6,070 research outputs found

    Percepções sobre a abordagem educativa na reabilitação da sexualidade em contexto hospitalar

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    A educação assume uma função vital nas intervenções de reabilitação. Tratando- se a reabilitação sexual no doente com lesão vertebro-medular (LVM) de um processo complexo e moroso, nada é mais importante do que a percepção do doente para compreender a abordagem educativa feita pelos profissionais de saúde em contexto hospitalar. Com essa intenção, fez-se um estudo de natureza qualitativa, com recurso a uma entrevista semiestruturada, realizada a uma amostra de conveniência de homens com LVM de origem traumática (N=12), que estiveram internados num serviço de reabilitação. Os resultados mostraram que todos os homens entrevistados com LVM, como consequência de um acidente, confrontam-se com uma situação nova com várias limitações a nível físico, psicológico e social. Estes homens demonstraram que tinham comportamentos sexuais diferentes que exigiam diferentes forma de ajuda na educação em sexualidade, mas, em sua opinião, a abordagem da sexualidade pelos profissionais de saúde apresentou lacunas nos conhecimentos e experiência com utentes com alterações da sexualidade, informando-os pouco sobre as inúmeras dificuldades que experienciavam para se adaptarem à nova condição física, imagem corporal e autoestima. Destes resultados emerge a necessidade de investir na formação dos profissionais de saúde, assim como na concepção e implementação de programas de educação em sexualidade na reabilitação do utente com LVM

    Positive youth development in the context of climate change: a systematic review

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    Climate change has been acknowledged as one of the most significant current threats for younger generations. However, few studies have focused on climate change impacts on youth and how they can be supported. The purpose of this systematic review is to emphasize that a developmental perspective is fundamental within the interdisciplinary studies concerning climate change. Specifically, we focus our research on how the Positive Youth Development framework may inform future approaches to promote adolescents' and young adults' well-being and engagement in the context of climate change. A systematic review was conducted following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. The search comprised two databases, and a total of 13 articles were finally considered eligible for review. Data were analyzed using a narrative method. The results show that the Positive Youth Development theory is not yet directly embedded in existing studies concerning adolescents and young adults in the context of climate change, but some of its principles were identified. Examples are provided of how Positive Youth Development characteristics and constructs can enhance future research, practice, and policies. We highlight this framework as an innovative and promising approach in the context of climate change.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDP/PSI/01662/2020) and under a Ph.D. fellowship also supported by the FCT (SFRH/BD/143814/2019)

    Desenhos de África, Desígnios Coloniais, Desejos Suspensos: Artes plásticas e colonialidade

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    Pensar a produção artística numa perspectiva pós-colonial equivale a problematizar não só as suas dimensões conceptuais e experimentais mas igualmente as suas inúmeras modalidades de criação e de divulgação/recepção, inscritas um universo alargado do discurso visual - assente numa multitemporalidade e multireferencialidade – onde se vão forjando possíveis graus de intervisualidade e intertextualidade. Neste sentido, tendo como cenário de fundo o desenvolvimento de um discurso imagético, que durante o século XX contribuiu para a construção de um imaginário do “império colonial português”, (abrangendo o espaço, as pessoas e as suas expressões artísticas), no âmbito do qual o desenho assume um papel polivalente, pretende-se com esta comunicação, discutir as relações que se foram tecendo entre as artes plásticas e os domínios da colonialidade, desafiando as noções de história, identidade, tradição, modernidade, interculturalidade, e convocando uma multiplicidade de experiências, raízes e rotas que integram a textura das obras de artistas portugueses e africano

    Miscegenation in Apocalypse Now Now, by Charlie Human

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    UID/ELT/04097/2013The novel Apocalypse Now Now, written by the South African author Charlie Human, tells the story of Baxter Zevcenko, a teenager whose girlfriend has gone missing. While trying to fi nd her, Baxter discovers that he is the great-greatgrandchild of an evil English magistrate with the ability to time travel (Kobus “Mirth” Basson) and of a destitute Afrikaner housemaid with supernatural abilities (Ester van Rensburg). Baxter additionally learns that, to travel through time, Mirth uses one of two exoskeletons, which are simultaneously the cages and the vehicles of two alien brothers, shaped as a mantis and an octopus. Clearly a science fi ctional novel, although it also employs the supernatural, Apocalypse Now Now could be characterized as a postcolonial novel, given its presentation of silenced voices. Nevertheless, the novel also focuses on some of the same racist concerns that characterized colonialism, specifi cally miscegenation. Therefore, this article will argue that, despite displaying a postcolonial dimension, Apocalypse Now Now additionally possesses what could be considered a neocolonial character – hence the question posed in the title of this article.publishersversionpublishe

