2,170 research outputs found

    Cyber Situational Awareness and Cyber Curiosity Taxonomy for Understanding Susceptibility of Social Engineering Attacks in the Maritime Industry

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    The maritime information system (IS) user has to be prepared to deal with a potential safety and environmental risk that can be caused by an unanticipated failure to a cyber system used onboard a vessel. A hacker leveraging a maritime IS user’s Cyber Curiosity can lead to a successful cyber-attack by enticing a user to click on a malicious Web link sent through an email and/or posted on a social media website. At worst, a successful cyber-attack can impact the integrity of a ship’s cyber systems potentially causing disruption or human harm. A lack of awareness of social engineering attacks can increase the susceptibility of a successful cyber-attack against any organization. A combination of limited cyber situational awareness (SA) of social engineering attacks used against IS users and the user’s natural curiosity create significant threats to organizations. The theoretical framework for this research study consists of four interrelated constructs and theories: social engineering, Cyber Curiosity, Cyber Situational Awareness, and activity theory. This study focused its investigation on two constructs, Cyber Situational Awareness and Cyber Curiosity. These constructs reflect user behavior and decision-making associated with being a victim of a social engineering cyber-attack. This study designed an interactive Web-based experiment to measure an IS user’s Cyber Situational Awareness and Cyber Curiosity to further understand the relationship between these two constructs in the context of cyber risk to organizations. The quantitative and qualitative data analysis from the experiment consisting of 174 IS users (120 maritime & 54 shoreside) were used to empirically assess if there are any significant differences in the maritime IS user’s level of Cyber SA, Cyber Curiosity, and position in the developed Cyber Risk taxonomy when controlled for demographic indicators. To ensure validity and reliability of the proposed measures and the experimental procedures, a panel of nine subject matter experts (SMEs) reviewed the proposed measures/scores of Cyber SA and Cyber Curiosity. The SMEs’ responses were incorporated into the proposed measures and scores including the Web-based experiment. Furthermore, a pilot test was conducted of the Web-based experiment to assess measures of Cyber SA and Cyber Curiosity. This research validated that the developed Cyber Risk taxonomy could be used to assess the susceptibility of an IS user being a victim of a social engineering attack. Identifying a possible link in how both Cyber SA and Cyber Curiosity can help predict the susceptibility of a social engineering attack can be beneficial to the IS research community. In addition, potentially reducing the likelihood of an IS user being a victim of a cyber-attack by identifying factors that improve Cyber SA can reduce risks to organizations. The discussions and implications for future research opportunities are provided to aid the maritime cybersecurity research and practice communities

    Determinantes de Cómo los Estudiantes Evalúan a los Docentes: El Caso de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Católica Argentina

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    Las evaluaciones que los estudiantes realizan sobre los cursos y los profesores que los dictan son una herramienta importante para evaluar el desempeño de los docentes. En este trabajo analizamos los determinantes de dichas evaluaciones para el caso de los cursos de grado ofrecidos por la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Católica Argentina. En base a más de 47 mil evaluaciones correspondientes a 1668 cursos, encontramos que el tamaño del curso, la cantidad de docentes por curso, la experiencia del profesor y el nivel educativo del docente aparecen como características relevantes a la hora de explicar las evaluaciones.Students´ evaluations of courses and their teachers have become an important tool used by university administrators to assess the effectiveness of teachers. This paper analyzes the determinants of students’ evaluations for the undergraduate courses taught in the School of Economics at Universidad Católica Argentina. Using more than 47 thousand evaluations, corresponding to 1668 courses, we find that class size, the presence of more than one professor by course, teachers’ experience, and its educational attainment are all relevant characteristics to explain students’ evaluations.Fil: Ciocchini, Gabriel Francisco. Pont. Universidad Catolica Arg."sta.maria de Los Bs.as.". Facultad de Cs. Económicas; ArgentinaFil: Rabassa, Mariano Javier. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Secretaría Académica. Dirección de Investigaciones. Equipo Estudios de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sabbioni Perez, Guillermo Sebastian. Pont. Universidad Catolica Arg."sta.maria de Los Bs.as.". Facultad de Cs. Económicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Cyanobacterial calcite cementation in a tidal channel of the Bay of Cadiz Natural Park

