33,623 research outputs found

    An ab-initio study of the electron-phonon coupling within a Cr(001)-surface

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    It is experimentally well established that the Cr(001)-surface exhibits a sharp resonance around the Fermi level. However, there is no consensus about its physical origin. It is proposed to be either due to a single particle dz2 surface state renormalised by electron-phonon coupling or the orbital Kondo effect involving the degenerate dxz/dyz states. In this work we examine the electron-phonon coupling of the Cr(001)-surface by means of ab-initio calculations in the form of density functional perturbation theory. More precisely, the electron-phonon mass-enhancement factor of the surface layer is investigated for the 3d states. For the majority and minority spin dz2 surface states we find values of 0.19 and 0.16. We show that these calculated electron-phonon mass-enhancement factors are not in agreement with the experimental data even if we use realistic values for the temperature range and surface Debye frequency for the fit of the experimental data. More precisely, then experimentally an electron-phonon mass-enhancement factor of 0.70~0.10 is obtained, which is not in agreement with our calculated values of 0.19 and 0.16. Therefore, we conclude that the experimentally observed resonance at the Cr(001)-surface is not due to polaronic effects, but due to electron-electron correlation effects

    Bayesian Gait Optimization for Bipedal Locomotion

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    One of the key challenges in robotic bipedal locomotion is finding gait parameters that optimize a desired performance criterion, such as speed, robustness or energy efficiency. Typically, gait optimization requires extensive robot experiments and specific expert knowledge. We propose to apply data-driven machine learning to automate and speed up the process of gait optimization. In particular, we use Bayesian optimization to efficiently find gait parameters that optimize the desired performance metric. As a proof of concept we demonstrate that Bayesian optimization is near-optimal in a classical stochastic optimal control framework. Moreover, we validate our approach to Bayesian gait optimization on a low-cost and fragile real bipedal walker and show that good walking gaits can be efficiently found by Bayesian optimization. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    An ellipsometer with variable angle of incidence for studies in ultrahigh vacuum

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    The windows for the vacuum chamber are incorporated into the optical bench system by means of flexible bellows which allow measurements to be made over a large range of angle of incidence, one of which is chosen so that maximum sensitivity is obtained. The principal angle of incidence was determined, and straightforward corrections for strain birefringence of vacuum chamber windows were made. Atomically clean surfaces of sodium chloride and lithium fluoride were investigated to verify the performance of the system. Submonolayer and monolayer coverage of water on these surfaces could be detected. On cleavage planes of NaCl, a first monolayer of adsorbed water is complete at about one torr only

    Magnetic phases in the correlated Kondo-lattice model

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    We study magnetic ordering of an extended Kondo-lattice model including an additional on-site Coulomb interaction between the itinerant states. The model is solved in the dynamical mean-field theory using Wilson's numerical renormalization group approach as impurity solver. For a bipartite lattice we find at half filling the expected antiferromagnetic phase. Upon doping this phase is gradually suppressed and hints towards phase separation are observed. For large doping the model exhibits ferromagnetism, the appearance of which can at first sight be explained by Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction. However, for large values of the Kondo coupling JJ significant differences to a simple Rudermann-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida picture can be found. We furthermore observe signs of quantum critical points for antiferromagnetic Kondo coupling between the local spins and band states

    Maximally entangled mixed states: Creation and concentration

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    Using correlated photons from parametric downconversion, we extend the boundaries of experimentally accessible two-qubit Hilbert space. Specifically, we have created and characterized maximally entangled mixed states (MEMS) that lie above the Werner boundary in the linear entropy-tangle plane. In addition, we demonstrate that such states can be efficiently concentrated, simultaneously increasing both the purity and the degree of entanglement. We investigate a previously unsuspected sensitivity imbalance in common state measures, i.e., the tangle, linear entropy, and fidelity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; accepted versio

    Unconventional carrier-mediated ferromagnetism above room temperature in ion-implanted (Ga, Mn)P:C

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    Ion implantation of Mn ions into hole-doped GaP has been used to induce ferromagnetic behavior above room temperature for optimized Mn concentrations near 3 at.%. The magnetism is suppressed when the Mn dose is increased or decreased away from the 3 at.% value, or when n-type GaP substrates are used. At low temperatures the saturated moment is on the order of one Bohr magneton, and the spin wave stiffness inferred from the Bloch-law T^3/2 dependence of the magnetization provides an estimate Tc = 385K of the Curie temperature that exceeds the experimental value, Tc = 270K. The presence of ferromagnetic clusters and hysteresis to temperatures of at least 330K is attributed to disorder and proximity to a metal-insulating transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (RevTex4

    Thin front propagation in random shear flows

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    Front propagation in time dependent laminar flows is investigated in the limit of very fast reaction and very thin fronts, i.e. the so-called geometrical optics limit. In particular, we consider fronts evolving in time correlated random shear flows, modeled in terms of Ornstein-Uhlembeck processes. We show that the ratio between the time correlation of the flow and an intrinsic time scale of the reaction dynamics (the wrinkling time twt_w) is crucial in determining both the front propagation speed and the front spatial patterns. The relevance of time correlation in realistic flows is briefly discussed in the light of the bending phenomenon, i.e. the decrease of propagation speed observed at high flow intensities.Comment: 5 Revtex4 pages, 4 figures include

    Mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains

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    We present a numerical study of mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains. In particular we focus our attention on laminar flows. In the case of inert transport the mixing properties of the flows strongly depend on the details of the Lagrangian transport. We also study the reaction efficiency. Starting with a little spot of product we compute the time needed to complete the reaction in the container. We found that the reaction efficiency is not strictly related to the mixing properties of the flow. In particular, reaction acts as a "dynamical regulator".Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure