432 research outputs found

    Reflexiones sobre la Singularidad TecnolĂłgica

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    El avance tecnológico de los últimos años nos lleva a imaginar un futuro, no muy lejano, donde los sistemas tecnológicos y la inteligencia artificial (AI) supere a la inteligencia humana (HI), inclusive con la capacidad de auto generarse, denominando ésto como Singularidad Tecnológica. Razón por lo cual surge la posibilidad de fusión entre ambas inteligencias, dando lugar así al surgimiento de Cyborgs o Post Humanos y la llegada de lo que los expertos han dado en llamar Transhumanismo. Me planteo reflexionar sobre esta posibilidad con el fin de analizar las posibles consecuencias que traería consigo una super inteligencia dura. The technological advance of recent years leads us to imagine a future, not too distant, where technological systems and artificial intelligence (AI) surpass human intelligence (HI), even with the ability to self-generate, calling this as Singularity Technological. Reason why the possibility of merging between the two intelligences arises, thus giving rise to the emergence of Cyborgs or Post Humans and the arrival of, what experts have called, Transhumanism. I consider reflecting on this possibility, in order to analyze the possible consequences that a hard super intelligence would bring

    La individuación logocéntrica

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    The idea behind this work is to demonstrate that Western logocentrism hegemonizes in the same process of individuation. Analyze the evolution of the body through the texts would be to make a deconstruction of the capitalist system and the current market society. Undoubtedly, this system is the consecration of the idea of individual that was increasing along multiple events and allows us, not only review the appearance of the subject as such, but also as appearance of the individualism as cultural current. Also it allows us to observe how they were giving various processes of individuation and like some factors have become higher hierarchies were imposed on others, which were relegated, hidden, denied

    Les attitudes des salariés à l’égard de la crise et l’éthique financières : une perception différenciée selon la qualification ?

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    L’annonce des dégâts de la crise financière vécue en 2008-2009 a souvent été accompagnée par des remarques concernant une possible « crise de valeurs ». Cependant, les restructurations et l’intensification de l’internationalisation de la production – notamment par les délocalisations – se sont multipliées au cours de la même période et cela a eu des incidences sur les milieux de travail. Notre texte montre qu’au-delà de la dimension éthique associée à la mauvaise gestion des placements financiers, il y a aussi la dimension éthique liée aux conséquences dramatiques vécues par certains sur les plans de l’emploi et des conditions de travail. Notre recherche s’est concentrée sur les travailleurs vieillissants – de 55 ans et plus – aux niveaux de qualifications polarisés et employés dans trois secteurs fortement touchés par la crise, soit les secteurs bancaire, textile et métallurgie. Notre article met en évidence les différences dans la perception de la crise de la part des travailleurs de deux groupes socioéconomiques polarisés. Nous procédons en suivant trois dimensions, celle de la perception de la crise en général, puis la perception de la gestion de la crise par l’employeur et enfin les effets sur la vie de travail. Nous montrons que les perceptions des hommes cadres sont très différentes de celles des hommes ouvriers, mais encore davantage de celles des ouvrières. Par ailleurs, l’affectation des femmes au travail domestique colore également le vécu de la crise et de la fin de carrière.Descriptions of the 2008-2009 financial crisis often include remarks about a possible “value crisis”. It is important to note, however, that the increased restructuring and internationalization of the production system (especially through delocalization) that took place over that period had repercussions on labour. This article discusses the ethical issues related not only to bad management of financial investments, but also to the dramatic impact of the crisis on workers’ employment situation and conditions. The research focus is on senior workers aged 55 and over, employed in three economic sectors that have polarized skill levels and were strongly affected by the crisis : banking, textiles and metallurgy. The article highlights differences in the way the crisis was perceived by workers in two socio-economic groups, namely, managers and industrial workers. The analysis looked at three questions : the workers’ general perception of the crisis, their perception of the way in which it was managed by employers, and the effect the crisis had on the workers’ profes­sional lives. The analysis revealed quite a wide range of perceptions, with those of male executives differing from those of blue-collar workers, especially blue-collar women. It also revealed that women’s responsibility for domestic tasks influenced their experience of the crisis and the way they envisaged the end of their career

    Biomechanical investigation of monolateral external fixator configurations during bone lengthening treatment

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    The topic below concerns the biomechanical investigation of different configurations of the Rekrea, a monolateral external fixator for bone lengthening treatments developed and commercialized by Citieffe s.r.l. The first part of the paper introduces the clinical scenario, the processes that stimulate bone lengthening, the state of the art of these surgical procedures, the different stages into which they are performed and the complications that can occur. In particular, the present work focuses on tibial lengthening thus the geometry of the bone and the related joints at the extremities are described. It emerged how during this treatment it is particularly important to monitor the inter-fragmentary movement between the two stumps, the global displacement between the ankle and the knee joints as well as the stiffness of the entire system. Several biomechanical tests are done in order to understand how different configurations of the setup affect the values of the parameters of interest: interfragmentary movement, global displacement and stiffness of the entire system. Different angles of insertion of the bone screws respect to the tibial axis, different thickness of the bone callus placed in the fracture site and different number of bone screws through which the fixator is anchored to the bone are investigated. Data collected from the tests are analysed in order to compute the parameters of interests, to do so appropriate Matlab code was written. Later, statistical tests were done to understand if the configurations in each couple of comparison were statistically different from one another. The limits of each setup were analysed. This data will be available for other researches. Finally, the conclusions reveal the salient features of the comparisons between the different configurations; it is also pointed out which ones are efficient in terms of performance and are in agreement with the parameter values reported in the literature

    Pluralidade de migração no acesso aos direitos das mulheres

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    Migrer est aussi passer d’un système de genre à un autre. Dans la mesure où certains droits peuvent être garantis en France et non pas dans le pays d’accueil, migrer en France peut paraître avantageux pour les femmes. Mais comment se passe cette transition pour les migrantes ? Comment agissent les obstacles créés par la migration dans l’accès aux droits des femmes en France ? Cet article illustre le caractère pluriel du processus migratoire qui émerge du rapport au droit pour les migrantes. Les ambivalences de l’accès au droit sont pour elles un enjeu indissociable du projet migratoire, constituant, à la fois des opportunités, à la fois des obstacles à surmonter.A migração é também a passagem do tipo de um sistema de gênero para outro. Na medida em que certos direitos podem ser garantidos na França e não no país de origem, migrar para aquele país pode parecer vantajoso para as mulheres. Mas como essa transição pode ocorrer para as migrantes? Como os obstáculos criados pela migração afetam o acesso aos direitos das mulheres na França? Este artigo ilustra o caráter plural do processo migratório que emerge da relação com os direitos das migrantes. As ambivalências do acesso aos direitos são, para elas, uma ques­tão indissociável do projeto migratório


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    Considerações sôbre cem Prostatectomias por via Transvesical em Porto Alegre

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    Considerações sôbre cem Prostatectomias por viaTransvesical em Porto Alegr
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