386 research outputs found

    Vivre avec un traducteur culinaire

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    Il y a quelque temps, je décrivais ici la vie avec un traducteur indépendant, ses habitudes, ses petites manies… Désormais, ami(e), conjoint(e), amant(e) de traducteur, tu sais que l’astre de ta vie est un professionnel spécialisé dans son domaine. Quand il traduit de la finance, tu sais que le premier geste de sa journée sera de lire Les Échos en écoutant BFM. Si ton amour est traducteur médical, tu sais qu’il est capable de déchiffrer un compte rendu d’IRM en deux temps trois mouvements. Po..

    Vivre avec un traducteur indépendant : mode d’emploi

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    Vous avez croisé sur votre chemin un traducteur indépendant et vous avez décidé de vivre avec. Époux, épouses, amoureux, amoureuses, partenaires de PACS, c’est à vous que je m’adresse. Voici un petit guide pour mieux comprendre le mode de vie et les besoins de l’élu de votre cœur. Tout d’abord, notez donc que cet article traitera seulement du traducteur indépendant. Contrairement à son homologue salarié, l’indépendant est un loup constamment à l’affût d’une opportunité de travail, mais nous y..

    Communicating Through Play, Interacting Through Games

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    En ligne: http://www.inuitoralityconference.com/art/Petit-Salabelle-Vate.pdfInternational audienc

    Jouer pour être heureux : pratiques ludiques et expressions du jeu chez les Inuit de la région d'Iglulik (Arctique oriental canadien) du XIXe siècle à nos jours

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    Cette étude traite des pratiques ludiques et des représentations liées au jeu en tant que mode d’action et d’interaction chez les Inuit Iglulingmiut (Arctique oriental canadien). Elle propose un examen diachronique de différentes formes de jeu privilégiées par les membres de cette société, qui a connu d’importantes transformations d’ordre religieux et économique au cours du XXe siècle (christianisation et déclin du chamanisme, puis sédentarisation et intégration à une économie de marché…). Partant du constat selon lequel les descriptions livrées par divers observateurs présents dans l’Arctique canadien au XIXe et au début du XXe siècle soulignaient la fréquence et/ou la place significative des activités ludiques dans la vie quotidienne des groupes inuit rencontrés, la présente étude met en lumière certaines fonctions sociales et portées symboliques qui étaient et/ou sont encore associées au jeu chez les Iglulingmiut, en interrogeant plus particulièrement la place du jeu dans les processus liés à la construction de la personne d’une part, et dans les pratiques rituelles collectives vouées à assurer la reproduction et la continuité du groupe (ou bien encore sa mise en scène « culturelle ») d’autre part.Playing for happiness and good fortune. Ludic practices and the significance of play among the Inuit of the Iglulik region (Eastern Canadian Arctic). This study deals with some of the uses of play (as a way of acting and interacting) among the Inuit of the Iglulik region in the Eastern Canadian Arctic. It examines diachronically various games practiced by the Iglulingmiut (including both children and adults), in order to identify continuities and changes in the forms of play developed in Iglulingmiut society before and after historical ruptures such as the conversion to Christianity and especially, the transition from a semi-nomadic life based on hunting to a settled life characterized by integration to the wider market economy. Observing that many descriptions made by the explorers and the ethnographers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries emphasized the importance of ludic practices in the everyday life of the Inuit groups met in this part of the Canadian Arctic, this research further reflects on the significance of play among the Iglulingmiut, both in socialization processes and in ritual gatherings serving to ensure the reproduction of the group or the cohesion and continuity of the « community », from semi-nomadic times until today

    Exposure to vancomycin causes a shift in the microbial community structure without affecting nitrate reduction rates in river sediments

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    International audienceAntibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes have shown to be omnipresent in the environment. In this study, we investigated the effect of vancomycin (VA) on denitrifying bacteria in river sediments of a Waste Water Treatment Plant, receiving both domestic and hospital waste. We exposed these sediments continuously in flow-through reactors to different VA concentrations under denitrifying conditions (nitrate addition and anoxia) in order to determine potential nitrate reduction rates and changes in sedimentary microbial community structures. The presence of VA had no effect on sedimentary nitrate reduction rates at environmental concentrations, whereas a change in bacterial (16S rDNA) and denitrifying (nosZ) community structures was observed (determined by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). The bacterial and denitrifying community structure within the sediment changed upon VA exposure indicating a selection of a non-susceptible VA population

    Rheumatoid arthritis seropositive for the rheumatoid factor is linked to the protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor 22-620W allele

