16 research outputs found

    Palafitas de Manaus: relações entre natureza e cultura no espaço da cidade

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    Este artigo discute as relações entre natureza e cultura na Amazônia tendo como objetos de estudo as palafitas da cidade de Manaus. A pesquisa foi motivada pelo iminente desaparecimento dessas habitações do espaço da cidade, em face do avanço das ações do poder público para revitalizar as áreas invadidas dos igarapés. O objetivo é compreender a arquitetura dessas habitações como textos da cultura amazônica, utilizando a semiótica da cultura como fundamentação teórica. Os resultados permitem concluir que o próprio espaço geográfico no qual as palafitas incidem, isto é, o igarapé, conforma o espaço semiótico necessário ao funcionamento dos sistemas de signos dessas construções

    Uma revisão acerca da epilepsia: sua epidemiologia no mundo e seu tratamento / A review about epilepsy: its epidemiology in the world and its treatment

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    A epilepsia é um distúrbio cerebral ocasionado por descargas elétricas anormais, tendo como característica principal a recorrência de crises convulsivas, podendo variar sua característica fisiopatológica de acordo com a área do cérebro afetada e pode causar a morte ou contribuir para a morte de várias maneiras. Atinge cerca de 50 milhões de pessoas no mundo, sendo considerada um problema de saúde pública. O objetivo foi realizar um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a epidemiologia da epilepsia e seu tratamento no mundo. Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados do PMC (US National Libraryof Medicine National Institute of Health), Google Acadêmico, SciELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online) e Web of Science, de onde foram selecionados 41 artigos entre os anos de 2004 a 2021 que se encaixavam no tema deste trabalho, usando os seguintes descritores: epilepsia, tratamento, epidemiologia. Cerca de 65 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo têm epilepsia, com ∼80% vivendo em regiões em desenvolvimento. No Reino Unido > 600.000 pessoas, ou seja, quase 1 em 100 e nos EUA > 3 milhões de pessoas ou 0,84 em 100 têm o transtorno. Vários estudos têm mostrado consistentemente que o pico de incidência é maior na população idosa, a partir dos 65 anos. Na verdade, ∼25% das epilepsias de início recente são diagnosticadas após essa idade. A base do tratamento eficaz da epilepsia deve-se ao esclarecimento feito ao paciente e familiar com o objetivo de afastar conceitos e mitos equivocados sobre a patologia, afirmando sempre que é possível controlar as crises na maioria dos casos em que o paciente segue o esquema terapêutico prescrito. O perfil terapêutico do canabidiol (CBD), o principal componente não psicoativo da planta Cannabis sativa (maconha), resulta em bons efeitos no tratamento dos transtornos psíquicos, em especial nas epilepsias refratárias. Diversos estudos clínicos evidenciam os efeitos benéficos do CBD contra crises convulsivas, apresentando melhora total ou parcial na maioria dos pacientes analisados. Os resultados da cirurgia da epilepsia temporal estão de acordo com os descritos na literatura e são bastante favoráveis. A modificação na qualidade de vida dos pacientes operados é, na maioria dos casos, extremamente positiva. A epilepsia é uma doença que afeta muitas pessoas no mundo todo, por esse motivo, se busca maneiras terapêuticas para minimizar as crises ou até mesmo uma solução definitiva através de cirurgia, por exemplo, uma técnica que apresenta bons resultados e vem dando esperanças aos pacientes por conter crises epilépticas, assim como terapias baseadas em estudos genéticos e com células tronco

    A New High-Throughput Tool to Screen Mosquito-Borne Viruses in Zika Virus Endemic/Epidemic Areas

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    International audienceMosquitoes are vectors of arboviruses affecting animal and human health. Arboviruses circulate primarily within an enzootic cycle and recurrent spillovers contribute to the emergence of human-adapted viruses able to initiate an urban cycle involving anthropophilic mosquitoes. The increasing volume of travel and trade offers multiple opportunities for arbovirus introduction in new regions. This scenario has been exemplified recently with the Zika pandemic. To incriminate a mosquito as vector of a pathogen, several criteria are required such as the detection of natural infections in mosquitoes. In this study, we used a high-throughput chip based on the BioMark™ Dynamic arrays system capable of detecting 64 arboviruses in a single experiment. A total of 17,958 mosquitoes collected in Zika-endemic/epidemic countries (Brazil, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Suriname, Senegal, and Cambodia) were analyzed. Here we show that this new tool can detect endemic and epidemic viruses in different mosquito species in an epidemic context. Thus, this fast and low-cost method can be suggested as a novel epidemiological surveillance tool to identify circulating arboviruses

    Os principais tipos e manifestações da Cirrose Hepática: uma atualização clínica

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    Introdução: A cirrose hepática é um processo patológica crônico, considerado a hepatopatia mais comum, definido como a conversão difusa morfoestrutural por nódulos de arquitetura anômalo envoltos por fibrose. Objetivou-se descrever os tipos mais relevantes de cirrose e suas devidas manifestações. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica, fundamentada nas plataformas do SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, utilizando os termos “hepatical cirrhosis”, “liver disease” e “hepatocellular insufficiency” a qual através da revisão narrativa, abordou amplamente a respeito da contextualização da cirrose e as principais etiologias. Resultados e Discussão: Foi analisado que tal condição afeta qualquer faixa etária, sexo, etnia e independe da classe socioeconômica, mas as diversas etiologias impõem um perfil epidemiológico específico conforme a aparição. As principais origens abordam o tipo alcoólico, hepatite, aplicação crônica de alguns fármacos e esteatose gordurosa ou não. Ademais, estima-se que estas afetam a anatomofuncionalidade do órgão responsável por grande parte da homeostase, culminando em diversas manifestações clínicas.  Conclusão: A cirrose é uma consequência grave de fatores de base em estágio avançado, a qual devido ao seu curso geralmente silencioso culmina no desenvolvimento e progressão clínica. Neste contexto, a atenção aos fatores predisponentes como alimentação rica em lipídios, estilismo, negligência a exames de rotina, sedentarismo e obesidade contribuem constituem medidas eficazes de prevenção primária.&nbsp

    Invasion d’Aedes albopictus dans les milieux forestiers tropicaux et potentiel pour l’émergence de virus zoonotiques au Brésil