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    A study of the carbonated crust located in a tidal channel close to a hypersaline tidal lagoon of the Nature area of the Bay of Cádiz has been done. A textural, mineralogical, and an experimental study, including O2 y pH measurements have been conducted during a period of a month and a tidal cycle in four different locations along the channel. The results of the mineralogical and textural study and those from the microelectrodes, show how the photosynthetic activity of biofilms dominated by cyanobacteria and diatoms growing in the sediment surface seems to control the calcite precipitation on the intertidal sediments. Although bacterial remains are rarely preserved in beachrocks, this study shows how bacterial activity should be taken into account in beachrock development in coastal environmentsMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia, proyecto MICROBENTOS (CTM2006-04015/MAR

    Integration of Multisensorial Stimuli and Multimodal Interaction in a Hybrid 3DTV System

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    This article proposes the integration of multisensorial stimuli and multimodal interaction components into a sports multimedia asset under two dimensions: immersion and interaction. The first dimension comprises a binaural audio system and a set of sensory effects synchronized with the audiovisual content, whereas the second explores interaction through the insertion of interactive 3D objects into the main screen and on-demand presentation of additional information in a second touchscreen. We present an end-to-end solution integrating these components into a hybrid (internet-broadcast) television system using current 3DTV standards. Results from an experimental study analyzing the perceived quality of these stimuli and their influence on the Quality of Experience are presented

    CSVS, a crowdsourcing database of the Spanish population genetic variability

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    The knowledge of the genetic variability of the local population is of utmost importance in personalized medicine and has been revealed as a critical factor for the discovery of new disease variants. Here, we present the Collaborative Spanish Variability Server (CSVS), which currently contains more than 2000 genomes and exomes of unrelated Spanish individuals. This database has been generated in a collaborative crowdsourcing effort collecting sequencing data produced by local genomic projects and for other purposes. Sequences have been grouped by ICD10 upper categories. A web interface allows querying the database removing one or more ICD10 categories. In this way, aggregated counts of allele frequencies of the pseudo-control Spanish population can be obtained for diseases belonging to the category removed. Interestingly, in addition to pseudo-control studies, some population studies can be made, as, for example, prevalence of pharmacogenomic variants, etc. In addition, this genomic data has been used to define the first Spanish Genome Reference Panel (SGRP1.0) for imputation. This is the first local repository of variability entirely produced by a crowdsourcing effort and constitutes an example for future initiatives to characterize local variability worldwide. CSVS is also part of the GA4GH Beacon network

    A review of Helicobacter pyloridiagnosis, treatment, and methods to detect eradication

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) affects nearly half of the world’s population and, thus, is one of the most frequent and persistent bacterial infections worldwide. H. pylori is associated with peptic ulcer disease, gastric ulcers, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, and gastric cancer. Various diagnostic methods exist to detect infection, and the choice of one method or another depends on several factors, such as accessibility, advantages and disadvantages of each method, cost, and the age of patients. Once H. pylori infection is diagnosed, the clinician decides whether treatment is necessity, according to the patient’s clinical condition. Typically, eradication of H. pylori is recommended for treatment and prevention of the infection. Cure rates with the standard triple therapy are acceptable, and effective quadruple therapies, sequential therapies, and concomitant therapies have been introduced as key malternatives to treat H. pylori infection. In this work, we review the main diagnostic methods used to identify H. pylori infection and to confirm eradication of infection. In addition, key factors related to treatment are reviewed

    Interventions associated with brown adipose tissue activation and the impact on energy expenditure and weight loss: A systematic review

