232 research outputs found

    Der Wegzug von Gesellschaften in Europa

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    Zusammenfassung in Thesen 1. Der Wegzug von deutschen Gesellschaften in das EU-Ausland in Gestalt der Verlegung des Verwaltungssitzes führt nach deutschem Gesellschaftsrecht zur Auflösung der Gesellschaft, wenn die Sitzverlegung mit einem Statutenwechsel einhergeht. In der Mehrzahl der Fälle bleibt indessen deutsches Gesellschaftsrecht anwendbar. Die Auflösung der Gesellschaft ist hier allerdings gerichtlich zu erzwingen, sollte der inländische Satzungssitz nicht mehr durch §§ 5 Abs. 2 AktG, 4 a Abs. 2 GmbHG gerechtfertigt sein. Die Abkehr des geplanten „MoMiG“ von diesem Standpunkt ist rechtspolitisch zu begrüßen, aber nur im Verein mit einem generellen Übergang auch zur Gründungsanknüpfung im deutschen Kollisionsrecht sinnvoll, so wie dies der Deutsche Rat für Internationales Privatrecht vorschlägt. 2. Der Wegzug in Gestalt einer schlichten Verlagerung des Satzungssitzes einer nach deutschem Recht gegründeten Gesellschaft in das EU-Ausland ist nach deutschem Gesellschaftsrecht unzulässig. Rechtspolitisch ist die Einführung eines geregelten Verfahrens einer grenzüberschreitenden Satzungssitzverlegung zu befürworten, so wie dies der Deutsche Rat für Internationales Privatrecht vorschlägt. 3. Die „wilde“ Herausverschmelzung einer nach deutschem Recht gegründeten Gesellschaft – d.h. spiegelbildlich zur „SEVIC“ und außerhalb der geplanten §§ 122 a ff. UmwG – auf eine EU-ausländische Gesellschaft ist nach deutschem Gesellschaftsrecht unzulässig

    Kultur des Hinhörens. Sprechen über sexuelle Gewalt, Organisationsklima und Prävention in stationären Einrichtungen der Jugendhilfe. Zentrale Ergebnisse. Abschlussbericht

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    In der DJI-Studie "Kultur des Hinhörens" wurden Fachkräfte und Jugendliche aus stationären Einrichtungen der Jugendhilfe zu Gewalt, insbesondere sexueller Gewalt, und dem Umgang damit befragt. Zudem wurden Fachkräfte in einem Teil der Einrichtungen in einem Präventionsprogramm (PräviKIBS) geschult. In einer Nacherhebung wurden Befunde zur Umsetzung und den möglichen Wirkungen dieses Präventionsprogramms erhoben. [...] Für Deutschland liegen damit erstmals empirische Belege für ein wenigstens teilweise wirksames Präventionsprogramm für stationäre Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe vor. Gleichzeitig ist zu prüfen, welche Ergänzungen und Weiterentwicklungen die Wirkungen des erprobten Präventionsprogramms PräviKIBS erhöhen könnten. (DIPF/Orig.

    final results of a noninterventional study

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    Background Data are limited regarding routine use of everolimus after initial vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)–targeted therapy. The aim of this prospective, noninterventional, observational study was to assess efficacy and safety of everolimus after initial VEGF-targeted treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) in routine clinical settings. Methods Everolimus was administered per routine clinical practice. Patients with mRCC of any histology from 116 active sites in Germany were included. The main objective was to determine everolimus efficacy in time to progression (TTP). Progression-free survival (PFS), treatment duration, tumor response, adherence to everolimus regimen, treatment after everolimus, and safety were also assessed. Results In the total population (N = 334), median follow-up was 5.2 months (range, 0–32 months). Median treatment duration (safety population, n = 318) was 6.5 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 5–8 months). Median TTP and median PFS were similar in populations investigated. In patients who received everolimus as second-line treatment (n = 211), median (95% CI) TTP was 7.1 months (5–9 months) and median PFS was 6.9 months (5–9 months). Commonly reported adverse events (safety population, n = 318) were dyspnea (17%), anemia (15%), and fatigue (12%). Limitations of the noninterventional design should be considered. Conclusions This study reflects routine clinical use of everolimus in a large sample of patients with mRCC. Favorable efficacy and safety were seen for everolimus after previous therapy with one VEGF-targeted agent. Results of this study confirm everolimus as one of the standard options in second-line therapy for patients with mRCC. Novartis study code, CRAD001LD27: VFA registry for noninterventional studies (http://www.vfa.de/de/forschung/nisdb/ webcite)

    Everolimus in metastatic renal cell carcinoma after failure of initial anti-VEGF therapy: final results of a noninterventional study

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    Background: Data are limited regarding routine use of everolimus after initial vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-targeted therapy. The aim of this prospective, noninterventional, observational study was to assess efficacy and safety of everolimus after initial VEGF-targeted treatment in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) in routine clinical settings. Methods: Everolimus was administered per routine clinical practice. Patients with mRCC of any histology from 116 active sites in Germany were included. The main objective was to determine everolimus efficacy in time to progression (TTP). Progression-free survival (PFS), treatment duration, tumor response, adherence to everolimus regimen, treatment after everolimus, and safety were also assessed. Results: In the total population (N = 334),median follow-up was 5.2 months (range, 0-32 months). Median treatment duration (safety population, n = 318) was 6.5 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 5-8 months). Median TTP and median PFS were similar in populations investigated. In patients who received everolimus as second-line treatment (n = 211),median (95% CI) TTP was 7.1 months (5-9 months) and median PFS was 6.9 months (5-9 months). Commonly reported adverse events (safety population, n = 318) were dyspnea (17%),anemia (15%), and fatigue (12%). Limitations of the noninterventional design should be considered. Conclusions: This study reflects routine clinical use of everolimus in a large sample of patients with mRCC. Favorable efficacy and safety were seen for everolimus after previous therapy with one VEGF-targeted agent. Results of this study confirm everolimus as one of the standard options in second-line therapy for patients with mRCC

