2,124 research outputs found

    Links Between Machining Parameters and Surface Integrity in Drilling Ni-Superalloy

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    In aerospace industry, the manufacturing of critical parts (high energy components) requires an important validation process to guarantee the quality of the produced parts, and thus their fatigue lifecycle. Globally, this validation consists in freezing the cutting conditions using metallurgical analysis or fatigue trials, and a test on the first article. This process is extremely complex and expensive. In this way establishing the correlation between the cutting conditions and the surface integrity will help us to optimize the manufacture of those parts. In this article, by the means of an experimental method, we define a domain of validation by combining the cutting conditions according to the classic criteria established by AFNOR E66-520 norm (Couple-Tool-Material) and the criteria of surface integrity for the drilling of a Nickel-base superalloy. The experimental device consists in drilling a Ø15.5 mm hole on a 3-axis milling centre instrumented by a 4 components Kistler dynamometer (Fx, Fy, Fz and Mz), a spindle power sensor “Watt-pilote” and three accelerometers placed following the directions X, Y and Z. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observations, micro-hardness tests and topographic measurements with an optical profilometer, are carried out to characterize the metallurgical state of the holes manufactured. Finally, correlations were respectively made between the cutting conditions, the recorded signals and the metallurgical state of the holes

    Identification of influent factors on surface integrity in nickel-base superalloy drilling

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    For the critical rotating components in aeronautical industry, the metallurgical quality achieved after machining conditions could determine their mechanical behaviour in fatigue. To guarantee this quality, the tools, materials and cutting conditions are frozen during the validation process by a cutup part following by an acceptable surface integrity. Even with the fixed parameters, perturbations can occur during the process and may have a direct impact over the metallurgical quality through the apparition of anomalies, which could reduce the calculated fatigue life. The aim of this study is to define a Process Monitoring technique able to detect the thickness affected by the machining taking into account the flank wear effect

    A Bose-Einstein condensate bouncing off a rough mirror

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    We present experimental results and theoretical analysis of the diffuse reflection of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a rough mirror. The mirror is produced by a blue-detuned evanescent wave supported by a dielectric substrate. The results are carefully analysed via a comparison with a numerical simulation. The scattering is clearly anisotropic, more pronounced in the direction of the evanescent wave surface propagation, as predicted theoretically

    Raconter sa journée : des histoires de conversations dans la conversation

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    La conversation prend une forme spĂ©cifique lorsque des proches « racontent leur journĂ©e », rĂ©capitulent leurs occupations rĂ©centes. Cette forme tient notamment au fait que ces occupations sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement elles-mĂȘmes des conversations. Elle est une activitĂ© conversationnelle qui a ses rĂšgles propres et mĂ©rite d’ĂȘtre prise en compte. Notre recherche repose sur des donnĂ©es qui 1o font rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  des Ă©vĂ©nements passĂ©s et sont donc fondamentalement narratives; 2o font rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  des conversations et mettent ainsi en jeu des paroles rapportĂ©es; 3o font rĂ©fĂ©rence au passĂ© immĂ©diat et portent donc sur des Ă©vĂ©nements banals. L’analyse de ces conversations fournit l’occasion de contribuer Ă  l’élaboration d’un cadre d’analyse des diffĂ©rentes productions narratives conversationnelles, en fonction notamment de leur potentiel informatif, narratif et argumentatif.Conversation adopts a specific form when close friends "talk about their day", recount recent happenings in their lives. This particular form arises due to the fact that the happenings are generally themselves conversations. It is a conversational activity which has its own system of rules and is worthy of consideration. The data on which this study is based 1o refer to past events and are thus fundamentally narrative; 2o refer to conversations and as such bring into play instances of reported speech; 3o refer to the immediate past and thus focus on commonplace events. The analysis of these everyday conversations provides an opportunity to contribute to the elaboration of an analytical framework for different forms of conversational narratives, as a function specifically of their informative, narrative, and argumentative potential

    Eolienne 2.0 du Gridlab: travail de bachelor : diplĂŽme 2016

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    Mettre en place un modĂšle simulant le fonctionnement d’une grande Ă©olienne en tenant compte de plusieurs paramĂštres tels que la vitesse du vent, la vitesse de rotation et le couple de la turbine, l’angle des pĂąles et le type d’éolienne

    Effect of picosecond strain pulses on thin layers of the ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)(As,P)

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    The effect of picosecond acoustic strain pulses (ps-ASP) on a thin layer of (Ga,Mn)As co-doped with phosphorus was probed using magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). A transient MOKE signal followed by low amplitude oscillations was evidenced, with a strong dependence on applied magnetic field, temperature and ps-ASP amplitude. Careful interferometric measurement of the layer's thickness variation induced by the ps-ASP allowed us to model very accurately the resulting signal, and interpret it as the strain modulated reflectivity (differing for σ±\sigma_{\pm} probe polarizations), independently from dynamic magnetization effects.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Return words of linear involutions and fundamental groups

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    We investigate the natural codings of linear involutions. We deduce from the geometric representation of linear involutions as Poincar\'e maps of measured foliations a suitable definition of return words which yields that the set of first return words to a given word is a symmetric basis of the free group on the underlying alphabet AA. The set of first return words with respect to a subgroup of finite index GG of the free group on AA is also proved to be a symmetric basis of GG

    Schemes for loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into a two-dimensional dipole trap

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    We propose two loading mechanisms of a degenerate Bose gas into a surface trap. This trap relies on the dipole potential produced by two evanescent optical waves far detuned from the atomic resonance, yielding a strongly anisotropic trap with typical frequencies 40 Hz x 65 Hz x 30 kHz. We present numerical simulations based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation of the transfer process from a conventional magnetic trap into the surface trap. We show that, despite a large discrepancy between the oscillation frequencies along one direction in the initial and final traps, a loading time of a few tens of milliseconds would lead to an adiabatic transfer. Preliminary experimental results are presented

    Performance of astrometric detection of a hotspot orbiting on the innermost stable circular orbit of the galactic centre black hole

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    The galactic central black hole Sgr A* exhibits outbursts of radiation in the near infrared (so-called IR flares). One model of these events consists in a hotspot orbiting on the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of the hole. These outbursts can be used as a probe of the central gravitational potential. One main scientific goal of the second generation VLTI instrument GRAVITY is to observe these flares astrometrically. Here, the astrometric precision of GRAVITY is investigated in imaging mode, which consists in analysing the image computed from the interferometric data. The capability of the instrument to put in light the motion of a hotspot orbiting on the ISCO of our central black hole is then discussed. We find that GRAVITY's astrometric precision for a single star in imaging mode is smaller than the Schwarzschild radius of Sgr A*. The instrument can also demonstrate that a body orbiting on the last stable orbit of the black hole is indeed moving. It yields a typical size of the orbit, if the source is as bright as m_K=14. These results show that GRAVITY allows one to study the close environment of Sgr A*. Having access to the ISCO of the central massive black hole probably allows constraining general relativity in its strong regime. Moreover, if the hotspot model is appropriate, the black hole spin can be constrained.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures ; accepted by MNRA

    Diffraction of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Time Domain

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    We have observed the diffraction of a Bose-Einstein condensate of rubidium atoms on a vibrating mirror potential. The matter wave packet bounces back at normal incidence on a blue-detuned evanescent light field after a 3.6 mm free fall. The mirror vibrates at a frequency of 500 kHz with an amplitude of 3.0 nm. The atomic carrier and sidebands are directly imaged during their ballistic expansion. The locations and the relative weights of the diffracted atomic wave packets are in very good agreement with the theoretical prediction of Carsten Henkel et al. [1].Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.
