32 research outputs found

    Pandemic Dreams : Network Analysis of Dream Content During the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    We used crowdsourcing (CS) to examine how COVID-19 lockdown affects the content of dreams and nightmares. The CS took place on the sixth week of the lockdown. Over the course of 1 week, 4,275 respondents (mean age 43, SD = 14 years) assessed their sleep, and 811 reported their dream content. Overall, respondents slept substantially more (54.2%) but reported an average increase of awakenings (28.6%) and nightmares (26%) from the pre-pandemic situation. We transcribed the content of the dreams into word lists and performed unsupervised computational network and cluster analysis of word associations, which suggested 33 dream clusters including 20 bad dream clusters, of which 55% were pandemic-specific (e.g., Disease Management, Disregard of Distancing, Elderly in Trouble). The dream-association networks were more accentuated for those who reported an increase in perceived stress. This CS survey on dream-association networks and pandemic stress introduces novel, collectively shared COVID-19 bad dream contentsPeer reviewe

    Understanding developmental language disorder -The Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): A study protocol

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    BackgroundDevelopmental language disorder (DLD, also called specific language impairment, SLI) is a common developmental disorder comprising the largest disability group in pre-school-aged children. Approximately 7% of the population is expected to have developmental language difficulties. However, the specific etiological factors leading to DLD are not yet known and even the typical linguistic features appear to vary by language. We present here a project that investigates DLD at multiple levels of analysis and aims to make the reliable prediction and early identification of the difficulties possible. Following the multiple deficit model of developmental disorders, we investigate the DLD phenomenon at the etiological, neural, cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial levels, in a longitudinal study of preschool children.MethodsIn January 2013, we launched the Helsinki Longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI) at the Helsinki University Hospital (http://tiny.cc/HelSLI). We will study 227 children aged 3–6 years with suspected DLD and their 160 typically developing peers. Five subprojects will determine how the child’s psychological characteristics and environment correlate with DLD and how the child’s well-being relates to DLD, the characteristics of DLD in monolingual versus bilingual children, nonlinguistic cognitive correlates of DLD, electrophysiological underpinnings of DLD, and the role of genetic risk factors. Methods include saliva samples, EEG, computerized cognitive tasks, neuropsychological and speech and language assessments, video-observations, and questionnaires.DiscussionThe project aims to increase our understanding of the multiple interactive risk and protective factors that affect the developing heterogeneous cognitive and behavioral profile of DLD, including factors affecting literacy development. This accumulated knowledge will form a heuristic basis for the development of new interventions targeting linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of DLD.<br /

    Antiviral Properties of Chemical Inhibitors of Cellular Anti-Apoptotic Bcl-2 Proteins

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    Viral diseases remain serious threats to public health because of the shortage of effective means of control. To combat the surge of viral diseases, new treatments are urgently needed. Here we show that small-molecules, which inhibit cellular anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins (Bcl-2i), induced the premature death of cells infected with different RNA or DNA viruses, whereas, at the same concentrations, no toxicity was observed in mock-infected cells. Moreover, these compounds limited viral replication and spread. Surprisingly, Bcl-2i also induced the premature apoptosis of cells transfected with viral RNA or plasmid DNA but not of mock-transfected cells. These results suggest that Bcl-2i sensitizes cells containing foreign RNA or DNA to apoptosis. A comparison of the toxicity, antiviral activity, and side effects of six Bcl-2i allowed us to select A-1155463 as an antiviral lead candidate. Thus, our results pave the way for the further development of Bcl-2i for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases.Peer reviewe

    Antiviral properties of chemical inhibitors of cellular anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins

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    Viral diseases remain serious threats to public health because of the shortage of effective means of control. To combat the surge of viral diseases, new treatments are urgently needed. Here we show that small-molecules, which inhibit cellular anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins (Bcl-2i), induced the premature death of cells infected with different RNA or DNA viruses, whereas, at the same concentrations, no toxicity was observed in mock-infected cells. Moreover, these compounds limited viral replication and spread. Surprisingly, Bcl-2i also induced the premature apoptosis of cells transfected with viral RNA or plasmid DNA but not of mock-transfected cells. These results suggest that Bcl-2i sensitizes cells containing foreign RNA or DNA to apoptosis. A comparison of the toxicity, antiviral activity, and side effects of six Bcl-2i allowed us to select A-1155463 as an antiviral lead candidate. Thus, our results pave the way for the further development of Bcl-2i for the prevention and treatment of viral diseases.</p

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Meeting abstrac

    Managing life with a memory disorder:the mutual processes of those with memory disorders and their family caregivers following a diagnosis

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    Abstract The prevalence of memory disorders is increasing worldwide due to an aging population. The condition affects not only those with the disorder, but also their families and the wider social network. Establishing services that meet the needs of patients and their families is a topical issue and requires knowledge produced from service user viewpoints. However there remains limited knowledge of how families manage their lives when there is a memory disorder. This study produces a substantive theory that describes the processes of managing life after disclosure of a progressive memory disorder from the viewpoint of individuals with that diagnosis and their family caregivers. A qualitative longitudinal research design informed by grounded theory methodology was undertaken. Research data were gathered for 2006–2009 using in-depth interviews (n=40) from those with the memory disorder (n=8) and their family caregivers (n=8). The data were analyzed using a constant comparative analysis. A core category ‘Accepting memory disorder as part of family life’ with related categories and subcategories was formulated from the gathered data. Family illness trajectory begins when patients or close relatives recognize the symptoms. Diagnosis of memory disorder is a turning point in that trajectory. It changes the course of lives for both individuals and their whole family and leads families to seek a new equilibrium. Altering life challenges people with the diagnosis and their family caregivers to restructure their roles and identities. Adjusting to altering self and adapting to the new role of caregiver are intertwined processes. Families strive to manage these changes by acknowledging available qualities and resources, seeking meaningful social support and living for today. Managing life with a memory disorder produces mutual processes in families that contain both positive and negative factors. Accepting memory disorder as part of family life represents a hope-fostering adjustment. The findings confirm and supplement the knowledge base in nursing science of family experiences and the means families use for managing life after diagnosis of a progressive memory disorder. These findings can be well utilized by professionals working with patients and their families who are living with newly diagnosed memory disorder while also advancing nursing education.Tiivistelmä Väestön ikääntymisen vuoksi muistisairauksien esiintyvyys on kasvussa koko maailmassa. Etenevä muistisairaus vaikuttaa sekä sairastuneiden että perheiden elämään, ja heidän tarpeisiinsa vastaavien palvelujen kehittäminen on ajankohtaista. Perheiden selviytymistä koskevaa tutkimustietoa palvelujen kehittämiseksi on kuitenkin rajallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää aineistolähtöinen teoria, joka kuvaa muistisairaiden ja omaishoitajien elämänhallinnan prosesseja muistisairausdiagnoosin varmistumisen jälkeen. Tutkimus oli laadullinen pitkittäistutkimus, jossa aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2006–2009 syvähaastattelemalla (n=40) sekä sairastuneita (n=8) että heidän omaisiaan (n=8). Aineisto analysoitiin grounded theory -metodologian jatkuvan vertailun analyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksessa tuotetun aineistolähtöisen teorian ydinkategoriaksi muodostui ’Muistisairauden hyväksyminen osaksi perheen elämää’. Ydinkategoriaan olivat yhteydessä pää- ja alakategoriat, jotka kuvasivat vastavuoroisia elämänhallinnan prosesseja perheessä. Perheiden kehityskulku muistisairauden kanssa käynnistyi ennen diagnoosin varmistumista, kun sairastunut itse tai hänen läheisensä kiinnittivät huomiota oireisiin. Muistisairausdiagnoosi oli käännekohta, joka muutti perheiden elämänkulun suuntaa ja johti etsimään uutta tasapainoa elämässä. Muuttuva elämäntilanne haastoi sairastuneet ja heidän omaisensa rakentamaan uudelleen käsitystä itsestään ja sosiaalisista rooleistaan. Sairastuneiden kokemuksena tämä tarkoitti sopeutumista muuttuvaan itseen ja omaisten kokemuksena mukautumista uuteen omaishoitajan rooliin. Nämä kehityshaasteet kytkeytyivät toisiinsa. Perheet pyrkivät selviytymään muuttuvassa elämäntilanteessaan huomioimalla käytettävissä olevat voimavarat, hyödyntämällä merkityksellistä sosiaalista tukea ja tavoittelemalla elämää tässä ja nyt. Muistisairaiden ja omaishoitajien vastavuoroiset elämänhallinnan prosessit sisälsivät sekä myönteisiä että kielteisiä tekijöitä. Muistisairauden hyväksyminen osaksi perheen elämää merkitsi toivoa vahvistavaa sopeutumista. Tutkimustulokset täydentävät hoitotieteen tietoperustaa perheiden kokemuksista ja elämänhallinnan keinoista muistisairausdiagnoosin varmistumisen jälkeen. Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää sekä käytännön hoitotyössä tuettaessa muistisairaita ja heidän perheitään diagnoosin jälkeen että hoitotyön koulutuksessa