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    Zoonotic emerging diseases are increasing during the last decades. There is an urgent need to understand the mechanisms of this emergence, in particular to study the underlying ecological factors determining spill-over events, the transfer from animals to humans. Being native from Asia, the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus arrived to Brazil in the 80’s being nowadays established in 60% of brazilian cities. Brazilian forests are considered a hotspot of wildlife biodiversity, harbouring hundreds of zoonotic arboviruses, suffering human landscape transformation and surrounding large urban cities, an optimal breeding ground for the emergence of zoonotic diseases. This species represents a major concern for the transmission of epidemic arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya, Zika) but also a potential threat for the emergence of zoonotic diseases due to its presence in urban/forest interfaces, its opportunistic feeding behavior and its vector competence to transmit numerous viruses. Thus, Ae. albopictus might potentially participate as a bridge vector for the transfer to urban environments of zoonotic arboviruses that are circulating on Brazilian forests. In this study we evaluate the potential of this species to act as a bridge vector between wildlife and humans. For this propose (i) we performed a bibliographic research and analysis focusing on three key components for assessing the ability of a mosquito to ensure interspecies transfer of arboviruses in sylvatic areas: 1) the capacity to exploit natural larval breeding sites, 2) blood-feeding behaviour and 3) the vector competence for arboviruses. (ii) We investigated from fieldwork the colonization, dispersion, host feeding and potential impact of biodiversity patterns of Ae. albopictus in the urban/forest interface in Brasil. This field work was realized from ten forest-fragments ecosystems in tree Brazilians Biome: Biome Amazonia in Adolpho Ducke forest reserve-Manaus; Biome Mata Atlantica in Pedra Branca forest reserve- Rio de Janeiro, in the urban forest fragment Salvador, Serra, Belo Horizonte and in the rural forest fragment Domingos Martins, Simonésia, Casimiro de Abreu, Marica-RJ; Biome Cerrado in Morro dos Macacos forest – Goiania. This work confirmed that Ae. albopictus has the capacity to colonize natural breeding sites with the opportunistic feeding behavior with a preference for human blood sources, followed by other mammals and birds. We observe that the colonization and dispersion process is limited to the edge forest with an impact in species composition in this environments. We observed that this mosquitos is vector competence for 13 arbovirus from bibliographic recherché, but no arbovirus was detected from fildework collected mosquitos. Globally our results confirm and estimates the potential role of Ae. albopictus to act as a bridge vector of zoonotic diseases at the forest/urban interfaces in Brazil. This work opens a research area in which further investigations may assess the potential spill-over risk of zoonotic disease from forested to urban areas with the aim to mitigate potential future viral emergences.Les zoonoses émergentes sont en augmentation au cours des dernières décennies. Ainsi, il y est urgent de comprendre les mécanismes de cette émergence, en particulier d’étudier les facteurs écologiques sous-jacents qui déterminent les transferts de ces maladies de l’animal à l’homme.Originaire d’Asie, le moustique tigre Aedes albopictus est arrivé au Brésil dans les années 80 et s’est établi dans 60% des villes brésiliennes. Les forêts brésiliennes sont considérées comme un point chaud de la biodiversité mondiale, abritant des centaines d'arbovirus zoonotiques. Ces forêts que, par fois, cercles des grandes agglomérations urbaines, souffrent de la transformation du paysage réalisé par l’homme, un terreau idéal pour l'apparition de zoonoses. Cette espèce représente une préoccupation majeure pour la transmission d’arbovirus épidémiques (Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika) mais également une menace potentielle pour l’émergence de maladies zoonotiques en raison de sa présence dans les interfaces ville / forêt, de son comportement alimentaire opportuniste et de sa compétence vectorielle pour nombreux virus. Ainsi, Ae. albopictus pourrait potentiellement jouer le rôle de vecteur pont pour le transfert en milieu urbain de arbovirus zoonotiques qui circulent dans les forêts brésiliennes. Dans cette étude, nous évaluons le potentiel de cette espèce à servir de vecteur de pont entre la faune et l'homme. Pour cette proposition (i) Nous avons effectué une recherche et une analyse bibliographiques portant sur trois éléments clés permettant d’évaluer la capacité de ce moustique à assurer le transfert interspécifique des arbovirus dans les zones sylvatiques : 1) la capacité à exploiter les sites de reproduction larvaire naturels, 2) le comportement alimentaire et 3) la compétence vectorielle pour les dif férentes arbovirus. (ii) Nous avons étudié sur le terrain la colonisation, la dispersion, le comportement trophic et l'impact sur la biodiversité d'Ae. albopictus dans l'interface ville / forêt au Brésil. Ce travail de terrain a été réalisé à partir de dix écosystèmes de fragments de forêts dans trois Biomes au Brésil: 1) Biome Amazonia dans la réserve forestière d'Adolpho Ducke à Manaus; 2) Biome Mata Atlantica dans la réserve forestière de Pedra Branca à Rio de Janeiro, dans les fragments de forêt urbaine à Salvador, Serra, Belo Horizonte et dans les fragments de forêt rurale à Domingos Martins, Simonésia, Casimiro de Abreu, Marica-RJ; Biome Cerrado dans la forêt de Morro dos Macacos à Goiania. Dans cette thèse nous avons confirmé qu’Ae. albopictus a la capacité de coloniser des sites de reproduction naturels avec un comportement alimentaire opportuniste et une claire préférence pour les sources de sang humain, suivi par d'autres mammifères et oiseaux. Nous observons que le processus de colonisation et de dispersion est limité à la bordure de la forêt avec un impact sur la composition des espèces dans ces environnements. Nous avons observé également que ce moustique est capable de transmettre 13 arbovirus dans notre recherche bibliografic, mais aucun arbovirus n’a été détecté chez des moustiques prélevés lors du travail de terrain. Globalement, nos résultats confirment et estiment le rôle potentiel d’Ae. albopictus comme vecteur pont des maladies zoonotiques aux interfaces forêt / ville au Brésil. Ces travaux ouvrent un domaine de recherche dans lequel de nouvelles investigations pourraient évaluer le risque potentiel de propagation des maladies zoonotiques des zones forestières aux zones urbaines, dans le but de limiter les futures émergences virales

    Invasion of Aedes albopictus in tropical forest and potential for the emergence of zoonotic viruses in Brazil

