232 research outputs found

    The Consequences of Polyandry for Sibship Structures, Distributions of Relationships and Relatedness, and Potential for Inbreeding in a Wild Population

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    We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nations for access to Mandarte Island, Pirmin Nietlisbach, Lukas Keller, Greta Bocedi, Brad Duthie, and Matthew Wolak for helpful discussions, and the European Research Council, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Swiss National Science Foundation for funding. Field data collected following UBC Animal Care Committee (A07-0309) and Environment Canada (Master banding permit 10596) guidelines.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Recent immigrants alter the quantitative genetic architecture of paternity in song sparrows

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    Funding Information Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur FΓΆrderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung Canadian Network for Research and Innovation in Machining Technology, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada FP7 Ideas: European Research Council. Grant Number: 309453Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Loss of Mhc and Neutral Variation in Peary Caribou: Genetic Drift Is Not Mitigated by Balancing Selection or Exacerbated by Mhc Allele Distributions

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    Theory and empirical results suggest that the rate of loss of variation at Mhc and neutral microsatellite loci may differ because selection influences Mhc genes, and because a high proportion of rare alleles at Mhc loci may result in high rates of loss via drift. Most published studies compare Mhc and microsatellite variation in various contemporary populations to infer the effects of population size on genetic variation, even though different populations are likely to have different demographic histories that may also affect contemporary genetic variation. We directly compared loss of variation at Mhc and microsatellite loci in Peary caribou by comparing historical and contemporary samples. We observed that similar proportions of genetic variation were lost over time at each type of marker despite strong evidence for selection at Mhc genes. These results suggest that microsatellites can be used to estimate genome-wide levels of variation, but also that adaptive potential is likely to be lost following population bottlenecks. However, gene conversion and recombination at Mhc loci may act to increase variation following bottlenecks

    Long-term maternal effect on offspring immune response in song sparrows Melospiza melodia

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    Knowledge of the causes of variation in host immunity to parasitic infection and the time-scales over which variation persists, is integral to predicting the evolutionary and epidemiological consequences of host–parasite interactions. It is clear that offspring immunity can be influenced by parental immune experience, for example, reflecting transfer of antibodies from mothers to young offspring. However, it is less clear whether such parental effects persist or have functional consequences over longer time-scales, linking a parent's previous immune experience to future immune responsiveness in fully grown offspring. We used free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to quantify long-term effects of parental immune experience on offspring immune response. We experimentally vaccinated parents with a novel antigen and tested whether parental vaccination influenced the humoral antibody response mounted by fully grown offspring hatched the following year. Parental vaccination did not influence offspring baseline antibody titres. However, offspring of vaccinated mothers mounted substantially stronger antibody responses than offspring of unvaccinated mothers. Antibody responses did not differ between offspring of vaccinated and unvaccinated fathers. These data demonstrate substantial long-term effects of maternal immune experience on the humoral immune response of fully grown offspring in free-living birds

    Multi-generation genetic contributions of immigrants reveal cryptic elevated and sex-biased effective gene flow within a natural meta-population

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    We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nations Bands for allowing access to XΜ±OXΜ± DEΘ½ (Mandarte); everyone who contributed to long-term data collection; NSERC (Canada), the Swiss National Science Foundation, the Research Council of Norway (SFF-III, project 223257) and NTNU for funding; and Bob O’Hara for helpful discussions on analyses.Peer reviewe

    A NARRATIVE IN RELIEF The Historiography of English Modern Painting (1910-1915), from the 1910s to the 1950s

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    The groups of painters in England who experimented with new visual expressions of modernity between 1910 and 1915 are the subject of this historiographical research. More precisely, the accounts of Vorticism, Bloomsbury post-Impressionism and the modern art of painters associated with Sickert, (principally the Camden Town Group), have been critically examined over a forty year period in order to trace the narrative of their place in contemporary art criticism and their entry into histories of what soon became the recent past. This textually-based methodology has produced an insight into the forces acting upon the critical reception of a particular period subsequently seen by historians as a discrete phase in the evolution of British art. The readings of texts are organised chronologically so as to illustrate the formation of a historical narrative and its variants, and to show how immediate responses and retrospective evaluations connect discursively. The findings of the research have four aspects. Firstly, it has been fruitful to isolate the narrative of the years 1910-15 over forty years so as to test whether it is possible, using this longitudinal methodology, to comment productively on the integrity of this historical episode, and to establish how the narrative became a critical orthodoxy governed by a limited range of analytical perspectives. Secondly, estimations as to the quality of the art produced in these years developed a distinct, often negative, patterning in journalism and art historical writing and this is also traced in some detail over time. Dominant tropes in the critical language have been identified over this forty year period which became the default positions of historical analysis and which, I argue, impeded sophisticated or revisionist thinking. With a few notable exceptions, the analysis of early English modern art is poorly served by its commentators in this period and this weakened discursive health. Thirdly, this thesis also considers the nature and influence of, periodicals, newspapers, 'little magazines' and the genres of art-writing that were extant between 1910 and 1956 and relates this to the distinctions and similarities between art criticism and art history at this time. A fourth analytic strand concerns outside influences on the production of critical and historical texts. lt explores the impact of promotional art writing, and exposes the professional pressures on, and rivalries between, writers and considers some of the wider political circumstances through which this particular debate on recent art was refracted

    Sex-specific additive genetic variances and correlations for fitness in a song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population subject to natural immigration and inbreeding

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nation bands for access to Mandarte and everyone who contributed to the long-term data collection. We thank the European Research Council for funding and the University of Aberdeen for generous access to the Maxwell High Performance Computing cluster. Pierre de Villemereuil, Michael B. Morrissey, and Jarrod D. Hadfield provided enlightening discussions during manuscript preparation. Joel McGlothlin and two anonymous reviewers provided further helpful comments. DATA ARCHIVING Data have been archived in the Dryad Digital Repository: https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.p7p1jb3 (Wolak et al. 2018).Peer reviewedPostprintPostprintPublisher PD

    Are immigrants outbred and unrelated? : Testing standard assumptions in a wild metapopulation

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    Acknowledgements We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nations Bands for allowing access to Mandarte, everyone who contributed to long-term data collection, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada (NSERC), the Swiss National Science Foundation (recently P400PB-180870), the Research Council of Norway (SFF-III, project 223257) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) for funding.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Testing predictions of inclusive fitness theory in inbreeding relatives with biparental care

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    Data accessibility Data are deposited in Dryad https:doi.org/10.5061/dryad.1zcrdfnf. R code supporting this article has been uploaded as part of the electronic supplementary material. Acknowledgements We thank the Tsawout and Tseycum First Nation bands for allowing access to Mandarte, numerous field assistants, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who contributed to long-term data collection, and Brad Duthie for insightful discussions regarding underlying concepts. National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (P.A., E.A.G); Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies (E.A.G, J.M.R.), UK Natural Environment Research Council (R.J.S.) and the European Research Council (J.M.R.) provided funding.Peer reviewedPostprin
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