    Effectiveness of education in improving the performance of medical emergency team nurses

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    Abstract Background: Numerous national safety organizations have recommended the use of a Medical Emergency Team (MET) system to improve hospital safety. However, there is little evidence regarding the effectiveness of the educational approaches used to train METs. Objective: To evaluate how effective educational interventions are at improving the performances of MET nurses. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted in five multi-disciplinary databases. The studies were selected and independently assessed by two researches. The analysis followed the principals of narrative synthesis. Results: A lack of suitable studies meant that only two studies were analyzed. Nevertheless, they confirmed that simulation team training is an effective method and preferred among METs. The assumption of specific roles during training improved the task completion rate. Conclusions: The effectiveness of MET educational interventions remains unclear due to a lack of published studies. Future studies on MET educational interventions should clarify and evaluate the roles of MET nurses and how they perform during emergency situations

    Challenging situations and competence of nursing staff in nursing homes for older people with dementia

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    Abstract Background: Dementia causes behavioural changes in people that often lead to earlier placement in a nursing home. Staff can find these behavioural changes challenging and require specific competencies to support and care of people living with dementia. However, there is little information regarding the competencies nurses require in dementia care. Thus, the aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of challenging situations in nursing homes of older people with dementia, characterise the nursing staff’s responses to such situations and contribute to a model outlining competences that dementia care nurses require. Methods: Data were collected using mixed methods in a cross-sectional survey of views of nursing staff (n = 106) in two nursing homes in Finland during May to June 2018 using a structured questionnaire including open-ended questions. Quantitative data acquired were analysed statistically, and responses to the open-ended question were analysed using content analysis methodology. Results: Most nurses (98%) reported that challenging situations occurred daily or weekly. The most common reported forms of challenging behaviour were as follows: wandering, restlessness, constant leaving, repeated inquiries and requests and opposition to treatment (mentioned by 95%, 90%, 85%, 83% and 83% of respondents, respectively). Five key competencies were identified from their responses: practical knowledge, theoretical knowledge, therapeutic use of self, social competence and self-management. They also indicated significant correlations between leadership and both the impact of challenging behaviour on coping at work and use of physical restraints on older people with dementia. Conclusion: Challenging situations in nursing homes of older people with dementia are very common. There is a need to identify specific competencies for caring for people with dementia in addition to updating official guidelines to handle such situations. The support of supervisors and competencies related to therapeutic use of self in nursing are highly important for nurses providing care for people with dementia

    Occurrence of workplace violence and the psychological consequences of it among nurses working in psychiatric outpatient settings