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    Les zoonoses émergentes sont en augmentation au cours des dernières décennies. Ainsi, il y est urgent de comprendre les mécanismes de cette émergence, en particulier d’étudier les facteurs écologiques sous-jacents qui déterminent les transferts de ces maladies de l’animal à l’homme.Originaire d’Asie, le moustique tigre Aedes albopictus est arrivé au Brésil dans les années 80 et s’est établi dans 60% des villes brésiliennes. Les forêts brésiliennes sont considérées comme un point chaud de la biodiversité mondiale, abritant des centaines d'arbovirus zoonotiques. Ces forêts que, par fois, cercles des grandes agglomérations urbaines, souffrent de la transformation du paysage réalisé par l’homme, un terreau idéal pour l'apparition de zoonoses. Cette espèce représente une préoccupation majeure pour la transmission d’arbovirus épidémiques (Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika) mais également une menace potentielle pour l’émergence de maladies zoonotiques en raison de sa présence dans les interfaces ville / forêt, de son comportement alimentaire opportuniste et de sa compétence vectorielle pour nombreux virus. Ainsi, Ae. albopictus pourrait potentiellement jouer le rôle de vecteur pont pour le transfert en milieu urbain de arbovirus zoonotiques qui circulent dans les forêts brésiliennes. Dans cette étude, nous évaluons le potentiel de cette espèce à servir de vecteur de pont entre la faune et l'homme. Pour cette proposition (i) Nous avons effectué une recherche et une analyse bibliographiques portant sur trois éléments clés permettant d’évaluer la capacité de ce moustique à assurer le transfert interspécifique des arbovirus dans les zones sylvatiques : 1) la capacité à exploiter les sites de reproduction larvaire naturels, 2) le comportement alimentaire et 3) la compétence vectorielle pour les dif férentes arbovirus. (ii) Nous avons étudié sur le terrain la colonisation, la dispersion, le comportement trophic et l'impact sur la biodiversité d'Ae. albopictus dans l'interface ville / forêt au Brésil. Ce travail de terrain a été réalisé à partir de dix écosystèmes de fragments de forêts dans trois Biomes au Brésil: 1) Biome Amazonia dans la réserve forestière d'Adolpho Ducke à Manaus; 2) Biome Mata Atlantica dans la réserve forestière de Pedra Branca à Rio de Janeiro, dans les fragments de forêt urbaine à Salvador, Serra, Belo Horizonte et dans les fragments de forêt rurale à Domingos Martins, Simonésia, Casimiro de Abreu, Marica-RJ; Biome Cerrado dans la forêt de Morro dos Macacos à Goiania. Dans cette thèse nous avons confirmé qu’Ae. albopictus a la capacité de coloniser des sites de reproduction naturels avec un comportement alimentaire opportuniste et une claire préférence pour les sources de sang humain, suivi par d'autres mammifères et oiseaux. Nous observons que le processus de colonisation et de dispersion est limité à la bordure de la forêt avec un impact sur la composition des espèces dans ces environnements. Nous avons observé également que ce moustique est capable de transmettre 13 arbovirus dans notre recherche bibliografic, mais aucun arbovirus n’a été détecté chez des moustiques prélevés lors du travail de terrain. Globalement, nos résultats confirment et estiment le rôle potentiel d’Ae. albopictus comme vecteur pont des maladies zoonotiques aux interfaces forêt / ville au Brésil. Ces travaux ouvrent un domaine de recherche dans lequel de nouvelles investigations pourraient évaluer le risque potentiel de propagation des maladies zoonotiques des zones forestières aux zones urbaines, dans le but de limiter les futures émergences virales.Zoonotic emerging diseases are increasing during the last decades. There is an urgent need to understand the mechanisms of this emergence, in particular to study the underlying ecological factors determining spill-over events, the transfer from animals to humans. Being native from Asia, the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus arrived to Brazil in the 80’s being nowadays established in 60% of brazilian cities. Brazilian forests are considered a hotspot of wildlife biodiversity, harbouring hundreds of zoonotic arboviruses, suffering human landscape transformation and surrounding large urban cities, an optimal breeding ground for the emergence of zoonotic diseases. This species represents a major concern for the transmission of epidemic arboviruses (dengue, chikungunya, Zika) but also a potential threat for the emergence of zoonotic diseases due to its presence in urban/forest interfaces, its opportunistic feeding behavior and its vector competence to transmit numerous viruses. Thus, Ae. albopictus might potentially participate as a bridge vector for the transfer to urban environments of zoonotic arboviruses that are circulating on Brazilian forests. In this study we evaluate the potential of this species to act as a bridge vector between wildlife and humans. For this propose (i) we performed a bibliographic research and analysis focusing on three key components for assessing the ability of a mosquito to ensure interspecies transfer of arboviruses in sylvatic areas: 1) the capacity to exploit natural larval breeding sites, 2) blood-feeding behaviour and 3) the vector competence for arboviruses. (ii) We investigated from fieldwork the colonization, dispersion, host feeding and potential impact of biodiversity patterns of Ae. albopictus in the urban/forest interface in Brasil. This field work was realized from ten forest-fragments ecosystems in tree Brazilians Biome: Biome Amazonia in Adolpho Ducke forest reserve-Manaus; Biome Mata Atlantica in Pedra Branca forest reserve- Rio de Janeiro, in the urban forest fragment Salvador, Serra, Belo Horizonte and in the rural forest fragment Domingos Martins, Simonésia, Casimiro de Abreu, Marica-RJ; Biome Cerrado in Morro dos Macacos forest – Goiania. This work confirmed that Ae. albopictus has the capacity to colonize natural breeding sites with the opportunistic feeding behavior with a preference for human blood sources, followed by other mammals and birds. We observe that the colonization and dispersion process is limited to the edge forest with an impact in species composition in this environments. We observed that this mosquitos is vector competence for 13 arbovirus from bibliographic recherché, but no arbovirus was detected from fildework collected mosquitos. Globally our results confirm and estimates the potential role of Ae. albopictus to act as a bridge vector of zoonotic diseases at the forest/urban interfaces in Brazil. This work opens a research area in which further investigations may assess the potential spill-over risk of zoonotic disease from forested to urban areas with the aim to mitigate potential future viral emergences

    A Systematic Review: Is Aedes albopictus an Efficient Bridge Vector for Zoonotic Arboviruses?

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    International audienceMosquito-borne arboviruses are increasing due to human disturbances of natural ecosystems and globalization of trade and travel. These anthropic changes may affect mosquito communities by modulating ecological traits that influence the “spill-over” dynamics of zoonotic pathogens, especially at the interface between natural and human environments. Particularly, the global invasion of Aedes albopictus is observed not only across urban and peri-urban settings, but also in newly invaded areas in natural settings. This could foster the interaction of Ae. albopictus with wildlife, including local reservoirs of enzootic arboviruses, with implications for the potential zoonotic transfer of pathogens. To evaluate the potential of Ae. albopictus as a bridge vector of arboviruses between wildlife and humans, we performed a bibliographic search and analysis focusing on three components: (1) The capacity of Ae. albopictus to exploit natural larval breeding sites, (2) the blood-feeding behaviour of Ae. albopictus, and (3) Ae. albopictus’ vector competence for arboviruses. Our analysis confirms the potential of Ae. albopictus as a bridge vector based on its colonization of natural breeding sites in newly invaded areas, its opportunistic feeding behaviour together with the preference for human blood, and the competence to transmit 14 arboviruses

    <i>Sporothrix</i> spp. Biofilms Impact in the Zoonotic Transmission Route: Feline Claws Associated Biofilms, Itraconazole Tolerance, and Potential Repurposing for Miltefosine

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    Sporotrichosis is the most prevalent subcutaneous mycosis globally, and it is typically caused by direct inoculation of the soil saprophytic fungus Sporothrix spp. into the patients’ skin. However, sporotrichosis has an important zoonotic transmission route between cats and humans in hot-spot endemic areas such as Brazil. Antifungal itraconazole is the first-line treatment; however, it is frequently associated with recurrence after withdrawal, mainly on cats. Biofilms are important resistance structures related to the environmental persistence of most microorganisms. In the present work, we evaluated Sporothrix yeasts’ ability to form biofilms in an ex vivo model of infected claws of cats. Using scanning electron microscopy, we demonstrated the presence of fungal biofilms in the claws of cats diagnosed with sporotrichosis confirmed by isolation of Sporothrix spp. in culture. We present here evidence of antibiofilm activity of miltefosine and suggest its use off-label as an antifungal as a putative alternative to itraconazole against Sporothrix biofilms. Claw contamination could sustain infections through a continuous inoculation cycle between open lesions and cat claws. Our results further support the off-label use of miltefosine as a promising alternative, especially for mycosis refractory to conventional treatment

    Potential of Aedes albopictus as a bridge vector for enzootic pathogens at the urban-forest interface in Brazil

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    Submitted by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2019-01-29T15:49:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 filipeV_abreu_etal_IOC_2018.pdf: 866655 bytes, checksum: 6f1dffd33e1908cc0ecda4fe3be4aedf (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2019-01-29T16:01:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 filipeV_abreu_etal_IOC_2018.pdf: 866655 bytes, checksum: 6f1dffd33e1908cc0ecda4fe3be4aedf (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2019-01-29T16:01:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 filipeV_abreu_etal_IOC_2018.pdf: 866655 bytes, checksum: 6f1dffd33e1908cc0ecda4fe3be4aedf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018MIVEGEC Laboratory, IRD-CNRS-Montpellier Univ., Montpellier 34394, France.MIVEGEC Laboratory, IRD-CNRS-Montpellier Univ., Montpellier 34394, France.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane. Manaus, AM, Brasil.Laboratório de Saúde Pública do estado de Goiás.Dr. Giovanni Cysneiros. Goiânia, GO, Brasil.MIVEGEC Laboratory, IRD-CNRS-Montpellier Univ., Montpellier 34394, France.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.MIVEGEC Laboratory, IRD-CNRS-Montpellier Univ., Montpellier 34394, France.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.MIVEGEC Laboratory, IRD-CNRS-Montpellier Univ., Montpellier 34394, France.The invasive species Aedes albopictus is present in 60% of Brazilian municipalities, including at the interfaces between urban settings and forests that are zoonotic arbovirus hotspots. We investigated Ae. albopictus colonization, adult dispersal and host feeding patterns in the anthropic-natural interface of three forested sites covering three biomes in Brazil in 2016. To evaluate whether an ecological overlap exists between Ae. albopictus and sylvatic yellow fever virus (YFV) in forests, we performed similar investigations in seven additional urban-forest interfaces where YFV circulated in 2017. We found Ae. albopictus in all forested sites. We detected eggs and adults up to 300 and 500 m into the forest, respectively, demonstrating that Ae. albopictus forest colonization and dispersal decrease with distance from the forest edge. Analysis of the host identity in blood-engorged females indicated that they fed mainly on humans and domestic mammals, suggesting rare contact with wildlife at the forest edge. Our results show that Ae. albopictus frequency declines as it penetrates into the forest and highlight its potential role as a bridge vector of zoonotic diseases at the edge of the Brazilian forests studied

    Survey on Non-Human Primates and Mosquitoes Does not Provide Evidences of Spillover/Spillback between the Urban and Sylvatic Cycles of Yellow Fever and Zika Viruses Following Severe Outbreaks in Southeast Brazil

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    International audienceIn the last decade, Flaviviruses such as yellow fever (YFV) and Zika (ZIKV) have expanded their transmission areas. These viruses originated in Africa, where they exhibit both sylvatic and interhuman transmission cycles. In Brazil, the risk of YFV urbanization has grown, with the sylvatic transmission approaching the most densely populated metropolis, while concern about ZIKV spillback to a sylvatic cycle has risen. To investigate these health threats, we carried out extensive collections and arbovirus screening of 144 free-living, non-human primates (NHPs) and 5219 mosquitoes before, during, and after ZIKV and YFV outbreaks (2015–2018) in southeast Brazil. ZIKV infection was not detected in any NHP collected at any time. In contrast, current and previous YFV infections were detected in NHPs sampled between 2017 and 2018, but not before the onset of the YFV outbreak. Mosquito pools screened by high-throughput PCR were positive for YFV when captured in the wild and during the YFV outbreak, but were negative for 94 other arboviruses, including ZIKV, regardless of the time of collection. In conclusion, there was no evidence of YFV transmission in coastal southeast Brazil before the current outbreak, nor the spread or establishment of an independent sylvatic cycle of ZIKV or urban Aedes aegypti transmission of YFV in the region. In view of the region’s receptivity and vulnerability to arbovirus transmission, surveillance of NHPs and mosquitoes should be strengthened and continuous