16 research outputs found

    Anesthetic protocol using propofol and isoflurane in spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus)

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    The management of wild animals generally requires chemical containment with the use of sedatives, tranquilizers, general anesthetics or dissociative drugs. The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only member of the family Ursidae characteristic of South America. There are few reports on the main anesthetic protocols used in this specie. The aim of the present study was to report the use of propofol and isoflurane in a captive spectacled bear, after sedation with tiletamine-zolazepam. A male bear approximately 15 years old and 264 lb (scale weight) underwent anesthesia for treatment of a recurrent ulcerated wound on the neck. A combination of tiletamine and zolazepam injected intramuscularly was initially used. Due to the need to prolong the anesthetic time, the decision was made to administer propofol 1% (4.0 mg/kg/IV), which proved satisfactory regarding the inhibition of eyelid and laryngotracheal reflexes, thereby facilitating tracheal intubation. The subsequent use of isoflurane provided adequate maintenance of anesthesia, with vital signs within the normal range for the species, but there was hyperthermia. Based on the present findings, the use of tiletamine/zolazepam, propofol and isoflurane proved satisfactory and the doses employed were safe for the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). Inhalation anesthesia was essential to prolonging the time and maintaining safety throughout the procedure.O manejo de animais silvestres geralmente requer contenção química com uso de sedativos, tranquilizantes, anestésicos gerais ou drogas dissociativas. O urso-de-óculos (Tremarctos ornatus) é o único membro da família Ursidae característico da América do Sul. Há poucos relatos sobre os principais protocolos anestésicos utilizados nessa espécie. O objetivo do presente estudo foi relatar o uso de propofol e isoflurano, após sedação com tiletaminazolazepam, em um urso-de-óculos cativo. Um urso macho de aproximadamente 15 anos e 120 kg (peso da balança) foi submetido à anestesia para tratamento de uma ferida ulcerada recorrente no pescoço. Foi inicialmente utilizada uma combinação de tiletamina e zolazepam injetados por via intramuscular. Devido à necessidade de prolongar o tempo anestésico, optou-se por administrar propofol 1% (4,0 mg/kg/IV), que se mostrou satisfatório quanto à inibição dos reflexos palpebrais e laringotraqueais, facilitando a intubação traqueal. O uso subsequente de isoflurano proporcionou manutenção adequada da anestesia, com sinais vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Com base nos presentes achados, o uso de tiletamina/zolazepam, propofol e isoflurano mostrou se satisfatório e as doses empregadas foram seguras para o urso-de-óculos (Tremarctos ornatus). A anestesia inalatória foi essencial para prolongar o tempo e manter a segurança durante todo o procedimento

    Aborto interno pós-traumático em gata: relato de caso

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    As perdas gestacionais nas espécies canina e felina podem resultar em reabsorção embrionária; aborto, caracterizado pela expulsão de fetos vivos ou mortos, morte fetal com mumificação ou maceração. O trauma é considerado uma das causas não-infecciosas de mortalidade fetal e neonatal felina, podendo ocorrer de forma acidental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso de autólise fetal ectópica pós-traumática em gata. Foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário Universitário UFPI/CPCE um felino, fêmea, sem padrão de raça definida (SPRD), 2 anos de idade, pensando 3,0 kg com histórico de gestação e que havia sofrido um trauma na região abdominal há 15 dias. Após a realização da anamnese, exame físico, clínico e exames complementares a paciente foi encaminhada ao setor de cirurgia e submetida a celiotomia, na qual constatou-se a presença de um feto em processo de autólise na cavidade abdominal, além de uma lesão em processo de cicatrização no corno uterino esquerdo. Realizou-se a retirada do feto, seguida da ovariosalpingohisterectomia. Conclui-se que a morte fetal ocorreu posteriormente ao processo de ruptura uterina com a passagem do feto para a cavidade abdominal e subsequente autólise, tendo o fator traumático como causa da ruptura

    Fístula arteriovenosa dural intracraniana da junção craniocervical com drenagem venosa perimedular espinhal: um raro relato de caso

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    Fístulas arteriovenosas durais (FAVDs) são lesões adquiridas, que consistem em uma ou mais conexões fistulosas no interior dos folhetos da dura-máter, com envolvimento das paredes de um seio venoso dural ou então das veias leptomeníngeas adjacentes. Sua incidência é de difícil determinação, no entanto, segundo estudos, ela é estimada em 10% a 15% de todas as malformações cerebrovasculares diagnosticadas por angiografia. Os fatores predisponentes ao desenvolvimento das FAVDs são o traumatismo cranioencefálico, tromboflebite cerebral, neurocirurgia prévia e infecções. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar um caso de Fístula Arteriovenosa Dural Intracraniana em um paciente de 58 anos, ressaltando os aspectos imagenológicos, etiológicos, fisiopatológicos e, sobretudo, os tipos de classificação da doença e a terapia utilizada. W.S.D., sexo masculino, 58 anos, natural e procedente de São Paulo – SP, deu entrada no pronto-socorro de um hospital de referência da capital paulista queixando-se de parestesia de membros superiores (MMSS) há 3 meses. Foi realizado exame físico e anamnese de forma minuciosa, na qual o paciente negou cefaleia e outros sintomas associados. Foi submetido à investigação com uma ressonância magnética (RNM) da região cerebral e medular em ponderações T1 e T2, as quais demonstraram efeito tumefativo que comprometia a transição bulbo-medular e a medula cervical de C2, as quais encontravam-se edemaciadas. Além disso, estavam proeminentes os vasos leptomeníngeos nos hemisférios cerebelares, estes patognomônicos da FAVD. Ademais, foi observado hipersinal em T2, com padrão estriado/tigroide, típico de degeneração mielínica progressiva. O paciente apresentava agressivo refluxo venoso cortical com drenagem perimedular espinhal na veia cortical e, dessa forma, enquadrou-se na Classificação de Cognard tipo V, sendo considerado um paciente portador de FAVD maligna. Foi então realizado tratamento endovascular com embolização transarterial, o qual proporcionou fechamento completo da fístula e, dessa forma, o paciente obteve um prognóstico favorável. As fístulas arteriovenosas durais, por serem uma condição rara e com variadas manifestações clínicas, podem passar despercebidas pelo profissional médico. Dessa forma, é de fundamental importância o conhecimento da doença, com o intuito de proporcionar ao paciente um diagnóstico precoce e uma terapia eficaz

    ATLANTIC-PRIMATES: a dataset of communities and occurrences of primates in the Atlantic Forests of South America

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    Primates play an important role in ecosystem functioning and offer critical insights into human evolution, biology, behavior, and emerging infectious diseases. There are 26 primate species in the Atlantic Forests of South America, 19 of them endemic. We compiled a dataset of 5,472 georeferenced locations of 26 native and 1 introduced primate species, as hybrids in the genera Callithrix and Alouatta. The dataset includes 700 primate communities, 8,121 single species occurrences and 714 estimates of primate population sizes, covering most natural forest types of the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina and some other biomes. On average, primate communities of the Atlantic Forest harbor 2 ± 1 species (range = 1–6). However, about 40% of primate communities contain only one species. Alouatta guariba (N = 2,188 records) and Sapajus nigritus (N = 1,127) were the species with the most records. Callicebus barbarabrownae (N = 35), Leontopithecus caissara (N = 38), and Sapajus libidinosus (N = 41) were the species with the least records. Recorded primate densities varied from 0.004 individuals/km 2 (Alouatta guariba at Fragmento do Bugre, Paraná, Brazil) to 400 individuals/km 2 (Alouatta caraya in Santiago, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). Our dataset reflects disparity between the numerous primate census conducted in the Atlantic Forest, in contrast to the scarcity of estimates of population sizes and densities. With these data, researchers can develop different macroecological and regional level studies, focusing on communities, populations, species co-occurrence and distribution patterns. Moreover, the data can also be used to assess the consequences of fragmentation, defaunation, and disease outbreaks on different ecological processes, such as trophic cascades, species invasion or extinction, and community dynamics. There are no copyright restrictions. Please cite this Data Paper when the data are used in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us of how they are using the data. © 2018 by the The Authors. Ecology © 2018 The Ecological Society of Americ

    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Physicogenic and biogenic aggregates under different management systems in the Cerrado region, Brazil

