115 research outputs found

    Systematic Exploration of Collocation Profiles

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    The central issue in corpus-driven linguistics is the detection and description of patterns in language usage. The features that constitute the notion of a pattern can be computed to a certain extent by statistical (collocation) methods, but a crucial part of the notion may vary depending on applications and users. Thus, typically, any computed collocation cluster will have to be interpreted hermeneutically. Often it might be captured by a generalized, more abstract pattern. We present a generic process model that supports the recognition, interpretation, and expression of the patterns inside and of the relations between clusters. By this, clusters can be merged virtually according to any notion of a 'pattern', and their relations can be exploited for different application

    Reuse of Problem-Solving Methods and Family Resemblances

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    In the last years a common notion of a Problem-Solving Method (PSM) emerged from different knowledge engineering frameworks. As a generic description of the dynamic behaviour of knowledge based systems PSMs are favored subjects of reuse. Up to now, most investigations on the reuse of PSMs focus on static features and methods as objects of reuse. By this, they ignore a lot of information of how the PSM was developed that is, in principle, entailed in the different parts of a conceptual model of a PSM. In this paper the information of the different parts of PSMs is reconsidered from a reuse process point of view. A framework for generalized problem-solving methods is presented that describes the structure of a category of methods based on family resemblances. These generalized methods can be used to structure libraries of PSMs and - in the process of reuse - as a means to derive an incarnation, i.e. a member of its family of PSMs. For illustrating the ideas, the approach is applied to the task rsp. problem type of parametric design

    The Creep of Laminated Synthetic Resin Plastics

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    The long-time loading strength of a number of laminated synthetic resin plastics was ascertained and the effect of molding pressure and resin content determined. The best value was observed with a 30 to 40 percent resin content. The long-time loading strength also increases with increasing molding pressure up to 250 kg/cm(exp 2); a further rise in pressure affords no further substantial improvement. The creep strength is defined as the load which in the hundredth hour of loading produces a rate of elongation of 5 X 10(exp -4) percent per hour. The creep strength values of different materials were determined and tabulated. The effect of humidity during long-term tests is pointed out

    Requirements engineering in MIKE

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    THINGS+: New norms and metadata for the THINGS database of 1,854 object concepts and 26,107 natural object images

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    To study visual object processing, the need for well-curated object concepts and images has grown significantly over the past years. To address this we have previously developed THINGS (Hebart et al., 2019), a large-scale database of 1,854 systematically sampled object concepts with 26,107 high-quality naturalistic images of these concepts. With THINGS+ we aim to extend THINGS by adding concept-specific and image-specific norms and metadata. Concept-specific norms were collected for all 1,854 object concepts for the object properties real-world size, manmadeness, preciousness, liveliness, heaviness, naturalness, ability to move, graspability, holdability, ability to be moved, pleasantness, and arousal. Further, we extended high-level categorization to 53 superordinate categories and collected typicality ratings for members of all 53 categories. Image-specific metadata includes measures of nameability and recognizability for objects in all 26,107 images. To this end, we asked participants to provide labels for prominent objects depicted in each of the 26,107 images and measured the alignment with the original object concept. Finally, to present example images in publications without copyright restrictions, we identified one new public domain image per object concept. In this study we demonstrate a high consistency of property (r = 0.92-0.99, M = 0.98, SD = 0.34) and typicality ratings (r = 0.88-0.98; M = 0.96, SD = 0.19), with arousal ratings as the only exception (r = 0.69). Correlations of our data with external norms were moderate to high for object properties (r = 0.44-0.95; M = 0.85, SD = 0.32) and typicality scores (r = 0.72-0.88; M = 0.79, SD = 0.18), again with the lowest validity for arousal (r = 0.30 - 0.52). To summarize, THINGS+ provides a broad, externally-validated extension to existing object norms and an important extension to THINGS as a general resource of object concepts, images, and category memberships. Our norms, metadata, and images provide a detailed selection of stimuli and control variables for a wide range of research interested in object processing and semantic memory

    China’s innovation-based approach in the fight of Covid-19. An estimation of China’s impact for global health to come

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    When the infectious coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 broke out it resulted in a global crisis. In the fight of Covid-19, China’s government relied on its strength to apply new technologies, i.e. for controlling and containment of the virus by tracing and tracking Chinese citizens. Relying on the trajectory of industrialisation, China has pursued a path of innovation. While it is reasoned that China’s advantage might have origin in the experience of the SARS outbreak almost two decades ago, this article argues that mainly China’s innovation- driven climate has favoured the application of new technologies in combatting the current crisis. Based on the innovation-driven trajectory this article explores China’s pathway out the corona crisis and how this might strengthen China’s role in global health governance. In order to pursue this aim, this article explores several areas, in which the next generation of technologies, such as AI-based diagnostic or intelligent robots were applied and concludes with an outlook based on the formulated political agenda, strategic considerations and initial international cooperation regarding China’s impact for global health

    Reuse of problem-solving methods and family resemblances

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    Korpusfrequenzen und andere Metriken zur Strukturierung von DaF-Lehrmaterial

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    Korpora und Fremdsprachendidaktik haben – auch jenseits des angeleiteten oder selbstgesteuerten Arbeitens an den Daten – Berührungspunkte mit langer Tradition, durchaus mit nicht-digitalen Ausläufern, deren korpuslinguistische Dimensionen erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten erschlossen wurden. Worthäufigkeitszählungen, auch vergleichend, in beliebig großen oder auf bestimmte Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenen Datensammlungen lassen sich mit weiteren Metriken verknüpfen, die eine differenzierte Bewertung für die didaktische Relevanz ermöglichen. Kollokations-/Kookkurrenzanalysen helfen, typische Formulierungsmuster zu ermitteln. Dieser Beitrag stellt zunächst diese beiden Herangehensweisen dar. Das Manko der getrennten Betrachtung ist, dass keine der beiden isoliert ausreicht, um die Angemessenheit von Formulierungen zu bewerten hinsichtlich muttersprachlicher Natürlichkeit und Weiterentwicklung des Lernstands. Als Abhilfe wird eine Verknüpfung skizziert, die beide Perspektiven zusammenbringt
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