75 research outputs found

    Integrative Approach to Human Biomonitoring and Health Effects

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    Funding Information: Funding: This work received financial support from projects UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, and LA/P/0008/2020 by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) through national funds. Virgínia Cruz Fernandes thanks FCT for the financial support through a postdoctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/109153/2015).publishersversionpublishe

    Reabilitação do parque olímpico de Berlim: um espaço para todos

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    Este trabalho tem como base um concurso, sendo este o “Schindler Award”, realizado em Berlim, no Parque Olímpico, este tem como objectivo principal as acessibilidades, no entanto, estas não se resumem apenas à mobilidade, também devemos ter em conta incapacidades visuais, auditivas, tais como outras dificuldades que o ser humano possa ter, tanto físicas como mentais. Este projecto tem duas vertentes, urbanística e arquitectónica, na qual terei de projectar de raiz um hotel, e planear um espaço com cerca de 17 hectares. No entanto, o aspecto terei mais em conta será mesmo a parte das acessibilidades, pois é um tema muito interessante e cada vez mais é um dos problemas mais falados da actualidade, pois é um assunto que nos diz respeito a todos, é algo que em certo ponto nos condicionará a quase todos, mesmo que hoje em dia sejamos saudáveis, numa idade mais avançada poderemos não o ser.This work, is based on a contest, which is named “Schindler Award”, taking place at Berlin, in Olympic Park, it has as main goal the accessibilities, but it doesn’t restrict itself to the mobility problems, it goes further, thinking about impaired vision and hearing, and any other disability people can have, being it physic or mental. This project has two sides, one being more urbanistic, and the other one being more architectural, in which I will design a hotel, and at same time do the planning for a place of around 17 hec. Although, I will work out mainly on the accessibility part, it’s a theme that every day that passes becomes more important, since it’s a subject that will affect us all in a way or another, even if we are healthy today, we may not be someday in the future

    Sistemas estruturais para torres eólicas

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    A produção da energia eólica tem vindo a subir exponencialmente ao longo dos anos em todo o mundo, devido ser a energia renovável com menor impacto ambiental. Para tal são necessárias torres eólicas de altura elevada que suportam os geradores, dependendo de diversos parâmetros como a altura da torre, local de implantação (onshore ou offshore) e tipo de sistemas estruturais a utilizar. Esta dissertação tem como intuito avaliar qual o sistema estrutural mais adequado para diferentes alturas, ambientes distintos (terra e mar) e tipo de material. As ações impostas nas torres no seu dimensionamento foram a ação do vento, a ação da onda do mar e a ação sísmica. O processo de dimensionamento foi desenvolvido no programa Microsoft Excel, respeitando sempre os pressupostos expostos nos Eurocódigos e RSA. Quanto à modelação das torres, foi adotada uma geometria definida pelo autor, de modo a que cada uma verificasse a segurança. A modelação das 20 torres foi feita no programa de cálculo SAP2000 - Structural Analysis Program. Depois de cada torre ter sido modelada e dimensionada, passou-se à fase da análise e comparação entre elas, diferenciando estas pelo local em que estão colocadas, chegando assim a uma conclusão de qual o sistema estrutural mais vantajoso de ser contruído tanto a nível económico como estrutural nos dois meios distintos. Concluiu-se que nas torres onshore, as torres treliçadas de aço são mais vantajosas para uma construção com alturas superiores aos 100 metros enquanto as torres tubulares em aço são mais vantajosas abaixo dessa mesma altura, pois são mais económicas do que as de betão. Quanto às torres offshore, apenas as torres tubulares de aço são as mais indicadas, independentemente da sua altura.Throughout the years the production of energy provided by wind has risen substantially, due to the fact that it is the renewable energy with less environmental impact. For this, wind towers with considerable height that can withstand the generators are necessary, depending on diverse factors such as the height of the towers, the place of implementation (onshore or offshore) and the type of structural systems used. This dissertation has the intention of evaluating which structural system is the most appropriate for different heights, distinct environments (land and sea) and types of material. The loads imposed on the towers during the design were the wind load, wave load and seismic load. The design process was developed on Microsoft Excel, always respecting and taking into account the rules established by the Eurocodes and RSA. The model of the towers, a geometry defined by the author was adopted, so that each one verified its safety. The modelling of the 20 towers was developed on the software SAP2000 – Structural Analysis Program. After each tower being modelled and designed, the analysis and comparison phase between them started, comparing them by their area where they were placed, arriving then at a conclusion of which structural system had more advantages of being constructed both economically and structurally in the two different environments. It was concluded that in the onshore towers, the lattice tower is more advantageous for a construction higher than 100 meters while the tubular towers in steel are more advantageous for constructions lower than 100 meters, as they are more economical than the concrete towers. In relation to the offshore towers, only the tubular towers are the most appropriate, whatever their height may be