    Система поддержки принятие решений при проведении клинических исследований

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    Разработка программного обеспечения для проведения клинических исследований. Данное приложение может применяться для обеспечения целостности данных, безопасности субъекта исследования, качества продукта в ходе проведения исследования, что приведет к автоматизации рутинных процессов и будет способствовать повышению скорости и качества проводимых исследований.Development of software for conducting clinical trials. This application can be used to ensure data integrity, security of the research subject, and product quality during the research, which will lead to automation of routine processes and will help to improve the speed and quality of research

    Structural and functional analysis of the MutS C-terminal tetramerization domain

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    The Escherichia coli DNA mismatch repair (MMR) protein MutS is essential for the correction of DNA replication errors. In vitro, MutS exists in a dimer/tetramer equilibrium that is converted into a monomer/dimer equilibrium upon deletion of the C-terminal 53 amino acids. In vivo and in vitro data have shown that this C-terminal domain (CTD, residues 801–853) is critical for tetramerization and the function of MutS in MMR and anti-recombination. We report the expression, purification and analysis of the E.coli MutS-CTD. Secondary structure prediction and circular dichroism suggest that the CTD is folded, with an α-helical content of 30%. Based on sedimentation equilibrium and velocity analyses, MutS-CTD forms a tetramer of asymmetric shape. A single point mutation (D835R) abolishes tetramerization but not dimerization of both MutS-CTD and full-length MutS. Interestingly, the in vivo and in vitro MMR activity of MutS(CF/D835R) is diminished to a similar extent as a truncated MutS variant (MutS800, residues 1–800), which lacks the CTD. Moreover, the dimer-forming MutS(CF/D835R) has comparable DNA binding affinity with the tetramer-forming MutS, but is impaired in mismatch-dependent activation of MutH. Our data support the hypothesis that tetramerization of MutS is important but not essential for MutS function in MMR

    The nitrogen, carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland

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    Intensively managed grazed grasslands in temperate climates are globally important environments for the exchange of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). We assessed the N and C budget of a mostly grazed and occasionally cut and fertilised grassland in SE Scotland by measuring or modelling all relevant imports and exports to the field as well as changes in soil C and N stocks over time. The N budget was dominated by import from inorganic and organic fertilisers (21.9 g N m−2 a−1) and losses from leaching (5.3 g N m−2 a−1), N2 emissions (2.9 g N m−2 a−1), and NOx and NH3 volatilisation (3.9 g N m−2 a−1), while N2O emission was only 0.6 g N m−2 a−1. The efficiency of N use by animal products (meat and wool) averaged 9.9 % of total N input over only-grazed years (2004–2010). On average over 9 years (2002–2010), the balance of N fluxes suggested that 6.0 ± 5.9 g N m−2 a−1 (mean ± confidence interval at p > 0.95) were stored in the soil. The largest component of the C budget was the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE), at an average uptake rate of 218 ± 155 g C m−2 a−1 over the 9 years. This sink strength was offset by carbon export from the field mainly as grass offtake for silage (48.9 g C m−2 a−1) and leaching (16.4 g C m−2 a−1). The other export terms, CH4 emissions from the soil, manure applications and enteric fermentation, were negligible and only contributed to 0.02–4.2 % of the total C losses. Only a small fraction of C was incorporated into the body of the grazing animals. Inclusion of these C losses in the budget resulted in a C sink strength of 163 ± 140 g C m−2 a−1. By contrast, soil stock measurements taken in May 2004 and May 2011 indicated that the grassland sequestered N in the 0–60 cm soil layer at 4.51 ± 2.64 g N m−2 a−1 and lost C at a rate of 29.08 ± 38.19 g C m−2 a−1. Potential reasons for the discrepancy between these estimates are probably an underestimation of C losses, especially from leaching fluxes as well as from animal respiration. The average greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of the grassland was −366 ± 601 g CO2 eq. m−2 yr−1 and was strongly affected by CH4 and N2O emissions. The GHG sink strength of the NEE was reduced by 54 % by CH4 and N2O emissions. Estimated enteric fermentation from ruminating sheep proved to be an important CH4 source, exceeding the contribution of N2O to the GHG budget in some years

    Emotional ratings and skin conductance response to visual, auditory and haptic stimuli

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    The human emotional reactions to stimuli delivered by different sensory modalities is a topic of interest for many disciplines, from Human-Computer-Interaction to cognitive sciences. Different databases of stimuli eliciting emotional reaction are available, tested on a high number of participants. Interestingly, stimuli within one database are always of the same type. In other words, to date, no data was obtained and compared from distinct types of emotion-eliciting stimuli from the same participant. This makes it difficult to use different databases within the same experiment, limiting the complexity of experiments investigating emotional reactions. Moreover, whereas the stimuli and the participants’ rating to the stimuli are available, physiological reactions of participants to the emotional stimuli are often recorded but not shared. Here, we test stimuli delivered either through a visual, auditory, or haptic modality in a within participant experimental design. We provide the results of our study in the form of a MATLAB structure including basic demographics on the participants, the participant’s self-assessment of his/her emotional state, and his/her physiological reactions (i.e., skin conductance)