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    Abstract Introduction: There is a scarcity of studies concerning violence and its consequences in psychiatric outpatient setting. Aim: This study aimed to explore the occurrence of workplace violence and the psychological consequences of exposure to violence among nurses working in psychiatric outpatient settings. Method: Research followed a cross‐sectional survey design. Data were collected with the VIA‐Q instrument. Results: During the 12 months prior to the study, nurses (n = 181) had most often experienced psychological violence, with fatigue being the most common consequence. Harassment most often caused feelings of violated integrity, whereas physical violence most often caused insomnia. Significant relationships between exposure to violence and psychological consequences were identified. Discussion: Workplace violence can manifest in a broad array of psychological symptoms and be harmful for nurses in psychiatric outpatient settings. It is important to discuss the subject of workplace violence and its place in the nursing curriculum and to reflect on how nurses are educated and trained to face violence in psychiatric nursing. Implications for Practice: De‐escalation interventions should be implemented in psychiatric outpatient settings. Organizations should take steps to abolish internal violence. Nurses need appropriate education in order to prepare them to manage workplace violence

    Henkilöstön koulutusinterventioiden vaikutukset muistisairaiden henkilöiden haasteellisen käyttäytymisen esiintyvyyteen:systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Tiivistelmä Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata haasteellisen käyttäytymisen kohtaamiseen liittyviä henkilöstön koulutusinterventioita ja niiden vaikutuksia haasteellisen käyttäytymisen esiintyvyyteen muistisairaiden henkilöiden pitkäaikaishoidossa. Tiedonhaku RCT-tutkimuksista tehtiin Cinahl-, Medline- ja Scopus-tietokannoista sekä manuaalisesti vuosilta 2006–2018. Haku tuotti yhteensä 110 viitettä, joista lopulliseen analyysiin valikoitui 13 alkuperäistutkimusta, valinta- ja laadunarviointiprosessin jälkeen. Aineisto analysoitiin kahden tutkimuskysymyksen mukaisesti. Hoitohenkilökunnan koulutusinterventioilla voidaan vähentää muistisairaiden henkilöiden haasteellisen käyttäytymisen esiintyvyyttä. Interventioissa korostuivat yksilökeskeisen hoitotyön viitekehys, koulutusten käytännöllisyys sekä valmentava työote. Koulutukset toteutettiin sekä yksilö- että ryhmämuotoisesti, vuorovaikutteista osallistumista hyödyntäen. Tilastollisesti merkitsevät tulokset olivat muistisairaiden henkilöiden haasteellisen käyttäytymisen esiintyvyyden ja psyykenlääkkeiden käytön väheneminen. Kahdessa tutkimuksessa todettiin myös hoitotyössä käytettävien rajoitteiden väheneminen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että koulutusinterventioilla voidaan vaikuttaa haasteellisten tilanteiden esiintymiseen muistisairaiden hoitotyössä.Abstract The effects of staff training interventions on the occurrence of challenging behaviour in people with dementia : a systematic literature review The goal of the systematic literature review was to describe the staff training interventions concerning the encounter of challenging behaviour, and the effects of such interventions on the occurrence of challenging behaviour in people in long-term care who suffer from dementia. Information was obtained from RCT studies using Cinahl, Medline and Scopus databases, and manually for the years 2006–2018. The search resulted in 110 references and, following the selection and quality assessment process, 13 original studies were selected for the final analysis. The material was divided according to two research questions. Training interventions by care staff can reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviour in people with dementia. The interventions emphasised the framework of individual-oriented care work, training practicality and a preparatory work approach. The training sessions were completed, both on an individual and a group basis, through interactive participation. Statistically significant results involved a reduction in the occurrence of challenging behaviour in people with dementia and a reduction in the use of antipsychotic drugs. Two studies also indicated a reduction in restraints used in care. As a conclusion, it can be stated that training interventions can influence the occurrence of challenging situations encountered in the care work of people with dementia