předchůdců: nedemokratického Československa a transformací procházející Československé federativní republiky. Ačkoli si Česká republika a Slovensko prošly velmi podobným mezinárodním vývojem, utvářeným takřka totožnými stimuly i překážkami, vývoj vnitrostátní se po rozpadu federace v obou zemích značně lišil, což pro zkoumání slibuje plodnou „laboratoř“

    Spontaneous dehydrocoupling in peri-substituted phosphine-borane adducts

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    This work was financially supported by the EPSRC and COST action CM1302 SIPs.Bis(borane) adducts Acenap(PiPr2·BH3)(PRH·BH3) (Acenap = acenaphthene-5,6-diyl; 4a, R = Ph; 4b, R = ferrocenyl, Fc; 4c, R = H) were synthesised by the reaction of excess H3B·SMe2 with either phosphino-phosphonium salts [Acenap(PiPr2)(PR)]+Cl− (1a, R = Ph; 1b, R = Fc), or bis(phosphine) Acenap(PiPr2)(PH2) (3). Bis(borane) adducts 4a–c were found to undergo dihydrogen elimination at room temperature, this spontaneous catalyst-free phosphine-borane dehydrocoupling yields BH2 bridged species Acenap(PiPr2)(µ-BH2)(PR·BH3) (5a, R = Ph; 5b, R = Fc; 5c, R = H). Thermolysis of 5c results in loss of the terminal borane moiety to afford Acenap(PiPr2)(µ-BH2)(PH) (14). Single crystal X-ray structures of 3, 4b and 5a–c are reported.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Varying the flexibility of the aromatic backbone in half sandwich rhodium(III) dithiolato complexes : a synthetic, spectroscopic and structural investigation

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    A series of rhodium(III) half sandwich complexes of the type [Cp*Rh(PMe3)(S—R—S)]; S—R—S = naphthalene-1,8-dithiolate, acenaphthene-5,6-dithiolate, [1,1′-biphenyl]-2,2′-dithiolate and [2,2′-binaphthalene]-1,1′-dithiolate are reported. In the case of [2,2′-binaphthalene]-1,1′-dithiolate this represents an infrequent example of a metal complex containing this ligand. All the complexes have been fully characterised using multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The single crystal X-ray structure of the starting material [Cp*Rh(PMe3)Br2] ( 1 ) is also reported for the first time.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    International Human Rights in Czech Legal Education

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    The paper presents novel data on international human rights in the Czech legal education. The importance of international human rights treaties and case-law of human rights bodies in the domestic practice gradually increases, therefore the students of Czech law schools should be familiar with the grounds of the sub-discipline, especially with the interpretative techniques used by international human rights bodies. The paper categorizes the approaches which the Czech law faculties employ as regards educating students in international human rights field and evaluates advantages and disadvantages of the approaches implemented by individual law schools. Finally, the paper identifies weak spots in Czech legal curricula and proposes some ideas for improvement.Článek se zabývá srovnáním výuky lidských práv na českých právnických fakultách a přináší doporučení, jak jejich výuku vylepšit

    A structural, spectroscopic and computational examination of the dative interaction in constrained phosphine–stibines and phosphine–stiboranes

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    This work was financially supported by the EPSRC and COST actions CM0802 PhoSciNet and CM1302 SIPs.A series of phosphine–stibine and phosphine–stiborane peri–substituted acenaphthenes containing all permutations of pentavalent groups –SbClnPh4-n (5–9), as well as trivalent groups –SbCl2, –Sb(R)Cl, and –SbPh2 (2–4, R = Ph, Mes), were synthesised and fully characterised including single crystal diffraction and multinuclear NMR. In addition, the bonding in these species was studied by DFT computational methods. The P–Sb dative interactions in both series range from strongly bonding to non-bonding as the Lewis acidity of the Sb acceptor is decreased. In the pentavalent antimony series, a significant change in the P–Sb distance is observed between –SbClPh3 and –SbCl2Ph2 derivatives 6 and 7, consistent with a change from a bonding to a non-bonding interaction in a response to relatively small change in Lewis acidity of the acceptor. In the SbIII series, two geometric forms are observed. The P–Sb bond length in the SbCl2 derivative 2 is as expected for a normal (rather than a dative) bond. Rather unexpectedly, the phosphine–stiborane complexes 5–9 represent the first examples of σ4P→σ6Sb structural motif.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Rhodium(III) and iridium(III) half-sandwich complexes with tertiary arsine and stibine ligands

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    This work was financially supported by the EPSRC and the EPSRC National Mass Spectrometry Service Centre (NMSSC) Swansea.The syntheses of rhodium(III) and iridium(III) half sandwich complexes containing tertiary arsine and stibine ligands of the form [Cp*M(L)Cl2] (M = Rh, Ir; L = AsEt3, AsPh3, SbPh3) are reported. These compounds represent infrequent examples of rhodium and iridium metal complexes bearing arsenic or antimony ligands. All new compounds were fully characterised using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and single crystal X-ray diffraction. DFT calculations show the formation of the complexes from (Cp*MCl2)2 and EPh3 (E = P, As, Sb) to be highly exothermic, although the enthalpic driving force is decreasing in the expected sequence P > As > Sb.PostprintPeer reviewe