92 research outputs found

    Casimir Terms and Shape Instabilities for Two-Dimensional Critical Systems

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    We calculate the universal part of the free energy of certain finite two- dimensional regions at criticality by use of conformal field theory. Two geometries are considered: a section of a circle ("pie slice") of angle \phi and a helical staircase of finite angular (and radial) extent. We derive some consequences for certain matrix elements of the transfer matrix and corner transfer matrix. We examine the total free energy, including non- universal edge free energy terms, in both cases. A new, general, Casimir instability toward sharp corners on the boundary is found; other new instability behavior is investigated. We show that at constant area and edge length, the rectangle is unstable against small curvature.Comment: 15 pages PostScript, accepted for publication in Z. Phys.

    Generation and subwavelength focusing of longitudinal magnetic fields in a metallized fiber tip

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    We demonstrate experimentally and numerically that in fiber tips as they are used in NSOMs azimuthally polarized electrical fields (|Eazi_{\text{azi}}|2^2/|Etot_{\text{tot}}|2^2 ≈\approx 55% ±\pm 5% for 1.4\mu m tip aperture diameter and \lambda0_0 = 1550nm), respectively subwavelength confined (FWHM ≈\approx 450nm ≈\approx \lambda0_0/3.5) magnetic fields, are generated for a certain tip aperture diameter (d = 1.4\mu m). We attribute the generation of this field distribution in metal-coated fiber tips to symmetry breaking in the bend and subsequent plasmonic mode filtering in the truncated conical taper.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Spatio-temporal coupling of attosecond pulses

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    The shortest light pulses produced to date are of the order of a few tens of attoseconds, with central frequencies in the extreme ultraviolet range and bandwidths exceeding tens of eV. They are often produced as a train of pulses separated by half the driving laser period, leading in the frequency domain to a spectrum of high, odd-order harmonics. As light pulses become shorter and more spectrally wide, the widely-used approximation consisting in writing the optical waveform as a product of temporal and spatial amplitudes does not apply anymore. Here, we investigate the interplay of temporal and spatial properties of attosecond pulses. We show that the divergence and focus position of the generated harmonics often strongly depend on their frequency, leading to strong chromatic aberrations of the broadband attosecond pulses. Our argumentation uses a simple analytical model based on Gaussian optics, numerical propagation calculations and experimental harmonic divergence measurements. This effect needs to be considered for future applications requiring high quality focusing while retaining the broadband/ultrashort characteristics of the radiation

    Corner Exponents in the Two-Dimensional Potts Model

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    The critical behavior at a corner in two-dimensional Ising and three-state Potts models is studied numerically on the square lattice using transfer operator techniques. The local critical exponents for the magnetization and the energy density for various opening angles are deduced from finite-size scaling results at the critical point for isotropic or anisotropic couplings. The scaling dimensions compare quite well with the values expected from conformal invariance, provided the opening angle is replaced by an effective one in anisotropic systems.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps-figures, uses LaTex and eps

    Disruption of d-alanyl esterification of Staphylococcus aureus cell wall teichoic acid by the β-lactam resistance modifier (−)-epicatechin gallate

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    The naturally occurring polyphenol (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECg) increases oxacillin susceptibility in mecA-containing strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Decreased susceptibility to lysostaphin suggests alterations to the wall teichoic acid (WTA) content of ECg-grown bacteria. Changes in WTA structure in response to ECg were determined.Peer reviewe

    Intra-articular injections of high-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid have biphasic effects on joint inflammation and destruction in rat antigen-induced arthritis