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    An important strategy for the sustainable management of Cerrado soils is no-till (NT) systems, which may improve soil properties, particularly aggregation. Soil aggregates can be categorized according to their formation pathways into physicogenic (Phy) and biogenic (Bio). This study aimed (i) to quantify the relative proportion of physicogenic and biogenic aggregates and (ii) evaluate the levels of total organic carbon and their respective humic and physical fractions in the aggregates’ formation pathways. The following managed and unmanaged sites were evaluated: a 6-year no-till site (6NT), an 18-year no-till site (18NT), a conventional tillage site (CT), and a reference Cerrado site (RS). Retained aggregates were analyzed morphologically, separated into Phy and Bio, and quantified. Subsequently, aggregates were subjected to total organic carbon (TOC) determination, fulvic acid carbon, humic acid carbon, humin carbon, particulate organic carbon (POC), mineral-associated organic carbon, and free light fraction carbon (FLFC). The proportion of Bio aggregates increased with decreasing management intensity. When TOC and humic acid carbon levels were compared between sites, it was found that Bio aggregates from 18NT and 6NT contained higher carbon content than Bio aggregates from CT. Particulate organic carbon and FLFC differed between aggregate types, with higher POC values observed in Bio aggregates from CT and 18NT and higher FLFC values in Bio aggregates from CT, 6NT, and 18NT. The practices adopted in the conservation management system favored biogenic aggregation in the Cerrado region, which can be proven through the study of the fractions of soil organic matter contained in these aggregates. The biogenic aggregation changed the SOM dynamics. Principal component analysis showed a clear distinction between conventional and conservationist management systems

    Abordagem metrológica no estudo da variação da massa específica de biodiesel de sebo bovino com relação à temperatura, utilizando-se um picnômetro

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    3 p. : il.Este artigo utiliza um picnômetro do tipo gaylussac para realizar a medição de massa específica de biodiesel de sebo bovino B100, transesterificado com etanol, em cinco temperaturas diferentes. A partir destes dados obtidos, será apresentada uma curva de massa específica com relação à temperatura, com estimativas de incerteza de medição

    Calculia: an innovative game to assist individuals with learning difficulties in basic mathematics operations

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    The educational application entitled “CALCULIA: An innovative game to help people with learning difficulties in basic Mathematics operations” was developed by a multidisciplinary team from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão and Piauí – IFMA and IFPI, together with the Department of Education of the Government of the State of Maranhão – SEDUC-MA, formed by teachers, students and volunteers, to be used in formal and non-formal learning spaces, aiming to teach basic mathematical operations, as well as numerical symbolic understanding, targeting people with dyscalculia. Gamification was inserted as a teaching-learning strategy to acquire mathematical knowledge such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, in addition to understanding mathematical symbols: figures, proportions, concepts and formulas. The methodological path adopted was Applied Behavior Analysis – ABA, for which bibliographical surveys, document analysis, prior search and field research were carried out, followed by the computational steps for the prototyping process, character creation, application development process, creation levels, prototype testing, adjustments and application validation. Its approach focused on verbal and operational dyscalculia with the aim of helping professionals in the field of Education and Health, improving the quality of life of individuals with dyscalculia. The evidence found reinforces the need to expand the project to cover practical, lexical, graphic and ideognostic dyscalculia

    Avaliação da viscosidade dinâmica de biodiesel – rota etílica – e outros óleos utilizando-se duas abordagens

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    5 p. : il.Neste artigo foram ensaiados derivados fósseis e renováveis. Os fluidos analisados foram: mistura de 90 % de biodiesel de soja e 10% biodiesel de sebo bovino, biodiesel B-100 de soja, biodiesel B-100 de sebo e óleo diesel e materias de referencia. Duas abordagens foram feitas objetivando-se encontrar a viscosidade dinâmica destes óleos. Na primeira, a partir da viscosidade cinemática e da massa específica; na segunda, obtida diretamente por um reômetro. Em seguida, foi feita uma comparação dos resultados das duas abordagens

    Biodiesel density characterization using a pycnometer

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    8 p. : il.This study shows an alternative method to digital density meters to characterize biodiesel density. The possibility of using a pycnometer for biodiesel density measurements was hereby investigated considering biodiesel instability when in contact with air. The choice of method of pycnometer was due to its small measurement uncertainty compared with the requirements of existing regulation in Brazil and ASTM and ISO standards, that consider approved the biodiesel fuel within a range between 850 kg/m³ and 900 kg/m³ at a temperature of 20 ºC. The biofuel is isolated from the atmosphere by covering the pycnometer flask with a plastic foil during the density measurement. Results obtained from samples measured by digital density meters and by this alternative method are compared at several temperatures. The highest difference occurs for 40 ºC being of the order of a few tenths of g/cm³, wich shows significant variation considering the values obtained by national metrology institutes. However, it is still compatible with the Brazilian officiak specifibstion for biodiesel commercial operations