3,200 research outputs found

    The Peculiar Periodic YSO WL 4 in ρ Ophiuchus

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    We present the discovery of 130.87 day periodic near-infrared flux variability for the Class II T Tauri star WL 4 (= 2MASS J16271848-2429059, ISO-Oph 128). Our data are from the 2MASS Calibration Point Source Working Database, and constitute 1580 observations in J, H and K_s of a field in ρ Ophiuchus used to calibrate the 2MASS All-Sky Survey. We identify a light curve for WL 4 with eclipse amplitudes of ~0.4 mag lasting more than one-quarter the period, and color variations in J-H and H-K_s, of ~0.1 mag. The long period cannot be explained by stellar rotation. We propose that WL 4 is a triple YSO system, with an inner binary orbital period of 130.87 days. We posulate that we are observing each component of the inner binary alternately being eclipsed by a circum-binary disk with respect to our line of sight. This system will be useful in investigating terrestrial zone YSO disk properties and dynamics at ~1 Myr

    La gaviota dominicana como bioindicador de los productos químicos ambientales en la región de Magallanes. Una comparación con otras localidades costeras en Chile

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    During the breeding seasons 1994/5 and 1995/6 we collected Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) eggs from five locations in central to south Chile to study the contamination with mercury and organochlorine compounds. The sites were Algarrobo, Concepción, Maiquillahue Bay, Doña Sebastiana Island (Chalcao channel at Chiloé) and Magdalena Island (Straits of Magellan). We found differences among the sites: Kelp Gull eggs from Chiloé and Algarrobo had the greatest concentrations of mercury (about 170 ng g-1 fresh weight). Residues of DDT were greatest in eggs from Algarrobo and Maiquillahue Bay, those of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) greatest at Algarrobo and Concepción. HCB had highest levels at Concepción. Considering all organochlorines, samples from Algarrobo had the highest concentrations, those from Chiloé the lowest. In consequence we found a geographical pattern from north to south, i.e., from areas with greater to lesser human impact. In comparison with other studies, the levels of environmental chemicals found in Kelp Gulls from Chile are much lower than those known to cause adverse effects on reproductive success.Durante las estaciones reproductoras de los años 1994/5 y 1995/6 recolectamos huevos de la gaviota dominicana (Larus dominicanus) en cinco localidades ubicadas entre el centro y sur de Chile para el estudio de la contaminación por mercurio y compuestos organohalogenados. Dichas localidades fueron Algarrobo, Concepción, Bahía de Maiquillahue, Isla Doña Sebastiana (Canal de Chacao-Chiloé) e Isla Magdalena (Estrecho de Magallanes). Los huevos de la gaviota dominicana provenientes de la Isla Doña Sebastiana y Algarrobo presentaron las mayores concentraciones de mercurio (170 ng g-1 peso fresco). Los mayores niveles de residuos de DDT fueron detectados en las muestras procedentes de Algarrobo y de Bahía de Maiquillahue, los mayores niveles de residuos de PCBs (bifenilos policlorinados) en las muestras de Algarrobo y de Concepcíon. Los mayores valores de HCB se hallaron en Concepción. Considerando la suma de todos los compuestos organoclorados, los huevos provenientes de Algarrobo presentaron las mayores concentraciones y los de la Isla Doña Sebastiana las menores. En consecuencia, se encuentra un patrón de variación geográfica de norte a sur y de mayor a menor impacto. En comparación con otros estudios, los niveles de los productos químicos ambientales encontrados en los huevos de gaviota dominicana en Chile pueden considerarse muy bajos como para provocar efectos adversos sobre el éxito reproductor

    How Low Business Tax Rates Attract Multinational Headquarters: Municipality-Level Evidence from Germany

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    Most existing empirical evidence on the impact of profit taxation on multinational firm activity is based on cross-country data. One major drawback of such data is that countries differ not only with regard to taxes but along other dimensions which might be hard to capture by means of observable characteristics. We compile a database of more than 11,000 municipalities in Germany to analyze the sensitivity of the location decisions of foreign MNEs with respect to business tax rates which are levied directly by the municipalities. Using count data models suited for cross-sectional and panel data, we find that higher business tax rates have a negative effect on the number of foreign MNE headquarters, after controlling for other determinants of firm location decisions. On average, a one-percent reduction of the municipal business tax rate (equivalent to a decline by about 0.14 percentage points) leads to an increase in the number of headquarters of foreign MNEs by about 0.05. Hence, the average municipality needs to reduce its business tax rate by 20% to attract one foreign MNE

    Fractional Stokes-Einstein and Debye-Stokes-Einstein relations in a network forming liquid

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    We study the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein (SE) and Debye-Stokes-Einstein (DSE) relations for translational and rotational motion in a prototypical model of a network-forming liquid, the ST2 model of water. We find that the emergence of ``fractional'' SE and DSE relations at low temperature is ubiquitous in this system, with exponents that vary little over a range of distinct physical regimes. We also show that the same fractional SE relation is obeyed by both mobile and immobile dynamical heterogeneities of the liquid

    Sex-specific pathways of parental age effects on offspring lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird

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    The conditions under which individuals are reared vary and sensitivity of offspring to such variation is often sex-dependent. Parental age is one important natal condition with consequences for aspects of offspring fitness, but reports are mostly limited to short-term fitness consequences and do not take into account offspring sex. Here we used individual-based data from a large colony of a long-lived seabird, the common tern Sterna hirundo, to investigate longitudinal long-term fitness consequences of parental age in relation to both offspring and parental sex. We found that recruited daughters from older mothers suffered from reduced annual reproductive success. Recruited sons from older fathers were found to suffer from reduced life span. Both effects translated to reductions in offspring lifetime reproductive success. Besides revealing novel sex-specific pathways of transgenerational parental age effects on offspring fitness, which inspire studies of potential underlying mechanisms, our analyses show that reproductive senescence is only observed in the common tern when including transgenerational age effects. In general, our study shows that estimates of selective pressures underlying the evolution of senescence, as well as processes such as age-dependent mate choice and sex allocation, will depend on whether causal transgenerational effects exist and are taken into account

    Collisional and Radiative Processes in High-Pressure Discharge Plasmas

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    Discharge plasmas at high pressures (up to and exceeding atmospheric pressure), where single collision conditions no longer prevail, provide a fertile environment for the experimental study of collisions and radiative processes dominated by (i) step-wise processes, i.e., the excitation of an already excited atomic/molecular state and by (ii) three-body collisions leading, for instance, to the formation of excimers. The dominance of collisional and radiative processes beyond binary collisions involving ground-state atoms and molecules in such environments allows for many interesting applications of high-pressure plasmas such as high power lasers, opening switches, novel plasma processing applications and sputtering, absorbers and reflectors for electromagnetic waves, remediation of pollutants and waste streams, and excimer lamps and other noncoherent vacuum-ultraviolet light sources. Here recent progress is summarized in the use of hollow cathode discharge devices with hole dimensions in the range 0.1-0.5 mm for the generation of vacuum-ultraviolet light

    Measurement of the direct particle transport through stochastic media using neutron resonance transmission analysis

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    A measurement of the uncollided neutron flux passing through a sample containing a stochastic mixture of tungsten and sulfur grains has been performed using neutron resonance transmission analysis in the 3 - 200 eV energy region. The impact of the heterogeneous characteristic of the sample is shown based on a comparison of the measurement with a calculated transmission spectrum of a homogeneous sample, which was verified by a measurement with a homogeneous metallic disc. By using a single strong resonance of tungsten, the particle self-shielding factor between 0.2 - 0.9 was directly measured. The experimental data have been compared with model calculations using the Markovian Levermore-Pomraning model. The measured transmission has been used to determine the effective characteristic chord length and volume fraction of the tungsten grains within the sample.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    A novel vacuum ultra violet lamp for metastable rare gas experiments

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    We report on a new design of a vacuum ultra violet (VUV) lamp for direct optical excitation of high laying atomic states e.g. for excitation of metastable rare gas atoms. The lamp can be directly mounted to ultra high vacuum vessels (p <= 10^(-10) mbar). It is driven by a 2.45 GHz microwave source. For optimum operation it requires powers of approximately 20 W. The VUV light is transmitted through a magnesium fluoride window, which is known to have a decreasing transmittance for VUV photons with time. In our special setup, after a run-time of the VUV lamp of 550 h the detected signal continuously decreased to 25 % of its initial value. This corresponds to a lifetime increase of two orders of magnitude compared to previous setups or commercial lamps