164 research outputs found


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    Apresentamos uma análise descritiva/reflexiva de uma experiência formativa com professores pesquisadores da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) durante a realização de um minicurso intitulado “Incursões de pesquisa online na EJA: plataformas e gerenciamento informatizado de referências”, no II Encontro Internacional de Alfabetização e Educação de Jovens e Adultos, em Salvador/BA, Campus I da UNEB, de 08 a 11 de novembro de 2015. O referido minicurso foi ministrado pelos autores desse artigo, com o objetivo de apresentar possibilidades de incursões online que auxiliassem os professores pesquisadores da EJA na preparação de práticas de ensino/aprendizagem e na produção de textos acadêmicos refletindo sua práxis e, por conseguinte, a difusão do conhecimento cientifico produzido no contexto. O minicurso contou com três oficinas: 1) Círculo de diálogos; 2) Plataformas de ensino online: práticas na EJA e 3) Gerenciamento informatizado de referências bibliográficas. Discutiram-se temas atuais na EJA que suscitaram a criação de uma rede de interação colaborativa a partir dos participantes

    Effects of Autohemotherapy on Hematologic Parameters and Morphology of Canine Oral Papillomatosis

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    Background: Several treatments for oral papillomatosis in dogs, with satisfactory results, have already been described in the literature. However, there is need for further studies regarding remission time, association and exposure to drugs, side effects, cost-effectiveness and reproducibility of results. Autohemotherapy (AHT) is a therapeutic technique increasingly used in veterinary medicine that has been providing satisfactory clinical results to treat several pathologies. The procedure consists of removing blood by intravenous puncture that is immediately re-administered via intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous or intradermal. Although the empirical isolated use via intramuscular reached excellent results in routine medical treatment of dogs and since few studies and protocols have been described for this species, many times the treatment is based on the experience with the bovine papillomatosis. To this end, this report describes a case of canine oral papillomatosis treated with autohemotherapy (AHT), emphasizing the dosage and clinical evolution of the case.Case: A one-year-old mongrel dog rescued from the street eight months earlier was treated. The animal was thin resulting from the small food amount ingested due to feeding difficulty, infested with ticks, had bad breath and few small warts on the lips, which, after five months, grew and multiplied, and were distributed throughout the oral cavity. The animal clinical history led to papillomatosis diagnosis, which was confirmed by cytological and histopathological exams. The AHT treatment consisted of taking 5 mL of whole blood without EDTA and immediately injecting this volume intramuscularly, every four days until the total remission of the clinical symptoms. Every four days, the papilloma fall off, and involution processes were recorded through a detailed macroscopic analysis of the warts (quantity, consistency, color and size), as well as hematological evaluations (blood count, hemoparasite screening and total plasm protein), which were performed before each AHT treatment until the complete clinical resolution of the disease (24 days).Discussion: The dose adopted in this autohemotherapy study was clinically effective since the papillomas started to fall off after four days of therapy, with total resolution in 24 days. Therefore, it can be concluded that the 5 mL AHT injected intramuscularly every four days reduced treatment time and decreased therapeutic costs. There are few studies evaluating more accurately the hematological aspects related to the therapeutic use of autohemotherapy to treat canine oral papillomatosis, the existing reports are restricted to the initial measurement as an evaluation of the general condition of the patient and/or diagnosis of possible basal diseases. In this study, no changes were observed in the blood count during the entire therapeutic process, demonstrating that the AHT did not interfere in the red series dynamics of the treated animal. Additionally, thrombocytosis followed by thrombocytopenia exhibited a correlation with the macroscopic appearance of warts [enlargement and modified color, texture, shape and consistency]. This observation is possibly related to a platelet mobilization toward the site of action [warts], so that there was a modulation in the immune response, amplifying the inflammatory process and tissue repair, which resulted in the fall off and involution of the papillomas

    Comparative molecular cytogenetics in Melipona Illiger species (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

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    Cytogenetic studies in Melipona are scarce with only 24 species analyzed cytogenetically. Of these, six species had the rDNA sites physically mapped and characterized by Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (fish). The aim of this study was to perform karyotype analyzes on Melipona species from different regions of Brazil, with a greater sampling representative of the Amazonian fauna and using conventional, fluorochrome staining and FISH with heterologous rDNA probes. The predominant chromosome number was 2n = 18, however, the subspecies M. seminigra abunensis and M. s. pernigra showed 2n = 22 chromosomes. The karyotypes were symmetrical, however M. bicolor, M. quadrifasciata, M. flavolineata, M. fuscopilosa, M. nebulosa presented the first pair heteromorphic in length. CMA3+ blocks also exhibited heteromorphism of size and in almost all cases coincided with rDNA sites, except for M. crinita and M. nebulosa, which presented additional non-coincident CMA3+ blocks. The CMA/ rDNA sites were terminal and interstitial in species with high heterochromatic content, and pericentromeric in those species with low heterochromatic content. In addition to pointing out cytogenetic features of cytotaxonomic importance, the reorganization of the genome in Melipona is discussed

    Microenxertia interespecífica ex vitro em maracujazeiros

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effect of Passiflora species used as rootstocks on the success and development of ex vitro interspecific micrografting, and at anatomically characterizing the region where it is done. Stem apices of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa were grafted onto the hypocotyl of P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. edulis, and P. setacea seedlings. The micrografting development, the occurrence of adventitious shoots in rootstocks and the percentage of micrografts with expanded leaves were evaluated. The rootstocks were subjected to anatomical and histochemical evaluation. Micrograft development and adventitious shoot number were higher when P. edulis rootstocks were used, and lower for rootstocks of P. setacea and P. alata. P. edulis, P. cincinnata, P. alata, and P. setacea rootstocks developed 30.3, 10, 1.6, and 0% of micrografts with expanded leaves, respectively. The histological evaluation revealed increased thickness of the cortical region in rootstocks of P. edulis, while in P. setacea a lower number of cortical layers, increased phloem fibers, and increased alkaloids were observed, characteristics that negatively influenced the micrografting outcome.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da espécie de Passiflora usada como porta-enxerto no pegamento e desenvolvimento da microenxertia interespecífica ex vitro e caracterizar anatomicamente a região em que ela é realizada. Ápices caulinares de Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa foram enxertados em hipocótilo de porta-enxertos de P. alata, P. cincinnata, P. edulis e P. setacea. Foram avaliados o desenvolvimento da microenxertia, a ocorrência de brotações adventícias do porta-enxerto e o percentual de microenxertos com folhas expandidas. Os porta-enxertos foram submetidos à avaliação anatômica e histoquímica. O desenvolvimento dos microenxertos e o número de brotações adventícias foram maiores quando se utilizou porta-enxertos de P. edulis e menores com porta-enxertos de P. setacea e P. alata. Porta-enxertos de P. edulis, P. cincinnata, P. alata e P. setacea proporcionaram, respectivamente, 30,3, 10, 1,6 e 0% de microenxertos com folhas expandidas. As avaliações histológicas evidenciaram maior espessura da região cortical em porta-enxertos de P. edulis, enquanto em P. setacea foi observado menor número de camadas corticais, maior quantidade de fibras floemáticas e de alcaloides, características que influenciaram negativamente o resultado da microenxertia

    Role of bolA and rpoS genes in biofilm formation and adherence pattern by Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 on polypropylene, stainless steel, and silicone surfaces

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    Escherichia coli has developed sophisticated means to sense, respond, and adapt in stressed environment. It has served as a model organism for studies in molecular genetics and physiology since the 1960s. Stress response genes are induced whenever a cell needs to adapt and survive under unfavorable growth conditions. Two of the possible important genes are rpoS and bolA. The rpoS gene has been known as the alternative sigma (σ) factor, which controls the expression of a large number of genes, which are involved in responses to various stress factors as well as transition to stationary phase from exponential form of growth. Morphogene bolA response to stressed environment leads to round morphology of E. coli cells, but little is known about its involvement in biofilms and its development or maintenance. This study has been undertaken to address the adherence pattern and formation of biofilms by E. coli on stainless steel, polypropylene, and silicone surfaces after 24 h of growth at 37 °C. Scanning electron microscopy was used for direct examination of the cell attachment and biofilm formation on various surfaces and it was found that, in the presence of bolA, E. coli cells were able to attach to the stainless steel and silicone very well. By contrast, polypropylene surface was not found to be attractive for E. coli cells. This indicates that bolA responded and can play a major role in the presence and absence of rpoS in cell attachment