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    To assess the potential use of hyaluronic acid (HA) as adjuvant therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, the anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effects of HA were analysed in experimental rat antigen-induced arthritis (AIA). Lewis rats with AIA were subjected to short-term (days 1 and 8, n = 10) or long-term (days 1, 8, 15 and 22, n = 10) intra-articular treatment with microbially manufactured, high-molecular-weight HA (molecular weight, 1.7 × 10(6 )Da; 0.5 mg/dose). In both tests, 10 buffer-treated AIA rats served as arthritic controls and six healthy animals served as normal controls. Arthritis was monitored by weekly assessment of joint swelling and histological evaluation in the short-term test (day 8) and in the long-term test (day 29). Safranin O staining was employed to detect proteoglycan loss from the epiphyseal growth plate and the articular cartilage of the arthritic knee joint. Serum levels of IL-6, tumour necrosis factor alpha and glycosaminoglycans were measured by ELISA/kit systems (days 8 and 29). HA treatment did not significantly influence AIA in the short-term test (days 1 and 8) but did suppress early chronic AIA (day 15, P < 0.05); however, HA treatment tended to aggravate chronic AIA in the long-term test (day 29). HA completely prevented proteoglycan loss from the epiphyseal growth plate and articular cartilage on day 8, but induced proteoglycan loss from the epiphyseal growth plate on day 29. Similarly, HA inhibited the histological signs of acute inflammation and cartilage damage in the short-term test, but augmented acute and chronic inflammation as well as cartilage damage in the long-term test. Serum levels of IL-6, tumour necrosis factor alpha, and glycosaminoglycans were not influenced by HA. Local therapeutic effects of HA in AIA are clearly biphasic, with inhibition of inflammation and cartilage damage in the early chronic phase but with promotion of joint swelling, inflammation and cartilage damage in the late chronic phase

    Spatial aberrations in high-order harmonic generation

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    We investigate the spatial characteristics of high-order harmonic radiation generated in argon, and observe cross-like patterns in the far field. An analytical model describing harmonics from an astigmatic driving beam reveals that these patterns result from the order and generation position dependent divergence of harmonics. Even small amounts of driving field astigmatism may result in cross-like patterns, coming from the superposition of individual harmonics with spatial profiles elongated in different directions. By correcting the aberrations using a deformable mirror, we show that fine-tuning the driving wavefront is essential for optimal spatial quality of the harmonics

    Single- and multi-peak solitons in two-component models of metamaterials and photonic crystals

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    We report results of the study of solitons in a system of two nonlinear-Schrodinger (NLS) equations coupled by the XPM interaction, which models the co-propagation of two waves in metamaterials(MMs). The same model applies to photonic crystals (PCs), as well as to ordinary optical fibers, close to the zero-dispersion point. A peculiarity of the system is a small positive or negative value of the relative group-velocity dispersion (GVD) coefficient in one equation, assuming that the dispersion is anomalous in the other. In contrast to earlier studied systems of nonlinearly coupled NLS equations with equal GVD coefficients, which generate only simple single-peak solitons, the present model gives rise to families of solitons with complex shapes, which feature extended oscillatory tails and/or a double-peak structure at the center. Regions of existence are identified for single- and double-peak bimodal solitons, demonstrating a broad bistability in the system. Behind the existence border, they degenerate into single-component solutions. Direct simulations demonstrate stability of the solitons in the entire existence regions. Effects of the group-velocity mismatch (GVM) and optical loss are considered too. It is demonstrated that the solitons can be stabilized against the GVM by means of the respective "management" scheme. Under the action of the loss, complex shapes of the solitons degenerate into simple ones, but periodic compensation of the loss supports the complexity.Comment: Optics Communications, in press (Special Issue on Nonlinear Metamaterials

    Dual Action of lysophosphatidate- functionalised titanium: Interactions with human (MG63) osteoblasts and methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus

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    © 2015 Skindersoe et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Titanium (Ti) is a widely used material for surgical implants; total joint replacements (TJRs), screws and plates for fixing bones and dental implants are forged from Ti. Whilst Ti integrates well into host tissue approximately 10% of TJRs will fail in the lifetime of the patient through a process known as aseptic loosening. These failures necessitate revision arthroplasties which are more complicated and costly than the initial procedure. Finding ways of enhancing early (osseo)integration of TJRs is therefore highly desirable and continues to represent a research priority in current biomaterial design. One way of realising improvements in implant quality is to coat the Ti surface with small biological agents known to support human osteoblast formation and maturation at Ti surfaces. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and certain LPA analogues offer potential solutions as Ti coatings in reducing aseptic loosening. Herein we present evidence for the successful bio-functionalisation of Ti using LPA. This modified Ti surface heightened the maturation of human osteoblasts, as supported by increased expression of alkaline phosphatase. These functionalised surfaces also deterred the attachment and growth of Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium often associated with implant failures through sepsis. Collectively we provide evidence for the fabrication of a dual-action Ti surface finish, a highly desirable feature towards the development of next-generation implantable devices
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