    New insights on the importance of real-time marketing on building brand engagement and brand equity

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    User participation has been gaining more importance on the Web. Customers are now creators and engagers of content, through multiple platforms such as Social Media. Through User-Generated Content, they create content and are instigated to like, comment and share some posts. Recognizing the importance of social networks, many brands have become present in these platforms as a way of keeping closer relationships with the consumers, establishing, developing, maintaining and improving such relationships – Relationship Marketing – and building Brand Equity. Brand Communities have also come online, being more accessible worldwide – Online Brand Communities. Sometimes its members are given the chance to Co-create with the brands strengthening the community and the interactions between them, ultimately increasing Brand Engagement. This dissertation investigates Real-Time Marketing as one strategy for businesses to take advantage of this social and technological ecosystem. The challenge of a more social and connected consumer is that they engage in online conversations, trends and things happening today. To get into those conversations, brands can launch campaigns and lay their communication strategy on events of public interest, relating their messages with a context. The model proposed revealed a good fit and proved the antecedent role of Co-creation on the Social Media Context, which will therefore positively impact User-Generated Content which will positively impact Brand Equity and Engagement. This study proves that Real-Time marketing leads to situations of increased User-Generated Content, complementing previous findings and addresses the gap in literature proving that Real-Time marketing leads to situations of increased Brand Equity and Brand Engagement.A participação do consumidor veio a ganhar mais importância na Web. Este está envolvido na criação e partilha de conteúdo, interagindo através de múltiplas plataformas como os Social Media. Através de Conteúdo Gerado pelo Usuário, este cria e interage com conteúdo através de gostos, comentários e partilhas. Reconhecendo o potencial das redes sociais, muitas marcas têm marcado a sua presença nestas como forma de estabelecer, desenvolver e melhorar as relações com os consumidores – Marketing Relacional – desenvolvendo a Equidade da Marca. Também as comunidades das marcas têm vindo a marcar a sua presença nestas redes sociais – Comunidades Online das Marcas. Muitas vezes os seus membros têm a possibilidade de Co-criar, melhorando as interacções entre estes e o seu envolvimento com a marca. Esta dissertação investiga a importância que Real-Time Marketing tem para as marcas que querem aproveitar o potencial deste sistema. O desafio de um consumidor mais conectado é que interage em conversas online sobre tendências e eventos de público interesse. Para participar nessas conversas, as marcas podem basear a sua estratégia de comunicação em eventos de interesse público e relacionar as suas mensagens com um contexto. O modelo proposto comprova que a possibilidade de co-criar com a marca leva a um aumento de CGU, que impactará a Equidade e o Envolvimento para com a marca. Complementa estudos passados comprovando que Real-Time Marketing leva a situações de maior CGU e pela primeira vez sugere que esta estratégia leva a situações de maior Equidade de Envolvimento com a marca

    Entrepreneurship, methodologies in higher education an experience in a portuguese business school

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    Today entrepreneurship education is an important issue to improve the process of creating new firm assuming new risks and rewards. The theoretical discussion about around the question: “Entrepreneurs are born or made?” assume that is possible educate to be entrepreneurs. Schools have an important role in this process. Believing in this possibility our Business School developed a set of pedagogical methodologies supported in apprenticeship based on “learning by doing”. This pedagogical methodology was created through a study of best practices. This study aims to propose a set of innovative methodologies and students perceptions about their apprenticeship experience/process. The study concludes with a set of recommendations and a best practices manual useful to appliance in higher education.Innovative methodologies; entrepreneurship education; learning by doing

    Portuguese validation of the climate change attitude survey: psychometric properties and relations with positive youth development

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    Promoting positive development may lead to young people’s active contribu tions to their environment through positive attitudes and behaviours. The Climate Change Attitude Survey (15-item version) aims to identify climate change attitudes differences in groups of students and to assess pre- to postintervention attitude changes. We intended to validate and test a possible extension of this scale among a Portuguese sample of adolescents and emerging adults. We also investigated whether higher scores on this scale would be positively associated with positive youth development. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, measurement invariance, and convergent validity were assessed. The results showed good psychometric properties aligned with the original factorial structure. Significant differences were found among female and male samples regarding beliefs and intentions. A small but significant positive association was identified with a positive youth development scale. We suggest this may be an adequate instrument to assess youth climate change beliefs and intentions.This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (UIDB/PSI/01662/2020), and under a Ph.D. fellowship also supported by FCT (SFRH/BD/143814/2019)

    Social and environmental accounting: a case study on a Portuguese cement company

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    The aim of this thesis is to study Social and Environmental Accounting (SEA) in the light of the results of an intensive case study of a Portuguese cement company (Secil), that although operating in an environmental sensitive industry, has been recognised for being socially responsible. The evidence collected through an in-depth qualitative case study is treated in four studies, which compose this thesis, and each is developed as an independent contribution. Firstly we analysed the recent developments in social and environmental accounting research (SEAR). This paper seeks to analyse 6 years of publications in SEAR in the 19 top accounting journals, allowing us to conclude about content, methodologies, research questions, data, industry type and countries of domicile which are nowadays more frequent in SEAR. Following that we analyse the environmental accounting regulation as a reasons for the increase of environmental disclosures by the companies, to confirm if legitimacy theory explains Secil’s environmental disclosures, exploring the regulation proxy. In paper 3 we examine the use of the Internet for social responsibility information disclosure by Secil and compare and contrast corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practices on Secil’s web page and on its annual report. We also conclude if Secil uses a legitimacy strategy to communicate with its stakeholders through these media. Finally, the last study is focused on the sustainability topic, in particular to investigate the legitimacy strategies employed by Secil to defend and downplay its sustainability performance and activities related to media pressure. Media pressure was analysed as well as sustainability practices in order to conclude about the repair legitimacy strategies used. Several conclusions have emerged over the different studies, alerting us to the fact that companies are already on a path towards sustainability and giving importance to the theme of social environmental accounting but that there is still a long way to go.Esta tese pretende abordar temas relativos à Contabilidade Social e Ambiental (SEA) como resultado de um intensivo estudo de caso da empresa Secil – Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento. A evidência recolhida nesta análise qualitativa está organizada por 4 estudos independentes, tendo todos eles como “pano de fundo” a contabilidade social e ambiental nas várias vertentes. Começáramos por uma abordagem aos desenvolvimentos recentes desta área como linha de investigação. A análise de 6 anos de publicações em 19 journals de contabilidade permitiram concluir sobre os tópicos mais investigados, as metodologias aplicadas, o tipo de dados considerados, a influência (ou não) do tipo de indústria e os principais países envolvidos em estudos sobre contabilidade social e ambiental. Analisamos a regulamentação em contabilidade ambiental como factor que contribuiu para a maior divulgação de informação nesta área pelas empresas e como factor legitimador das suas actividades. Procedemos a uma análise dos meios de divulgação utilizados para divulgar informação social e ambiental, com enfoque nas páginas Web, comparando essa informação com a divulgada no relatório e contas. Foi também nosso objectivo concluir se a teoria da legitimidade explica a divulgação de informação social e ambiental nestes 2 meios de comunicação para os stakeholders. Por fim, no último estudo, aborda-se o tópico da sustentabilidade nas empresas, com enfoque nas estratégias de legitimidade utilizadas pelas empresas como resposta à pressão pública. Para o caso em estudo foram analisadas as questões de “pressão “ dos media, as práticas de relato de sustentabilidade e por fim concluir-se sobre as estratégias de “reparar” a legitimidade utilizadas. Várias conclusões foram surgindo ao longo dos diferentes estudos, alertando-nos para o facto de as empresas estarem já num caminho rumo à sustentabilidade e dando importância à temática da contabilidade social ambiental, mas percebendo que há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer