141 research outputs found

    Stability and noise properties of diode lasers with phase-conjugate feedback

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    For a diode laser subjected to filtered feedback from a phase-conjugating mirror, we present the first exact stability analysis and various noise spectra. The stability properties are intermediate between those of the injection laser and the laser with conventional optical feedback. The role of a finite response-time is to drastically enhance the steady-state stability For moderate feedback, the frequency noise is suppressed by several orders of magnitude, and the main relaxation frequency of the laser shows a crossover from the usual relaxation oscillation frequency to a new frequency determined by the amount of feedback. This may be of technological importance since it is expected to improve the modulation bandwidt

    Elastic anomalies associated with domain switching in BaTiO3 single crystals under in-situ electrical cycling

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    The elastic response of BaTiO3 single crystals during electric field cycling at room temperature has been studied using in-situ Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS), which allows monitoring of both the elastic and anelastic changes caused by ferroelectric polarization switching. We find that the first ferroelectric switching of a virgin single crystal is dominated by ferroelastic 90° switching. In subsequent ferroelectric switching, ferroelastic switching is reduced by domain pinning and by the ferroelectric domains, as confirmed by polarized light microscopy. RUS under in-situ electric field therefore demonstrates to be an effective technique for the investigation of electromechanical coupling in ferroelectrics

    Elastic anomalies associated with domain switching in BaTiO3 single crystals under in situ electrical cycling

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    The elastic response of BaTiO3 single crystals during electric field cycling at room temperature has been studied using in situ Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS), which allows monitoring of both the elastic and anelastic changes caused by ferroelectric polarization switching. We find that the first ferroelectric switching of a virgin single crystal is dominated by ferroelastic 90° switching. In subsequent ferroelectric switching, ferroelastic switching is reduced by domain pinning and by the predominance of 180° ferroelectric domains, as confirmed by polarized light microscopy. RUS under in situ electric field therefore demonstrates to be an effective technique for the investigation of electromechanical coupling in ferroelectrics

    Exact synchronization bound for coupled time-delay systems

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    We obtain an exact bound for synchronization in coupled time-delay systems using the generalized Halanay inequality for the general case of time-dependent delay, coupling, and coefficients. Furthermore, we show that the same analysis is applicable to both uni- and bidirectionally coupled time-delay systems with an appropriate evolution equation for their synchronization manifold, which can also be defined for different types of synchronization. The exact synchronization bound assures an exponential stabilization of the synchronization manifold which is crucial for applications. The analytical synchronization bound is independent of the nature of the modulation and can be applied to any time-delay system satisfying a Lipschitz condition. The analytical results are corroborated numerically using the Ikeda system

    Stability and noise properties of diode lasers with phase-conjugate feedback

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    Local structure and order-disorder transitions in "empty" ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bronzes

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    JAM would like to acknowledge the School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews for the allocation of a PhD studentship through the EPSRC doctoral training grant (EP/K503162/1). AR would like to acknowledge support through the Strategic Grant POSDRU/159/1.5/S/133255, Project ID 133255 (2014), co-financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007–2013 and also the University of Craiova and University of Cambridge for the mobility grant “Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. (RUS) characterization of dielectric and ferroelectric tetragonal tungsten bronzes”. The work carried out at the University of St Andrews and University of Cambridge is part of an EPSRC- funded collaboration (EP/P02453X/1 and EP/P024904/1).The ‘empty’ tetragonal tungsten bronze Ba4La0.67 1.33Nb10O30 displays both relaxor-like and normal dielectric anomalies as a function of temperature; the former is associated with loss of ferroelectricity and was proposed to originate from anion disordering [Chem. Mater., 2016, 28 , 4616-4627]. Here we present total neutron scattering and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis which shows an increase in the distribution of oxygen-oxygen distances at the relaxor transition and which supports the proposed anion disordering mechanism. The disordering process can be destabilised by reducing the average A-cation size (i.e. Nd-doping: Ba4(La1-xNdx)0.67Nb10O30); this introduces a more strongly propagating tilt system in line with the previously reported crystal-chemical framework model [Chem. Mater., 2015, 27 , 3250-3261]. Mechanical loss data obtained using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy also indicate destabilisation of the disordering process with increasing Nd-substitution.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Voltage-driven displacement of magnetic vortex cores

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    Abstract Magnetic vortex cores in polycrystalline Ni discs underwent non-volatile displacements due to voltage-driven ferroelectric domain switching in single-crystal BaTiO3. This behaviour was observed using photoemission electron microscopy to image both the ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, while varying in-plane sample orientation. The resulting vector maps of disc magnetization match well with micromagnetic simulations, which show that the vortex core is translated by the transit of a ferroelectric domain wall, and thus the inhomogeneous strain with which it is associated. The non-volatility is attributed to pinning inside the discs. Voltage-driven displacement of magnetic vortex cores is novel, and opens the way for studying voltage-driven vortex dynamics.The Royal Society, Gates Cambridge, the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, Trinity College (Cambridge), Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) from the Catalan governmen