116 research outputs found

    Improving the Applicability of AI for Psychiatric Applications through Human-in-the-loop Methodologies

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    Objectives: Machine learning (ML) and natural language processing have great potential to improve effciency and accuracy in diagnosis, treatment recommendations, predictive interventions, and scarce resource allocation within psychiatry. Researchers often conceptualize such an approach as operating in isolation without much need for human involvement, yet it remains crucial to harness human-inthe-loop practices when developing and implementing such techniques as their absence may be catastrophic. We advocate for building ML-based technologies that collaborate with experts within psychiatry in all stages of implementation and use to increase model performance while simultaneously increasing the practicality, robustness, and reliability of the process. Methods: We showcase pitfalls of the traditional ML framework and explain how it can be improved with human-inthe-loop techniques. Specifcally, we applied active learning strategies to the automatic scoring of a story recall task and compared the results to a traditional approach. Results: Human-in-the-loop methodologies supplied a greater understanding of where the model was least confdent or had knowledge gaps during training. As compared to the traditional framework, less than half of the training data were needed to reach a given accuracy. Conclusions: Human-in-the-loop ML is an approach to data collection and model creation that harnesses active learning to select the most critical data needed to increase a model’s accuracy and generalizability more effciently than classic random sampling would otherwise allow. Such techniques may additionally operate as safeguards from spurious predictions and can aid in decreasing disparities that artifcial intelligence systems otherwise propagate

    Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning

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    The evaluation of verbal memory is a core component of neuropsychological assessment in a wide range of clinical and research settings. Leveraging story recall to assay neurocognitive function could be made more useful if it were possible to administer frequently (i.e., would allow for the collection of more patient data over time) and automatically assess the recalls with machine learning methods. In the present study, we evaluated a novel story recall test with 24 parallel forms that was deployed using smart devices in 94 psychiatric inpatients and 80 nonpatient adults. Machine learning and vector-based natural language processing methods were employed to automate test scoring, and performance using these methods was evaluated in their incremental validity, criterion validity (i.e., convergence with trained human raters), and parallel forms reliability. Our results suggest moderate to high consistency across the parallel forms, high convergence with human raters (r values ~ 0.89), and high incremental validity for discriminating between groups. While much work remains, the present findings are critical for implementing an automated, neuropsychological test deployable using remote technologies across multiple and frequent administrations

    Towards a temporospatial framework for measurements of disorganization in speech using semantic vectors

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    Incoherent speech in schizophrenia has long been described as the mind making “leaps” of large distances between thoughts and ideas. Such a view seems intuitive, and for almost two decades, attempts to operationalize these conceptual “leaps” in spoken word meanings have used language-based embedding spaces. An embedding space represents meaning of words as numerical vectors where a greater proximity between word vectors represents more shared meaning. However, there are limitations with word vector-based operationalizations of coherence which can limit their appeal and utility in clinical practice. First, the use of esoteric word embeddings can be conceptually hard to grasp, and this is complicated by several different operationalizations of incoherent speech. This problem can be overcome by a better visualization of methods. Second, temporal information from the act of speaking has been largely neglected since models have been built using written text, yet speech is spoken in real time. This issue can be resolved by leveraging time stamped transcripts of speech. Third, contextual information - namely the situation of where something is spoken - has often only been inferred and never explicitly modeled. Addressing this situational issue opens up new possibilities for models with increased temporal resolution and contextual relevance. In this paper, direct visualizations of semantic distances are used to enable the inspection of examples of incoherent speech. Some common operationalizations of incoherence are illustrated, and suggestions are made for how temporal and spatial contextual information can be integrated in future implementations of measures of incoherence

    Benefits and Challenges of Multidisciplinary Project Teams: Lessons Learned for Researchers and Practitioners

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    Adopting a multidisciplinary research approach would enable test and evaluation professionals to more effective!y investigate the complex human performance problems faced in today\u27s technologically advanced operational domains. To illustrate the utility of this approach, we present lessons learned based on our experiences as a multi-agency, multidisciplinary team collaborating on an Army research project involving a dynamic military command and control simulation. Our goal with these lessons learned is to provide guidance to researchers and practitioners alike concerning the benefits and challenges of such collaboration. Our project team\u27s diverse members, drawn from both industry and government organizations, offer their multiple p perspectives on these issues. The final sections then summarize the challenges and benefits of multidisciplinary research

    Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function

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    Modern advances in computational language processing methods have enabled new approaches to the measurement of mental processes. However, the field has primarily focused on model accuracy in predicting performance on a task or a diagnostic category. Instead the field should be more focused on determining which computational analyses align best with the targeted neurocognitive/psychological functions that we want to assess. In this paper we reflect on two decades of experience with the application of language-based assessment to patients' mental state and cognitive function by addressing the questions of what we are measuring, how it should be measured and why we are measuring the phenomena. We address the questions by advocating for a principled framework for aligning computational models to the constructs being assessed and the tasks being used, as well as defining how those constructs relate to patient clinical states. We further examine the assumptions that go into the computational models and the effects that model design decisions may have on the accuracy, bias and generalizability of models for assessing clinical states. Finally, we describe how this principled approach can further the goal of transitioning language-based computational assessments to part of clinical practice while gaining the trust of critical stakeholders

    Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function

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    Modern advances in computational language processing methods have enabled new approaches to the measurement of mental processes. However, the field has primarily focused on model accuracy in predicting performance on a task or a diagnostic category. Instead the field should be more focused on determining which computational analyses align best with the targeted neurocognitive/psychological functions that we want to assess. In this paper we reflect on two decades of experience with the application of language-based assessment to patients' mental state and cognitive function by addressing the questions of what we are measuring, how it should be measured and why we are measuring the phenomena. We address the questions by advocating for a principled framework for aligning computational models to the constructs being assessed and the tasks being used, as well as defining how those constructs relate to patient clinical states. We further examine the assumptions that go into the computational models and the effects that model design decisions may have on the accuracy, bias and generalizability of models for assessing clinical states. Finally, we describe how this principled approach can further the goal of transitioning language-based computational assessments to part of clinical practice while gaining the trust of critical stakeholders

    Predicting self-injurious thoughts in daily life using ambulatory assessment of state cognition

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    Self-injurious thoughts (SITs) fluctuate considerably from moment to moment. As such, “static” and temporally stable predictors (e.g., demographic variables, prior history) are suboptimal in predicting imminent SITs. This concern is particularly true for “online” cognitive abilities, which are important for understanding SITs, but are typically measured using tests selected for temporal stability. Advances in ambulatory assessments (i.e., real-time assessment in a naturalistic environment) allow for measuring cognition with improved temporal resolution. The present study measured relationships between “state” cognitive performance, measured using an ambulatory-based Trail Making Test, and SITs. Self-reported state hope and social connectedness was also measured. Data were collected using a specially designed mobile application (administered 4x/week up to 28 days) in substance use inpatients (N = 99). Consistent with prior literature, state hope and social connectedness was significantly associated with state SITs. Importantly, poorer state cognitive performance also significantly predicted state SITs, independent of hallmark static and state self-report risk variables. These findings highlight the potential importance of “online” cognition to predict SITs. Ambulatory recording reflects an efficient, sensitive, and ecological valid methodology for evaluating subjective and objectives predictors of imminent SITs

    A Mixed Blessing: Market-Mediated Religious Authority in Neopaganism

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    This research explores how marketplace dynamics affect religious authority in the context of Neopagan religion. Drawing on an interpretivist study of Wiccan practitioners in Italy, we reveal that engagement with the market may cause considerable, ongoing tensions, based on the inherent contradictions that are perceived to exist between spirituality and commercial gain. As a result, market success is a mixed blessing that can increase religious authority and influence, but is just as likely to decrease authority and credibility. Using an extended case study method, we propose a theoretical framework that depicts the links between our informants’ situated experiences and the macro-level factors affecting religious authority as it interacts with market-mediated dynamics at the global level. Overall, our study extends previous work in macromarketing that has looked at religious authority in the marketplace) and how the processes of globalization are affecting religion
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