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    The protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene encodes for lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase LYP, involved in the negative regulation of early T-cell activation. An association has recently been reported between the PTPN22-620W functional allele and rheumatoid factor-positive (RF(+)) rheumatoid arthritis (RA), among other autoimmune diseases. Expected linkage proof for consistency cannot be definitely produced by an affected sib-pair (ASP) analysis. Our aim was therefore to search for linkage evidence with the transmission disequilibrium test. DNA from the French Caucasian population was available for two samples of 100 families with one RA patient and both parents, and for 88 RA index cases from RA ASP families. Genotyping was carried out by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The analysis was performed using the transmission disequilibrium test, genotype relative risk and ASP-based analysis. The transmission disequilibrium test of the PTPN22-620W allele revealed linkage and association for RF(+ )RA (61% of transmission, P = 0.037). The genotype relative risk showed the risk allele in 34% of RF(+ )RA patients and in 24% of controls derived from nontransmitted parental chromosomes (P = 0.047, odds ratio = 1.69, 95% confidence interval = 1.03–2.78). The ASP investigation showed no enriched risk allele in RA multiplex families, resulting in a lack of power of ASP analysis, explaining the published negative results. This study is the first to show linkage of PTPN22 to RF(+ )RA, consistent with PTPN22 as a new RA gene

    Les activités des médecins du travail dans la prévention des TMS : ressources et contraintes

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    MSD represents the primary cause of occupational illness and the occupational health physician would appear to be a determining stakeholder in prevention. The studies of risk factors of MSD are important but the studies of intervention are limited. The objective of our research is double: understand the practices of occupational health physician and give the means of activity development. Theoretical framework is multidisciplinary approach about activity analysis. The problematic is to produce knowledge of activity of occupational health physicians to take into account their activity in the debate of professional evolution and pluridisciplinarity in health of work. The disciplinary skills of each equip of research produce some methods. Fifty physicians participate in our research. We have observed during 60 day with ergonomics methods, notably 200 sequences of medical consultation with protocol to record data, confirmed by institutions of protection of physician profession and protection of data. Some types of interview are realized (65): semi-directive, clarification, simple self-confrontation, cross self-confrontation. Furthermore, our research is based on the objective to develop the activity of occupational health physicians. To do this, we set up four groups of volunteer occupational health physicians. The discussion of groups is based on objective data of activity (14 discussion sessions) and on instruction of double (15 discussions sessions). All equips of our research have building a common reference to facilitate the data exploitation. Each equip has written one or some articles (in annex of report) to keep this specificity of data production based of disciplinary approach. The first result is that there are some skills of occupational health physicians to make prevention. Someone physicians prefer to realize their action in consultation while the others prefer make intervention in company. The professionals styles of physicians according to the gender building with experience and training depend on context of company, legislative prevention system, relationship between stakeholders and operators, which facilitate or slow down to built the room of maneuver to exercise these professional styles. The activity of physician can be to hamper in certain conditions. The occupational health physicians are the only one to follow the operators, the story of company and relationships of stakeholders, the evolution of health and work. They use their knowledge about work in company to help operator to understand the relation between work and health. They mobilize the words using by operators in consultation, with respected the medical secret, to modify the stakeholders representation of the interaction between work and health. In the other words, it is impossible to separate the individual approach and collective approach in prevention activity of occupational health physician. These different approaches organize the actions of physician. The discussion of research led to questioning the legislative evolution and comparing our French system with de others system like Quebec system.Les TMS constituent l'une des premières maladies professionnelles et les médecins du travail jouent un rôle important dans la prévention. Aujourd'hui les connaissances sur les facteurs de risque à l'origine de cette pathologie font l'objet de débats sur la prévention des TMS. Les recherches ont besoin d'évoluer vers une meilleure connaissance des modalités de prise en charge de ce risque par les professionnels de la prévention. L'objectif de notre recherche est donc double : comprendre les pratiques des médecins du travail et participer au développement de leur activité de prévention. Notre cadre théorique multidisciplinaire (ergonomie, clinique du travail, sociologie du travail) est celui de l'analyse du travail. Notre problématique est la production de connaissances sur l'activité réelle du médecin afin de contribuer au débat sur les évolutions de leur métier et la pluridisciplinarité en santé au travail. Plusieurs méthodologies ont été mises en œuvre selon les compétences et les disciplines de chaque équipe de recherche. Une cinquantaine de médecins volontaires ont participé à notre recherche. Nous avons fait plus de 60 jours d'observation ergonomique du travail sur le terrain, dont 200 observations de consultation avec un protocole validé par le conseil de l'ordre et la CNIL. Différentes formes d'entretiens (au total 65) ont été réalisés (semi-directif, d'explicitation, d'auto-confrontation simple et croisé). Afin de contribuer au développement de l'activité de prévention des médecins du travail, nous avons constitué quatre groupes de pairs qui ont pu échanger sur les traces de leur activité réelle (au total, 14 réunions collectives) et à partir des méthodologies d'instruction du sosie (au total, 15 réunions collectives). Nos équipes de recherche ont partagé un référentiel commun afin de faciliter l'exploitation des données. Pour ne pas perdre la spécificité de chaque discipline, chaque équipe a écrit un ou plusieurs textes (en annexes du rapport) qui constituent la base d'un document de synthèse. Premier résultat, il existe plusieurs manières et façons de faire de la prévention des TMS chez les médecins du travail. Certains médecins privilégient une action en consultation alors que d'autres sont plus dans une action en entreprise. Mais ces styles, s'ils correspondent à des postures professionnelles construites avec l'expérience et le parcours de formation, sont très dépendants du contexte de l'entreprise, des dispositifs légales de prévention et du type de relations avec les salariés, les acteurs de l'entreprise et de la prévention, qui rendent plus ou moins possibles leurs mises en œuvre. L'activité du médecin dans certaines conditions est empêchée. Les médecins du travail sont les seuls intervenants de la prévention à tenir dans la continuité l'histoire de l'entreprise, des relations, de la santé. Ils ramènent leurs connaissances sur le travail pour aider le salarié à faire les liens entre le travail et la santé. Ils mobilisent la parole des salariés issue de la consultation dans les espaces d'échanges publics de l'entreprise, tout en respectant le secret médical, afin de modifier la représentation des acteurs sur les liens travail-santé. Autrement dit, il est impossible dans l'activité de prévention du médecin de délier l'approche individuelle et collective car celles-ci sont sans arrêt articuler et combiner. Cela conduit à s'interroger sur l'évolution de la loi et à comparer les pratiques avec d'autres systèmes de prévention, comme celui du Québec

    Association of MICA with rheumatoid arthritis independent of known HLA-DRB1 risk alleles in a family-based and a case control study

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    Introduction The gene MICA encodes the protein major histocompatibility complex class I polypeptide-related sequence A. It is expressed in synovium of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and its implication in autoimmunity is discussed. We analyzed the association of genetic variants of MICA with susceptibility to RA. Methods Initially, 300 French Caucasian individuals belonging to 100 RA trio families were studied. An additional 100 independent RA trio families and a German Caucasian case-control cohort (90/182 individuals) were available for replication. As MICA is situated in proximity to known risk alleles of the HLA-DRB1 locus, our analysis accounted for linkage disequilibrium either by analyzing the subgroup consisting of parents not carrying HLA-DRB1 risk alleles with transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) or by implementing a regression model including all available data. Analysis included a microsatellite polymorphism (GCT)n and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs3763288 and rs1051794. Results In contrast to the other investigated polymorphisms, the non-synonymously coding SNP MICA-250 (rs1051794, Lys196Glu) was strongly associated in the first family cohort (TDT: P = 0.014; regression model: odds ratio [OR] 0.46, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.25 to 0.82, P = 0.007). Although the replication family sample showed only a trend, combined family data remained consistent with the hypothesis of MICA-250 association independent from shared epitope (SE) alleles (TDT: P = 0.027; regression model: OR 0.56, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.83, P = 0.003). We also replicated the protective association of MICA-250A within a German Caucasian cohort (OR 0.31, 95% CI 0.1 to 0.7, P = 0.005; regression model: OR 0.6, 95% CI 0.37 to 0.96, P = 0.032). We showed complete linkage disequilibrium of MICA-250 (D' = 1, r2= 1) with the functional MICA variant rs1051792 (D' = 1, r2= 1). As rs1051792 confers differential allelic affinity of MICA to the receptor NKG2D, this provides a possible functional explanation for the observed association. Conclusions We present evidence for linkage and association of MICA-250 (rs1051794) with RA independent of known HLA-DRB1 risk alleles, suggesting MICA as an RA susceptibility gene. However, more studies within other populations are necessary to prove the general relevance of this polymorphism for RA

    Validation of the reshaped shared epitope HLA-DRB1 classification in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Recently, we proposed a classification of HLA-DRB1 alleles that reshapes the shared epitope hypothesis in rheumatoid arthritis (RA); according to this model, RA is associated with the RAA shared epitope sequence (72–74 positions) and the association is modulated by the amino acids at positions 70 and 71, resulting in six genotypes with different RA risks. This was the first model to take into account the association between the HLA-DRB1 gene and RA, and linkage data for that gene. In the present study we tested this classification for validity in an independent sample. A new sample of the same size and population (100 RA French Caucasian families) was genotyped for the HLA-DRB1 gene. The alleles were grouped as proposed in the new classification: S(1 )alleles for the sequences A-RAA or E-RAA; S(2 )for Q or D-K-RAA; S(3D )for D-R-RAA; S(3P )for Q or R-R-RAA; and X alleles for no RAA sequence. Transmission of the alleles was investigated. Genotype odds ratio (OR) calculations were performed through conditional logistic regression, and we tested the homogeneity of these ORs with those of the 100 first trio families (one case and both parents) previously reported. As previously observed, the S(2 )and S(3P )alleles were significantly over-transmitted and the S(1), S(3D )and X alleles were under-transmitted. The latter were grouped as L alleles, resulting in the same three-allele classification. The risk hierarchy of the six derived genotypes was the same: (by decreasing OR and with L/L being the reference genotype) S(2)/S(3P), S(2)/S(2), S(3P)/S(3P), S(2)/L and S(3P)/L. The homogeneity test between the ORs of the initial and the replication samples revealed no significant differences. The new classification was therefore considered validated, and both samples were pooled to provide improved estimates of RA risk genotypes from the highest (S(2)/S(3P )[OR 22.2, 95% confidence interval 9.9–49.7]) to the lowest (S(3P)/L [OR 4.4, 95% confidence interval 2.3–8.4])