134 research outputs found

    Combined gene essentiality scoring improves the prediction of cancer dependency maps

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    Correction: Volume: 51 Article Number: UNSP 102594 DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.12.003Peer reviewe

    Tetrahydrophthalic Anhydrides as Addition Curing Polyimide End Caps: Thermal Isomerization of Methylendianiline 3,6-Diphenyltetrahydrophthalic Bisimides

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    In depth NMR studies confirm that heating a 1:2 mixture of cis, cis, cis 3,6-diphenyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (end cap 9c) with methylenedianiline at 316 C initially yields the corresponding highly congested cis, cis, cis 3,6-diphenyltetrahydrophthalic bisimide 11, which is converted at this temperature to the observed product, the less hindered trans, cis, trans isomer 12

    Salmonella Typhimurium impairs glycolysismediated acidification of phagosomes to evade macrophage defense

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    Regulation of cellular metabolism is now recognized as a crucial mechanism for the activation of innate and adaptive immune cells upon diverse extracellular stimuli. Macrophages, for instance, increase glycolysis upon stimulation with pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Conceivably, pathogens also counteract these metabolic changes for their own survival in the host. Despite this dynamic interplay in host-pathogen interactions, the role of immunometabolism in the context of intracellular bacterial infections is still unclear. Here, employing unbiased metabolomic and transcriptomic approaches, we investigated the role of metabolic adaptations of macrophages upon Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) infections. Importantly, our results suggest that S. Typhimurium abrogates glycolysis and its modulators such as insulin-signaling to impair macrophage defense. Mechanistically, glycolysis facilitates glycolytic enzyme aldolase A mediated v- ATPase assembly and the acidification of phagosomes which is critical for lysosomal degradation. Thus, impairment in the glycolytic machinery eventually leads to decreased bacterial clearance and antigen presentation in murine macrophages (BMDM). Collectively, our results highlight a vital molecular link between metabolic adaptation and phagosome maturation in macrophages, which is targeted by S. Typhimurium to evade cell-autonomous defense. Copyright

    Electromechanical coupling of the Kv1.1 voltage-gated K+ channel is fine-tuned by the simplest amino acid residue in the S4-S5 linker

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    Investigating the Shaker-related K+ channel Kv1.1, the dysfunction of which is responsible for episodic ataxia 1 (EA1), at the functional and molecular level provides valuable understandings on normal channel dynamics, structural correlates underlying voltage-gating, and disease-causing mechanisms. Most studies focused on apparently functional amino acid residues composing voltage-gated K+ channels, neglecting the simplest ones. Glycine at position 311 of Kv1.1 is highly conserved both evolutionarily and within the Kv channel superfamily, is located in a region functionally relevant (the S4-S5 linker), and results in overt disease when mutated (p.G311D). By mutating the G311 residue to aspartate, we show here that the channel voltage-gating, activation, deactivation, inactivation, and window currents are markedly affected. In silico, modeling shows this glycine residue is strategically placed at one end of the linker helix which must be free to both bend and move past other portions of the protein during the channel’s opening and closing. This is befitting of a glycine residue as its small neutral side chain allows for movement unhindered by interaction with any other amino acid. Results presented reveal the crucial importance of a distinct glycine residue, within the S4-S5 linker, in the voltage-dependent electromechanical coupling that control channel gating

    Drug combination sensitivity scoring facilitates the discovery of synergistic and efficacious drug combinations in cancer

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    High-throughput drug screening has facilitated the discovery of drug combinations in cancer. Many existing studies adopted a full matrix design, aiming for the characterization of drug pair effects for cancer cells. However, the full matrix design may be suboptimal as it requires a drug pair to be combined at multiple concentrations in a full factorial manner. Furthermore, many of the computational tools assess only the synergy but not the sensitivity of drug combinations, which might lead to false positive discoveries. We proposed a novel cross design to enable a more cost-effective and simultaneous testing of drug combination sensitivity and synergy. We developed a drug combination sensitivity score (CSS) to determine the sensitivity of a drug pair, and showed that the CSS is highly reproducible between the replicates and thus supported its usage as a robust metric. We further showed that CSS can be predicted using machine learning approaches which determined the top pharmaco-features to cluster cancer cell lines based on their drug combination sensitivity profiles. To assess the degree of drug interactions using the cross design, we developed an S synergy score based on the difference between the drug combination and the single drug dose-response curves. We showed that the S score is able to detect true synergistic and antagonistic drug combinations at an accuracy level comparable to that using the full matrix design. Taken together, we showed that the cross design coupled with the CSS sensitivity and S synergy scoring methods may provide a robust and accurate characterization of both drug combination sensitivity and synergy levels, with minimal experimental materials required. Our experimental-computational approach could be utilized as an efficient pipeline for improving the discovery rate in high-throughput drug combination screening, particularly for primary patient samples which are difficult to obtain.Peer reviewe

    Non-equivalent role of TM2 gating hinges in heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 potassium channels

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    Comparison of the crystal structures of the KcsA and MthK potassium channels suggests that the process of opening a K+ channel involves pivoted bending of the inner pore-lining helices at a highly conserved glycine residue. This bending motion is proposed to splay the transmembrane domains outwards to widen the gate at the “helix-bundle crossing”. However, in the inwardly rectifying (Kir) potassium channel family, the role of this “hinge” residue in the second transmembrane domain (TM2) and that of another putative glycine gating hinge at the base of TM2 remain controversial. We investigated the role of these two positions in heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 channels, which are unique amongst Kir channels in that both subunits lack a conserved glycine at the upper hinge position. Contrary to the effect seen in other channels, increasing the potential flexibility of TM2 by glycine substitutions at the upper hinge position decreases channel opening. Furthermore, the contribution of the Kir4.1 subunit to this process is dominant compared to Kir5.1, demonstrating a non-equivalent contribution of these two subunits to the gating process. A homology model of heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 shows that these upper “hinge” residues are in close contact with the base of the pore α-helix that supports the selectivity filter. Our results also indicate that the highly conserved glycine at the “lower” gating hinge position is required for tight packing of the TM2 helices at the helix-bundle crossing, rather than acting as a hinge residue

    Vascular adhesion protein-1 defines a unique subpopulation of human hematopoietic stem cells and regulates their proliferation

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    Although the development of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) has been studied in great detail, their heterogeneity and relationships to different cell lineages remain incompletely understood. Moreover, the role of Vascular Adhesion Protein-1 in bone marrow hematopoiesis has remained unknown. Here we show that VAP-1, an adhesin and a primary amine oxidase producing hydrogen peroxide, is expressed on a subset of human HSC and bone marrow vasculature forming a hematogenic niche. Bulk and single-cell RNAseq analyses reveal that VAP-1+ HSC represent a transcriptionally unique small subset of differentiated and proliferating HSC, while VAP-1− HSC are the most primitive HSC. VAP-1 generated hydrogen peroxide acts via the p53 signaling pathway to regulate HSC proliferation. HSC expansion and differentiation into colony-forming units are enhanced by inhibition of VAP-1. Contribution of VAP-1 to HSC proliferation was confirmed with mice deficient of VAP-1, mice expressing mutated VAP-1 and using an enzyme inhibitor. In conclusion, VAP-1 expression allows the characterization and prospective isolation of a new subset of human HSC. Since VAP-1 serves as a check point-like inhibitor in HSC differentiation, the use of VAP-1 inhibitors enables the expansion of HSC.Peer reviewe

    Niacin Cures Systemic NAD(+) Deficiency and Improves Muscle Performance in Adult-Onset Mitochondrial Myopathy

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    NAD(+) is a redox-active metabolite, the depletion of which has been proposed to promote aging and degenerative diseases in rodents. However, whether NAD(+) depletion occurs in patients with degenerative disorders and whether NAD(+) repletion improves their symptoms has remained open. Here, we report systemic NAD(+) deficiency in adult-onset mitochondrial myopathy patients. We administered an increasing dose of NAD(+) booster niacin, a vitamin B3 form (to 750-1,000 mg/day; clinicaltrials.gov NCT03973203) for patients and their matched controls for 10 or 4 months, respectively. Blood NAD(+) increased in all subjects, up to 8-fold, and muscle-NAD(+) of patients reached the level of their controls. Some patients showed anemia tendency, while muscle strength and mitochondrial biogenesis increased in all subjects. In patients, muscle metabolome shifted toward controls and liver fat decreased even 50%. Our evidence indicates that blood analysis is useful in identifying NAD(+) deficiency and points niacin to be an efficient NAD(+) booster for treating mitochondrial myopathy.Peer reviewe

    Host-Microbe Co-metabolism Dictates Cancer Drug Efficacy in C. elegans

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    Fluoropyrimidines are the first-line treatment for colorectal cancer, but their efficacy is highly variable between patients. We queried whether gut microbes, a known source of inter-individual variability, impacted drug efficacy. Combining two tractable genetic models, the bacterium E. coli and the nematode C. elegans, we performed three-way high-throughput screens that unraveled the complexity underlying host-microbe-drug interactions. We report that microbes can bolster or suppress the effects of fluoropyrimidines through metabolic drug interconversion involving bacterial vitamin B-6, B-9, and ribonucleotide metabolism. Also, disturbances in bacterial deoxynucleotide pools amplify 5-FU-induced autophagy and cell death in host cells, an effect regulated by the nucleoside diphosphate kinase ndk-1. Our data suggest a two-way bacterial mediation of fluoropyrimidine effects on host metabolism, which contributes to drug efficacy. These findings highlight the potential therapeutic power of manipulating intestinal microbiota to ensure host metabolic health and treat disease.Peer reviewe