    Biosafity in dentistry: literature review / Biossegurança em odontologia: revisão de literatura

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    Some infections are directly linked to dental practice, in which dental surgeons are exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms present in patients' oral and body fluids. Biosafety is a multidisciplinary science that emphasizes actions to prevent, reduce or eliminate risks inherent to the activity. The purpose of this literature review is to identify the main forms of transmission of infectious diseases, locate common errors regarding the set of conducts and technical measures employed by dental professionals, describing the complications resulting from failures in the protection mechanisms as well as demonstrating the evolution of biosafety in the last twenty years and its relation to the clinical-dental scope. To carry out this study, 19 scientific articles published between 1999 and 2019 were searched, with the descriptors: Contamination of biological risks; Dentistry; Communicable diseases. Articles in Portuguese and English were filtered in the GOOGLE ACADÊMICO, SCIELO, BIREME, LILACS databases. The results demonstrate the importance of the dentist's knowledge of the risk of cross-contamination, in addition to compliance with biosafety standards in public and private institutions

    Cryptococcal Sialoadenitis in a Dog

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    Background: Salivary gland diseases in dogs have an overall incidence of 0.3%. Sialocele and sialoadenitis are the most common injuries and are usually caused by infectious diseases, especially of bacterial origin. Currently, Cryptococcus neoformans has not been registered as the etiological agent since fungal participation is unusual. This case report describes a cryptococcal sialoadenitis in a dog.Case: A 1.9-year-old male poodle had a swelling of the right submandibular region, combined with dry cough and snoring that persisted for about 30 days. The dog often walked in the town square, which has pigeons, and was seen eating chicken droppings. The dog was diagnosed with sialoadenitis in the right submandibular salivary gland. The following laboratory tests were performed cytology, fungal culture, blood count, search for hemoparasites, total plasma protein (ppt), alanine aminotransferase dosage (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea (U), creatinine (CREA), Albumin (ALB), total protein (TP), globulin (GLOB) and amylase (AML). In addition, the dog underwent cervical, thoracic and abdominal ultrasound, and cervical x-rays. The cytology results showed fungal sialoadenitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans. The blood testresults evidenced thrombocytopenia and increased ppt, TP, GLOB, and AML. The lungs and heart x-rays results showed no alterations. However, the proximal third of the trachea was displaced ventrally. The abdominal area had no changes, but hypertrophy of the salivary gland was observed, with irregular contour, heterogeneous echotexture, and multiple cavitaryareas flled with intraluminal fluid of cellular appearance. The ketoconazole (5 mg/kg/BID/20 days) treatment prescribed led to drug-induced hepatitis. The new treatment with Itraconazole (10 mg/kg/SID/90 days) resulted in complete clinical resolution without any side effect or relapse one year after the treatment.Discussion: Although poodle is not commonly associated with the epidemiology of the disease, this breed seems to be susceptible, as well. The contact with pigeons during the walks was likely the source of infection by C. neoformans, but the ingestion of chicken droppings cannot be discarded. The coughing and snoring resulted from the pharyngeal and tracheal compression, with subsequent activation of the reflex. The clinical and laboratory fndings suggest a new infection route by the etiological agent, possibly the opening of the salivary duct located in the sublingual carbuncle. Biopsy or ablation of the affected salivary gland was not necessary, reducing the risk of sepsis and/or death. Hyperamylasemia indicates that AML can be used as a complementary tool to diagnose sialoadenitis. Itraconazole administered for 90 days resulted incomplete healing while no side effects or relapse was observed one year after the treatment. Cryptococcus neoformans can affect the submandibular salivary gland and, therefore, cryptococcosis should enter the differential diagnosis list of canine sialoadenitis and sialocele. Itraconazole has been shown to be effective to treat a dog with sialoadenitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans.Keywords: sialoadenitis, sialocele, cryptococcosis, salivary gland, dog

    Multicentric Squamous Cell Carcinoma with the Involvement of the Ocular Annexes in a Dog