    EduCert blockchain prototype for authenttication of academic degrees and certificates

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    A fraude é um problema recorrente em várias indústrias. Ao longo dos anos várias pessoas têm tentado resolver esta situação, através do uso de novas tecnológico. Contudo, as situações de fraude também beneficiaram desta situação. Estas situações de fraude são particularmente interessantes na área do ensino superior. A fraude académica por vezes pode ter alguma complexidade, mas noutros casos pode ser explorada através da simplicidade ou até antiguidade dos processos das instituições do ensino superior. Sendo que a criação e uso de certificados falsos é um problema mundial. Muitas instituições em Portugal têm sistemas pouco, ou até nada, digitais. Isto deve-se a várias causas, algumas por falta de recursos para treinar os recursos humanos ou para melhorar os sistemas. Outras por acreditarem que têm um sistema bom, e logo não sentem a necessidade de o melhorar. Isto pode levar a um aproveitamento de entidades fraudulentas que desenvolveram técnicas para se aproveitar deste tipo de sistemas. Um sistema com apenas, certificados em papel, com assinaturas físicas não quer dizer que seja um sistema seguro. Para além da segurança a eficácia deste sistema também pode ser reduzida. Contudo existe, nos dias de hoje, um consenso em que é necessária uma digitalização dos nossos sistemas. Várias empresas e pessoas já estão a trabalhar em algumas sugestões digitais, com o intuito de promover a facilidade de uso e de custo mantando a segurança e a digitalização. Estes dois fatores, segurança, para evitar a fraude, e digitalização para tornar os sistemas mais eficazes são fatores chaves. Uma das soluções, que tem se tornado nos últimos anos muito pertinente para várias indústrias é a blockchain. A blockchain tenta dar as instituições um sistema robusto, seguro e eficaz. A solução apresentada por nós vai de acordo a estas necessidades, utilizando uma aplicação com recurso a blockchain. A nossa aplicação EduCert (https://github.com/dmelim/EduCert) usa a rede de teste da blockchain Fantom. A aplicação utiliza JavaScript para o seu frontend e backend. Para comunicar com a blockchain usamos Metamask, uma extensão do Google Chrome

    Capacitação de uma empresa aeronáutica para manutenção de alguns componentes de aeronaves

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    A manutenção de aeronaves e seus componentes constitui um sector de engenharia de ponta na economia nacional, levantando diversos desafios a vários níveis funcionais das empresas do ramo. A dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito de um estágio curricular realizado na Área de Motores e Componentes da OGMA – Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A. A empresa já há muitos anos que se dedica à manutenção de motores de diversas aeronaves. Nos últimos anos, com o surgimento de novas aeronaves com novos tipos de motores, a empresa procura acompanhar a evolução do mercado. Nesta linha de ideias, o objetivo do estágio consistiu na participação de um estudo de capacitação da OGMA para a manutenção de válvulas pneumáticas. A manutenção e capacitação para manutenção de componentes aeronáuticos segue normas e procedimentos específicos. Segundo o procedimento formal da análise de capacidade inicial da empresa para as operações de manutenção, foi identificada a necessidade de certificação de ferramentas e processos, nomeadamente orifícios calibrados. O estudo centrou-se no desenvolvimento de um procedimento interno de validação de calibração dos orifícios. Foram identificados os requisitos, elaboradas especificações, escolhidos e alocados equipamentos e ferramentas de ensaio. Além da calibração dos orifícios, também foi possível acompanhar e apoiar algumas outras atividades de ensaios técnicos em diversas componentes. Após o estudo efetuado, a OGMA ficou capacitada para a calibração de orifícios, sendo estes fundamentais para o tipo de válvulas em análise. Foi publicado um artigo na conferência "CNME2014 – 9º CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE MECÂNICA EXPERIMENTAL" e encontra-se em elaboração o artigo final, cujo resumo já foi aceite, para a conferência "6th International Conference on MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN (Ponta Delgada/Açores, 26-30 July 2015)"

    O adipócito como uma célula auto-reguladora

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    The recognition of the status of adipose tissue as an endocrine organ capable of integrating stimuli from other organs and respond by producing active autocrine, paracrine and/ or endocrine factors is fundamental to the understanding of adipocyte cell as autoregulatory. The interest in studying the modulation of the adipose tissue by environmental factors has covered both the influence of normal components of the diet, as promoters of a proper development of adipose tissue or in an opposite scenario, the study of the effect of food contaminants, as persistent environmental pollutants, in the etiology of obesity. Either of these approaches has the potential to contribute to clarify the mechanisms leading to obesity and the development of its complications.O reconhecimento do estatuto do tecido adiposo como órgão endócrino, com capacidade de integrar estímulos provindos de outros órgãos e de responder produzindo factores com actividade autócrina, parácrina e/ou endócrina é fundamental para a compreensão do adipócito como célula auto-reguladora. O interesse no estudo da modulação das características do tecido adiposo por factores ambientais, tem abrangido quer a influência de componentes normais da dieta, como favorecedores de um desenvolvimento adequado do tecido adiposo ou, num cenário oposto, o estudo do efeito de contaminantes dos alimentos, como os poluentes ambientais persistentes veiculados pela alimentação na etiologia da obesidade. Qualquer uma destas abordagens tem o potencial de contribuir para esclarecer os mecanismos que conduzem à obesidade e ao desenvolvimento das suas complicações

    Implication of menopause and ageing

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    Funding Information: S. Sousa is grateful to FCT and European Social Fund through Programa Operacional Capital Humano for the Ph.D . grant ( SFRH/BD/137516/2018-COVID/BD/153231/2023 ). The authors thank the General Surgery Department of Hospital de São João (Porto, Portugal) and to all patients that consented to participate. Funding Information: This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through projects UIDB/50006/2020 , UIDP/50006/2020 , and LA/P/0008/2020 , from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência , Tecnologia e Ensino Superior . Funding Information: S. Sousa is grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Social Fund through Programa Operacional Capital Humano for the Ph.D . grant ( SFRH/BD/137516/2018-COVID/BD/153231/2023 ). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Elsevier LtdFatty acids (FA) are biomarkers of metabolic dysfunction. Adipose tissue is the largest reservoir of FA and acts differently in obese individuals. Menopause by itself significantly alters metabolism, lipid metabolism dysregulation, and adipose tissue distribution. How adipose tissue FA alters an obese individual's metabolism depending on a female's menopausal status is yet poorly understood. Hence, the subcutaneous (scAT) and visceral adipose tissue (vAT) FA profile for 173 obese premenopausal and postmenopausal women was measured and associated with biochemical parameters. scAT and vAT FA profiles were distinct by themselves and in menopause. In total 816 associations were found with biochemical parameters, where only 58 were independent of the menopausal status. The associations found to emphasize the importance of assessing the adipose tissue FA profile and how their behavior changes with menopause. The FA are crucial in metabolic processes and can be helpful biomarkers in the prevention/treatment and follow-up of female obesity.publishersversionpublishe

    Assessment of synthetic musks, polychlorinated biphenyls and brominated flame retardants in adipose tissue of obese northern Portuguese women – Metabolic implications

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    Funding Information: This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through projects UIDB/50006/2020 , UIDP/50006/2020 , and LA/P/0008/2020 , from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)/ Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES). Funding Information: S. Sousa is grateful to FCT and ESF (European Social Fund) through POCH (Programa Operacional Capital Humano) for the Ph.D. grant ( SFRH/BD/137516/2018 and COVID/BD/153231/2023 ). The authors thank the General Surgery Department of Hospital de São João (Porto, Portugal) for the human adipose tissue samples and to all patients that consent to participate. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Elsevier B.V.Obesity is a worldwide multifactorial disease linked to persistent pollutants exposure amongst other factors. Humans are daily exposed to an assort of pollutants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants and synthetic musks. These, also known as endocrine disruptors, were all found in human adipose tissue, the preferable matrix for the assessment of long-time accumulation. There are several accounts of hazardous effects of polychlorinated biphenyls and brominated flame retardants on the human organism, whereas for synthetic musks little is still known. Hence, in this study, the levels of polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, and synthetic musks were measured in samples of adipose tissue from 188 Obese Portuguese Women (subcutaneous or scAT and visceral or vAT). After which, associations between pollutants levels and several biochemical parameters from assorted of metabolic processes were studied. Brominated flame retardants were not found in any sample analysed, synthetic musks were found in all the samples analysed (100 % detection frequency) with median levels of 0.4 ± 0.6 μg/g in scAT and 0.4 ± 0.7 μg/g in vAT and polychlorinated biphenyls were found in the majority of samples (<90 % detection frequency) with median levels of 0.1 ± 0.3 μg/g in both tissues. Median concentrations of synthetic musks and polychlorinated biphenyls were similar between scAT and vAT. In total 315 associations were achieved with pollutants levels in adipose tissue, including 273 Spearman's correlations (146 negative and 127 positive). Additionally, 3 multiple linear regressions were achieved. Synthetic musks behave differently than polychlorinated biphenyls and other well-known persistent pollutants in the human body. Synthetic musks behaviour is yet poorly known and their high levels and detection frequencies enforces the need for more studies about their impact on human health. Understanding how these chemicals alter the metabolism is crucial knowledge and hopefully will contribute to improving the treatment and follow-up of obesity in the female population.publishersversionpublishe

    The role of I-FABP as a biomarker of intestinal barrier dysfunction driven by gut microbiota changes in obesity

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    Financial support from Fundacao para Ciencia e Tecnologia (PTDC/AGR-TEC/2227/2012 and SFRH/BD/93073/2013) is gratefully acknowledged.Background: Intestinal fatty-acid binding protein (I-FABP) is expressed in epithelial cells of the mucosal layer of the small intestine tissue. When intestinal mucosal damage occurs, I-FABP is released into the circulation and its plasma concentration increases. In the context of obesity, the gut barrier integrity can be disrupted by dietary fat while intestinal permeability increases. Objective: To investigate whether intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is a suitable plasma marker of intestinal injury and inflammation in obesity. Methods: Twelve male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups of six animals each: standard (St) and high-fat (HF) diet fed groups for 12 weeks. Results: HF fed animals developed obesity, insulin resistance and seemed to present increased plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines (MCP-1 and IL1 beta). The gut microbiota composition of these animals was also altered, with lower number of copies of Bacteroidetes, Prevotella spp. and Lactobacillus spp., in comparison with those from St diet group. Fecal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) concentrations tended to be increased in HF fed animals. Intestinal expression of TLR4 seemed to be also increased in HF fed animals suggesting that HF diet-induced dysbiosis may be behind the systemic inflammation observed. However, in contrast to other intestinal inflammatory diseases, plasma I-FABP levels were decreased in HF fed rats whereas I-FABP expression in jejunum tended to be increased. Conclusions: HF diet-induced obesity is characterized by dysbiosis, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation. In this context, plasmatic I-FABP should not be used as a marker of the intestinal barrier dysfunction and the low-grade chronic inflammatory status.publishersversionpublishe

    Intestinal oxidative state can alter nutrient and drug bioavailability

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    Organic cations (OCs) are substances of endogenous (e.g., dopamine, choline) or exogenous (e.g., drugs like cimetidine) origin that are positively charged at physiological ph. since many of these compounds can not pass the cell membrane freely, their transport in or out of cells must be mediated by specific transport systems. Transport by organic cation transporters (OCTs) can be regulated rapidly by altering their trafficking and/or affinities in response to stimuli. However, for example, a specific disease could lead to modifications in the expression of OCTs. Chronic exposure to oxidative stress has been suggested to alter regulation and functional activity of proteins through several pathways. According to results from a previous work, oxidation-reduction pathways were thought to be involved in intestinal organic cation uptake modulation. The present work was performed in order to evaluate the influence of oxidative stressors, especially glutathione, on the intestinal organic cation absorption. For this purpose, the effect of compounds with different redox potential (glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant, and procyanidins, diet antioxidants) was assessed on MPP+ (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium iodide) uptake in an enterocyte cell line (Caco-2). Caco-2 cells were subcultured with two different media conditions (physiological: 5 mM glucose, referred as control cells; and high-glucose: 25 mM glucose, referred as HG cells). In HG cells, the uptake was significantly lower than in control cells. Redox changing interventions affected Mpp+ uptake, both in control and in high-glucose Caco-2 cells. Cellular glutathione levels could have an important impact on membrane transporter activity. The results indicate that modifications in the cellular oxidative state modulate MPP+ uptake by Caco-2 cells. Such modifications may reflect in changes of nutrient and drug bioavailability