555 research outputs found

    The challenge of finding correct measurements for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions: A frame-critical analysis of the Kyoto protocol

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    The Kyoto protocol was the first tangible approach to prevent increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In order to attain this objective, the parties of the protocol decided to put restrictions on anthropogenic emissions caused by production in developed countries. This territorially defined production-based method of measuring might have been a misguided path though. Researchers studying the negative effects of the production-based measuring model have proposed a consumption-based approach instead. The purpose of this study is to investigate why politicians have decided to measure emissions from production instead of consumption. I have used framing theory to analyze the problem-formulation of the protocol and how this constitutes the policy solutions. I have applied the theory from a frame-critical perspective and interpreted the taken-for-granted assumptions of the established policy. By analyzing the protocol from this perspective I have interpreted three assumptions that might lead the policy into this course: the neoliberal belief in the market, the consumer sovereignty and the state-centered norms. My interpretation is that these aspects are leading the conceptualization of climate change into a problem of unsustainable management of common resources, and thus the solutions are aimed for the production instead of the consumption

    User Experience Design in an Axis Camera Setup Interface

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    In a world where the UX-standard is rising from the use of well-developed everyday products, better UX Design is becoming more and more expected of all products within the IT-industry. It can not only be argued that an investment in UX Design is critical for the future position on the surveillance camera industry, but also required to meet requirements of the non-experts installing the camera. UX Design could be also be an economical profit as it will lower the need of support and education, while also increasing sales through branding. We have created an installation wizard through several iterations. With a thorough background study we have learned how to use established UX Design methods, like for example usability testing, to the fullest. These iterations have created a total of four design prototypes where every step of the wizard has been designed by paper, evolved to a mid fidelity Balsamiq Mockups prototype and through the process become a mature and clickable high fidelity prototype. The prototypes have been made using established design rules, latest design trends and Axis Communications’ new graphic identity. With instant feedback, minimalistic design, less technical terms, smart guessing and automated settings we created a more efficient way to install an Axis camera while also encouraging the user to make changes to and explore settings.I en vĂ€rld dĂ€r UX-standarden höjs av att anvĂ€nda vĂ€lutvecklade vardagsprodukter, förvĂ€ntas det bĂ€ttre och bĂ€ttre UX Design av alla produkter inom IT-branschen. Man skulle kunna sĂ€ga att UX Design inte bara Ă€r avgörande för den framtida positionen pĂ„ övervakningskamerabranschen, utan Ă€ven ett krav för att möta efterfrĂ„gan av att det inte lĂ€ngre endast Ă€r experter som installerar kameror. UX Design kan ocksĂ„ skapa en ekonomisk vinst eftersom det sĂ€nker behovet av support och utbildning samtidigt som det ökar försĂ€ljningen genom att stĂ€rka varumĂ€rket. Vi har skapat en installationswizard genom flera iterationer. Med en grundlig bakgrundsstudie har vi lĂ€rt oss att anvĂ€nda etablerade UX Design-metoder, som till exempel anvĂ€ndningstestning. Dessa iterationer har lett till totalt fyra designprototyper dĂ€r varje steg av wizarden har blivit designad pĂ„ papper, utvecklats till en mid fidelity Balsamiq Mockups-prototyp och genom processen blivit en vĂ€lutvecklad och klickbar high fidelity-prototyp. Prototyperna har skapats genom att anvĂ€nda etablerade designregler, de senaste designtrenderna och Axis Communications nya grafiska profil. Med direkt feedback, minimalistisk design, fĂ€rre tekniska termer, smarta förslag och automatiska instĂ€llningar har vi skapat ett mer effektivt sĂ€tt att installera en Axis-kamera som Ă€ven uppmuntrar anvĂ€ndaren att göra Ă€ndringar samt utforska instĂ€llningarna

    High Voltage Pulsed Power Converters for the ESS Linear Accelerator.

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    Material science has become an important research area in order to fulfill today’s requirements on lighter, cheaper and more sustainable materials. The European spallation source is a research center based on the world’s most powerful neutron source, which will enable new possibilities to evaluate material properties down to an atomic level. The linear accelerator (Linac), accelerates with help of electromagnetic fields, protons to a speed of 96.2 % of the light. Due to high power and the pulsing nature of the accelerator an extremely advanced electrical supply is required. This master®s thesis comprises a concept topology for solving the impact of such pulsed power supplies on the AC grid power quality. The electrical supply consists of two series connected stages, which will be stacked in modulators. The first stage is a low voltage grid connected capacitor bank charger, the second stage converts the power to a high voltage pulsing pattern. This project comprises the first stage (the capacitor charger) which consists of an Active Front End in series with a DC/DC-converter. The main objectives are to fulfil the international standards regarding power quality, where main focus will be on flicker, low frequency harmonics emission and unitary power factor. In order to fulfill these goals with pulsating loads connected, a completely new developed power control introduced. Mathematical models have been derived in order to verify the functionality and to tune all the developed controls. A complete final implementation is done with the help of Matlab Simulink to more in-depth verify the different control parameters. This implementation is also used to check that the international standards are met. Complete calculations of power losses are also presented with evaluation of results and possible improvements. Together with the limitations, goals of the degree project and basic equations are derived in this report. The topology is shown to be extremely effective with very good results in terms of output voltage quality (capacitor charging voltage) and on flicker and low frequency harmonics impact on the grid. Almost every effects due to the pulsing output nature are totally erased seen from the grid side

    De nouvelles sources pour l'histoire politique de la 'premiĂšre chine populaire' (1949-1976)

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    Les changements politiques intervenus en Chine depuis 1976 ont entraĂźnĂ© un renouvellement de la politique officielle en matiĂšre historique qui a favorisĂ© la publication de nouvelles sources sur l’histoire de la premiĂšre Chine populaire. Pour l’essentiel, il s’agit de recueils documentaires, de biographies, de mĂ©moires et de tĂ©moignages de toutes sortes, parmi lesquels les plus novateurs sont ceux des Ă©pouses et des enfants de dirigeants, et ceux plus rĂ©cents de victimes des calamitĂ©s. Bien que la plupart d’entre elles se situent Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la vulgate officielle, ces sources autorisent des progrĂšs incontestables dans la connaissance de l’histoire du rĂ©gime chinois, de la sociĂ©tĂ© formĂ©e par ses chefs et de certaines dissidences locales.The political changes in China since 1976 brought about a renewal of official policy in terms of history that has led to the publication of new sources on the history of the first People’s China. For the most part, they concern documentary collections, biographies, memoires and first-hand testimonies of all sorts, among which the most revealing are those from the leaders’ wives and children, and the more recent ones of the victims of calamities. Although most of them can be placed within the official Vulgate, these sources provide incontestable progress in the knowledge of the history of the Chinese regime, of the society formed by its leaders and of some of the local dissent

    The conditions for microbreweries in Sweden : what is the market for microbreweries in Sweden today and in the future?

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    FörĂ€dlingsmöjligheter av varorna man odlar i ett lantbruk Ă€r oĂ€ndliga. Det finns oftast en högre vinst i att genomföra förĂ€dlingen och sĂ€lja slutprodukten Ă€n att sĂ€lja varan direkt efter skörd. Maltkornsodlare sĂ€ljer oftast varan direkt efter skörd eller lagrar en tid för att kanske invĂ€nta ett bĂ€ttre pris och dĂ€refter sĂ€lja. MĂ„let med mitt arbete Ă€r att visa att det finns förĂ€dlingsmöjligheter för maltkorn som kan ge bĂ€ttre avsĂ€ttning. Jag har tittat pĂ„ ölbryggning dĂ€rför att jag kĂ€nner att det ligger rĂ€tt i tiden. För att fĂ„ insikt i vad förutsĂ€ttningarna Ă€r för att starta upp en produktion av öl har jag intervjuat tvĂ„ mindre producenter som bĂ„da gĂ„tt igenom uppstartsfasen relativt nyligen. Fokus i min litteraturstudie har legat pĂ„ hur bryggningen faktiskt gĂ„r till och Ă€ven kvalitetskraven pĂ„ rĂ„varorna. Det Ă€r viktigt att har ett stort intresse för processen och rĂ„varorna för att kombinationen till slut skall bli ett gott resultat. För att fĂ„ ett brett perspektiv pĂ„ förutsĂ€ttningarna har jag intervjuat tvĂ„ bryggerier. Den stora frĂ„gan till varje bryggeri var hur just deras verksamhet bedrevs och hur de kommit igĂ„ng. Det första Ă€r ett företag som har gjort bryggningen till en central del i verksamheten men Ă€r beroende av sidoverksamheten för att produktionen skall fungera. Det andra företaget Ă€r ett bryggeri som vill kunna stĂ„ pĂ„ egna ben men vill fortsĂ€tta vara ett mikrobryggeri för att ha kvar mervĂ€rdet för kunden. Mikrobryggning handlar mycket om att skapa sin egna öl av eget recept. Detta gjorde att jag till en början trodde det skulle vara svĂ„rt att prata fritt med producenterna, jag hade en tanke om att de kanske inte ville delge mig informationen jag behövde. Efter mina intervjuer har jag dock konstaterat att det Ă€r nog svĂ„rt att slĂ„ den vĂ€lvilja som finns i detta yrke att delge sina erfarenheter och kunskaper. Mikrobryggerier ses som en tillgĂ„ng emellan varandra istĂ€llet för konkurrent, alla hjĂ€lps Ă„t till framgĂ„ng. Framtiden för öl i mikroproduktion diskuterades Ă€ven under intervjuerna vilket bĂ„da företagen ser ljust pĂ„. Konsumenterna Ă€r ute efter mervĂ€rden som nĂ€rodlat, nĂ€rproducerat och Ă€ven att prova nya typer och smaker.Processing facilities of the products that’s grown in a farm are endless. There is usually a higher profit in the implementation of breeding and selling the end product than to sell the product immediately after harvest. Malting barley growers usually sell the goods immediately after harvesting or storing a time to maybe wait for a better price and then sell. The goal of my work is to show that there are processing facilities for malting barley that can provide better deposition. I've looked at brewing because I feel it is timely. To gain insight into what the conditions are to start up a production of beer, I have interviewed two smaller producers who both virtually through the startup phase fairly recently. The focus of my literature has been how the brewing process actually takes place, and also on the quality of raw materials. It is important to have a keen interest in process and raw materials for the combination should ultimately be a good result. To get a broad perspective on the conditions I have interviewed two breweries. The big question for every brewery was just how their activities are undertaken and how they got started. The first is a company that has brewing for a central part of the operation, but is dependent on the business side of production to function. The other company is a brewer who wants to stand on their own but want to continue to be a micro-brewery to keep the added value for the customer. Micro Brewing is all about creating their own beer of his own recipes. This meant that at first I thought it would be difficult to talk freely with the producers, I had a thought that maybe they would not let me have the information I needed. After my interviews, I have found that it's probably hard to beat the good will in this profession to share their experiences and knowledge. Microbreweries seen as an asset apart from each other instead of competing, all are committed to success. The future of beer in micro-production was also discussed during the interviews which both companies are optimistic about. Consumers are looking for added value such as locally produced and also to try new types and tastes

    Migrationsverket ur ett soptunneperspektiv

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    Denna studie undersöker om Garbage Can theory, soptunnemodellen, kan anvÀndas för att analysera beslutsprocesser som sker vid Migrationsverkets asylhandlÀggning. Vi har anvÀnt en hypotetisk-deduktiv metod för att undersöka detta med hjÀlp av observerbara implikationer som vi har tittat nÀrmare pÄ inom myndigheten. Studien har lett oss till den slutsatsen att det finns tendenser till att en soptunnesituation kan uppstÄ, men vi har inte fullstÀndigt lyckats belÀgga detta. Det krÀvs mer forskning pÄ omrÄdet, men detta kan ses som ett första försök till att applicera soptunnemodellen pÄ Migrationsverket, eller som en teoriprövande studie dÀr soptunnemodellen prövas i ett fall dÀr den enligt skaparna av teorin kan finnas

    En skolgĂ„rd – yta och aktivitet

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    I skolan Ă€r rasten ett sĂ€tt att bryta den styrda, obligatoriska verksamhet som försiggĂ„r inne i klassrummen. Barnen, som i vĂ„r studie Ă€r mellan nio och tolv Ă„r, fĂ„r dĂ„ möjlighet att fritt bestĂ€mma vad de ska göra under en begrĂ€nsad tid, inom ett begrĂ€nsat omrĂ„de. Hur skol-gĂ„rden ser ut blir avgörande för vad barnen faktiskt kan vĂ€lja att göra under rasten. Vad som finns kommer troligtvis att anvĂ€ndas. Hur olika ytor Ă€r placerade och vilken sorts aktivitet som indirekt uppmuntras till, styr ocksĂ„ vilka aktiviteter som utförs. Arbetet inbegriper i huvudsak en observationsstudie pĂ„ HĂ€gerstensĂ„sens skolas skol-gĂ„rd. En intervju gjord med en landskapsarkitekt Ă€r Ă€ven inkluderad. Den gjordes för att fĂ„ större förstĂ„else för landskapsarkitektens roll i planerandet av en skolgĂ„rd och hur dis-kussionen om skolgĂ„rdar i allmĂ€nhet inom branschen gĂ„r. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka sambanden mellan en skolgĂ„rds ytor och de akti-viteter som sker pĂ„ den. I studien delas skolgĂ„rden in i programmerade och oprogramme-rade ytor. Programmerade ytor definierades som de ytor dĂ€r det visuellt var tydligt vad för aktivitet som skulle ske pĂ„ ytan, exempel Ă€r en fotbollsplan. Oprogrammerade var de ytor dĂ€r det inte var lika tydligt men som Ă€ndĂ„ hade en rumslighet, exempelvis ett buska-ge. Vi kunde genom observationer, bland annat se att det pĂ„ de programmerade ytorna förekom mer Ă€n dubbelt sĂ„ mycket aktivitet som pĂ„ de oprogrammerade. Detta sett till hur lĂ„ng tid barnen uppehöll sig pĂ„ en specifik yta. Även sett till antalet barn som vistades pĂ„ ytorna sĂ„ var de programmerade ytorna mycket mer anvĂ€nda. De specifika ytor som an-vĂ€ndes mest sett till tid, antal barn och antal aktiviteter var kungplaner, asfaltsyta, bĂ€nkar och bollplan. De aktiviteter som var mest populĂ€ra var att spela kung, lugna sittaktivite-ter, bollspel och kulliknande aktiviteter. Kung Ă€r ett bollspel spelat pĂ„ en liten plan med fyra spelare. Av vĂ„r studie kom vi fram till att det kan vara lĂ€tt att lĂ„ta ytor som till synes Ă€r mest anvĂ€nda fĂ„ styra en skolgĂ„rds struktur. AnvĂ€ndningen av dessa ytors aktivitet Ă€r lĂ€tta att mĂ€ta och dĂ€rmed lĂ€tta att argumentera för. Vi menar dĂ€remot att detta inte behöver vara synonymt med vilka omrĂ„den som Ă€r mest viktiga. För att skapa en skolgĂ„rd som möter olika barns behov vid olika tillfĂ€llen krĂ€vs att skolgĂ„rden innehĂ„ller en dynamisk varia-tion av element och ytor.In school, the break is a way to rupture the controlled, mandatory activities of the time spent in the classroom. The children, who in our study are between the ages of nine and twelve, are given the possibility to freely choose what they are to do in a limited amount of time in a limited area. What the schoolyard looks like determines what activities the children actually decide on. What is there will probably be used. How different spaces of activity are arranged in relation to one another and what kind of activity is encouraged within the vicinity of the specific area also has an impact on what the children choose to do. This work entails mainly an observational study on HĂ€gerstensĂ„sens school’s school-yard. An interview made with a landscape architect is also included. It was made to get a better understanding of the role of the landscape architect in the planning of a schoolyard and how schoolyards in general are discussed within the branch. The purpose of this paper was to examine the connections between a schoolyard’s spaces and the activities taking place on them. In the study the schoolyard is divided into programmed and unprogrammed spaces. Programmed spaces was defined as those who had visual guidelines for what activity that was suppose to happen there, such as a foot-ball field. Unprogrammed were those where it wasn’t as easy to tell what kind of activity the children was meant to do there, for example a shrubbery. Through observations we could, among several results, see that more than twice as much activity was spent on pro-grammed spaces than on unprogrammed ones, in regard to time. Also in regard to the number of children in each area, the programmed spaces were more used. The specific spaces most used in relation to time, number of children and number of activities were kung court, asphalt space, benches and ball court. The activities most popular were play-ing kung, sitting activities, ball games and catch like activities. Kung is a ball game played on a small court with four players. Within the discussion, the idea that it is easy to let spaces that appear to be most used govern the overall structure of the schoolyard, is put forward. The activities on these spaces are easily measurable and thus easy to argue for. However, we argue that these spaces are not necessarily the most important ones. To create a schoolyard meeting dif-ferent children’s needs at different times it’s important that the schoolyard contains a dynamic variation of different elements and spaces

