85 research outputs found

    Der illiberale Kat-echon: zur Demokratiekritik bei Carl Schmitt

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    Once again, Carl Schmitt is en vogue. The reappearance of his theoretical framework within the New Right in order to criticize liberal democracy is the starting point of this paper. The introductory chapters put Schmitt in the intellectual context of the Weimar Republic, especially the so-called “Conservative Revolution”. Nonetheless, the main part of the paper deals with various aspects of Schmitt´s critique of liberal democracy. The paper tries to work out six different elements of this critique: Political Catholicism, liberalism, parliamentarism, democracy, modernity and economy. Finally, it indicates that Schmitt’s arguments can also be placed within the communitarian way of criticizing liberal democracy though this fact is almost neglected by the scientific community so far. [author's abstract

    "Konstitutioneller Moment" und Verfassungsreform: eine Einschätzung des Österreich-Konvents

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    Trotz einer Vielzahl an Verfassungsänderungen, gibt es sowohl in der rechts- und politikwissenschaftlichen Literatur als auch in der Praxis einen Konsens, dass die österreichische Bundesverfassung einer grundlegenden Reform bedarf. Zu diesem Zweck wurde im Mai 2003 ein so genannter Österreich-Konvent eingerichtet. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen bedeutende Verfassungsreformen erfolgreich sind. Als konzeptuelle Grundlage fungiert dabei Bruce Ackermans Theorie des konstitutionellen Moments. Der Artikel kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der Österreich-Konvent ohne breite Anteilnahme der BürgerInnen installiert wurde und somit keinen konstitutionellen Moment im Sinne Ackermans ausgelöst hat.There is a wide-spread consensus among academics as well as practitioners that the Austrian constitution needs fundamental reform. In the wake of the European convention, Austria set up a similar convention which was entitled to draft a new constitution which should be better structured, more citizen-friendly and more efficient than the current one. Bruce Ackerman's theory of the constitutional moment is used as a yard-stick to assess the different phases of the establishment of the Austrian convention. However, this article concludes that the Austrian convention is an excellent example why the simple establishment of a convention without involving a significant number of citizens is not enough to create a constitutional moment

    Demonstration of a Melanoma-Specific CD44 Alternative Splicing Pattern That Remains Qualitatively Stable, but Shows Quantitative Changes during Tumour Progression

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    The role of CD44 in the progression of human melanoma has mostly been characterised by qualitative changes in expression of its individual variable exons. These exons however, may be expressed to form a number of molecules, the alternative splice variants of CD44, which may be structurally and functionally different. Using real-time PCR measurements with variable exon specific primers we have determined that all are expressed in human melanoma. To permit comparison between different tumours we identified a stable CD44 variable exon (CD44v) expression pattern, or CD44 ‘fingerprint’. This was found to remain unchanged in melanoma cell lines cultured in different matrix environments. To evaluate evolution of this fingerprint during tumour progression we established a scid mouse model, in which the pure expression pattern of metastatic primary tumours, circulating cells and metastases, non-metastatic primary tumours and lung colonies could be studied. Our analyses demonstrated, that although the melanoma CD44 fingerprint is qualitatively stable, quantitative changes are observed suggesting a possible role in tumour progression

    Individual Facial Coloration in Male Eulemur fulvus rufus: A Condition-dependent Ornament?

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    Researchers studying individual variation in conspicuous skin coloration in primates have suggested that color indicates male quality. Although primate fur color can also be flamboyant, the potential condition dependence and thus signaling function of fur remains poorly studied. We studied sources of variation in sexually dichromatic facial hair coloration in red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur fulvus rufus). We collected data on 13 adult males in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, during two study periods in 2006 and 2007, to determine whether variation in facial hair coloration correlates with male age, rank, androgen status, and reproductive success. We quantified facial hair coloration via standardized digital photographs of each male, assessed androgen status using fecal hormone measurements, and obtained data on reproductive success through genetic paternity analyses. Male facial hair coloration showed high individual variation, and baseline coloration was related to individual androgen status but not to any other parameter tested. Color did not reflect rapid androgen changes during the mating season. However, pronounced long-term changes in androgen levels between years were accompanied by changes in facial hair coloration. Our data suggest that facial hair coloration in red-fronted lemur males is under proximate control of androgens and may provide some information about male quality, but it does not correlate with dominance rank or male reproductive success

    Agouti signalling protein is an inverse agonist to the wildtype and agonist to the melanic variant of the melanocortin-1 receptor in the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)

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    The melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) is a key regulator of mammalian pigmentation. Melanism in the grey squirrel is associated with an eight amino acid deletion in the mutant melanocortin-1 receptor with 24 base pair deletion (MC1RΔ24) variant. We demonstrate that the MC1RΔ24 exhibits a higher basal activity than the wildtype MC1R (MC1R-wt). We demonstrate that agouti signalling protein (ASIP) is an inverse agonist to the MC1R-wt but is an agonist to the MC1RΔ24. We conclude that the deletion in the MC1RΔ24 leads to a receptor with a high basal activity which is further activated by ASIP. This is the first report of ASIP acting as an agonist to MC1R

    Der illiberale Kat-echon: Zur Demokratiekritik bei Carl Schmitt

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    Abstract: Once again, Carl Schmitt is en vogue. The reappearance of his theoretical framework within the New Right in order to criticize liberal democracy is the starting point of this paper. The introductory chapters put Schmitt in the intellectualcontext of the Weimar Republic, especially the so-called "Conservative Revolution". Nonetheless, the main part of the paper deals with various aspects of Schmitt's critique of liberal democracy. The paper tries to work out six different elements of this critique: Political Catholicism, liberalism, parliamentarism, democracy, modernity and economy. Finally, it indicates that Schmitt's arguments can also be placed within the communitarian way of criticizing liberal democracy though this fact is almost neglected by the scientific community so far.

    Agency Governance in the AFSJ: How EU Agencies interact in EU Border Management

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    Academic literature revolving around Frontex has mushroomed over the last years. Since its inception legal and political science scholarship has dealt with numerous aspects of Frontex including its emergence, legitimacy, legalization and the practice of external border control. What has received less attention, however, is how Frontex has interacted with other EU agencies. It is the main objective of this paper to analyse the various forms of horizontal interactions between these various agencies and ask whether these relations have either enhanced a security-obsessed “Fortress Europe” or, conversely, strengthened a human rights-promoting EU as a ‘Union of Values’. Relying on rationalist and constructivist accounts, we conceive interagency interaction as a way to strengthen the effectiveness as well as the legitimacy of agency action. Empirically, the paper assesses the relations of Frontex with other agencies that pursue, roughly spoken, either security goals (Europol) or human rights objectives (Fundamental Rights Agency, European Asylum Support Office)
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