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    Background: The cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is considered to be a frequent neoplasm in dogs, however, its origin in ocular annexes, especially in relation to the conjuctival location, is a rare finding in dogs. Therefore, it was aimed to report the occurrence of a multicentric SCC, with the involvement of ocular annexes in a dog, emphasizing its clinical characteristics and histopathological findings.Case: A 6-year-old non-castrated white-coated Pitbull dog was attended, with a history of increased volume and bloody secretion in the left eye, with an evolution of approximately six months. By means of general physical examination, ulcerated lesions in the foreskin and scrotum were found. During the ophthalmologic examination was identified an extensive and irregular exophytic mass, of a reddish color and with a cauliflower-like appearance, located in the inferior bulbar conjunctiva and third eyelid of the left eye, accompanied by a large quantity of piosanguinolenta secretion, mainly during manipulation. Other alterations were observed, such as, meibomitis, conjuctival hyperemia, hypopyon, corneal edema and loss of sight. In the right eye, the only alteration found was conjunctival hyperemia. The hemograma revealed discreet anemia; the serum biochemical profile was inside the normal range and there was no evidence of metastasis in the imaging examinations. The animal was submitted to the incisional biopsy of the lesions for histopathological analysis, which revealed a proliferation of neoplastic epithelial cells, highly pleomorphic, composed of eosinophilic cytoplasm, which varied from scarce to moderate, of indistinct borders, with a large nucleus and loose chromatin and large and evident nucleolus, compatible with SCC, enabling, also, the classification as multicentric due to the multiple localizations. Additionally, associated to the conjunctival tumor, there was necrosis and mixed inflammatory infiltration; in the scrotum and conjunctiva, the cells presented more accentuated pleomorphism, with the presence of dyskeratosis and little formation of keratin pearls; however in the prepuce, there was abundant formation of keratin pearls in the midst of the tumor. In the immunohistochemical analysis, the neoplastic cells demonstrated strong and uniform cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for pancytokeratin. It was recommended the exenteration of the left eye followed by the introduction of acrylic resin intraorbital implant, together with the resection of the neoplasm from the scrotum and foreskin, associated with cryotherapy. However, the owner was reluctant to the proposed treatment and opted for the euthanasia of the animal, not consenting to the performance of the necropsy.Discussion: The etiological factors related to the development of the SCCs, especially concerning those of the ocular and periocular region, in dogs and cats, are still not well defined. However, the overexposure to the ultraviolet radiation has been pointed as the main etiological factor, especially in tropical and high-altitude regions. Indeed, the characteristics of the region in which the animal resided, associated to its way of life and its phenotypical characteristics suggested that the chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation would be the most plausible cause related to the emergence of the multicentric SCC of this case. Thus, it is suggested that, while the physiopathology of the neoplasm has still yet not been elucidated, it must be avoided that the dogs, with these characteristics, expose themselves too much to solar radiation.

    Avaliação higiênica e sanitária de produtos artesanais derivados do milho/Sanitary and health assessment of artisanal products derived from maize

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    O milho é um importante grão na alimentação brasileira, devido o valor energético e, principalmente, por ser rico em vitaminas, ferro, potássio, zinco e fibras. Muitos dos produtos feitos com milho, durante o preparo, precisam de cuidados higiênico-sanitários no processamento. Diante do exposto, essa pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade higiênica e sanitária de produtos artesanais derivados do milho, por meio da quantificação de Coliformes a 45ºC, Estafilococos coagulase positiva, Bacillus cereus, Fungos filamentosos e Leveduras e pesquisa de Salmonella sp, comparando os resultados encontrados com a legislação vigente. Foram analisadas 18 amostras, sendo 09 de pamonha e 09 de curau oriundos de feiras livres, ambulantes e comércio de Alfenas e região. Apresentando em três amostras uma qualidade sanitária insatisfatória, por apresentarem Estafilococos coagulase positivo acima dos limites permitidos pela legislação vigente e presença de Salmonella sp. Além dessas, uma amostra também excedeu o limite de 1,0 x 104,normalmente permitido para fungos filamentosos e leveduras em alimentos. Assim, pode-se considerar impróprias para consumo. A qualidade higiênico-sanitária dos produtos artesanais derivados do milho apresentou-se insatisfatória em 22,22% das amostras analisadas. Os resultados obtidos alertam sobre os perigos microbiológicos potencialmente inerentes a estes tipos de alimentos