China’s innovation-based approach in the fight of Covid-19. An estimation of China’s impact for global health to come


When the infectious coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 broke out it resulted in a global crisis. In the fight of Covid-19, China’s government relied on its strength to apply new technologies, i.e. for controlling and containment of the virus by tracing and tracking Chinese citizens. Relying on the trajectory of industrialisation, China has pursued a path of innovation. While it is reasoned that China’s advantage might have origin in the experience of the SARS outbreak almost two decades ago, this article argues that mainly China’s innovation- driven climate has favoured the application of new technologies in combatting the current crisis. Based on the innovation-driven trajectory this article explores China’s pathway out the corona crisis and how this might strengthen China’s role in global health governance. In order to pursue this aim, this article explores several areas, in which the next generation of technologies, such as AI-based diagnostic or intelligent robots were applied and concludes with an outlook based on the formulated political agenda, strategic considerations and initial international cooperation regarding China’s impact for global health

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