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    BackgroundBrown adipose tissue (BAT) plays a role in modulating energy expenditure. People with obesity have been shown to have reduced activation of BAT. Agents such as β-agonists, capsinoids, thyroid hormone, sildenafil, caffeine, or cold exposure may lead to activation of BAT in humans, potentially modulating metabolism to promote weight loss.MethodsWe systematically searched electronic databases for clinical trials testing the effect of these agents and cold exposure on energy expenditure/thermogenesis and the extent to which they may impact weight loss in adults.ResultsA total of 695 studies from PubMed, Web of Science, and Medline electronic databases were identified. After the removal of duplicates and further evaluation, 47 clinical trials were analyzed. We observed significant heterogeneity in the duration of interventions and the metrics utilized to estimate thermogenesis/energy expenditure. Changes observed in energy expenditure do not correlate with major weight changes with different interventions commonly known to stimulate thermogenesis. Even though cold exposure appears to consistently activate BAT and induce thermogenesis, studies are small, and it appears to be an unlikely sustainable therapy to combat obesity. Most studies were small and potential risks associated with known side effects of some agents such as β-agonists (tachycardia), sibutramine (hypertension, tachycardia), thyroid hormone (arrhythmias) cannot be fully evaluated from these small trials.ConclusionThough the impact of BAT activation and associated increases in energy expenditure on clinically meaningful weight loss is a topic of great interest, further data is needed to determine long-term feasibility and efficacy

    Televisión digital en 2010: El reto de la interoperabilidad

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    En este artículo se plantea la situación actual de despliegue de la televisión digital en España desde el punto de vista de la necesaria interoperabilidad que debe haber entre los eslabones de la cadena de valor en un mercado horizontal, con especial atención, por una parte, a la navegación y la presentación de la información de programación y, por otra, a la accesibilidad de las personas con discapacidad. Los patentes problemas de interoperabilidad existentes se han producido a pesar de la existencia de un completo conjunto de disposiciones legales y normas técnicas, lo que sugiere la necesidad además de laboratorios de interoperabilidad que supongan un punto de encuentro entre los actores del sector, con el apoyo de las administraciones públicas (Utray 2009: 211‐225

    Consumo de alcohol y factores de riesgo en estudiantes de dos universidades Colombianas

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    The objective of the current research was to identify the risk factors associated to alcohol consumption of Colombian University students. 397 women and 312 men, students from two private and Catholic universities in the city of Medellín (Colombia) took part in it. The results identified as risk factors the difficulties to say 'no' to the people (p=0.012) and the consumption of psychoactive substances by members of the family (p=0.022).El objetivo fue identificar factores de riesgo del consumo de alcohol en estudiantes universitarios colombianos. Participaron 397 mujeres y 312 hombres, estudiantes de dos universidades privadas y católicas de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia). Los resultados identificaron como factores de riesgo las dificultades para decir “no” a la gente (p=0.012) y el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas por miembros de la familia (p=0.022)

    UNITSIM-Galaxies: Data release and clustering of emission-line galaxies

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society following peer review. The version of record Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510.4 (2022): 5392-5407 is available online at: https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article-abstract/510/4/5392/6505155?redirectedFrom=fulltextNew surv e ys such as European Space Agenc ys (ESA's) Euclid mission are planned to map with unprecedented precision the large-scale structure of the Universe by measuring the 3D positions of tens of millions of galaxies. It is necessary to develop theoretically modelled galaxy catalogues to estimate the expected performance and to optimize the analysis strategy of these surv e ys. We populate two pairs of (1 h -1 Gpc) 3 volume dark matter-only simulations from the UNIT project with galaxies using the Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, coupled to the photoionization model GET EMLINES to estimate their H αemission. These catalogues represent a unique suite that includes galaxy formation physics and -thanks to the fixed-pair technique used -an ef fecti ve volume of ∼(5 h -1 Gpc ) 3 , which is several times larger than the Euclid surv e y. We present the performance of these data and create five additional emission-line galaxy (ELG) catalogues by applying a dust-attenuation model as well as adjusting the flux threshold as a function of redshift in order to reproduce Euclid-forecast d N /d z values. As a first application, we study the abundance and clustering of those model H αELGs: For scales greater than ∼5 h -1 Mpc, we find a scale- independent bias with a value of b ∼1 at redshift z ∼0.5, that can increase nearly linearly to b ∼4 at z ∼2, depending on the ELG catalogue. Model galaxy properties, including their emission-line fluxes (with and without dust extinction) are publicly availabl