240 research outputs found

    Documentación médica: algunos aspectos críticos actuales

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    [email protected] realitza una breu revisió de la situació de desenvolupament professional i producció científica de la Documentació Mèdica a Espanya, fonamentalment, en l’aplicació hospitalària de la vertent de Documentació assistencial i sanitària i s’analitzen tres aspectes crítics actuals: necessitats d’informació en l’assistència; història clínica; i qualitat.Se realiza una breve revisión de la situación de desarrollo profesional y producción científica de la Documentación Médica en España, fundamentalmente, en la aplicación hospitalaria de la vertiente de Documentación asistencial y sanitaria y se analizan tres aspectos críticos actuales: necesidades de información en la asistencia; historia clínica; y calidad.A short revision of the professional development and scientific production of the Medical Documentation in Spain is studied, mainly, into the look of the hospitalary application of the sanitary and assistential documentation and three present critical aspects are analysed: information needs in the assistance; medical history; and quality

    Capacidades y mujer emprendedora

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    Este artículo muestra la incorporación de la mujer a la formación de capital humano, su situación laboral y su situación como directiva en España, y propone un conjunto de teorías o enfoques que contribuyen al examen de la situación de la mujer. Por otra parte examina la literatura de referencia sobre los aspectos políticos y de concepción de la mujer en los países capitalistas, así como sus condiciones laborales en relación con la equidad (dimensión ética y moral) y la productividad (dimensión económica). Distinguir ambas dimensiones clarifica las políticas públicas y de empresa que conviene [email protected]; [email protected]

    Dynamics of shift operators on non-metrizable sequence spaces

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    [EN] We investigate dynamical properties such as topological transitivity, (sequential) hypercyclicity, and chaos for backward shift operators associated to a Schauder basis on LF-spaces. As an application, we characterize these dynamical properties for weighted generalized backward shifts on Kothe coechelon sequence spaces k(p)((v((m)))(m is an element of N)) in terms of the defining sequence of weights (v((m)))(m) (is an element of N). We further discuss several examples and show that the annihilation operator from quantum mechanics is mixing, sequentially hypercyclic, chaotic, and topologically ergodic on S'(R).The first author was partially supported by MICINN and FEDER, Proj. MTM2016-76647-P, and by Generalitat Valenciana, Project PROMETEO/2017/102. The research of the third author was partially supported by MICINN and FEDER, Projects MTM2016-75963-P and PID2019105011GB-I00, and by Generalitat Valenciana, Project PROMETEO/2017/102.Bonet Solves, JA.; Kalmes, T.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2021). Dynamics of shift operators on non-metrizable sequence spaces. Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. 37(6):2373-2397. https://doi.org/10.4171/rmi/12672373239737

    Innovaciones estratégicas y organizativas como fundamento de la competitividad. La empresa Montalt y sus relaciones con Ford-España

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    [ES] Este artículo investiga la empresa Montalt, concesionaria de automóviles de Ford-España, preguntándose cuáles son los recursos diferentes y las relaciones idiosincrásicas que han permitido a Montalt obtener ventajas competitivas en el subsector de la marca, a pesar de que producto, tecnología, publicidad y precios están fijados por Ford. En esta investigación encontramos que la actuación emprendedora de Montalt y su capacidad de impulsar mezclas idiosincrásicas de recursos humanos son la clave de sus capacidades y de su diferenciación competitiva.Peris-Ortiz, M.; Fernández Guerrero, R.; Peris Bonet, F. (2010). Innovaciones estratégicas y organizativas como fundamento de la competitividad. La empresa Montalt y sus relaciones con Ford-España. UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW. 28:116-135. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99494S1161352

    A Riemann manifold structure of the spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions

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    [EN] In this paper we give general conditions on a countable family V of weights on an unbounded open set U in a complex Banach space X such that the weighted space HV (U) of holomorphic functions on U has a Frechet algebra structure. For such weights it is shown that the spectrum of HV(U) has a natural analytic manifold structure when X is a symmetrically regular Banach space, and in particular when X = C-n. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.We warmly thank Antonio Galbis for providing us with Example 2.6. We also thank the referee for useful comments which have improved the paper. The first author was partially supported by ANPCyT PICT 05 17-33042, UBACyT Grant X038 and ANPCyT PICT 06 00587. The three last authors were supported in part by MEC and FEDER Project MTM2008-03211. The third author was also supported by Prometeo 2008/101. Part of this work was performed while the first cited author was visiting the Departamento de Análisis Matemático (Universidad de Valencia) and Departamento de Matemática Aplicada (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) during November 2008. He wishes to thank all the good friends in both Departments and also those outside them for such a pelasing time.Carando, D.; Garcia, D.; Maestre, M.; Sevilla Peris, P. (2009). A Riemann manifold structure of the spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions. Topology. 48(2-4):54-65. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.top.2009.11.0035465482-4Berenstein, C. A., Li, B. Q., & Vidras, A. (1995). Geometric Characterization of Interpolating Varieties for the (FN)-Space A0p of Entire Functions. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 47(1), 28-43. doi:10.4153/cjm-1995-002-9Braun, R. W. (1987). Weighted algebras of entire functions in which each closed ideal admits two algebraic generators. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 34(3). doi:10.1307/mmj/1029003623Meise, R., & Taylor, B. (1987). Sequence space representations for (FN)-algebras of entire functions modulo closed ideals. Studia Mathematica, 85(3), 203-227. doi:10.4064/sm-85-3-203-227Carando, D., & Sevilla-Peris, P. (2008). Spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 263(4), 887-902. doi:10.1007/s00209-008-0444-0Aron, R. M., Galindo, P., García, D., & Maestre, M. (1996). Regularity and Algebras of Analytic Functions in Infinite Dimensions. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 348(2), 543-559. doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-96-01553-xBierstedt, K. D., Bonet, J., & Galbis, A. (1993). Weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on balanced domains. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 40(2). doi:10.1307/mmj/1029004753Bierstedt, K.-D., Meise, R., & Summers, W. H. (1982). A projective description of weighted inductive limits. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 272(1), 107-107. doi:10.1090/s0002-9947-1982-0656483-9Bierstedt, K. D., & Summers, W. H. (1993). Biduals of weighted banach spaces of analytic functions. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 54(1), 70-79. doi:10.1017/s1446788700036983Bonet, J., Dománski, P., & Lindström, M. (1999). Essential Norm and Weak Compactness of Composition Operators on Weighted Banach Spaces of Analytic Functions. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 42(2), 139-148. doi:10.4153/cmb-1999-016-xBonet, J., Domański, P., Lindström, M., & Taskinen, J. (1998). Composition operators between weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 64(1), 101-118. doi:10.1017/s1446788700001336Bonet, J., & Friz, M. (2002). Weakly Compact Composition Operators on Locally Convex Spaces. Mathematische Nachrichten, 245(1), 26-44. doi:10.1002/1522-2616(200211)245:13.0.co;2-jCarando, D., García, D., & Maestre, M. (2005). Homomorphisms and composition operators on algebras of analytic functions of bounded type. Advances in Mathematics, 197(2), 607-629. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2004.10.018Davie, A. M., & Gamelin, T. W. (1989). A theorem on polynomial-star approximation. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 106(2), 351-351. doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1989-0947313-

    Spectra of weighted algebras of holomorphic functions

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    We consider weighted algebras of holomorphic functions on a Banach space. We determine conditions on a family of weights that assure that the corresponding weighted space is an algebra or has polynomial Schauder decompositions. We study the spectra of weighted algebras and endow them with an analytic structure. We also deal with composition operators and algebra homomorphisms, in particular to investigate how their induced mappings act on the analytic structure of the spectrum. Moreover, a Banach-Stone type question is addressed.Comment: 25 pages Corrected typo

    Neuroblastoma in Spain: Linking the national clinical database and epidemiological registries – A study by the Joint Action on Rare Cancers

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    Purpose: Linkage between clinical databases and population-based cancer registries may serve to evaluate Eu ropean Reference Networks’ (ERNs) activity, by monitoring the proportion of patients benefiting from these and their impact on survival at a population level. To test this, a study targeting neuroblastoma (Nb) was conducted in Spain by the European Joint Action on Rare Cancers. Material and methods: Subjects: Nb cases, incident 1999–2017, aged < 15 years. Linkage included: Spanish Neuroblastoma Clinical Database (NbCDB) (1217 cases); Spanish Registry of Childhood Tumours (RETI) (1514 cases); and 10 regional population-based registries (RPBCRs) which cover 33% of the childhood population (332 cases). Linkage was semiautomatic. We estimated completeness, incidence, contribution, deficit, and 5-year survival in the databases and specific subsets. Results: National completeness estimates for RETI and NbCDB were 91% and 72% respectively, using the Spanish RPBCRs on International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (https://iicc.iarc.fr/) as reference. RPBCRs’ specific contribution was 1.6%. Linkage required manual crossover in 54% of the semiautomatic matches. Five-year survival was 74% (0–14 years) and 90% (0–18 months). Conclusions: All three databases were incomplete as regards Spain as a whole and should therefore be combined to achieve full childhood cancer registration. A unique personal patient identifier could facilitate such linkage. Most children have access to Nb clinical trials. Consolidated interconnections between the national registry and clinical registries (including ERNs and paediatric oncology clinical groups) should be established to evaluate outcomes

    Processo integrador de formação da estratégia e a gestão do trabalho complexo – uma análise microorganizacional

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    The goal of this study is to analyse how the strategy formation process takes place; studying the relevance of the integrative perspective and the use of the variables rationality, involvement and vision; Verifying the relationship between an integrative strategy formation process and the management of work and the consequences of this relationship in terms of performance, identifying the causes for a better fit; Also, verify the propositions that have been formulated and looking for new variables that could affect the relationship between strategic process and work management. It has been adopted a qualitative methodology through a study case. After the case analysis it has been identified two different variables (flexibility and the role of the middle manager) that can have an influence in the subject of study; also, it has been found that if there is an important fit between the variables that define an integrative strategy formation process and the design variables used in the management of work, the process will be more efficient and, consequently, the organisation will obtain better results.O objetivo deste estudo é analisar como o processo de formação da estratégia ocorre; estudando a relevância da perspectiva integradora e o uso das variáveis: racionalidade, implicação e visão; Verificando o relacionamento entre um processo integrador de formação da estratégia e a gestão do trabalho e as conseqüências deste relacionamento em termos de desempenho, identificando as causas para uma melhor adequação (fit); Além disso, busca-se verificar as proposições que foram formuladas e procurar novas variáveis que poderiam afetar o relacionamento entre processo estratégico e gestão do trabalho. Foi adotada a metodologia qualitativa por meio de um estudo de caso. Após a análise do caso foram identificadas duas variáveis diferentes (flexibilidade e o papel do gerente intermediário) que podem influenciar o objeto do estudo; foi descoberto, ainda, que se existir uma adequação importante entre as variáveis que definem um processo integrador de formação da estratégia e as variáveis de desenho organizacional usadas na gestão do trabalho, o processo será mais eficiente e, conseqüentemente, a organização obterá resultados melhores

    Implantación de sistemas de gestión de la calidad y diseño de organizaciones

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    Este trabajo examina las relaciones existentes entre dos campos de estudio: la gestión de la calidad y el diseño de organizaciones. Su interés consiste en cubrir un espacio poco trabajado por la literatura especializada, y su objetivo concreto es conocer cuáles son las modificaciones que se producen en la organización, o en algunas de sus variables de diseño, a consecuencia de la implantación de un sistema de gestión de la calidad. El estudio aporta conclusiones, en primer lugar, sobre los cambios que se producirán en los puestos de trabajo, la estructura organizativa, los procesos de información-decisión y los sistemas de evaluación y control del desempeño, al implantar sistemas de aseguramiento de la calidad o de gestión de la calidad total; en segundo lugar se obtienen conclusiones sobre los cambios en los papeles desempeñados por la alta dirección, mandos intermedios, empleados de la base de operaciones y técnicos; y finalmente se avanzan algunas ideas sobre el efecto que los cambios organizativos tienen sobre el comportamiento, y cuál es la forma en la que las modificaciones del comportamiento afecta a los sistemas de gestión de la calidad, especialmente a la gestión de la calidad total