    A perspective on the potential role of biogas in smart energy grids

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    This report documents the potential role of biogas in smart energy grids. Biogas systems can facilitate increased proportions of variable renewable electricity on the electricity grid through use of two different technologies: ‱ Demand driven biogas systems which increase production of electricity from biogas facilities at times of high demand for electricity, or store biogas temporarily at times of low electricity demand. ‱ Power to gas systems when demand for electricity is less than supply of electricity to the electricity grid, allowing conversion of surplus electricity to gas. The report is aimed at an audience of energy developers, energy policy makers and academics and was produced by IEA Bioenergy Task 37. Task 37 is a part of IEA Bioenergy, which is one of the 42 Implementing Agreements within IEA. IEA Bioenergy Task 37 addresses the challenges related to the economic and environmental sustainability of biogas production and utilisation.JRC.F.8-Sustainable Transpor

    Early spring subglacial discharge plumes fuel under-ice primary production at a Svalbard tidewater glacier

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    Subglacial upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom water is known to sustain elevated summer primary production in tidewater-glacier-influenced fjord systems. However, the importance of subglacial upwelling during the early spring season has not been considered yet. We hypothesized that subglacial discharge under sea ice is present in early spring and that its flux is sufficient to increase phytoplankton primary productivity. We evaluated the effects of the submarine discharge on primary production in a seasonally fast-ice covered Svalbard fjord (Billefjorden) influenced by a tidewater outlet glacier in April and May 2019. We found clear evidence for subglacial discharge and upwelling. Although the estimated bottom-water entrainment factor (1.6) and total fluxes were lower than in summer studies, we still observed substantial impact on the fjord ecosystem and primary production at this time of the year. The subglacial discharge leads to a salinity-stratified surface water layer and sea ice formation with low bulk salinity and permeability. The combination of the stratified surface layer, a 2-fold higher under-ice irradiance due to thinner snow cover, and higher N and Si concentrations at the glacier front supported phytoplankton primary production 2 orders of magnitude higher (42.6 mg C m−2 d−1) compared to a marine reference site at the fast-ice edge. Reciprocal transplant experiments showed that nutrient supply increased phytoplankton primary production by approximately 30 %. The brackish-water sea ice at the glacier front with its low bulk salinity contained a reduced brine volume, limiting the inhabitable brine channel space and nutrient exchange with the underlying seawater compared to full marine sea ice. Microbial and algal communities were substantially different in subglacial-influenced water and sea ice compared to the marine reference site, sharing taxa with the subglacial outflow water. We suggest that with climate change, the retreat of tidewater glaciers in early spring could lead to decreased under-ice phytoplankton primary production. In contrast, sea ice algae production and biomass may become increasingly important, unless sea ice disappears first, in which case spring phytoplankton primary production may increase
