5 research outputs found

    Níveis de energia metabolizável para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura Metabolizable energy levels for broiler chicks from 1 to 21 days of age under high environmental temperature

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    Quatrocentos e cinqüenta pintos de corte machos, Avian Farms, com peso médio de 48±0,3 g, foram utilizados em um experimento conduzido em câmaras climáticas, para avaliar o efeito dos níveis de energia metabolizável (2850, 2925, 3000, 3075 e 3150 kcal de EM/kg), entre 1 e 21 dias de idade, mantidos em ambiente de alta temperatura (34ºC e 60% UR). O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos, nove repetições e dez aves por unidade experimental. As características estudadas foram desempenho e composição de carcaça, em que a estimativa da exigência de energia metabolizável das aves foi feita por meio de regressão linear ou quadrática, conforme o melhor ajuste. O ganho de peso, o consumo de energia metabolizável e as deposições de proteína e gordura na carcaça aumentaram, enquanto a conversão alimentar dos pintos reduziu de forma linear com os tratamentos. O rendimento de carcaça das aves não foi influenciado pelos níveis de EM da ração. Os níveis de EM da ração modificaram a composição da carcaça e aumentaram o peso de gordura abdominal. Os pintos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade, mantidos sob alta temperatura, exigem, no mínimo, relação energia:proteína de 13,6 para melhor desempenho e deposição de proteína na carcaça.<br>Four hundred and fifty Avian Farms male broilers chicks with 48±0.3g of live weight were used in an experiment carried out at climatic chambers to evaluate the effect of the metabolizable energy levels (2850; 2925; 3000; 3075 and 3150 kcal of ME/kg), from 1 to 21 days, maintained at high environmental temperature (34ºC and 60% RH). A completely randomized design, with five treatments (ME levels), nine replicates and ten birds per experimental unit, was used. Performance and carcass composition were evaluated and the metabolizable energy requirement of the birds were obtained by linear or quadratic regression, according to the best fit. Weight gain, metabolizable energy intake, and protein and fat depositions in the carcass increased while the feed:gain ratio of the chicks linearly decreased with the treatments. The carcass yield of the birds was not influenced by the dietary ME levels. The dietary ME levels affected the carcass composition and increased the abdominal fat weight of the broiler chicks. The broilers chicks from 1 to 21 days of age, kept under high environmental temperature, require at least an energy:protein ratio of 13.6:1 for better performance and protein deposition in carcass

    The O−Pb (Oxygen-Lead) system

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    Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment

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    The global lockdown to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic health risks has altered human interactions with nature. Here, we report immediate impacts of changes in human activities on wildlife and environmental threats during the early lockdown months of 2020, based on 877 qualitative reports and 332 quantitative assessments from 89 different studies. Hundreds of reports of unusual species observations from around the world suggest that animals quickly responded to the reductions in human presence. However, negative effects of lockdown on conservation also emerged, as confinement resulted in some park officials being unable to perform conservation, restoration and enforcement tasks, resulting in local increases in illegal activities such as hunting. Overall, there is a complex mixture of positive and negative effects of the pandemic lockdown on nature, all of which have the potential to lead to cascading responses which in turn impact wildlife and nature conservation. While the net effect of the lockdown will need to be assessed over years as data becomes available and persistent effects emerge, immediate responses were detected across the world. Thus initial qualitative and quantitative data arising from this serendipitous global quasi-experimental perturbation highlights the dual role that humans play in threatening and protecting species and ecosystems. Pathways to favorably tilt this delicate balance include reducing impacts and increasing conservation effectiveness


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